Chamoun, Chamun or Shamoun (Syriac: ܫܡܥܘܢ; Arabic: شمعون), is an Aramaic given name and family name and a variant of Symeon and Shimun.

Notable persons with that surname include:

List of persons with the surname

Chamoun family

  • Camille Chamoun (1900–1987), Lebanese politician, President of Lebanon from 1952 to 1958
  • Dany Chamoun (1934–1990), Lebanese politician, son of Camille Chamoun
  • Dory Chamoun (born 1931), Lebanese politician, son of Camille Chamoun
  • Tracy Chamoun (born 1962), Lebanese-Australian author and political activist, daughter of Dany Chamoun

Other persons

List of persons with the given name

See also

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