Therapeutic, diagnostic and preventive monoclonal antibodies are clones of a single parent cell. When used as drugs, the International Nonproprietary Names (INNs) end in -mab. The remaining syllables of the INNs, as well as the column Source, are explained in Nomenclature of monoclonal antibodies.

Types of monoclonal antibodies with other structures than naturally occurring antibodies.

The abbreviations in the column Type are as follows:

This list of over 500 monoclonal antibodies includes approved and investigational drugs as well as drugs that have been withdrawn from market; consequently, the column Use does not necessarily indicate clinical usage. See the list of FDA-approved therapeutic monoclonal antibodies in the monoclonal antibody therapy page.

NameBrand nameTypeSourceTargetApprovedUse
3F8mabmouseGD2 gangliosideneuroblastoma
Abagovomab[1]mabmouseCA-125 (imitation)ovarian cancer
Abciximab[2]ReoProFabchimericCD41 (integrin alpha-IIb)Y[3]platelet aggregation inhibitor
Abrilumab[6]mabhumanintegrin α4 β7inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease
Actoxumab[6]mabhumanClostridium difficileClostridium difficile colitis
Adalimumab[7]HumiramabhumanTNF-αY[8]rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, plaque psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, hemolytic disease of the newborn
Adecatumumab[9]mabhumanEpCAMprostate and breast cancer
Aducanumab[10]AduhelmmabhumanAmyloid betaY[11]Alzheimer's disease
Afasevikumab[12]mabhumanIL-17A, IL-17Fmultiple sclerosis
Alacizumab pegol[13]F(ab')2humanizedVEGFR2cancer
Alemtuzumab[14]Lemtrada, CampathmabhumanizedCD52Ymultiple sclerosis
Altumomab pentetateHybri-ceakermabmouseCarcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)colorectal cancer (diagnosis)
AmivantamabRybrevantBsAbhumanEpidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), cMetYnon-small cell lung cancer
Anatumomab mafenatox[17]FabmouseTumor-associated glycoprotein 72 (TAG-72)non-small cell lung cancer
Andecaliximab[18]mabchimericgelatinase Bgastric cancer or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma
Anetumab ravtansine[4]mabhumanmesothelin (MSLN)cancer
Anifrolumab[4]SaphnelomabhumanIFN-α/β receptorY[19]systemic lupus erythematosus
AnsuvimabEbangamabhumanEbola virus glycoproteinYtreatment of Zaire ebolavirus (Ebola virus)
(= IMA-638)[20]
Apolizumab[21]mabhumanizedHLA-DRhematological cancers
Aprutumab ixadotin[22]mabhumanFGFR2
Arcitumomab[23]CEA-ScanFab'mouseCarcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)gastrointestinal cancers (diagnosis)
Ascrinvacumab[12]mabhumanactivin receptor-like kinase 1cancer
Aselizumab[24]mabhumanizedL-selectin (CD62L)severely injured patients
Atidortoxumab[26]mabhumanStaphylococcus aureus alpha toxin
Atoltivimabmabhumanpart of Atoltivimab/maftivimab/odesivimab for treatment of Zaire ebolavirus (Ebola virus)
Atoltivimab/maftivimab/odesivimabInmazebmabhumanYtreatment of Zaire ebolavirus (Ebola virus)
Atorolimumab[2]mabhumanRhesus factorhemolytic disease of the newborn
Azintuxizumab vedotin[27]mabchimeric/
Bamlanivimab[28]mabhumanspike protein receptor binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) when used with etesevimab[29]COVID-19
Bapineuzumab[30]mabhumanizedβ-amyloidAlzheimer's disease
Basiliximab[31]SimulectmabchimericCD25 (α chain of IL-2 receptor)Yprevention of organ transplant rejections
Bavituximab[1]mabchimericphosphatidylserinecancer, viral infections
Bebtelovimab[32]mabhumanspike protein receptor binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)[33]COVID-19
Bectumomab[31]LymphoScanFab'mouseCD22non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (detection)
Bedinvetmab[34]Librela[35]mabveterinarynerve growth factor (NGF)[35]Ypain associated with osteoarthritis in dogs[35]
Belantamab mafodotin[5]BlenrepmabhumanizedB-cell maturation antigen (BCMA)Yrelapsed or refractory multiple myeloma
Belimumab[36]BenlystamabhumanB-cell activating factor (BAFF)Ysystemic lupus erythematosus without renal or CNS involvement
Bemarituzumab[26]mabhumanizedFGFR2gastric cancer or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma
Berlimatoxumab[26]mabhumanStaphylococcus aureus bi-component leukocidin
Bermekimab[31]XilonixmabhumanIL-1αcolorectal cancer
Bertilimumab[24]mabhumanCCL11 (eotaxin-1)severe allergic disorders
Besilesomab[38]ScintimunmabmouseCarcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)-related antigeninflammatory lesions and metastases (detection)
Bevacizumab[14]AvastinmabhumanizedVEGF-AYmetastatic cancer, retinopathy of prematurity
Bezlotoxumab[31]ZinplavamabhumanClostridium difficileYClostridium difficile colitis
Biciromab[31]FibriScintFab'mousefibrin II, beta chainthromboembolism (diagnosis)
Bimagrumab[39]mabhumanACVR2Bmyostatin inhibitor
Bimekizumab[10]BimzelxmabhumanizedIL-17A, IL-17F, IL-17AFYpsoriasis
Birtamimabmabchimericserum amyloid A proteinamyloidosis
Bivatuzumab[31]mabhumanizedCD44 v6squamous cell carcinoma
Bleselumab[12]mabhumanCD40organ transplant rejection
Blinatumomab[31]BlincytoBiTEmouseCD19Ypre-B Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) (CD19+)
Brazikumab[18]mabhumanIL-23Crohn's disease
Brentuximab vedotin[31]AdcentrismabchimericCD30 (TNFRSF8)YHodgkin's lymphoma, anaplastic large-cell lymphoma
Briakinumab[31]mabhumanIL-12, IL-23psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel diseases, multiple sclerosis
Brodalumab[41]SiliqmabhumanIL-17YPlaque psoriasis
Brolucizumab[25]BeovuscFvhumanizedvascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA)Ywet age-related macular degeneration
Brontictuzumab[6]mabhumanizedNotch 1cancer
Burosumab[18]CrysvitamabhumanFGF 23YX-linked hypophosphatemia
Cabiralizumab[40]mabhumanizedCSF1Rmetastatic pancreatic cancer
Camidanlumab tesirine[26]mabhumanCD25 (α chain of IL-2 receptor)B-cell Hodgkin's lymphoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia
Camrelizumab[22]mabhumanizedPD-1hepatocellular carcinoma
Canakinumab[42]IlarismabhumanIL-1Ycryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome, Yao's Syndrome, Adult Onset Still's Disease
Cantuzumab mertansine[41]mabhumanizedCanAg (a glycoform of MUC1)colorectal cancer etc.
Cantuzumab ravtansine[41]mabhumanizedCanAg (a glycoform of MUC1)cancers
Caplacizumab[43]CablivisdAbhumanizedVWFYthrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, thrombosis
Casirivimab[28]mabhumanspike protein receptor binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2Yes when used with imdevimab[44][45]COVID-19
Capromab[31]ProstascintmabmouseGlutamate carboxypeptidase IIYprostate cancer (detection)
Carlumab[16]mabhumanMCP-1oncology/immune indications
Catumaxomab[30]Removab3functrat/mouse hybridEpCAM, CD3Yovarian cancer, malignant ascites, gastric cancer
cBR96-doxorubicin immunoconjugatemabhumanizedLewis-Y antigencancer
Cedelizumab[46]mabhumanizedCD4prevention of organ transplant rejections, treatment of autoimmune diseases
Cemiplimab[31]LibtayomabhumanPD-1Ycutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
Cergutuzumab amunaleukin[12]mabhumanizedIL-2cancer
Certolizumab pegol[42]CimziaFab'humanizedTNF-αYCrohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, axial spondyloarthritis, psoriasis arthritis
Cetuximab[31]ErbituxmabchimericEpidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)Ymetastatic colorectal cancer and head and neck cancer
Cilgavimab[28]mabhumanspike protein receptor binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) when used with tixagevimab[47]COVID-19
Cirmtuzumab[31]humanizedROR1chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Citatuzumab bogatox[48]FabhumanizedEpCAMovarian cancer and other solid tumors
Cixutumumab[31]mabhumanIGF-1 receptor (CD221)solid tumors
Clazakizumab[49]mabhumanizedIL-6rheumatoid arthritis
Clenoliximab[31]mabchimericCD4rheumatoid arthritis
Clivatuzumab tetraxetan[31]hPAM4-CidemabhumanizedMUC1pancreatic cancer
Codrituzumab[4]mabhumanizedglypican 3cancer
Cofetuzumab pelidotin[26]mabhumanizedPTK7cancer
Coltuximab ravtansine[4]mabchimericCD19cancer
Concizumab[50]Alhemomabhumanizedtissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI)Ybleeding with hemophilia
Cosfroviximab[27]ZMappmabchimericebolavirus glycoproteinEbola virus
Crenezumab[31]mabhumanizedβ-amyloid (1-40 and 1-42)Alzheimer's disease
Crizanlizumab[22]Adakveomabhumanizedselectin PYsickle-cell disease
Crotedumab[40]mabhumanglucagon receptor (GCGR)diabetes
CR6261mabhumanHemagglutinin (influenza)infectious disease/influenza A
Dacetuzumab[13]mabhumanizedCD40hematologic cancers
Daclizumab[51]ZenapaxmabhumanizedCD25 (α chain of IL-2 receptor)Yprevention of organ transplant rejections, multiple sclerosis
DalotuzumabmabhumanizedIGF-1 receptor (CD221)cancer etc.
Dapirolizumab pegol[52]mabhumanizedCD154 (CD40L)
Daratumumab[53]DarzalexmabhumanCD38Y[54]multiple myeloma
Denintuzumab mafodotin[6]mabhumanizedCD19cancer
Denosumab[55]ProliamabhumanRANKLYosteoporosis, bone metastases etc.
Depatuxizumab mafodotin[22]mabchimeric/
Derlotuximab biotinmabchimerichistone complexrecurrent glioblastoma multiforme
DetumomabmabmouseB-lymphoma celllymphoma
Dezamizumab[22]mabhumanizedserum amyloid P component
DinutuximabUnituxinmabchimericGD2 gangliosideYneuroblastoma
Dinutuximab betaQarzibamabchimericGD2 gangliosideYneuroblastoma
DiridavumabmabhumanHemagglutinin (influenza)influenza A
Domagrozumab[40]mabhumanizedGDF-8Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Donanemab mab humanized Amyloid beta Alzheimer's disease
Dorlimomab aritox[56]F(ab')2mouse
Dostarlimab[57]JemperlimabhumanizedPCDP1Yendometrial cancer
DrozitumabmabhumanDR5cancer etc.
DS-8201humanizedHER2gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma
Duligotuzumab[15]mabhumanizedERBB3 (HER3)testicular cancer
Dupilumab[39]DupixentmabhumanIL-4RαYatopic dermatitis, asthma, nasal polyps
DusigitumabmabhumanIGF-2B-cell malignancies
CD19, CD3Ecancer
Ecromeximab[21]mabchimericGD3 gangliosidemalignant melanoma
Eculizumab[21]SolirismabhumanizedC5Yparoxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome
Edobacomabmabmouseendotoxinsepsis caused by Gram-negative bacteria
EdrecolomabPanorexmabmouseEpCAMcolorectal carcinoma
Efalizumab[7]RaptivamabhumanizedLFA-1 (CD11a)psoriasis (blocks T-cell migration)
Efungumab[1]MycograbscFvhumanHsp90invasive Candida infection
Eldelumab[4]mabhumanCXCL10 (IP-10)Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis
Elezanumab[22]mabhumanrepulsive guidance molecule A (RGMA)spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis
Elgemtumab[25]mabhumanERBB3 (HER3)cancer
ElotuzumabEmplicitimabhumanizedSLAMF7Ymultiple myeloma
Emapalumab[22]GamifantmabhumanIFN-γYhemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
Emicizumab[12]HemlibraBsAbhumanizedactivated F9, F10Yhaemophilia A
Enapotamab vedotin[5]mabhumanAXLcancer
EnavatuzumabmabhumanizedTWEAK receptorcancer etc.
Enfortumab vedotin[4]Padcevmabhumannectin-4Y[58]urothelial cancer
Enlimomab pegol[59]mabmouseICAM-1 (CD54)
EpcoritamabEpkinly[60][61]BiTEhumanizedCD3, CD20Ydiffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Epitumomab cituxetan[62]mabmouseepisialin
EpratuzumabmabhumanizedCD22cancer, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
Eptinezumab[22]Vyeptimabhumanizedcalcitonin gene-related peptideY[63]migraine
Erenumab[22]Aimovigmabhumancalcitonin gene-related peptide receptor (CGRP)Ymigraine
Erlizumab[64]F(ab')2humanizedITGB2 (CD18)heart attack, stroke, traumatic shock
Ertumaxomab[30]Rexomun3functrat/mouse hybridHER2/neu, CD3Ybreast cancer etc.
EtaracizumabAbegrinmabhumanizedintegrin αvβ3Ymelanoma, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer etc.
Etesevimab[28]mabhumanspike protein receptor binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) when used with bamlanivimab[29]COVID-19
Etrolizumab[16]mabhumanizedintegrin β7inflammatory bowel disease
EvinacumabEvkeezamabhumanangiopoietin 3Ydyslipidemia
Exbivirumab[65]mabhumanhepatitis B surface antigenhepatitis B
Fanolesomab[17]NeutroSpecmabmouseCD15appendicitis (diagnosis)
FaralimomabmabmouseIFN receptor
Faricimab[66]VabysmomabhumanizedVEGF-A and Ang-2Yangiogenesis, ocular vascular diseases
Farletuzumabmabhumanizedfolate receptor 1ovarian cancer
Fasinumabmabhumannerve growth factor (NGF)acute sciatic pain
FBTA05[67][68]Lymphomun3functrat/mouse hybridCD20chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Felvizumabmabhumanizedrespiratory syncytial virusrespiratory syncytial virus infection
Fezakinumab[69][70]mabhumanIL-22rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis
Fibatuzumab[71]mabhumanizedephrin receptor A3
FiclatuzumabmabhumanizedHepatocyte growth factor (HGF)cancer etc.
FigitumumabmabhumanIGF-1 receptor (CD221)adrenocortical carcinoma, non-small cell lung carcinoma etc.
Firivumab[6]mabhumanHemagglutinin (influenza)
FlanvotumabmabhumanTYRP1 (glycoprotein 75)melanoma
FletikumabmabhumanIL-20rheumatoid arthritis
Flotetuzumab[5]di-scFvhumanizedIL-3 receptorhematological malignancies
Fontolizumab[21]HuZAFmabhumanizedIFN-γCrohn's disease etc.
Foravirumab[48]mabhumanrabies virus glycoproteinrabies (prophylaxis)
Fremanezumab[22]Ajovymabhumanizedcalcitonin gene-related peptide alpha and betaYmigraine
Fresolimumab[53]mabhumanTGF-βidiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, cancer
Frunevetmab[73]Solensia[74]mabveterinarynerve growth factor (NGF)[74]Ypain associated with osteoarthritis in cats[74]
Fulranumabmabhumannerve growth factor (NGF)pain
Futuximab[15]mabchimericEpidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)cancer
GaliximabmabchimericCD80B-cell lymphoma
GanitumabmabhumanIGF-1 receptor (CD221)cancer
Gantenerumab[42]mabhumanβ-amyloid (1-40 and 1-42)Alzheimer's disease
Gavilimomab[64]mabmouseCD147 (basigin)graft versus host disease
Gedivumab[27]mabhumanHemagglutinin (influenza)
Gemtuzumab ozogamicin[22]MylotargmabhumanizedCD33Yacute myelogenous leukemia
GevokizumabmabhumanizedIL-1βdiabetes etc.
Gimsilumab[26]mabhumanCSF2rheumatoid arthritis
Girentuximab[53]Rencarexmabchimericcarbonic anhydrase 9 (CA-IX)clear cell renal cell carcinoma[75]
Glembatumumab vedotin[37][76]mabhumanGPNMBmelanoma, breast cancer
Glofitamab[60]Columvi[77]BsAbhumanizedCD20, CD3Y[77]diffuse large B-cell lymphoma[77]
Golimumab[65]SimponimabhumanTNF-αYrheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis
GomiliximabmabchimericCD23 (IgE receptor)allergic asthma
Gosuranemabmabhumanizedtau proteinprogressive supranuclear palsy
Ianalumab[26]mabhumanBAFF-Rautoimmune hepatitis
Ibalizumab[42]TrogarzomabhumanizedCD4YHIV infection
SintilimabhumanPD-1squamous cell non-small cell lung cancer
Ibritumomab tiuxetanZevalinmabmouseCD20Ynon-Hodgkin's lymphoma
IcrucumabmabhumanVEGFR-1cancer etc.
Idarucizumab[4]PraxbindmabhumanizeddabigatranYreversal of anticoagulant effects of dabigatran
Ifabotuzumab[22]mabhumanizedEPHA3glioblastoma multiforme[78]
IgovomabIndimacis-125F(ab')2mouseCA-125ovarian cancer (diagnosis)
Iladatuzumab vedotin[26]mabhumanizedCD79Bcancer
Imalumab[6]mabhumanmacrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF)cancer
Imaprelimab[5]mabhumanizedmelanoma cell adhesion molecule (MCAM)
ImciromabMyoscintmabmousecardiac myosinYcardiac imaging
Imdevimab[28]mabhumanspike protein receptor binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2Yes when used with casirivimab[44][45]COVID-19
Imgatuzumab[15]mabhumanizedEpidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)cancer
Inclacumab[43]mabhumanselectin Pcardiovascular disease
Indatuximab ravtansine[41]mabchimericSDC1cancer
Indusatumab vedotin[25]mabhumanGUCY2Ccancer
Inebilizumab[12]UpliznamabhumanizedCD19Y[79]cancer, systemic sclerosis, multiple sclerosis
InfliximabRemicademabchimericTNF-αYrheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis
Intetumumab[80][81]mabhumanCD51solid tumors (prostate cancer, melanoma)
InolimomabmabmouseCD25 (α chain of IL-2 receptor)graft versus host disease
Inotuzumab ozogamicin[38]BesponsamabhumanizedCD22YAcute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
Iomab-BmouseCD45ablation of bone marrow
Iratumumab[55]mabhumanCD30 (TNFRSF8)Hodgkin's lymphoma
IsatuximabSarclisamabchimericCD38Ymultiple myeloma
Istiratumab[26]mabhumanIGF-1 receptor (CD221)advanced solid tumors
IxekizumabTaltzmabhumanizedIL-17AYautoimmune diseases
KeliximabmabchimericCD4chronic asthma
Labetuzumab[7]CEA-CidemabhumanizedCarcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)colorectal cancer
Lacnotuzumab[27]mabhumanizedCSF1, macrophage colony stimulating factor (MCSF)cancer
Ladiratuzumab vedotin[26]mabhumanizedLIV-1cancer
Lampalizumab[15]FabhumanizedComplement factor D (CFD)geographic atrophy secondary to age-related macular degeneration
Landogrozumab[12]mabhumanizedGDF-8muscle wasting disorders
Laprituximab emtansine[40]mabchimericepidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)
Larcaviximab[27]mabchimericebolavirus glycoproteinEbola virus
Lecanemab[82]Leqembimabhumanizedβ-amyloidY[83]Alzheimer's disease
Lemalesomab[64]mabmouseNCA-90 (granulocyte antigen)diagnostic agent
Lenvervimab[5]mabhumanizedhepatitis B surfage antigenhepatitis B
Lenzilumab[6]mabhumanCSF2chronic myelomonocytic leukemia and juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
Lerdelimumab[17]mabhumanTGF-β2reduction of scarring after glaucoma surgery
Leronlimab[5]mabhumanizedCCR5breast cancer, HIV
Lesofavumab[27]mabhumanHemagglutinin (influenza)
Letolizumab[27]scFvhumanizedtumor necrosis factor related activation protein (TRAP)inflammatory diseases
Libivirumab[65]mabhumanhepatitis B surface antigenhepatitis B
Lifastuzumab vedotinmabhumanizedphosphate-sodium co-transportercancer
Ligelizumab[15]mabhumanizedIGHEsevere asthma, chronic spontaneous urticaria
Loncastuximab tesirine[84][71]ZynlontamabchimericCD19Yrelapsed or refractory large B-cell lymphoma
Losatuxizumab vedotin[27]mabchimeric/
epidermal growth receptor factor (EGRF), ERBB1 HER1cancer
Lilotomab satetraxetan[25]mabmouseCD37cancer
Lirilumab[15]mabhumanKIR2Dsolid and hematological cancers
Lokivetmab[25]Cytopoint[85]mabveterinaryCanis lupus familiaris IL31Yclinical signs of atopic dermatitis in dogs[85]
Lorvotuzumab mertansinemabhumanizedCD56cancer
Lucatumumab[13]mabhumanCD40multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma
Lulizumab pegol[6]mabhumanizedCD28autoimmune diseases
Lumiliximab[9]mabchimericCD23 (IgE receptor)chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Lumretuzumab[6]mabhumanizedERBB3 (HER3)cancer
Lupartumab amadotin[22]mabhumanLYPD3
Maftivimabmabhumanpart of Atoltivimab/maftivimab/odesivimab for treatment of Zaire ebolavirus (Ebola virus)
MargetuximabMargenza[86]mabhumanizedHER2Ybreast cancer
Marstacimabmabhumantissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI)bleeding with hemophilia
MaslimomabmouseT-cell receptor
Mavrilimumab[37]mabhumanGMCSF receptor α-chainrheumatoid arthritis
Matuzumab[24]mabhumanizedEpidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)colorectal, lung and stomach cancer
Mepolizumab[46]BosatriamabhumanizedIL-5Yasthma and white blood cell diseases
Metelimumab[24]mabhumanTGF-β1systemic scleroderma
Milatuzumab[13]mabhumanizedCD74multiple myeloma and other hematological malignancies
MinretumomabmabmouseTAG-72tumor detection (and therapy?)
Mirikizumab[84]OmvohmabhumanizedIL-23Yulcerative colitis
Mirvetuximab soravtansine[12]Elaheremabchimericfolate receptor alphaY[87]ovarian cancer
MitumomabmabmouseGD3 gangliosidesmall cell lung carcinoma
ModotuximabmabchimericEGFR extracellular domain IIIcancer
Mogamulizumab[16]PoteligeomabhumanizedCCR4Yadult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma
Monalizumab[12]mabhumanizedNKG2Arheumatoid arthritis, gynecologic malignancies, and other cancers
Morolimumab[88]mabhumanRhesus factor
Mosunetuzumab[84]LunsumioBiTEhumanizedCD3E, MS4A1, CD20Y[89]follicular lymphoma
Motavizumab[1]Numaxmabhumanizedrespiratory syncytial virusrespiratory syncytial virus (prevention)
Moxetumomab pasudotoxLumoxitimabmouseCD22Yhairy cell leukemia
Muromonab-CD3[90][91]Orthoclone OKT3mabmouseCD3prevention of organ transplant rejections
Nacolomab tafenatoxFabmouseC242 antigencolorectal cancer
Naptumomab estafenatox[92]Fabmouse5T4non-small cell lung carcinoma, renal cell carcinoma
Naratuximab emtansine[40]mabchimericCD37
NarnatumabmabhumanMST1R (aka RON)cancer
Natalizumab[88]Tysabrimabhumanizedintegrin α4Ymultiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease
DLL4 and VEGFAcancer
Navivumab[12]mabhumanHemagglutinin (influenza)
NaxitamabDanyelzahumanizedc-MetYhigh-risk neuroblastoma and refractory osteomedullary disease
Necitumumab[93]PortrazzamabhumanEpidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)Ynon-small cell lung carcinoma
Nemolizumab[25]mabhumanizedIL-31 receptor Aeczema[94]
NEOD001humanizedamyloidprimary systemic amyloidosis
Nesvacumabmabhumanangiopoietin 2cancer
Netakimab[5]EfleiramabchimericIL-17Aplaque psoriasis
Nimotuzumab[55][95]BioMab-EGFR, Theracim, Theralocmabhumanizedepidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)Ysquamous cell carcinoma, head and neck cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, glioma
NirsevimabmabhumanRSV fusion glycoproteinrespiratory syncytial virus
Nofetumomab merpentanVerlumaFabmousecancer (diagnosis)
ObiltoxaximabAnthimmabchimericBacillus anthracis anthraxYBacillus anthracis spores
ObinutuzumabGazyvamabhumanizedCD20Ychronic lymphatic leukemia
Ocrelizumab[96]OcrevusmabhumanizedCD20Ymultiple sclerosis
Odesivimabmabhumanpart of Atoltivimab/maftivimab/odesivimab for treatment of Zaire ebolavirus (Ebola virus)
OdulimomabmabmouseLFA-1 (CD11a)prevention of organ transplant rejections, immunological diseases
Ofatumumab[30]Arzerra, Kesimpta[97]mabhumanCD20Ychronic lymphocytic leukemia, multiple sclerosis[97]
Oleclumab[27]mabhuman5'-nucleotidasepancreatic and colorectal cancer
Olendalizumab[27]mabhumanizedcomplement C5asystemic lupus erythematosus, lupus nephritis, acute graft-versus-hose disease
Olokizumab[72]mabhumanizedIL-6rheumatoid arthritis
Omalizumab[64]XolairmabhumanizedIgE Fc regionYallergic asthma, chronic spontaneous urticaria
OMS721humanMASP-2atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome
OnartuzumabFabhumanizedhuman scatter factor receptor kinasecancer
Onvatilimab[5]mabhumanVISTA (protein) (VSIR)
OpicinumabmabhumanLINGO-1multiple sclerosis
Oportuzumab monatox[93]ViciniumscFvhumanizedEpCAMbladder cancer
Oregovomab[17]OvaRexmabmouseCA-125ovarian cancer
CD3diabetes mellitus type 1
OtilimabmabhumanGMCSFosteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
OzanezumabmabhumanizedNOGO-AALS and multiple sclerosis
Pagibaximab[30]mabchimericlipoteichoic acidsepsis (Staphylococcus)
PalivizumabSynagis, AbbosynagismabhumanizedF protein of respiratory syncytial virusYrespiratory syncytial virus (prevention)
Pamrevlumab[12]mabhumanconnective tissue growth factor (CTGF)idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), pancreatic cancer
Panitumumab[65]Vectibixmabhumanepidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)Ycolorectal cancer
Pankomabmabhumanizedtumor specific glycosylation of MUC1ovarian cancer
Panobacumab[93]mabhumanPseudomonas aeruginosaPseudomonas aeruginosa infection
folate hydrolasecancer
Pateclizumab[41]mabhumanizedlymphotoxin alpha (LTA)TNF
Patritumab[43]mabhumanERBB3 (HER3)cancer
Pembrolizumab[52]KeytrudamabhumanizedPD-1Y[98]melanoma and other cancers
Pexelizumab[17]scFvhumanizedC5reduction of side effects of cardiac surgery
Pidilizumab[39]mabhumanizedPD-1cancer and infectious diseases
Pinatuzumab vedotin[39]mabhumanizedCD22cancer
Pintumomabmabmouseadenocarcinoma antigenadenocarcinoma (imaging)
Placulumab[15]mabhumanTNFpain and inflammatory diseases
Pozelimab[34]VeopozmabhumanC5YCHAPLE disease
Plozalizumab[12]mabhumanizedCCR2diabetic nephropathy and arteriovenous graft patency
Pogalizumab[40]mabhumanizedtumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily member 4
Polatuzumab vedotin[50][4]PolivymabhumanizedCD79BYdiffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Ponezumabmabhumanizedβ-amyloidAlzheimer's disease
Porgaviximab[27]mabchimericZaire ebolavirus glycoproteinEbola virus disease
Prasinezumab[26]mabhumanizedAlpha-synucleinParkinson's disease
Prezalizumab[40]mabhumanizedinducible T-cell co-stimulatory ligand (ICOSL)
PriliximabmabchimericCD4Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis
Pritoxaximab[39]mabchimericE. coli shiga toxin type-1
Pritumumabmabhumanvimentinbrain cancer
PRO 140humanizedCCR5HIV infection
Racotumomab[93]VaxiramabmouseNGNA gangliosideYnon-small cell lung cancer
Radretumab[16]mabhumanfibronectin extra domain-Bcancer
Rafivirumab[48]mabhumanrabies virus glycoproteinrabies (prophylaxis)
RamucirumabCyramzamabhumanVEGFR2Ysolid tumors
RanevetmabmabveterinaryNGFosteoarthritis in dogs
Ranibizumab[9]LucentisFabhumanizedVEGF-AYmacular degeneration (wet form)
Raxibacumab[38]mabhumananthrax toxin, protective antigenYanthrax (prophylaxis and treatment)
Ravagalimab[5]mabhumanizedCD40Crohn's disease
Ravulizumab[26]UltomirismabhumanizedC5Yparoxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome
Refanezumabmabhumanizedmyelin-associated glycoproteinrecovery of motor function after stroke
Regavirumabmabhumancytomegalovirus glycoprotein Bcytomegalovirus infection
Regdanvimab[28]Regkirona[99]mabhumanspike protein receptor binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2Y[99]COVID-19
Remtolumab[22]mabhumanIL-17A, TNF
Reslizumab[7]CinqairmabhumanizedIL-5Yinflammations of the airways, skin and gastrointestinal tract
Retifanlimab[60]Zynyz[100]mabhumanizedPD-1YMerkel cell carcinoma
Rilotumumabmabhumanhepatocyte growth factor (HGF)solid tumors
RinucumabmabhumanPDGFRBneovascular age-related macular degeneration
Risankizumab[12]SkyrizimabhumanizedIL-23AYCrohn's disease, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and asthma
RituximabMabThera, RituxanmabchimericCD20Y[101]lymphomas, leukemias, some autoimmune disorders
Rivabazumab pegol[12]mabhumanizedPseudomonas aeruginosa type III secretion system
RobatumumabmabhumanIGF-1 receptor (CD221)cancer
RmabRabiShieldhumanrabies virus G glycoproteinYpost-exposure prophylaxis of rabies
Roledumab[72]mabhumanRHD (gene) (RHD)Rh disease
Rontalizumab[53]mabhumanizedIFN-αsystemic lupus erythematosus
Rosmantuzumab[22]mabhumanizedroot plate-specific spondin 3cancer
Rovalpituzumab tesirine[12]mabhumanizedDLL3small cell lung cancer
Rovelizumab[46]LeukArrestmabhumanizedCD11, CD18Yhaemorrhagic shock etc.
FCGRTY[102] myasthenia gravis
Ruplizumab[14]AntovamabhumanizedCD154 (CD40L)Yrheumatic diseases
SA237humanizedIL-6 receptorneuromyelitis optica and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders
Sacituzumab govitecan[22]TrodelvymabhumanizedTROP-2Y[103]triple-negative breast cancer
Samrotamab vedotin[5]mabchimeric/
Sarilumab[43]KevzaramabhumanIL-6Yrheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis
Satralizumab[73]EnspryngmabhumanizedIL-6 receptorYneuromyelitis optica
Satumomab pendetidemabmouseTAG-72cancer (diagnosis)
SecukinumabCosentyxmabhumanIL-17AYuveitis, rheumatoid arthritis psoriasis
Seribantumab[39]mabhumanERBB3 (HER3)cancer
Setoxaximab[39]mabchimericE. coli shiga toxin type-2
Setrusumab[26]mabhumansclerostin (SOST)
Sevirumabhumancytomegaloviruscytomegalovirus infection
SibrotuzumabmabhumanizedFAP (gene) (FAP)cancer
SGN-CD19AmabhumanizedCD19acute lymphoblastic leukemia and B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma
SHP647humanmucosal addressin cell adhesion moleculeCrohn's disease
Sifalimumab[16]mabhumanIFN-αsystemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), dermatomyositis, polymyositis
Siplizumab[21]mabhumanizedCD2psoriasis, graft-versus-host disease (prevention)
Sirtratumab vedotin[26]mabhumanSLITRK6cancer
SirukumabmabhumanIL-6rheumatoid arthritis
Sofituzumab vedotinmabhumanizedCA-125ovarian cancer
Solanezumab[93]mabhumanizedβ-amyloidAlzheimer's disease
Solitomab[43]BiTEmouseEpCAMgastrointestinal, lung, and other cancers
Sonepcizumab[104]humanizedsphingosine-1-phosphatechoroidal and retinal neovascularization
Sotrovimab[28]Xevudymabhumanspike protein receptor binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2Y[105][106]COVID-19
Spesolimab[107]SpevigomabhumanizedInterleukin 36 receptor (IL1RL2/IL1RAP)Ygeneralized pustular psoriasis (GPP)
Stamulumab[96]mabhumanmyostatinmuscular dystrophy
SulesomabLeukoScanFab'mouseNCA-90 (granulocyte antigen)osteomyelitis (imaging)
Suptavumab[22]mabhumanRSVFRmedically attended lower respiratory disease
complement component 1s (C1s)Ycold agglutinin disease
Suvizumab[37]mabhumanizedHIV-1viral infections
Suvratoxumab[27]mabhumanStaphylococcus aureus alpha toxinnosocomial pneumonia
Tabalumab[41]mabhumanB-cell activating factor (BAFF)B-cell cancers
Tacatuzumab tetraxetanAFP-Cidemabhumanizedalpha-fetoproteincancer
Tadocizumab[95]Fabhumanizedintegrin αIIbβ3percutaneous coronary intervention
(from mouse)
CD19Yrelapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Talacotuzumab[26]mabhumanizedCD123leukemia etc.
Talizumab[36]mabhumanizedIgEallergic reaction
TalquetamabTalveyBsAbhumanizedGPRC5D, CD3Yrelapsed or refractory multiple myeloma
Tanezumab[48]mabhumanizednerve growth factor (NGF)pain
Taplitumomab paptox[64]mabmouseCD19cancer
TarextumabmabhumanNotch receptorcancer
TeclistamabTecvayli[34]BsAbhumanB-cell maturation antigen (BCMA), CD3Y[108][109]relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma
Tefibazumab[38]Aurexismabhumanizedclumping factor AStaphylococcus aureus infection
Telimomab aritoxFabmouse
Telisotuzumab vedotin[22]mabhumanizedHGFRcancer
Tenatumomab[13]mabmousetenascin Ccancer
Teneliximab[21]mabchimericCD40autoimmune diseases and prevention of organ transplant rejection
Teplizumab[42]TzieldmabhumanizedCD3Ydiabetes mellitus type 1
Tepoditamab[5]mabhumandendritic cell-associated lectin 2cancer
TeprotumumabTepezzamabhumanIGF-1 receptor (CD221)Ythyroid eye disease
Tezepelumab[12]Tezspiremabhumanthymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP)Y[111]asthma
TGN1412humanizedCD28chronic lymphocytic leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis
Tibulizumab[26]mabhumanizedB-cell activating factor (BAFF)autoimmune disorders
TildrakizumabIlumyamabhumanizedIL-23Yimmunologically mediated inflammatory disorders
Tislelizumab[26]mabhumanizedPCDC1, CD279non-small cell lung cancer
Tisotumab vedotin[12]Tivdakmabhumancoagulation factor IIIYrelapsed or refractory cervical cancer[112][113]
Tixagevimab[28]mabhumanspike protein receptor binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) when used with cilgavimab[47]COVID-19
TNX-650humanizedIL-13Hodgkin's lymphoma
Tocilizumab[9]Actemra, RoActemramabhumanizedIL-6 receptorY[114]rheumatoid arthritis
Tomuzotuximab[27]mabhumanizedEpidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), HER1cancer
Toralizumab[21]mabhumanizedCD154 (CD40L)rheumatoid arthritis, lupus nephritis etc.
Tosatoxumab[4]mabhumanStaphylococcus aureus
TositumomabBexxarmouseCD20Yfollicular lymphoma
Tralokinumab[115]Adtralza, Adbry[116]mabhumanIL-13Y[116]atopic dermatitis
TrastuzumabHerceptinmabhumanizedHER2/neuYbreast cancer
Trastuzumab duocarmazine[22]KadcylamabhumanizedHER2/neuYbreast cancer
Trastuzumab emtansineKadcylamabhumanizedHER2/neuYbreast cancer
TRBS07[117]Ektomab3functGD2 gangliosidemelanoma
Tremelimumab[118]ImjudomabhumanCTLA-4Y[119]hepatocellular carcinoma
Trevogrumabmabhumangrowth differentiation factor 8muscle atrophy due to orthopedic disuse and sarcopenia
Tucotuzumab celmoleukin[55][95]mabhumanizedEpCAMcancer
Tuvirumabhumanhepatitis B viruschronic hepatitis B
Ublituximab[120]BriumvimabchimericCD20Ymultiple sclerosis, chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Ulocuplumab[52]mabhumanCXCR4 (CD184)hematologic malignancies
Urelumab[16]mabhuman4-1BB (CD137)cancer etc.
Urtoxazumab[9]mabhumanizedEscherichia colidiarrhoea caused by E. coli
Ustekinumab[48]StelaramabhumanIL-12, IL-23Ymultiple sclerosis, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis
Utomilumab[22]mabhuman4-1BB (CD137)diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Vadastuximab talirine[12]mabchimericCD33Acute myeloid leukemia
Vandortuzumab vedotin[25]mabhumanizedSTEAP1cancer
VantictumabmabhumanFrizzled receptorcancer
Vanucizumab[6]mabhumanizedangiopoietin 2cancer
Vapaliximab[21]mabchimericAOC3 (VAP-1)
Varlilumab[6]mabhumanCD27solid tumors and hematologic malignancies
Vatelizumab[41]mabhumanizedITGA2 (CD49b)
Vedolizumab[93]Entyviomabhumanizedintegrin α4 β7Y[121]Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis
Veltuzumab[13]mabhumanizedCD20non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
VepalimomabmabmouseAOC3 (VAP-1)inflammation
Vesencumab[16]mabhumanNRP1solid malignancies
Vilobelimab[82]GohibicmabchimericC5a receptor (C5a)Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)[122]COVID-19
Visilizumab[64]NuvionmabhumanizedCD3Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis
Vobarilizumab[40]scFvhumanizedIL-6 receptorinflammatory autoimmune diseases
Volociximab[30]mabchimericintegrin α5β1solid tumors
Vopratelimab[5]mabhumanizedCD278, aka ICOS
Vorsetuzumab mafodotinmabhumanizedCD70cancer
VotumumabHumaSPECTmabhumantumor antigen CTAA16.88colorectal tumors
Xentuzumab[40]mabhumanizedIGF-1, IGF-2?
XMAB-5574humanizedCD19diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Zalutumumab[30]mabhumanEpidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
Zanolimumab[38]mabhumanCD4rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, T-cell lymphoma
Zenocutuzumab[26]mabhumanizedERBB3 (HER3)cancer
Ziralimumab[64]mabhumanCD147 (basigin)
Zolbetuximab[26]mabchimericClaudin 18 Isoform 2gastric cancer, gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma and pancreatic cancer
Zolimomab aritoxmabmouseCD5systemic lupus erythematosus, graft-versus-host disease


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