Kobad lived in the Alborz mountains and it was Rostam who brought him to the Istakhr capital.

Kay Kawad (also known as Kay Qobad, Avestan š¬š¬€š¬Žš¬Žš¬Œ š¬š¬€š¬Žš¬Žš¬š¬™š¬€ Kauui Kauuāta) is a mythological figure of Iranian folklore and oral tradition. The 'Kay' stock epithet identifies Kawad as a Kayanian, a mythological dynasty that in tradition Kay Kawad was also the founder of.

In the tradition preserved in the Shahnameh, Kay Kawad was a descendant of Manuchehr, and lived in the Alborz mountains, and was brought to the Estaxr (the capital) by Rustam. Under Nowzar, who loses the xvarənah for oppressing the Iranians, the Pishdādi dynasty grows weak, and Iran falls to the Aniranian General Afrasiab, who kills Nowzar in battle. Then however, Kawad defeats Afrasiyab in personal combat, and for this feat and because he possesses the xvarənah he is elected king by the Iranians, and the descendants of Nowzarā€”Zou, Garshasp and Gasthamā€”pay him allegiance.

Sources and references

  • Abolqasem Ferdowsi, Dick Davis trans. (2006), Shahnameh: The Persian Book of Kings ISBN 0-670-03485-1, modern English translation (abridged), current standard
  • Warner, Arthur and Edmond Warner, (translators) The Shahnama of Firdausi, 9 vols. (London: Keegan Paul, 1905-1925) (complete English verse translation)
  • Shirzad Aghaee, Nam-e kasan va ja'i-ha dar Shahnama-ye Ferdousi (Personalities and Places in the Shahnama of Ferdousi, Nykƶping, Sweden, 1993. (ISBN 91-630-1959-0)
  • Jalal Khāleghi Motlagh, Editor, The Shahnameh, to be published in 8 volumes (ca. 500 pages each), consisting of six volumes of text and two volumes of explanatory notes. See: Center for Iranian Studies, Columbia University.
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