Fluorescent dyeColormass (g/mol)Absorb (nm)Emit (nm)ε (M−1cm−1)
FluoProbes 390violet34339047924 000
FluoProbes 488green80449351985 000
FluoProbes 532yellow765532553117 000
FluoProbes547Horange736557574150 000
FluoProbes 594red1137601627120 000
FluoProbes647Hfar-red761653674250 000
FluoProbes 682far-red853690709140 000
FluoProbes 752near-IR879748772270 000
FluoProbes 782near-IR976783800170 000
Abs = absorption maximum#, Em = emission maximum# ..................................[1]
ε = molar extinction coefficient

The FluoProbes series of fluorescent dyes were developed by Interchim to improve performances of standard fluorophores. They are designed for labeling biomolecules, cells, tissues or beads[2] in advanced fluorescent detection techniques.

  FluoProbes dyeColorLight sources (spectral line)
FluoProbes 390violetDiode laser
FluoProbes 488
cyanArgon laser (488.0nm), Krypton laser (482.5nm)
FluoProbes 532yellowHelium–neon laser (632.8nm)
FluoProbes 547H
orangeArgon laser (528.7nm)
FluoProbes 594
redArgon laser (528.7nm)
FluoProbes 647H
far redKrypton laser (647.1nm), Laser (633nm)

Similar lines of fluorescent dyes provide an alternative to the FluoProbes Dyes.


  1. "FluoProbes Dyes" (PDF). Interchim. 2010. Retrieved 2010-03-04.
  2. Article Savina A. ; Cell 126, 205–218, July 14, 2006 (Phagosome Neutrality in Host Defense)
  3. Lightning technology from Innova BioSciences
  4. Article Brunner ; Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2007, 6.6, pp.1007-1017
  5. AnnexinV-FluoProbes488 comparison in FCM
  6. FluoProbes labeling agent
  7. FluoProbes488 comparison to FITC, Cyanine2
  8. FluoProbes547H comparison in Confocal Microscopy
  9. "FluoProbes Dyes" (PDF). Interchim. 2010. Retrieved 2010-03-01.
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