Pope Benedict XV in his private office

This article contains a list of encyclicals of Pope Benedict XV. Pope Benedict XV issued 12 papal encyclicals during his reign as Pope.

The encyclicals of Benedict XV

No.Title (Latin)Title (English translation)SubjectDate
1.Ad beatissimi ApostolorumTo the Chair of the Prince of the ApostlesAppealing For Peace1 November 1914
2.Humani generis redemptionemRedemption of the Human RaceOn Preaching the Word of God15 June 1917
3.Quod iam diuThat for whichOn the Future Peace Conference1 December 1918
4.In hac tantaWe are in the midstOn St. Boniface14 May 1919
5.Paterno iam diuOf Our paternal heartOn the Children of Central Europe24 November 1919
6.Pacem, Dei munus pulcherrimumPeace, the Beautiful Gift of GodOn Peace and Christian Reconciliation23 May 1920
7.Spiritus ParaclitusThe Holy Spirit, the ParacleteOn St. Jerome15 September 1920
8.Principi Apostolorum PetroTo Peter, Prince of the ApostlesOn St. Ephram the Syrian5 October 1920
9.Annus iam plenusA whole year has passedOn Children in Central Europe1 December 1920
10.Sacra propediemSolemn FestivitiesOn the Third Order of St. Francis6 January 1921
11.In praeclara summorumAmong the many celebrated geniusesOn Dante30 April 1921
12.Fausto appetente dieThe seventh centenary of the day approachesOn St. Dominic29 June 1921
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