This article contains a list of Encyclicals of Pope Pius X. Pope Pius X issued 17 papal encyclicals during his reign as Pope:

No.Title (Latin)Title (English translation)SubjectDateText
1.E supremiOn the Restoration of All things in Christ4 October 1903
2.Ad diem illum laetissimumOn the Immaculate Conception2 February 1904
3.Iucunda saneOn Pope Gregory the Great12 March 1904
4.Acerbo nimisOn Teaching Christian Doctrine15 April 1905
5.Il fermo propositoOn Catholic Action in Italy11 June 1905
6.Vehementer NosOn the French Law of Separation11 February 1906
7.Tribus circiterOn the Mariavites: Mystic Priests of Poland5 April 1906
8.Pieni l'animoOn the Clergy in Italy28 July 1906
9.Gravissimo officii munereOn French Associations of Worship10 August 1906
10.Une fois encoreOn the Separation of Church and State6 January 1907
11.Pascendi dominici gregisOn the Doctrine of the Modernists8 September 1907
12.Communium rerumOn St. Anselm of Aosta21 April 1909
13.Editae saepeOn St. Charles Borromeo26 May 1910
14.Notre charge apostolique“Our Apostolic Mandate”On socialist doctrines of the Sillon movement15 August 1910
15.IamdudumOn the Law of Separation in Portugal24 May 1911
16.Lacrimabili statuOn the Indians of South America7 June 1912
17.Singulari quadamOn Labour Organisations24 September 1912
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