Portrait of Renner (1905)
Dollfuss pictured as Kaiserschütze (1933)
Kreisky at an elections campaign (1983)
Kurz with Russian President Putin in the Kremlin (2018)
Clockwise from top left:
  • Renner was the first chancellor of German-Austria, the First Republic, and the Second Republic.
  • Dollfuss turned the First Republic into a dictatorship.
  • For most of his incumbency, Kurz was the world's youngest head of government.
  • Kreisky is considered perhaps Austria's most successful Socialist leader.[1]

The chancellor of Austria is the head of government of Austria, appointed by the president and viewed as the country's de facto chief executive. The chancellor chairs and leads the Cabinet, which also includes the vice-chancellor and the ministers.[2]

Following World War I, the office was established by the Provisional National Assembly on 30 October 1918 and named state chancellor of the Republic of German-Austria, and its first holder, Karl Renner, was appointed by the State Council. After the Allied powers denied German-Austria to merge with the Weimar Republic,[3] the country formed the federal First Austrian Republic and the office was renamed from state chancellor to federal chancellor. The first federal chancellor was Michael Mayr. There have been ten chancellors who served under the First Republic until Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss created the authoritarian and dictatorial Federal State of Austria.[4] Following Dollfuss's assassination by Austrian National Socialists,[5] Kurt Schuschnigg succeeded him as chancellor and upheld the dictatorship.[6] Schuschnigg was replaced by Arthur Seyss-Inquart, a Nazi caretaker who held the office for two days, until Austria was annexed into Nazi Germany.[7]

Austria under National Socialism lost its original republican system of government and was administered by Reichsstatthalter Arthur Seyss-Inquart (1938–1939), Reich Commissioner Josef Bürckel[8] (1939–1940) and Reichsstatthalter Baldur von Schirach[9] (1940–1945). In 1940, the country was renamed Ostmark, completely lost its autonomy, and became a sub-national division of Nazi Germany.[10][11] After the liberation of Vienna and the capitulation of Nazi Germany in 1945, Austria restored its republican form of government.[12] However, Austria remained under allied occupation until 1955[13] and thus the country's sovereignty was ultimately still held by the Allied Control Council.

Since the institution of the republic, the People's Party and the Social Democratic Party have largely dominated Austrian politics; the People's Party (and its predecessor, the Christian Social Party) have led nineteen cabinets and served as a junior partner in eight, while the Social Democratic Party (formerly the Social Democratic Workers' Party) has led eleven and served as a junior partner in five. There have been seven parties that never held the chancellorship but participated in coalition cabinets: the Greater German People's Party in five, the Freedom Party and the Landbund in four, the Fatherland Front in two, and the Greens, the Alliance for the Future and the Communist Party in one.

Following a legislative election or in the case of a vacancy, the president conventionally picks the leader of the largest party in Parliament to serve as chancellor, and appoints the remaining members of the Cabinet based on the chancellor's recommendation. If a sitting chancellor dies, resigns, or is otherwise unable to exercise the powers and duties of the office, the vice-chancellor becomes acting chancellor. If the vice-chancellor is unavailable, the other members of the Cabinet take over in order of seniority.[14]

Bruno Kreisky was the longest-serving chancellor, with more than thirteen years in office, while Arthur Seyss-Inquart was the shortest-serving chancellor, with two days in office, and Walter Breisky was the shortest-serving acting chancellor, with only one day in office.


 Acting chancellors
Key to parties
  Austrian People's Party / Österreichische Volkspartei (ÖVP)
  •   1891–1934: Christian Social Party / Christlichsoziale Partei (CS)
  •   2017–present: New People's Party / Neue Volkspartei
  Social Democratic Party of Austria / Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs (SPÖ)
  •   1889–1934: Social Democratic Workers' Party of Austria / Sozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartei Österreichs (SDAPÖ)
  Freedom Party of Austria / Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs (FPÖ)
  Alliance for the Future of Austria / Bündnis Zukunft Österreich (BZÖ)
  Communist Party of Austria / Kommunistische Partei Österreichs (KPÖ)
  The Greens / die Grünen
Key to historical parties
  1920–1934: Greater German People's Party / Großdeutsche Volkspartei (GDVP)
  1922–1934: Rural Federation / Landbund (LBd)
  1920–1936: Homeland Guard / Heimwehr
  1933–1938: Fatherland Front / Vaterländische Front (VF)
  1920–1945: National Socialist German Worker's Party / Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP)
First Republic (1918–1938)
Chancellor Took office Left office Time in office Election Party Cabinet
Ref. and notes
Portrait of Karl Renner (1905) Karl Renner
30 October 1918 7 July 1920 1 year, 251 days 1919 SDAPÖ Renner I–II–III
[lower-alpha 1][lower-alpha 2]
Photograph of Mayr (before 1922) Michael Mayr
7 July 1920 21 June 1921 349 days 1920 CS Mayr I–II
[lower-alpha 3]
Portrait of Schober (circa 1922) Johannes Schober
21 June 1921 26 January 1922 344 days IND Schober I
CS GDVP Technocrats
Portrait of Walter Breisky (1927) Walter Breisky
26 January 1922 27 January 1922 1 day CS Breisky
Portrait of Schober (circa 1922) Johannes Schober
27 January 1922 31 May 1922 124 days IND Schober II
CS GDVP Technocrats
Portrait of Seipel Ignaz Seipel
31 May 1922 20 November 1924 2 years, 173 days 1923 CS Seipel I–II–III
CS GDVP Technocrats
Illustration of Ramek (1924) Rudolf Ramek
20 November 1924 20 October 1926 1 year, 334 days CS Ramek I–II
Portrait of Seipel Ignaz Seipel
20 October 1926 4 May 1929 2 years, 196 days 1927 CS Seipel IV–V
Portrait of Streeruwitz (1929) Ernst Streeruwitz
4 May 1929 26 September 1929 145 days CS Streeruwitz
Oil painting of Schober (1931) Johannes Schober
26 September 1929 30 September 1930 1 year, 4 days IND Schober III
Photograph of Vaugoin (circa 1932-03) Carl Vaugoin
30 September 1930 4 December 1930 65 days CS Vaugoin
Photograph of Ender (1929) Otto Ender
4 December 1930 20 June 1931 198 days 1930 CS Ender
Portrait of Buresch (1932) Karl Buresch
20 June 1931 20 May 1932 335 days CS Buresch I–II
Painting of a man in a Three-piece suit Engelbert Dollfuss
20 May 1932 25 July 1934 2 years, 66 days CS Dollfuss I
CS LBd Heimwehr
20 May 1932 – 1 May 1934

Dollfuss II
1 May 1934 – 25 July 1934
Photograph of Schuschnigg (1936) Kurt Schuschnigg
29 July 1934 11 March 1938 3 years, 225 days VF Schuschnigg I–II–III–IV–V
Photograph of Seyss-Inquart Arthur Seyss-Inquart
11 March 1938 13 March 1938 2 days NSDAP Seyss-Inquart
Portrait of Karl Renner (1920) Karl Renner
27 April 1945 20 December 1945 237 days SPÖ Renner IV
[lower-alpha 4]
Photograph of Figl (after 1962) Leopold Figl
20 December 1945 2 April 1953 7 years, 103 days 1945 ÖVP Figl I–II–III
Photograph of Raab (1961) Julius Raab
2 April 1953 11 April 1961 8 years, 9 days 1953 ÖVP Raab I–II–III–IV
Photograph of Gorbach (1965) Alfons Gorbach
11 April 1961 2 April 1964 2 years, 357 days 1962 ÖVP Gorbach I–II
Photograph of Klaus (1964) Josef Klaus
2 April 1964 21 April 1970 6 years, 19 days ÖVP Klaus I
1966 Klaus II
Kreisky at an elections campaign (1983) Bruno Kreisky
21 April 1970 24 May 1983 13 years, 33 days 1970 SPÖ Kreisky I–II–III–IV
Photograph of Sinowatz Fred Sinowatz
24 May 1983 16 June 1986 3 years, 23 days 1983 SPÖ Sinowatz
Photograph of Vranitzky Franz Vranitzky
(born 1937)
16 June 1986 28 January 1997 10 years, 226 days 1986 SPÖ Vranitzky I–II
1990 Vranitzky III–IV–V
Photograph of Klima (1988) Viktor Klima
(born 1947)
28 January 1997 4 February 2000 3 years, 7 days SPÖ Klima
Photograph of Schüssel (2006) Wolfgang Schüssel
(born 1945)
4 February 2000 11 January 2007 6 years, 341 days 1999 ÖVP Schüssel I
4 February 2000 – 3 April 2005

Schüssel II
3 April 2005 – 11 January 2007
Photograph of Gusenbauer (2008) Alfred Gusenbauer
(born 1960)
11 January 2007 2 December 2008 1 year, 326 days 2006 SPÖ Gusenbauer
Portrait of Faymann (2008) Werner Faymann
(born 1960)
2 December 2008 9 May 2016 7 years, 159 days 2008 SPÖ Faymann III
Portrait of Kern (2016) Christian Kern
(born 1966)
17 May 2016 18 December 2017 1 year, 215 days SPÖ Kern
Kurz with Russian President Putin in the Kremlin (2018) Sebastian Kurz
(born 1986)
18 December 2017 28 May 2019 1 year, 161 days 2017 ÖVP Kurz I
18 December 2017 – 22 May 2019

22 May 2019 – 28 May 2019
Brigitte Bierlein
(born 1949)
3 June 2019 7 January 2020 218 days IND Bierlein
Kurz with Russian President Putin in the Kremlin (2018) Sebastian Kurz
(born 1986)
7 January 2020 11 October 2021 1 year, 277 days 2019 ÖVP Kurz II
ÖVP Greens
Alexander Schallenberg
(born 1969)
11 October 2021 6 December 2021 56 days ÖVP Schallenberg
ÖVP Greens
Karl Nehammer
(born 1972)
6 December 2021 Incumbent 2 years, 43 days ÖVP Nehammer
ÖVP Greens


Karl NehammerAlexander SchallenbergBrigitte BierleinSebastian KurzChristian KernWerner FaymannAlfred GusenbauerWolfgang SchüsselFranz VranitzkyFred SinowatzBruno KreiskyJosef KlausAlfons GorbachJulius RaabLeopold FiglArthur Seyss-InquartKurt SchuschniggEngelbert DollfussKarl BureschOtto EnderCarl VaugoinErnst StreeruwitzRudolf RamekIgnaz SeipelWalter BreiskyJohannes SchoberMichael MayrKarl Renner

See also


  1. Renner initially served as State Chancellor of the Republic of German-Austria until 21 October 1919, and thereafter as State Chancellor of the Republic of Austria.
  2. The chancellor is appointed by the president of Austria. However, since the office of president was only established in 1920, Renner was instead appointed by the State Council.
  3. Office renamed from "State Chancellor" to "Federal Chancellor" on 10 November 1920.
  4. After the Red Army freed Vienna from the Nazi Regime, Renner formed a cabinet under Soviet rule. The cabinet was accepted by the Soviets on 27 April 1945 and recognized by all states of Austria as well as the Allied Control Council in September 1945.


  1. "Power limited for Austrian foreign minister, fan of Bruno Kreisky, critic of Juncker". euractiv.com. 19 December 2017. Retrieved 2021-10-30.
  2. "Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz". bundeskanzleramt.gv.at (in German). Archived from the original on 2017-12-22. Retrieved 2019-03-03.
  3. "Treaty of Saint-Germain". Britannica. Retrieved 2019-03-11.
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