Juris Sokolovskis (Russian: Юрий Николаевич Соколовский, transcribed: Yuriy Nikolayevich Sokolovskiy) (born 13 June 1976 in Riga) is a Latvian lawyer and politician, member of the 7th, 8th and 9th Saeima, and co-chairman of ForHRUL from 2007 to 2011.
1996 — Sokolovskis takes part in founding the Equal Rights party and joins the Latvian Human Rights Committee.
1998 — Sokolovskis is elected to the 7th Saeima, becoming the youngest MP in Saeima's history.
1999 — Sokolovskis achieves a bachelor's degree in law.
2001 — Sokolovskis achieves a master's degree in law.
2002 — Sokolovskis is re-elected to Saeima.
2003 March—June — Sokolovskis becomes head of ForHRUL group in the Saeima.
2004 May—June — Sokolovskis temporarily serves as MEP from Latvia.
Since 2005 — Sokolovskis serves as the co-chairman of ForHRUL youth organization.
2006 — Sokolovskis is re-elected to the Saeima (serving until 2010).
2007—2011 — Sokolovskis served as co-chairman of ForHRUL.