Map of the indigenous languages of the Caribbean in 1492

This list is a compilation of the indigenous names that were given by Amerindian people to those islands before the Europeans started naming them. The islands of the Caribbean were successively settled since at least around 5000 BC, long before European arrival in 1492. The Caribbean islands were dominated by two main cultural groups by the European contact period: the Taino and the Kalinago. Individual villages of other distinct cultural groups were also present on the larger islands. The island of Trinidad in particular was shared by both Kalinago and Arawak groups.

Current evidence suggests there were two major migrations to the Caribbean. The first migration was of pre-Arawakan people like the Ciguayo who most likely migrated from Central America. The second major migration was the Arawaks settling the islands as they traveled north from the Orinoco River in Venezuela.[1] The Kalinago people, who were more dominant in warfare, began a campaign of conquering and displacement of the Arawaks at the point of European arrival. Starting at the southern end of the archipelago, they had worked their way north, reaching as far as the island of Saint Kitts by the 16th century.

The islands north of the Saint Kitts 'borderline' had Arawak names while the islands south of it had Kalinago names. The island of Barbados was uninhabited at the point of European arrival, but evidence suggests that Barbados followed the same pattern of displacement as witnessed on neighbouring islands, but that it was abandoned for unknown reasons. The only indigenous name on record for Barbados is one documented as the name used by Arawak peoples on Trinidad in reference to that island.

Leeward Islands

Present Island Name Indigenous Name Origin Meaning
Anguilla Malliouhana Arawak Arrow-Shaped Sea Serpent
St. Martin Soualiga


Arawak Land of Salt; Land of Beautiful women
St. Barths Ouanalao Arawak Toad on Top
Saba Siba


Arawak The Rock
St. Eustatius Aloi Arawak Cashew Tree
Vieques Bieke Taino Small
Saint Croix Ay Ay Taino The River
Saint Kitts Liamuiga Kalinago Fertile Land
Nevis Oualie Kalinago Land of Beautiful Water
Montserrat Alliouagana Kalinago Land of Prickly Bush
Barbuda Wa'omoni Kalinago Land of the herons (broader interpretation: Land of the large birds)
Antigua Waladli Kalinago Land of Fish Oil
Redonda Ocananmanrou Kalinago Unknown
Guadeloupe Karukera Kalinago Island of Gumtrees
Marie Galante Aichi






Land of chili peppers; Land of touloulou crabs; Land of cotton

Windward Islands

Present Island Name Indigenous Name Origin Meaning
Dominica Wai'tukubuli




Tall is Her Body


Martinique Jouanacaeira Kalinago Land of Iguana
St. Lucia Hewanorra Kalinago Land of the Iguana
Saint Vincent Hairouna Kalinago Land of the Blessed
Bequia Becouya Kalinago Island of the Clouds
Canouan Cannouan Kalinago Island of Turtles
Carriacou Kayryouacou Kalinago Island of Reefs
Grenada Camerhogne Kalinago / Galibi? Conception Island


Present Island Name Indigenous Name Origin Meaning
Barbados Ichirouganaim Arawak Red land/island with white teeth (reefs)
Tobago Tobago Kalinago / Galibi? Tobacco Pipe
Trinidad Kairi


Kalinago Land of the Hummingbird

Greater Antilles

Present Island Name Indigenous Name Origin Meaning
Hispaniola Ayiti


Taino Rough earth; Mother of all lands
Cuba Cobao Taino Large island or place
Puerto Rico Borikén Taino Land of the Valiant and Noble Lord
Jamaica Yamaye Taino Land of Wood and Water or Land of Springs

Lucayan Archipelago

Julian Granberry and Gary Vescelius suggest the following Lucayan (Taíno) etymologies for various Lucayan islands.[2]

Modern nameIndigenous nameIndigenous formOriginMeaning
InaguaInaguai+na+waTaino (Lucayan dialect)Small Eastern Land
InaguaBanequeba+ne+keTaino (Lucayan dialect)Big Water Island
Little InaguaGuanahaníwa+na+ha+niTaino (Lucayan dialect)Small Upper Waters Land
Ragged IslandUtiaquiahuti+ya+kayaTaino (Lucayan dialect)Western Hutia Island
Crooked/JumentoJume(n)toha+wo+ma+teTaino (Lucayan dialect)Upper Land of the Middle Distance
ExumaCurateoko+ra+te+woTaino (Lucayan dialect)Outer Far Distant Land
ExumaGuaratíawa+ra+te+yaTaino (Lucayan dialect)Far Distant Land
Turks BankBabuecaba+we+kaTaino (Lucayan dialect)Large Northern Basin
Big Sand CayCacinaka+si+naTaino (Lucayan dialect)Little Northern Sand
Salt CayCanamanika+na+ma+niTaino (Lucayan dialect)Small Northern Mid-Waters
Salt CayCacumanika+ko+ma+niTaino (Lucayan dialect)Mid-Waters Northern Outlier
Cotton CayMacarequeMa+ka+ri+keTaino (Lucayan dialect)Middle Northern Land
Grand TurkAmuanaaba+wa+naTaino (Lucayan dialect)First Small Land
South CaicosCacibaka+sibaTaino (Lucayan dialect)Northern Rocky
East CaicosGuanawa+naTaino (Lucayan dialect)Small Country
Middle CaicosAnianaa+ni+ya+naTaino (Lucayan dialect)Small Far Waters
North CaicosCaicoska+i+koTaino (Lucayan dialect)Nearby Northern Outlier
Pine CayBuianabu+ya+naTaino (Lucayan dialect)Small Western Home
Pine CaysBonianabo+ni+ya+naTaino (Lucayan dialect)Small Western Waters Home
ProvidencialesYucanacanyuka+na+kaTaino (Lucayan dialect)The Peoples Small Northern [Land]
ProvidencialesIanicanaya+ni+ka+naTaino (Lucayan dialect)Far Waters Smaller [Land]
West CaicosMacubizama+ko+bi+saTaino (Lucayan dialect)Mid Unsettled Outlier
MayaguanaMayaguanama+ya+wa+naTaino (Lucayan dialect)Lesser Midwestern Land
Plana CaysAmaguayoa+ma+wa+yoTaino (Lucayan dialect)Toward the Middle Lands
Acklins IslandYabaqueya+ba+keTaino (Lucayan dialect)Large Western Land
SamanaSamanasa+ma+naTaino (Lucayan dialect)Small Middle Forest
Long IslandYumayu+maTaino (Lucayan dialect)Higher Middle
Rum CayManiguama+ni+waTaino (Lucayan dialect)Mid Waters Land
San SalvadorGuanahaníwa+na+ha+niTaino (Lucayan dialect)Small Upper Waters Land
Little San SalvadorGuateowa+te+yoTaino (Lucayan dialect)Toward the Distant Land
Cat IslandGuanimawa+ni+maTaino (Lucayan dialect)Middle Waters Land
Great Guana CayAyraboay+ra+boTaino (Lucayan dialect)Far Distant Home
New ProvidenceNemane+maTaino (Lucayan dialect)Middle Waters
EleutheraCiguateosiba+te+woTaino (Lucayan dialect)Distant Rocky Place
Great AbacoLucayonequeluka+ya+ne+keTaino (Lucayan dialect)The People's Distant Waters Land
Grand BahamaBahamaba+ha+maTaino (Lucayan dialect)Large Upper Middle [Land]
AndrosHabacoaha+ba+ko+waTaino (Lucayan dialect)Large Upper Outlier Land
Williams IslandCanimisika+ni+misiTaino (Lucayan dialect)Northern Waters Swamp
BiminiBiminibi+mi+niTaino (Lucayan dialect)The Twins

See also


  • "SCL Frequently Asked Questions". Auburn University: Center for Diversity and Race Relations. Archived from the original on 23 March 2008. Retrieved 22 March 2008.
  1. van Hoose, Natalie. "Ancient DNA retells story of Caribbean's first people". Florida Museum. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
  2. Granberry, Julian, & Gary Vescelius (2004). Languages of the Pre-Columbian Antilles. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press. ISBN 0-8173-5123-X.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
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