A radar is an electronic system used to determine and detect the range of target and maps various types of targets. This is a list of radars.


INKANmonopulse 2Dair traffic controlground-based Argentinain service with the National Civil Aviation Administration[1][2][3][4]
INVAP 3D3Dair search radar Argentinain service with the Argentine Air Force since 2011[5][6]


Jindaleeover-the-horizonair searchland-based (fixed) Australia[7]
CEAFARdigital active phased arrayANZAC class frigate Australiadeveloped by CEA Technologies[8][9]


EDT-FILAair target acquisition/fire controlland-based Brazildeveloped by Avibras
OTH-0100over-the-horizonnaval Brazil
SABER M60air surveillanceland-based Brazil[10][11][12]
SABER M200 MultimissãoAESAair surveillanceland-based portable Brazil[13][14]
SABER M200 Vigilanteactive phased arrayair surveillanceland-based portable Brazilunder development[15]
SABER S60secondary air surveillanceland-based Brazil
SABER S200Rsecondary air surveillanceland-based Brazil
SCP-01 ScipioAMX A-1M Brazilunder development by SIATT[16]
SENTIR M20air surveillanceland-based Brazil[17]


ESR-32Aair surveillanceland-based Egypt[18]
unnamedphased array radar (3D) Egyptto be unveiled at EDEX 2020[19]


Active Phased Array RadarAESA 3Dair/surface surveillancenaval Netherlands[20]
ARTHURPESAcounter-batteryland-based Norway
CaptorAESAmultiroleEurofighter Typhoon Germany
 United Kingdom
developed from AMSAR and CAESAR projects
Captor-EAESAmultiroleEurofighter Typhoon Germany
 United Kingdom
developed from AMSAR and CAESAR projects[22]
DARSair command and controlland-based (mobile)Deployable Air operations centre, Recognized air picture production centre, Sensor fusion post
EISCATincoherent scatterscientificland-based (fixed) Finland
ErieyeAESAair surveillanceairborne Sweden[24]
Flycatcher (KL/MSS-6720)air defense fire controlland-based Netherlandsmanufactured by Hollandse Signaal Apparaten; operational since 1979
GLOBUSspace surveillanceland-based (fixed) Norway
 United States
Ground Master 400AESA 3Dair surveillanceland-based (mobile) France[26]
HARD-3DLPIair surveillanceland-based[27]
HEMPAS-CCIASpassiveair surveillance Greeceunder development; status uncertain As of 2010[28]
L3/2air defense fire controlland-based Netherlandsmanufactured by Hollandse Signaal Apparaten; operational with the Belgian Army in the 1950s
L4/3 (KL/MSS-301)air defense fire controlland-based Netherlandsmanufactured by Hollandse Signaal Apparaten; operational in the 1960s
L4/5 (KL/MSS-3012)air defense fire controlland-based Netherlandsmanufactured by Hollandse Signaal Apparaten; operational in the 1960s and 1970s
PS-05/Apulse DopplermultiroleSaab JAS 39 Gripen Sweden[29]
RBE2PESAmultiroleDassault Rafale France
RBE2-AAAESAmultiroleDassault Rafale France[30]
RASITPulse Dopplerground surveillanceland-based (mobile) Francedeveloped by Thomson-CSF[31]
S1850MDAAair defensenaval France
 United Kingdom
SAMPSONAESAmulti-functionnaval United Kingdom[33]
Sindre IIair defense
SMART-LDAAnaval Netherlands[34]
Super Fledermausair defense fire control  Switzerlandoperational in the 1960s and 1970s
Type 901air defense fire controlSea Slug United Kingdom
TRML-3D/32PESAair surveillance and target acquisitionland-based GermanyDeveloped by EADS (now Hensoldt)




  • XV-2000 3D airborne naval surveillance radar for Dornier 228 maritime patrol aircraft.
  • Revathi 3D Naval Medium range surveillance radar derived from the 3D CAR for Shivalik-class frigates.


  • Swordfish LRTR - AESA long-range tracking radar for Ballistic missile defence surveillance and fire control.
  • Arudhra MPR - Static 4D AESA Medium power radar for airspace surveillance for ranges exceeding 300 km.
  • ADTCR - Mobile 4D AESA Medium power radar for airspace surveillance
  • Ashwini LLTR - Mobile 4D AESA radar for Low level air targets up to ranges of 200 km.
  • INDRA series of 2D Pulse-doppler medium range airspace surveillance radars
  • Rajendra 3D medium range PESA fire control radar for Akash SAM.
  • Central Acquisition Radar (3D-CAR) PESA tracking radar for battlefield surveillance as part of the Akash SAM system.
  • BMFR - Mobile Quad panel AESA multifunction radar for battery level fire control in QRSAM missile system.
  • BSR - Mobile Quad panel AESA multifunction radar for battery level surveillance in QRSAM missile system.
  • Atulya ADFCR - AESA fire-control radar for upgraded L70 air defence gun.
  • BFSR-SR 2D short range battlefield surveillance radar for the Indian Army.
  • Bharani Low Level Lightweight Radar(LLLR) - portable 2D low level aircraft tracking radar.
  • Swathi Weapon Locating Radar - Mobile 3D PESA Counter-battery radar.

Under development

  • Uttam AESA multifunction radar for fighter aircraft.
  • LR-MFR - Dual panel multifunction radar for naval application.
  • HPR - Static Quad panel AESA High power radar for airspace surveillance




Surface based

Military – Naval

  • EMPAR – European Multifunction Phased Array Radar, AN/SPY-790
  • KRONOS – 3D multi-mode C-Band radar with a fully solid state active phased array antenna
  • Selex RAN-40L – 3D multibeam long range L-Band radar with a fully solid state active phased array antenna



  • J/FPS-1
  • J/FPS-2
  • J/FPS-3
  • J/FPS-4
  • J/FPS-5
  • J/FPS-7
  • J/TPS-100
  • J/TPS-101
  • J/TPS-102


People's Republic of China



  • 714XDN Radar metrological
  • BL904 Counter-battery radar
  • CLC-1 Radar short range surveillance radar
  • CLC-2 Radar low altitude surveillance radar
  • CLC-3 Radar mobile low altitude air defense radar
  • CLC-8 Radar metrological radar
  • CS/RB1 Counter-battery radar
  • CS/RT1 Radar Anti-battery radar
  • DLD-100A Radar air traffic control radar
  • HGR-105 Radar surveillance
  • HK-JM long range meter-wave stealth detection 2-D surveillance radar
  • HK-JM2 long range meter-wave stealth detection 2-D surveillance radar
  • DWL002 Passive Sensor passive sensor
  • HT-223 fire control radar
  • JH-16 Radar
  • JH-18 Radar
  • JY-8 Radar 'WALL RUST' mobile tactical 3D radar
  • JY-9 Radar 'WALL EYE' low altitude surveillance radar
  • JY-11 Radar low/medium altitude 3D surveillance radar
  • JY-14 Radar 'GREAT WALL' medium/long range 3D radar
  • JY-17 Radar battlefield surveillance radar
  • JY-21 Radar air traffic control radar
  • JY-26 Radar Skywatch-U 3D long-range air surveillance radar
  • JY-27 Radar 'WIDE MAT' long range surveillance radar
  • JY-30 Radar
  • JY-50 Radar
  • JYL-1 Radar long range 3D surveillance radar
  • JLG-43 Radar height finding radar
  • JLP-40 Radar surveillance radar
  • JLP-440E Radar surveillance
  • LDB08 Radar
  • LD-JP target designation radar
  • LD-JX portable solid state pulse-Doppler moving target surveillance radar
  • LR63 radar
  • LSS-1 Radar gap filler 2D radar
  • REL-2A Radar long range air surveillance radar
  • REL-3 Radar long range air surveillance radar
  • REL-4 Radar long range air surveillance radar
  • REL-6B Radar long range air surveillance radar
  • RES-1 Radar low to medium altitude surveillance radar
  • REWY-1 Radar long range air surveillance radar
  • SLC-2 Radar counter battery radar
  • SLC-7 search radar
  • Type 120 Radar search radar
  • Type 305A Radar search radar
  • Type 305B Radar search radar
  • SJ-202 Radar engagement
  • SJ-321 Radar engagement
  • Type 373 Counter-battery radar
  • Type 390A Radar surveillance
  • Type 408C Radar surveillance
  • Type 514 Radar surveillance
  • Type 571 Radar surveillance radar
  • Type 581 Radar air warning radar
  • Type 701 Radar meteorological radar
  • Type 704 Radar counter battery radar
  • Type 791 Radar precision approach radar
  • Type 825 Radar engagement
  • YLC-2 Radar 3D surveillance radar
  • YLC-4 Radar long range surveillance radar
  • YLC-6 Radar medium and low altitude surveillance radar
  • YLC-7 Radar
  • YLC-8 Radar long range surveillance radar
  • YLC-15 Radar light air defense radar
  • YLC-18 Radar medium-range low-altitude 3D radar
  • YLC-20 Passive Sensor passive sensor
  • YLC-29 Passive Sensor passive detection system
  • YLC-48 Radar


  • AESA radars from 14th Institute on
  • AESA radars from 38th Institute on
  • AESA radars from 607th Institute on
  • PESA radar from 38th Institute on
  • MMW phased array radar from 10th and 14th Institutes on
  • Type 204 Radar
  • Type 205 Radar
  • Type 251 Radar
  • Type 252 Radar
  • Type 317 Radar
  • Type 645 Radar
  • Type 698 Radar
  • CASSAR-44 Radar
  • JD-08 Radar
  • CWI Radar
  • Type 232H Radar
  • MRAIR-1 Radar
  • YQC-2 Radar
  • Type 245 Radar long radar surface search
  • Type 1473 Radar
  • JL-7 Radar
  • JL-10A Radar
  • JY-06 Radar
  • KJ-1 AEWC 1st gen TU-4 AEWC
  • KLC-1 Radar lightweight helicopter borne radar
  • KLJ-1 Radar
  • KLJ-6 Radar Falcon
  • KLJ-7 Radar airborne pulse Doppler fire control radar
  • KLJ-7A Radar
  • HAL-3 Radar airborne navigation radar
  • Type 1473 Radar
  • Type 1475 Radar
  • Type 1478 Radar
  • Type 1493 Radar
  • Type 1495 Radar
  • Type 1491 Radar


  • SLC-4 Radar space tracking radar
  • YLC-1 Radar vehicle borne coherent instrumentation radar


  • P-12 Modernize version with digital function, new carbon antenna in Yagi shape, and higher range up to 350 km.
  • P-18 Modernize version with new antennas, bigger range, digitalised.
  • P-40 Medium-range surveillance and target acquisition
  • AN/TPS-70 long range 3D radar.
  • Giraffe radar modernize version, and digital with PASARS anti-aircraft sistem.
  • H-22 Long-range surveillance and target acquisition.
  • Marconi S-605/654 Medium-range surveillance
  • Marconi S-613 Altitude measurement
  • PRV-16B Altitude measurement

Soviet Union/Russia


  • Topaz-V MR-320M "Strut Pair", Air/Surface search radar
  • Fregat MR-700 "Top Steer", 3D search radar[35]
  • Fregat MR-710 "Top Plate", 3D search radar replacement for Top Steer on Sovremenny-class destroyers
  • "Top Sail" somewhat similar to "Top Steer" but larger and operating at lower frequency
  • "Head Net A" 2D air surveillance and surface search. Sometimes used i combination with Top Steer.
  • Fregat-MA MR-760MA "Top Plate", 3-D air search radar
  • Voskhod MR-800 "Top Pair", 3D search radar
  • Volna 3R41 "Top Dome", Fire control/Target acquisition radar


  • A-100 "Kama", Early warning ground control radar
  • P-3 "Dumbo", Early warning ground control radar.
  • P-8 "Knife Rest A", Early warning ground control radar.
  • P-10 "Knife Rest B", Early warning ground control radar.
  • P-12 "Spoon Rest", Early warning ground control radar.
  • P-14 "Tall King", Early warning radar.
  • P-15 "Flat Face A", Surveillance/Target acquisition radar.
  • P-18 "Spoon Rest D", Early warning radar.
  • P-19 "Flate Face B", Surveillance/Target acquisition radar.
  • P-20 "Bar Lock", Early warning ground control radar.
  • P-30 "Big Mesh", Early warning ground control radar.
  • P-35 "Bar Lock", Early warning ground control radar.
  • P-37 "Bar Lock"
  • P-40 "Long Track", Early warning/Target acquisition radar.
  • P-70, Early warning radar.
  • P-80 "Back Net", E-band Early Warning Radar
  • P-100
  • Kasta 2E "Flat Face E" Surveillance radars.
  • PRV-11 "Side Net", Height finding radar
  • SNR-75 "Fan Song", Fire control/Target acquisition radar
  • SNR-125 "Low Blow", Fire control/Target acquisition radar
  • 1S91 "Straight Flush", Fire control/Target acquisition radar
  • 30N6 "Flap Lid", Fire control/Target acquisition radar
  • 36D6 "Tin Shield", Surveillance radar
  • 64N6 "Big Bird", Surveillance radar
  • 76N6 "Clam Shell", Low-altitude detection radar
  • 91N6E, Surveillance radar
  • 92N6E, Fire control/Target acquisition radar
  • 96L6E "Cheese Board", All altitude surveillance radar
  • 9S15 "Bill Board A", Surveillance radar
  • 9S19 "High Screen", Sector surveillance radar
  • 9S32 "Grill Pan", Fire control/Target acquisition radar
  • Azov radar "Flat Twin", ABM radar
  • Duga "Steel Yard" or "Russian Woodpecker", Over the horizon radar
  • Dnestr "Hen House", ABM radar
  • Dnepr "Hen House", ABM radar
  • Daryal "Pechora", ABM radar
  • Dunay "Dog House"/"Cat House", ABM radar
  • Volga, ABM radar
  • Don 2N "Pill Box", ABM radar
  • Voronezh, ABM radar
  • 29B6 Container, ABM radar


Republic of China (Taiwan)

Containerized CS/MPQ-90 Bee Eye on a truck
Chang-Shan (Long Mountain)planar arraymulti-functionSky Bow III Republic of China[36]
Change Bai 1 (Long White 1)phased arraymulti-functionSky Bow I Republic of China[37]
Change Bau 2 (Long White 2)multi-functionSky Bow II Republic of China[38]
CS/MPG-25continuous wavetarget illuminationSky Bow I Republic of Chinaderived from AN/MPQ-46[37]
CS/MPQ-783D pulsed dopplerair defense (short range)Antelope air defence system Republic of China[39]
CS/MPQ-90 Bee EyeAESAair defenseground-based Republic of Chinaalso planned for naval use[40]
CS/SPG-6N(S)surface searchTuo Chiang-class corvette Republic of China
CS/SPG-6N(T)fire controlTuo Chiang-class corvette Republic of China
CS/SPG-21Atarget acquisition/fire controlHsiung Feng I Republic of China[41]
Sea Bee EyeAESAair defenseship-based Republic of China[42]

United Kingdom


GL Mk II radar receiver van
150 cm Searchlight fitted with No. 2 Mk VI SLC radar
Modified Radar No. 3, Mk. 7
  • Radar, AA, No 3, Mk 7 - Post-war anti-aircraft fire control.
  • Radar, AA, No 3, Mk 8 - Designation for US-made SCR-545 radar, but not used in service.
  • Radar, AA, No 4, Mk I - Anti-aircraft local warning, known as 'Zippy'.[43]
  • Radar, AA, No 4, Mk II - Anti-aircraft local warning.[43]
  • Radar, AA, No 4, Mk III - Anti-aircraft local warning.[43]
  • Radar, AA, No 4, Mk V - AMES Type 14 Anti-aircraft local warning, known as 'Gorgonzola'.[43]
  • Radar, AA, No 4, Mk VI - Canadian-made Anti-aircraft local warning.[43]
  • Radar, AA, No 4, Mk VII - Anti-aircraft local warning.[43]
  • Radar, AA, No 5, Mk Ii - AMES Type 11 Anti-aircraft local warning.[43]
  • Radar, FA, No 1, Mk 1 - Control of artillery fire against ground targets.
  • Radar, FA, No 1, Mk 2 - Control of artillery fire against ground targets.
  • Radar, FA, No 2, Mk 1 - Doppler radar used to detect moving ground targets.
  • Radar, FA, No 3, Mk 1 - Mortar locating.
  • Radar, FA, No 3, Mk 2 - Mortar locating derived from AN/APS-3.
  • Radar, FA, No 3, Mk 1- Mortar locating .
  • Radar, FA No 8 - "Green Archer" mortar locating .
  • Radar, FA, No 9 - "Robert" long range ground surveillance mounted in Saracen.
  • Radar, CA, No 1, Mk 3 - Coast Artillery. Transmitter & receiver based on NT271, with displays from CA No 1 Mk1.[45]
  • Radar, CA, No 1, Mk 4 (F) - Coast artillery fire control modified for use against ground targets.
  • Radar, FCE, No 7 - Fire control equipment with 2 radars in a single trailer for aiming a L1A1 40/70 AA gun.
  • Radar, AD, No 10 - "Yellow River" AMES Type 83 target illuminating used with Thunderbird SAGW
  • Radar, AD, No 11 - Tactical control used with Thunderbird SAGW
  • Radar, AD, No 12 - Height finder used with Thunderbird SAGW
  • Radar, FA, No 13 - Tracking and control used with SD 1 drone
  • Radar, FA, No 14 - ZB298 short range manportable ground surveillance.
  • Radar, FA, No 15 - Cymbeline mortar locating.
  • Radar, FA, No 17 - Marconi marine radar mounted in landrover for coastal surveillance
  • Radar, FA, No 19 - Militarised WF3 meteorological radar used by AMETS
  • Radar, FA, No 22 - MSTAR
  • Blindfire - Fire control used with Rapier missile system.
  • Dagger - Surveillance used with Rapier missile system.
  • Orange Yeoman – Projected central surveillance system[46]
  • Type 86 - "Indigo Corkscrew" Bristol Bloodhound air defence missile system.
  • Type 901 - Naval fire-control for Sea Slug missile.
  • Type 98 - Long Range Search.
  • Type 93 - Long Range Search.
  • Type 101 - Long Range Search.
  • Type 102 - Long Range Search.
  • MAMBA - derivative of Ericson ARTHUR artillery locating radar[47]
  • COBRA (Radar) - trinational high performance full phased array artillery locating radar
  • Blighter B202 Mk 2 - Man-portable electronic-scanning ground surveillance radar
  • Blighter B303 - Vehicle-mountable electronic-scanning ground surveillance radar
  • Blighter Revolution 360 - Vehicle-mountable electronic-scanning ground surveillance radar
  • Blighter B400 Series - Fixed installation, modular electronic-scanning ground surveillance radar
  • AWS II - Fixed installation (and naval installation), surface warning and air and surface target indication
AWS 2 Radar used by Indonesian Airforce in the 1962, Museum Satriamandala


United States


Radar arrangement on the aircraft carrier Lexington, 1944

Early S-band RADAR Designations[48]

Designation Wavelength Platform
CXAM 150-cm large surface ships
SK-1 large surface ships
SK-2 large surface ships
SC 50-cm surface ships
SF 10-cm too heavy for intended use on PT boats, but used on larger ships
SG 10-cm surface ships
SJ 10-cm submarines
SM 3-cm aircraft carriers for direction of night-fighters
SO 10-cm PT boats
SU 3-cm Destroyer escorts

From February 1943 the US used a universal system to identify radar variants, consisting of three letters and a number, respectively designating platform, type of equipment, function, and version. This system was continued after WWII with multiservice designations being prefixed by 'AN/' for Army-Navy. BuShips 1943 classifications

Prefix Designation
A Aircraft, used in combination with other letters
C Experimental
D Direction-finding
E Emergency power
F Fire control radar
FS Frequency shift keying
G Aircraft transmitting
H Sonar hoists
I Intercept radar, aircraft only
J Passive sonar, for submarines
K Sonar transmitting
L Precision calibration
M Radio transceiver
N Echo-sounding
O Measuring, for operator training
P Automatic transmitting and receiving
Q Sonar, for surface ships
R Radio receiver
S Search
T Radio transmitter
U Remote control
V Radar display
W Submarine sonar
X Experimental
Y Radar homing beacon
Z Airborne navigational aids, later replaced with ARN and APN

Multi-service classifications

Multi-service classification codes according to the Joint Electronics Type Designation System.

Specific radar systems

  • AN/BPS-11 Surface search radar, for submarines.
  • AN/BPS-15 Surface search radar, for submarines.[49]
  • AN/BPS-16 Surface search radar, for submarines.
  • AN/SPG-34 Tracking radar for Mark 63 Gun Fire Control System.
  • AN/SPG-35 Tracking radar for Mark 56 Gun Fire Control System.
  • AN/SPG-49 Illumination and tracking radar associated with RIM-8 Talos fire control system.[49]
  • AN/SPG-51 Illumination and tracking radar for Mk74 "Tartar" Guided Missile Fire Control System[49]
  • AN/SPG-53 Gunfire control radar.[49]
  • AN/SPG-55 Illumination and tracking radar for Terrier Guided Missile Fire Control System.[49]
  • AN/SPG-59 Multifunction radar for Typhon combat system. Canceled 1963.
  • AN/SPG-60 Illumination and tracking radar.[49]
  • AN/SPG-62 Illumination radar for Aegis combat system.[49]
  • AN/SPN-35 Precision Approach Radar (PAR), derived from AN/TPN-8
  • AN/SPN-41
  • AN/SPN-42
  • AN/SPN-43
  • AN/SPN-44
  • AN/SPN-45
  • AN/SPN-46
  • AN/SPN-50. Replacement for the AN/SPN-43. Based on the SPS-77 (Sea Giraffe AMB)
  • AN/SPQ-5 Early beam emitting radar for early model Terrier missiles
  • AN/SPQ-9 2D surface search radar[49]
  • AN/SPQ-10
  • AN/SPQ-11 Cobra Judy phased array radar
  • AN/SPS-2 Long range height finding radar by General Electric.[50]
  • AN/SPS-3 Also known as XDK, 3D target designator/rapid volume search radar jointly developed by MIT Radiation Laboratory and Naval Research Laboratory.[50]
  • AN/SPS-4 Surface and low altitude air search radar by Raytheon.[50]
  • AN/SPS-6 2D air search radar
  • AN/SPS-8 2D height finding radar
  • AN/SPS-10 2D surface search radar[49]
  • AN/SPS-12 2D air/surface search radar
  • AN/SPS-17 2D air search radar
  • AN/SPS-29 2D air search radar[49]
  • AN/SPS-30 3D air search radar[49]
  • AN/SPS-32 Part of SCANFAR system.[49]
  • AN/SPS-33 Part of SCANFAR system.[49]
  • AN/SPS-37 2D air search radar[49]
  • AN/SPS-39 3D air search radar[49]
  • AN/SPS-40 2D air search radar[49]
  • AN/SPS-41 Navigational radar for small boats.[50]
  • AN/SPS-43 2D air search radar[49]
  • AN/SPS-46 Navigational radar for small boats by Lavoie Laboratories.[50]
  • AN/SPS-48 3D air search radar[49]
  • AN/SPS-49 2D air search radar (long ranged)[49]
  • AN/APS-51 Successor of AN/APS-46.[50]
  • AN/SPS-52 3D air search radar[49]
  • AN/SPS-53 Navigational radar by Sperry Corporation.[50]
  • AN/SPS-54 Surface search radar by Sperry Corp.[51]
  • AN/SPS-55 2D surface search radar[49]
  • AN/APS-57 Small boats navigational radar by Ridge Electronics.[50]
  • AN/SPS-58 Low altitude 2D air search radar[49]
  • AN/SPS-59 Military designation for the LN-66 short-range navigation radar manufactured by Marconi of Canada. In service in many US Navy ships as well as in the SH-2F LAMPS I ASW helicopter.
  • AN/SPS-60 Solid state version of AN/APS-53.[50]
  • AN/SPS-61 Teledyne-Ryan's entrant into the 1967 emergency missile-detection radar program won by Westinghouse's AN/SPS-58, never went to production.[52]
  • AN/SPS-62 Westinghouse's improvement of AN/SPS-58 with nine examples were ordered in 1973 but quickly cancelled, it appears that Westinghouse simply rolled some of AN/SPS-62's features into AN/SPS-58D.[53]
  • AN/SPS-63 US designation for Italian 3RM-20H surface search radars by Dynell Electronics.[50]
  • AN/SPS-64 Navigation radar, a surface navigation and search radar, made by Raytheon and used both commercially (brand name Mariner's Pathfinder) and by navies worldwide.
  • AN/SPS-65 Development of AN/SPS-58 by Westinghouse as a low altitude radar that is part of the Mark 91 Fire Control System for the Sea Sparrow air defense missiles.[54]
  • AN/SPS-66 Small boat navigational radar by Raytheon.[50]
  • AN/SPS-67 2D surface search radar[49]
  • AN/APS-69 Military designation for Raytheon R41X, with a simple slotted-waveguide bar-type antenna, and a 7" colour CRT display.[55]
  • AN/ASB-12 Airborne search radar/autonav/bomb director set used by the Navy RA5C Recon. aircraft
  • AN/SPS-71 Improved AN/APS-69 with a dielectric dome protector for the antenna and a 10" color CRT control console with more features.[55]
  • AN/SPS-72 Raster-scan collision avoidance radar (RASCAR) by Sperry.[56]
  • AN/SPS-73(V)18 Next Generation Surface Search Radar (NGSSR) by Ultra Electronics Ocean Systems[57]
  • AN/SPS-74 Anti-submarine surface radar by Ultra Electronics 3 Phoenix.[58]
  • AN/SPS-75 US designation of TRS-3D radar.[59]
  • AN/SPS-76 Long range 3D air/maritime/surface search/surveillance radar by ITT Excelis.[60]
  • AN/SPS-77 US designation of Sea Giraffe AMB (Agile Multi-Beam) radar.[61]
  • AN/SPS-80 US designation of Hensoldt TRS-4D radar [62]
  • AN/SPW-2 RIM-8 Talos guidance radar[49]
  • AN/SPY-1 3D phased array air search radar part of Aegis Combat System[49]
  • AN/SPY-2
  • AN/SPY-3 3D phased array air search, tracking, and target illumination radar; part of Dual Band Radar
  • AN/SPY-4 Volume search element of Dual Band Radar
  • AN/SPY-6 Modular phased array search and tracking radar
  • AN/SPY-7 Version of Long Range Discrimination Radar adapted for the Aegis system


  • AN/TPY-2 Forward Based X-Band Transportable (FBX-T)


AN/APB Series
AN/APD Series
AN/APG Series
AN/APN Series
AN/APQ Series
AN/APS Series
AN/APY Series
AN/AWG Series


See also


  1. "official site". Archived from the original on 2009-02-21. Retrieved 2010-01-08.
  2. First INKAN deployed in 2005
  3. LaNacion: Más plata para reequipamiento militar Archived 2011-05-31 at the Wayback Machine LaNacion:Comprará el Gobierno 11 radares Archived 2011-05-31 at the Wayback Machine (in Spanish)
  4. En materia de seguridad aérea, Invap construyó 11 modelos del Radar Secundario Monopulso Argentino (RSMA) del plan de radarización que se impulsó en 2005, con una inversión cercana a los 100 millones de pesos, ... Invap desarrollará 11 radares más para completar el control aéreo nacional hacia el noreste y sur del país, con una inversión de 126 millones de pesos y un plazo de instalación hacia fines de 2011.
  5. "INVAP - Radares". Archived from the original on 2011-12-19. Retrieved 2011-12-24.
  6. ":: Ministerio de Defensa - República Argentina ::". Archived from the original on 2011-07-18. Retrieved 2022-03-15.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
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