A private members' bill (PMB) in the Parliament of the United Kingdom is a type of public bill that can be introduced by either members of the House of Commons or House of Lords who are not Ministers. Less parliamentary time is given to such bills and as a result only a minority of PMBs actually become law.[1] Such bills can be used however to create publicity for a cause or issue and can affect legislation indirectly.


There are three methods by which a Member of Parliament can introduce a Private Members' Bill: by ballot, by the Ten Minute Rule, and by presentation. [1]


Under this method Members who apply are drawn from a ballot and, if successful, are given Parliamentary time for their bill. Members of Parliament who are successful in the ballot often have a higher chance of seeing their legislation passed, as greater Parliamentary time is given to ballots than other methods of passing a PMB such as under the Ten Minute Rule. It is normal for the first seven ballot bills to get one day's debate each.[1]

Ten Minute Rule

The Ten Minute Rule is a method of introducing a PMB after a brief debate. A member speaks for up to ten minutes on a motion under Standing Order 23 to introduce a bill, followed potentially by an opposing member's ten minute speech. If the motion is passed, the bill is introduced and given a formal first reading; it is unlikely to make further progress because it will not be given priority on the parliamentary calendar. The Ten Minute Rule can be used to generate publicity for a particular issue. Often they are used merely as an opportunity to criticise legislation rather than pass a bill.[1]


Under this method any Member of Parliament may introduce a PMB if they have previously given an indication that they intend to do so. Members then formally introduce the bill but do not speak to support it. It is rare for a PMB to succeed by this method.


The second reading and subsequent readings of Private Members Bills take place on a sitting Friday. The sitting times for debate are 9.30am until 2.30pm; the debates for each bill must be concluded before 2.30pm in order to progress to the next stage of the bill passage. If the debate has not concluded before the time has run out, it will be moved to the bottom of the list of bills to be read and rescheduled for another time. For any sitting Friday there can be as many as 50 bills scheduled for debate on the order paper, however due to the short amount of time allotted to Friday sittings, Parliament has never progressed further than the 4th bill listed on the order of business for the day.


The current system of Private Members' Bills has been criticised for being easily susceptible to filibustering. Labour MP Kerry McCarthy has compared the system to the BBC radio game show Just a Minute but in reverse stating that the more hesitation, deviation and repetition an MP makes the more likely they are to defeat a bill.[2] As Private Members' Bills are debated on Fridays attendance in debates is often poor as Members of Parliament return to their constituency.

Reform proposals

The low number of Private Members' Bill passed has resulted in calls for reform of the PMB system. The Hansard Society has produced reform proposals in a pamphlet called 'Enhancing the Role of Backbench MPs'. The pamphlet calls for greater resourcing of PMBs and changes to the times when Private Members' Bills are debated.[3]

Recent successful PMBs


1983–84 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsLotteries (Amendment)Lord Irving of DartfordLabour-
LordsEducation (Amendment) (Scotland)Earl of CaithnessConservative-
Ballot 1Video RecordingsGraham BrightConservativeLuton South
Ballot 9Trade Marks (Amendment)Stephen DorrellConservativeCharnwood
Ballot 20Road Traffic (Driving Instruction)Elizabeth PeacockConservativeBatley & Spen
Ballot 4Prescription and Limitation (Scotland)Alex EadieLabourMidlothian
Ballot 8Juries (Disqualification)John WatsonConservativeSkipton & Ripon
Ballot 16Cycle TracksCecil FranksConservativeBarrow & Furness
Ballot 13Child AbductionTimothy WoodConservativeStevenage
Ballot 15Betting Gaming and Lotteries (Amendment) (No 2)Ian GilmourConservativeChesham & Amersham
Ballot 18AnatomyJohn McWilliamLabourBlaydon
Ballot 14Agriculture (Amendment)Edward LeighConservativeGainsborough & Horncastle
PresentationLaw Reform (Husband and Wife) (Scotland)Lord James Douglas-HamiltonConservativeEdinburgh West
1984–85 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsLicensing (Amendment)Lord Harmar-NichollsConservative-
LordsDangerous VesselsLord WalstonSocial Democratic Party-
LordsCharitiesViscount Colville of CulrossCrossbench-
LordsBetting Gaming and Lotteries (Amendment)Lord NewallConservative-
Ballot 4Wildlife and Countryside (Amendment)Dr David ClarkLabourSouth Shields
Ballot 2Sexual OffencesJanet FookesConservativePlymouth Drake
Ballot 20Road Traffic (Production of Documents)Timothy SmithConservativeBeaconsfield
Ballot 15Motor-Cycle Crash Helmets (Restriction of Liability)Ivor StanbrookConservativeOrpington
Ballot 3Local Government (Access to Information)Robin SquireConservativeHornchurch
Ballot 1Intoxicating Substances (Supply)Neville TrotterConservativeTynemouth
Ballot 12Hospital Complaints ProcedureMichael McNair-WilsonConservativeNewbury
Ballot 19Gaming (Bingo)Peter FryConservativeWellingborough
Ballot 6Copyright (Computer Software) (Amendment)William PowellConservativeCorby
Ballot 13Controlled Drugs (Penalties)Keith RaffanConservativeDelyn
Ballot 11Charter TrusteesCharles MorrisonConservativeDevizes
10 minute ruleTown and Country Planning (Amendment)Roger FreemanConservativeKettering
10 minute ruleRent (Amendment)Michael MatesConservativeEast Hampshire
PresentationWildlife and Countryside (Service of Notices)Dr David ClarkLabourSouth Shields
PresentationProhibition of Female CircumcisionMarion RoeConservativeBroxbourne
PresentationHill FarmingRobert JacksonLabourWantage
PresentationAgricultural Training BoardTom TorneyLabourBradford South
1985–86 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsPrevention of Oil PollutionLord WalstonSocial Democratic Party-
LordsMarriage (Prohibited Degrees of Relationship)Lord MestonCrossbench-
LordsIncest and Related Offences (Scotland)Lord Wilson of LangsideCrossbench-
Ballot 4Safety at SeaAlbert McQuarrieConservativeBanff & Buchan
Ballot 14Road Traffic Regulation (Parking)Kevin McNamaraLabourKingston upon Hull North
Ballot 11Protection of Military RemainsMichael MatesConservativeEast Hampshire
Ballot 18Industrial TrainingWilliam ClarkConservativeCroydon South
Ballot 16Horticultural ProduceJohn WellsConservativeMaidstone
Ballot 15Drainage Rates (Disabled Persons)Gerard VaughanConservativeReading East
Ballot 1Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation)Tom ClarkeLabourCoatbridge, Chryston and Bellshill
Ballot 19Corneal TissueJohn HannamConservativeExeter
Ballot 20Consumer Safety (Amendment)Conal GregoryConservativeYork
Ballot 6Civil Protection in PeacetimeNicholas BonsorConservativeUpminster
Ballot 3Children and Young Persons (Amendment)Dennis WaltersConservativeWestbury
PresentationProtection of Children (Tobacco)John Home RobertsonLabourEast Lothian
PresentationMarriage (Wales)Donald ColemanLabourNeath
PresentationLaw Reform (Parent and Child) (Scotland)Lord James Douglas-HamiltonConservativeEdinburgh West
PresentationHighways (Amendment)Michael CocksLabourBristol South
PresentationHealth Service Joint Consultative Committees (Access to Information)Dr Brian MawhinneyConservativePeterborough
PresentationGaming (Amendment)Mark CarlisleConservativeWarrington South
PresentationForestryJohn Stradling ThomasConservativeMonmouth
1986–87 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsLicensing (Restaurant Meals)Viscount Montgomery of AlameinCrossbench-
LordsGaming (Amendment)Lord Harris of GreenwichLiberal Democrat-
LordsBilliards (Abolition of Restrictions)Lord Allen of AbbeydaleCrossbench-
LordsAnimals (Scotland)Earl of SelkirkConservative-
Ballot 17Motorcycle NoiseRobert AdleyConservativeChristchurch
Ballot 4Crown Proceedings (Armed Forces)Winston ChurchillConservativeDavyhulme
Ballot 3CrossbowsPeter BruinvelsConservativeLeicester East
Ballot 7AIDS ControlGavin StrangLabourEdinburgh East
Ballot 2Agricultural Training BoardGerrard NealeConservativeNorth Cornwall
Ballot 6Access to Personal FilesArchy KirkwoodLiberal DemocratRoxburgh & Berwickshire
PresentationRegistered Establishments (Scotland)Albert McQuarrieConservativeBanff & Buchan
PresentationRegister of Sasines (Scotland)Michael MartinLabourGlasgow Springburn
PresentationProtection of Animals (Penalties)Harry GreenwayConservativeEaling North
PresentationPrescription (Scotland)Michael HirstConservativeStrathkelvin & Bearsden
PresentationDeerDavid KnoxConservativeStaffordshire Moorlands
1987–88 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsLand RegistrationLord TemplemanCrossbench-
LordsLandlord and TenantLord ColeraineConservative-
Ballot 2Scotch WhiskyBill WalkerConservativeNorth Tayside
Ballot 12Protection of Animals (Amendment)John BrowneIndependent ConservativeWinchester
Ballot 5Motor Vehicles (Wearing of Rear Seat Belts by Children)Stephen DayConservativeCheadle
Ballot 6Malicious CommunicationsAndy StewartConservativeSherwood
Ballot 13Licensing (Retail Sales)Andrew MacKayConservativeBracknell
Ballot 9Environment and Safety InformationChris SmithLabourIslington South & Finsbury
Ballot 4Consumer Arbitration AgreementsJames PawseyConservativeRugby & Kenilworth
Ballot 19Community Health Councils (Access to Information)Andrew FauldsLabourWarley East
Ballot 10Access to Medical ReportsArchy KirkwoodLiberal DemocratRoxburgh & Berwickshire
PresentationSolicitors (Scotland)Alistair DarlingConservativeEdinburgh Central
PresentationProtection Against Cruel TetheringDavid AmessConservativeBasildon
1988–89 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsLicensing (Amendment)Lord Brooks of TremorfaLabour-
Ballot 18ParkingTimothy KirkhopeConservativeLeeds North East
Ballot 19International Parliamentary Organisations (Registration)Michael MarshallConservativeArundel
Ballot 9Hearing Aid Council (Amendment)Ieuan Wyn JonesPlaid CymruYnys Môn
Ballot 11Disabled Persons (Northern Ireland)Rev Martin SmythUlster Unionist PartyBelfast South
Ballot 16Control of Smoke PollutionAndrew HunterDemocratic Unionist PartyBasingstoke
Ballot 5Control of Pollution (Amendment)Joan RuddockLabourLewisham Deptford
PresentationDangerous DogsDame Janet FookesConservativePlymouth Drake
Common Land (Rectification of Registers)Anthony FavellConservativeStockport
1989–90 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsGaming (Amendment)Lord Allen of AbbeydaleCrossbench-
Ballot 5Rights of WayEdward LeighConservativeGainsborough & Horncastle
Ballot 12Representation of the PeopleAnthony Beaumont-DarkConservativeBirmingham, Selly Oak
Ballot 19Marriage (Registration of Buildings)George WaldenConservativeBuckingham
Ballot 16Licensing (Low Alcohol Drinks)Peter EmeryConservativeHoniton
Ballot 7Entertainments (Increased Penalties)Graham BrightConservativeLuton South
Ballot 3Computer MisuseMichael ColvinConservativeRomsey
Ballot 18Agricultural Holdings (Amendment)Alex CarlileLiberal DemocratMontgomery
Ballot 13Access to Health RecordsDoug HendersonLabourNewcastle upon Tyne North
PresentationTerm and Quarter Days (Scotland)Bill WalkerConservativeNorth Tayside
PresentationHorses (Protective Headgear for Young Riders)Harry GreenwayConservativeEaling North


1990–91 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsMedical Qualifications (Amendment)Lord McColl of DulwichConservative-
Ballot 18Wildlife and Countryside (Amendment)Donald ColemanLabourNeath
Ballot 13Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions)William CashConservativeStafford
Ballot 10Registered Homes (Amendment)John ButterfillConservativeBournemouth West
Ballot 9Radioactive Material (Road Transport)Dudley FishburnConservativeKensington
Ballot 7Property MisdescriptionsJohn ButcherConservativeCoventry South West
Ballot 16Motor Vehicles (Safety Equipment for Children)Michael JoplingConservativeWestmorland & Lonsdale
Ballot 14Local Government Finance (Publicity for Auditors' Reports)Michael MatesConservativeEast Hampshire
Ballot 12Crofter Forestry (Scotland)Calum MacdonaldLabourWestern Isles
Ballot 17Criminal Procedure (Insanity and Unfitness to Plead)John GreenwayConservativeRyedale
Ballot 1Children and Young Persons (Protection from Tobacco)Andrew FauldsLabourWarley East
Ballot 5BadgersRoy HughesLabourNewport East
PresentationWelfare of Animals at SlaughterRichard BodyConservativeBoston & Skegness
PresentationSmoke DetectorsConal GregoryConservativeYork
PresentationMental Health Detention (Scotland)Russell JohnstonLiberal DemocratInverness, Nairn & Lochaber
PresentationForestryHector MonroConservativeDumfries
PresentationFootball (Offences)John WheelerConservativeWestminster North
PresentationBreeding of DogsAlan WilliamsLabourSwansea West
PresentationBadgers (Further Protection)Alan MealeLabourMansfield
PresentationAge of Legal Capacity (Scotland)Nicholas FairbairnConservativePerth & Kinross
1991–92 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsOffshore Safety (Protection against Victimisation)Baroness Turner of CamdenLabour-
LordsBingoLord Harmar-NichollsConservative-
LordsAccess to Neighbouring LandLord Murton of LindisfarneConservative-
Ballot 2Traffic CalmingKeith MansConservativeWyre
Ballot 13Tourism (Overseas Promotion) (Wales)Keith RaffanConservativeDelyn
Ballot 4TimeshareAndrew HunterDemocratic Unionist PartyBasingstoke
Ballot 10Still-Birth (Definition)Rosie BarnesIndependent SDPGreenwich
Ballot 15Sexual Offences (Amendment)Martin Brandon-BravoConservativeNottingham South
Ballot 19Sea Fisheries (Wildlife Conservation)Hon Philip OppenheimConservativeAmber Valley
Ballot 3Medicinal Products: Prescription by Nurses etc.Roger SimsConservativeChislehurst
Ballot 17Firearms (Amendment)Michael LordConservativeCentral Suffolk
PresentationLicensing (Amendment) (Scotland)Bill WalkerConservativeNorth Tayside
PresentationChequesConal GregoryConservativeYork
1992–93 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsVideo RecordingsLord BirkettCrossbench-
LordsSporting Events (Control of Alcohol Etc.) (Amendment)Lord Dormand of EasingtonLabour-
LordsGas (Exempt Supplies)Lord Cochrane of CultsConservative-
LordsDamages (Scotland) (No 2)Lord Macaulay of BragarNon-affiliated-
LordsCarriage of Goods by SeaLord Goff of ChieveleyCrossbench-
Ballot 11Sexual OffencesJerry HayesConservativeHarlow
Ballot 8Road Traffic (Driving Instruction by Disabled Persons)John HannamConservativeExeter
Ballot 2OsteopathsMalcolm MossConservativeNorth East Cambridgeshire
Ballot 10Noise and Statutory NuisanceAndrew HunterDemocratic Unionist PartyBasingstoke
Ballot 18Merchant Shipping (Registration Etc.)Richard PageConservativeSouth West Hertfordshire
Ballot 1Local Government (Overseas Assistance)James LesterConservativeBroxtowe
10 minute ruleLocal Government (Amendment)Neil GerrardLabourWalthamstow
PresentationProtection of Animals (Scotland)Bill WalkerConservativeNorth Tayside
PresentationLicensing (Amendment) (Scotland)Phil GallieConservativeAyr
PresentationCarrying of Knives etc. (Scotland)Phil GallieConservativeAyr
1993–94 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsState Hospitals (Scotland)Marquess of HuntlyConservative-
LordsSale of Goods (Amendment)Lord RentonConservative-
LordsNew Towns (Amendment)Lords FinsbergConservative-
LordsMental Health (Amendment)Lord Jenkin of RodingConservative-
LordsLand DrainageEarl of LindsayConservative-
LordsInshore Fishing (Scotland)Lord Campbell of CroyConservative-
Ballot 13Sale and Supply of GoodsDavid ClellandLabourTyne Bridge
Ballot 6Road Traffic Regulation (Special Events)Peter AtkinsonConservativeHexham
Ballot 11Race Relations (Remedies)Keith VazLabourLeicester East
Ballot 12Parliamentary CommissionerGerald MaloneConservativeWinchester
Ballot 15Merchant Shipping (Salvage and Pollution)David HarrisConservativeSt Ives
Ballot 16Insolvency (No 2)John ButterfillConservativeBournemouth West
Ballot 4ChiropractorsDavid LidingtonConservativeAylesbury
Ballot 5AntarcticMichael JoplingConservativeWestmorland & Lonsdale
PresentationMarriageGyles BrandrethConservativeCity of Chester
PresentationFirearms (Amendment)Michael ShersbyConservativeUxbridge
1994–95 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsSale of Goods (Amendment)Lord MustillCrossbench-
LordsRequirements of Writing (Scotland)Earl of BalfourConservative-
LordsGeneva Conventions (Amendment)Lord Archer of Weston-Super-MareNon-affiliated-
LordsCivil Evidence (Family Mediation) (Scotland)Baroness Carnegy of LourOther-
Ballot 11Road Traffic (New Drivers)Dr Michael ClarkConservativeRayleigh
Ballot 3Proceeds of CrimeJohn HannamConservativeExeter
Ballot 17Prisoners (Return to Custody)Lady Olga MaitlandConservativeSutton & Cheam
Ballot 13Olympic Symbol etc. (Protection)Nicholas WintertonConservativeMacclesfield
Ballot 9Insurance Companies (Reserves)Oliver HealdConservativeNorth Hertfordshire
Ballot 1Home Energy ConservationDiana MaddockLiberal DemocratChristchurch
Ballot 18Charities (Amendment)Ray WhitneyConservativeWycombe
Ballot 10Carers (Recognition and Services)Malcolm WicksLabourCroydon North
Ballot 2Activity Centres (Young Persons' Safety)David JamiesonLabourPlymouth, Devonport
10 minute ruleLandlord and Tenant (Covenants)Peter ThurnhamLiberal DemocratBolton North East
10 minute ruleLand Registers (Scotland)Bill WalkerConservativeNorth Tayside
10 minute ruleBuilding Societies (Joint Account Holders)Douglas FrenchConservativeGloucester
PresentationNational Health Service (Amendment)John AustinLabourWoolwich
1995–96 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsParty Wall etc.Earl of LyttonCrossbench-
LordsHong Kong (War Wives and Widows)Lord Willoughby de BrokeOther-
LordsCivil Aviation (Amendment)Lord Brabazon of TaraConservative-
Ballot 2Wild Mammals (Protection)Alan MealeLabourMansfield
Ballot 7TreasureAnthony GrantConservativeSouth West Cambridgeshire
Ballot 8Trading SchemesNicholas ScottConservativeChelsea
Ballot 3Sexual Offences (Conspiracy and Incitement)John MarshallConservativeHendon South
Ballot 11Railway HeritageMark RobinsonConservativeSomerton & Frome
Ballot 20Prisoners' EarningsHartley BoothConservativeFinchley
Ballot 10Offensive WeaponsLady Olga MaitlandConservativeSutton & Cheam
Ballot 15Non-Domestic Rating (Information)Allan StewartConservativeEastwood
Ballot 5NoiseHarry GreenwayConservativeEaling North
Ballot 16Law Reform (Year and a Day Rule)Doug HoyleLabourWarrington North
Ballot 17Energy ConservationAlan SimpsonLabourNottingham South
Ballot 18Dogs (Fouling of Land)Andrew HunterDemocratic Unionist PartyBasingstoke
10 minute rulePublic Order (Amendment)Estelle MorrisLabour-
PresentationMarriage Ceremony (Prescribed Words)Julian BrazierConservativeCanterbury
1996–97 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsTheft (Amendment)Lord Goff of ChieveleyCrossbench-
LordsSea Fisheries (Shellfish)(Amendment)Baroness WilcoxConservative-
LordsPolice (Insurance of Voluntary Assistants)Lord Brabazon of TaraConservative-
LordsLand RegistrationLord Browne-WilkinsonCrossbench-
LordsHorserace Totalisator BoardLord KimballConservative-
LordsDangerous Dogs (Amendment)Viscount FalklandCrossbench-
LordsBritish Nationality (Hong Kong)Lord Willoughby de BrokeOther-
Ballot 10United Nations PersonnelJohn MarshallConservativeHendon South
Ballot 9Telecommunications (Fraud)Ian BruceConservativeSouth Dorset
Ballot 16Sexual Offences (Protected Material)Robert G HughesConservativeHarrow West
Ballot 7Road Traffic (Reduction)Don FosterLiberal DemocratBath
Ballot 2Public Entertainments Licences (Drug Misuse)Barry LeggConservativeMilton Keynes South West
Ballot 6Prisons (Alcohol Testing)John WardConservativePoole
Ballot 18Policyholders ProtectionJohn ButterfillConservativeBournemouth West
Ballot 19Police (Property)David EvennettConservativeBexleyheath and Crayford
Ballot 15Police (Health and Safety)Ray WhitneyConservativeWycombe
Ballot 20Pharmacists (Fitness to Practise)Michael ShersbyConservativeUxbridge
Ballot 12Local Government (Gaelic Names) (Scotland)Tommy GrahamIndependent LabourRenfrew West & Inverclyde
Ballot 1KnivesJimmy WrayLabourGlasgow, Baillieston
Ballot 8Criminal Evidence (Amendment)Nigel EvansConservativeRibble Valley
Ballot 3Confiscation of Alcohol (Young Persons)Bob SpinkConservativeCastle Point
10 minute ruleBuilding Societies (Distributions)Douglas FrenchConservativeGloucester
1997–98 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsEmployment Rights (Dispute Resolution)Lord Archer of SandwellLabour-
LordsCriminal Justice (International Co-operation) AmendmentLord Evans of ParksideLabour-
Ballot 5Road Traffic Reduction (National Targets)Cynog DafisPlaid CymruCeredigion
Ballot 10Public Interest DisclosureRichard ShepherdConservativeAldridge-Brownhills
Ballot 4Private Hire Vehicles (London)George YoungConservativeNorth West Hampshire
Ballot 17PesticidesBen BradshawLabourExeter
Ballot 14Community Care (Residential Accommodation)Marsha SinghLabourBradford West
10 minute ruleAnimal Health (Amendment)Paul FlynnLabourNewport West
PresentationWaste MinimisationAngela SmithLabourPenistone and Stocksbridge
PresentationRegistered Establishments (Scotland)Dr Lynda ClarkLabourEdinburgh Pentlands
1998–99 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsCriminal Cases Review (Insanity)Lord AcknerCrossbench-
Ballot 14Road Traffic (Vehicle Testing)Andrew HunterDemocratic Unionist PartyBasingstoke
Ballot 1Protection of ChildrenDebra ShipleyLabourStourbridge
Ballot 3Mental Health (Amendment) (Scotland)Eric ClarkeLabourMidlothian
Ballot 6Football (Offences and Disorder)Simon BurnsConservativeChelmsford
Ballot 19Company and Business Names (Chamber of Commerce Etc.)Andrew LansleyConservativeSouth Cambridgeshire
Ballot 15Breeding and Sale of Dogs (Welfare)James ClappisonConservativeHertsmere
Ballot 7Adoption (Intercountry Aspects)Mark OatenLiberal DemocratWinchester
1999-00 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsCensus (Amendment) Act 2000Bernard Weatherill, Lord WeatherillCrossbench-
Ballot 5Warm Homes and Energy ConservationDavid AmessConservativeSouthend West
Ballot 20Protection of Animals (Amendment)Claire Curtis-ThomasLabourCrosby
Ballot 3Licensing (Young Persons) Act 2000Paul TruswellLabourPudsey
Ballot 4Health Service Commissioners (Amendment)Geoffrey Johnson SmithConservativeWealden
Ballot 2Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000Tom PendryLabourStalybridge & Hyde


2001–02 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsNational HeritageBaroness Anelay of St JohnsConservative-
Ballot 7Industrial Provident SocietiesGareth ThomasLabourHarrow West
Ballot 6Employee Share SchemesMark LazarowiczLabour (Co-op)Edinburgh North and Leith
Ballot 16Copyright (Visually Impaired Persons)Rachel SquireLabourDunfermline and West Fife
Ballot 10Copyright, Etc. and Trade Marks (Offences and Enforcement)Dr Vincent CableLiberal DemocratTwickenham
Ballot 18CommonwealthDavid WillettsConservativeHavant
10 minute ruleDivorce (Religious Marriages)Andrew DismoreLabourHendon
10 minute rulePrivate Hire Vehicles (Carriage of Guide Dogs etc.)Neil GerrardLabourWalthamstow
2002–03 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
Ballot 6Sustainable EnergyBrian WhiteLabourNorth East Milton Keynes
Ballot 2Sunday Working (Scotland)David CairnsLabourInverclyde
Ballot 13Ragwort ControlJohn GreenwayConservativeRyedale
Ballot 10National Lottery (Funding of Endowments)Keith SimpsonConservativeBroadland
Ballot 17Marine SafetyDr Brian IddonLabourBolton South East
Ballot 12Legal Deposit LibrariesChris MoleLabourIpswich
Ballot 11Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Deceased Fathers)Stephen McCabeLabourBirmingham Hall Green
Ballot 5Household Waste RecyclingJoan RuddockLabourLewisham Deptford
Ballot 3FireworksBill TynanLabourHamilton South
Ballot 7Female Genital MutilationAnn ClwydLabourCynon Valley
Ballot 16Dealing in Cultural ObjectsRichard AllanLiberal DemocratSheffield
Ballot 1Co-operatives and Community Benefit SocietiesMark ToddLabourSouth Derbyshire
2003–04 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
Ballot 1Sustainable and Secure BuildingsAndrew StunellLiberal DemocratHazel Grove
Ballot 3Gangmasters (Licensing)Jim SheridanLabourPaisley and Renfrewshire North
Ballot 16Highways (Obstruction by Body Corporate)Michael Jabez FosterLabourHastings & Rye
Ballot 6Christmas Day (Trading)Kevan JonesLabourNorth Durham
Ballot 2Carers (Equal Opportunities)Dr Hywel FrancisLabourAberavon
2004–05 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
No Private Members' Bills were passed in this session.
2005–06 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
Ballot 7Emergency Workers (Obstruction)Alan WilliamsLabourCarmarthen East & Dinefwr
Ballot 6International Development (Reporting and Transparency)Tom ClarkeLabourCoatbridge, Chryston and Bellshill
Ballot 4Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Act 2006Mark LazarowiczLabour (Co-op)Edinburgh North and Leith
2006–07 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsForced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007Lord Lester of Herne HillLiberal Democrat-
Ballot 10Vehicle Registration Marks Act 2007Richard OttawayConservativeCroydon South
Ballot 7Building Societies (Funding) and Mutual Societies (Transfers) Act 2007John ButterfillConservativeBournemouth West
Ballot 1Sustainable Communities Act 2007Nick HurdConservativeRuislip, Northwood and Pinner
2007–08 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
Ballot 9Health and Safety (Offences) Act 2008Keith HillLabourStreatham
Ballot 2Special Educational Needs (Information) Act 2008Sharon HodgsonLabourWashington and Sunderland West
Ballot 1Planning and Energy Act 2008Michael FallonConservativeSevenoaks
2008–09 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsLaw Commission Act 2009Lord Lloyd of BerwickCrossbench-
PresentationHolocaust (Return of Cultural Objects) Act 2009Andrew DismoreLabourHendon
PresentationDriving Instruction (Suspension and Exemption Powers) Act 2009Willie RennieLiberal DemocratDunfermline and West Fife
Ballot 7Green Energy (Definition and Promotion) Act 2009Peter AinsworthConservativeEast Surrey
Ballot 1Autism Act 2009Cheryl GillanConservativeChesham and Amersham
2009–10 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsMarriage WalesLord Rowe-BeddoeCrossbench-
LordsCo-operative and Community Benefit Societies and Credit UnionsLord TomlinsonLabour-
Ballot 7Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment)Alistair BurtConservativeNorth East Bedfordshire
Ballot 6Anti-Slavery Day Act 2010Anthony SteenConservativeTotnes
Ballot 5Sunbeds (Regulation) Act 2010Julie MorganLabourCardiff North
Ballot 3Debt Relief Developing Countries Act 2010Andrew GwynneLabourDenton and Reddish
Ballot 1Mortgage Repossessions (Protection of Tenants etc.) Act 2010Dr Brian IddonLabourBolton South East


2010–12 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
LordsLive Music Act 2012Lord Clement-JonesLiberal Democrat-
Ballot 19Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims (Amendment)Sir Paul BeresfordConservativeMole Valley
Ballot 15Wreck Removal Convention Act 2011Dr Thérèse CoffeyConservativeSuffolk Coastal
Ballot 14Sports Grounds Safety Authority Act 2011Jonathan LordConservativeWoking
Ballot 13Coinage (Measurement) Act 2011Mark LancasterConservativeMilton Keynes North
Ballot 5Estates of Deceased Persons (Forfeiture Rule and Law of Succession) Act 2011Sir Greg KnightConservativeEast Yorkshire
Ballot 3Public Services (Social Enterprise and Social Value) Act 2012Chris WhiteConservativeWarwick and Leamington
2012–13 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
Ballot 12Marine Navigation (No. 2) Act 2013Sheryll MurrayConservativeSouth East Cornwall
Ballot 5Mobile Homes Act 2013Peter AldousConservativeWaveney
Ballot 14Presumption of Death Act 2013John GlenConservativeSalisbury
Ballot 7Antarctic Act 2013Neil CarmichaelConservativeStroud
Ballot 17Disabled Persons' Parking Badges Act 2013Simon KirbyConservativeBrighton, Kemptown
Ballot 11Prisons (Property) Act 2013Stuart AndrewConservativePudsey
Ballot 9Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act 2013Richard HarringtonConservativeWatford
Ballot 8Prisons (Interference with Wireless Telegraphy) Act 2012Sir Paul BeresfordConservativeMole Valley
Ballot 4Mental Health (Discrimination) (No.2) Act 2013Gavin BarwellConservativeCroydon Central
Ballot 2Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013Sir Richard OttawayConservativeCroydon South
2013–14 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
Ballot 3Citizenship (Armed Forces) Act 2014Jonathan LordConservativeWoking
Ballot 4Deep Sea Mining Act 2014Sheryll MurrayConservativeSouth East Cornwall
Ballot 5House of Lords Reform (No. 2) Act 2014Dan BylesConservativeNorth Warwickshire
Ballot 18International Development (Gender Equality) Act 2014Sir William CashConservativeStone
PresentationLeasehold Reform (Amendment)Philip HolloboneConservativeKettering
2014–15 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
Ballot 2International Development (Official Development Assistance Target) Act 2015Michael MooreLiberal DemocratBerwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk
Ballot 4Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015Richard BaconConservativeSouth Norfolk
Ballot 5Health and Social Care (Safety and Quality) Act 2015Jeremy LefroyConservativeStafford
Ballot 8Control of Horses Act 2015Julian SturdyConservativeYork Outer
Ballot 9Local Government (Review of Decisions) Act 2015Mark SpencerConservativeSherwood
Ballot 13Local Government (Religious etc. Observances) Act 2015Jake BerryConservativeRossendale and Darwen
Ballot 19Health Service Commissioner for England (Complaint Handling) Act 2015David DavisConservativeHaltemprice and Howden
10 minute ruleSpecialist Printing Equipment and Materials (Offences) Act 2015Sir David AmessConservativeSouthend West
LordsHouse of Lords (Expulsion and Suspension)Baroness Hayman Crossbench-
LordsMutuals' Deferred Shares Act 2015Lord NasebyConservative-
2015–16 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
Ballot 2Access to Medical Treatments (Innovation) Act 2016Chris Heaton-HarrisConservativeDaventry
Ballot 5NHS (Charitable Trusts Etc.) Act 2016Wendy MortonConservativeAldridge-Brownhills
Ballot 7Riot Compensation Act 2016Mike WoodConservativeDudley South
Ballot 14Criminal Cases Review Commission Act 2016William WraggConservativeHazel Grove
10 minute ruleDriving Instructors (Registration) Act 2016Sir David AmessConservativeSouthend West
10 minute ruleHouse of Commons (Members' Fund) Act 2016Sir Paul BeresfordConservativeMole Valley
2016–17 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
Ballot 12Farriers (Registration) Act 2017Byron DaviesConservativeGower
Ballot 2Homelessness Reduction Act 2017Bob BlackmanConservativeHarrow East
Ballot 18Merchant Shipping (Homosexual Conduct) Act 2017John GlenConservativeSalisbury
Ballot 13Parking Places (Variation of Charges) Act 2017David TredinnickConservativeBosworth
Ballot 7Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (Ratification of Convention) Act 2017Eilidh WhitefordSNPBanff and Buchan
10 minute ruleGuardianship (Missing Persons) Act 2017Kevin HollinrakeConservativeThirsk and Malton
PresentationBroadcasting (Radio Multiplex Services) Act 2017Kevin FosterConservativeTorbay
PresentationLocal Audit (Public Access to Documents) Act 2017Wendy MortonConservativeAldridge-Brownhills
2017–19 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
BallotAssaults on Emergency Workers (Offences) Act 2018Chris BryantLabourRhondda
BallotCivil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration etc) Act 2019Tim LoughtonConservativeWorthing East & Shoreham
BallotHomes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018Karen BuckLabourWestminster North
BallotMental Health Units (Use of Force) Act 2018Steve ReedLabourCroydon Central
BallotOrgan Donation (Deemed Consent) Act 2019Geoffrey RobinsonLabourCoventry North West
BallotParental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Act 2018Kevin HollinrakeConservativeThirsk & Malton
BallotPrisons (Interference with Wireless Telegraphy) Act 2018Maria CaulfieldConservativeLewes
BallotStalking Protection Act 2019Sarah WollastonConservativeTotnes
BallotParking (Code of Practice) Act 2019Sir Greg KnightConservativeEast Yorkshire
10 Minute RuleHolocaust (Return of Cultural Objects) (Amendment) Act 2019Theresa VilliersConservativeChipping Barnet
PresentationAnimal Welfare (Service Animals) Act 2019Sir Oliver HealdConservativeHertfordshire North East
PresentationEuropean Union (Withdrawal) Act 2019Yvette CooperLabourNormanton, Castleford & Pontefract
PresentationEuropean Union (Withdrawal) (No. 2) Act 2019Hilary BennLabourLeeds Central
House of LordsChildren Act 1989 (Amendment) (Female Genital Mutilation) Act 2019Lord Berkeley of KnightonCrossbencher-
2019–21 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
BallotAnimal Welfare (Sentencing) Act 2021Chris LoderConservativeDorset West
BallotBotulinum Toxin and Cosmetic Fillers (Children) Act 2021Laura TrottConservativeSevenoaks
BallotBritish Library Board (Power to Borrow) Act 2021Bim AfolamiConservativeHitchin & Harpenden
BallotEducation (Guidance about Costs of School Uniforms) Act 2021Mike AmesburyLabourWeaver Vale
BallotEducation and Training (Welfare of Children) Act 2021Mary FoyLabourCity of Durham
BallotForensic Science Regulator Act 2021Darren JonesLabourBristol North West
BallotPrisons (Substance Testing) Act 2021Dame Cheryl GillanConservativeChesham & Amersham

Current parliamentary session

2021–22 parliamentary session
TypeTitle of actPresented byPartyConstituency
BallotAnimals (Penalty Notices) Act 2022Andrew RosindellConservativeRomford
BallotBritish Sign Language Act 2022Rosie CooperLabourWest Lancashire
BallotCultural Objects (Protection from Seizure) Act 2022Mel StrideConservativeCentral Devon
BallotDown Syndrome Act 2022Liam FoxConservativeNorth Somerset
BallotEducation (Careers Guidance in Schools) Act 2022Mark JenkinsonConservativeWorkington
BallotGlue Traps (Offences) Act 2022Jane StevensonConservativeWolverhampton North East
BallotLocal Government (Disqualification) Act 2022Sir Paul BeresfordConservativeMole Valley
BallotMarriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022Pauline LathamConservativeMid Derbyshire
BallotPension Schemes (Conversion of Guaranteed Minimum Pensions) Act 2022Margaret FerrierIndependentRutherglen & Hamilton West
BallotTaxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Disabled Persons) Act 2022Jeremy WrightConservativeKenilworth & Southam
BallotTaxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Act 2022Peter GibsonConservativeDarlington
PresentationApproved Premises (Substance Testing) Act 2022Rob ButlerConservativeAylesbury
PresentationMotor Vehicles (Compulsory Insurance) Act 2022Peter BoneConservativeWellingborough


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