Fulcuich (Fulcois) Count of Mortagne, son of Rotrou, Seigneur de Nogent. It has been conjectured that Fulcuich's ancestor was Hervé I, Lord of Mortagne-au-Perche, through his supposed mother, Hildegarde de Mortagne et Perche, wife of Rotrou, who is a known daughter of Hervé.

Fulcuich married Melisende, Viscountess of Châteaudun, daughter of Hugues, Viscount of Châteaudun, and Hildegarde of Perche. Fulcuich and Melisende had two children:

Fulcuich was presumably succeeded as count by his son Geoffrey.


  • Kerrebrouck, Patrick van, Nouvelle histoire généalogique de l'auguste maison de France, vol. 1: La Préhistoire des Capétiens. 1993.

  • Reuter, Timothy (Editor), The New Cambridge Medieval History, Volume III, 900-1024, Cambridge University Press, 1999
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