Altarpiece of Antonio Dusi in Brescia.
Altarpiece of Antonio Dusi in Brescia.

Antonio Dusi was an Italian painter of the Baroque period, mainly active in Brescia. He was initially a pupil of Antonio Paglia. One of his pupils was Santo Cattaneo.


  • Nicoli Cristiani, Federico (1807). Della Vita delle pitture di Lattanzio Gambara; Memorie Storiche aggiuntevi brevi notizie intorno a' più celebri ed eccelenti pittori Bresciani. Brescia: Spinelli e Valgiti. p. 155. He painted the St Charles, Antony of Padua, Anne and Joseph venerate the Crucifix used for a main altarpiece in the church of Madonna del Lino, Brescia.

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