Lady Sun
SpouseXu Zhen
IssueXu Kun
FatherSun Zhong

Lady Sun or Sun Shi (孫氏) was a Chinese noblewoman from the late Eastern Han dynasty to the early Three Kingdoms period. She was the sister of the warlord Sun Jian. She was also the mother of Xu Kun, an advisor of the warlord Sun Ce. Sun Quan's concubine Lady Xu was Lady Sun's granddaughter. She is best known for accompanying the army and aiding Sun Ce in his fight against Liu Yao in the Campaign to conquer Jiangdong.[1]


Lady Sun was the daughter of Sun Zhong and the sister of Sun Jian. She married Xu Zhen (徐真), who was a close acquaintance of Sun Jian, leading to the birth of Xu Kun. Lady Sun's son, in his youth, served in provincial and commandery offices, although he left his post to serve Sun Jian in battle as his Lieutenant General, and later became an adviser to Sun Ce. Xu Kun's daughter, Lady Xu married Sun Quan, the founder of the Eastern Wu. When Sun Quan was crowned emperor, and Sun Deng (Lady Xu's adopted son) was made his crown prince, the authorities asked Sun Quan to make Lady Xu empress.[2]

Campaign of Jiangdong

After Sun Jian's death, Xu Kun follows his cousin Sun Ce. In 195, Sun Ce led troops to attack Liu Yao, clashing with subordinates, Fan Neng (樊能), Yu Mi (于糜) on the Heng River, and Zhang Ying (張英) on the Danglikou (east of present-day He County, Anhui). At the time, Sun Ce's troops had few military ships, being parked and waiting. Lady Sun was in the army at the time, and proposed a stratagem to Xu Kun; her suggestion to Kun was to build rafts to cross the riverine territory before Zhang Ying's navies could amass. She proposed a surprise attack, advising that if Sun Ce waited too long, it would be harmful. Xu Kun passed Lady Sun's strategy to Sun Ce. The strategy was accepted and Sun Ce secured victory against Liu Yao in his campaign to conquer Jiangdong.[1]


  1. 1 2 (吳主權徐夫人,吳郡富春人也。祖父真,與權父堅相親,堅以妹妻真,生琨。琨少仕州郡,漢末擾亂,去吏,隨堅征伐有功,拜偏將軍。堅薨,隨孫策討樊能、於糜等於橫江,擊張英於當利口。而船少,欲駐軍更求。琨母時在軍中,謂琨曰:「恐州家多發水軍來逆人,則不利矣,如何可駐邪?宜伐蘆葦以為泭,佐船渡軍。」〈泭音敷。郭璞注《方言》曰:「泭,水中簰也。」〉琨具啟策,策即行之。眾悉俱濟,遂破英,擊走笮融、劉繇,事業克定。策表琨領丹楊太守,會吳景委廣陵來東,復為丹楊守。) Sanguozhi vol. 50.
  2. (積十餘年,權為吳王及即尊號,登為太子,群臣請立夫人為后,權意在步氏,卒不許。後以疾卒。) Sanguozhi vol. 50.

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