Interlobular veins
Scheme of renal tubule and its vascular supply.
Drains fromEfferent arteriole
Drains toArcuate vein
ArteryInterlobular arteries
Latinvenae interlobulares renis
Anatomical terminology

The stellate veins join to form the interlobular veins, which pass inward between the rays, receive branches from the plexuses around the convoluted tubules, and, having arrived at the bases of the renal pyramids, join with the venae rectae.


Public domain This article incorporates text in the public domain from page 1224 of the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)

  • Histology image: 16015loa – Histology Learning System at Boston University - "Urinary System: kidney, H&E, interlobular artery and vein"

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