This is a list of birds that belong to the shearwater group, of the family Procellariidae and the order Procellariiformes.
This is a still evolving taxonomic class that may or may not include the genera Procellaria and Bulweria. This list includes them both. Some experts, most notably James Clements, have not yet to recognize the genus Pseudobulweria.
- Calonectris diomedea, Cory's shearwater, breeds in the Azore Islands, Canary Islands, Madeira Islands, assorted Mediterranean islands and Berlenga Island
- Calonectris diomedea diomedea, Scopoli's, breeds in the Azore Islands, Canary Islands, Madeira Islands, and Berlenga Island
- Calonectris diomedea borealis, borealis, breeds on assorted Mediterranean islands
- Calonectris edwardsii, Cape Verde shearwater breeds on Cape Verde Islands
- Calonectris leucomelas , streaked shearwater breeds on coastal islands of Japan and China; ranges to South Pacific
- Puffinus creatopus, pink-footed shearwater breeds on Mocha Island, Juan Fernández Islands; ranges to North Pacific
- Puffinus carneipes, flesh-footed shearwater southern Indian Ocean and southwestern Pacific Ocean; winters to Arabian Sea and northwestern Pacific Ocean
- Puffinus gravis, great shearwater breeds on islands in the South Atlantic Ocean; ranges in the North Atlantic Ocean to the Arctic Circle
- Puffinus pacificus, wedge-tailed shearwater ranges through tropical Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean
- Puffinus bulleri, Buller's shearwater breeds on islands off the coast of New Zealand; ranges across the Pacific Ocean
- Puffinus griseus, sooty shearwater breeds on southeastern Australia, New Zealand, and southern South America; winters in North Pacific and North Atlantic
- Puffinus tenuirostris, short-tailed shearwater or Mutton bird breeds in Tasmania and southern Australia; winters in North Pacific
- Puffinus nativatis, Christmas shearwater ranges through tropical Central Pacific Ocean
- Puffinus subalaris, Galapagos shearwater breeds on the Galapagos Islands
- Puffinus puffinus, Manx shearwater breeds in the North Atlantic; ranges to Argentinian and South African water
- Puffinus yelkouan, Yelkouan shearwater breeds on central and eastern Mediterranean islands
- Puffinus mauretanicus, Balearic shearwater breeds on Balearic Islands; ranges to coastal northern Europe
- Puffinus huttoni, Hutton's shearwater breeds on northeastern South Island, New Zealand; ranges to Australia
- Puffinus auricularus, Townsend's shearwater breeds Kauai and Revillagigedo Islands; ranges to 8°N
- Puffinus auricularus auricularus, Townsend's, breeds Revillagigedo Islands; ranges to 8°N
- Puffinus auricularus newelli breeds Kauai
- Puffinus opisthomelas, black-vented shearwater breeds on islands off the west coast of Baja California; ranges in adjacent Mexican waters
- Puffinus gavia, fluttering shearwater breeds on the islands off the coast of New Zealand; ranges to Australia and Vanuatua
- Puffinus assimilis, little shearwater breeds on Azore Islands, Canary Island, Cape Verde Islands, Tristan da Cunha, and many other small islands in Oceania
- Puffinus assimilis baroli breeds on the Azore Islands, Canary Islands, Salvage Islands, and Desertas Islands
- Puffinus assimilis boydi breeds on the Cape Verde Islands
- Puffinus assimilis tunneyi breeds on Abrolhos Islands and Récherche Archipelago off of the southwestern coast of Australia
- Puffinus assimilis assimilis breeds on Norfolk Island and Lord Howe Island
- Puffinus assimilis kermadecensis breeds on Kermadec Islands
- Puffinus assimilis haurakiensis breeds on the islets off of the northeastern coast of North Island, New Zealand
- Puffinus assimilis elegans breeds on Tristan da Cunha, Gough Island, Chatham Island, and Antipodes Island
- Puffinus assimilis myrtae breeds on Rapa Island
- Puffinus lherminieri, Audubon's shearwater
- Puffinus lherminieri iherminieri breeds on Bahamas and the West Indies
- Puffinus lherminieri loyemilleri breeds on islets in the southwestern Caribbean
- Puffinus lherminieri dichrous breeds on islands throughout Central Pacific; Samoa to Marquesas Islands
- Puffinus lherminieri gunax breeds Banks Islands, Vanuatu
- Puffinus lherminieri bannermani breeds on Bonin Islands and Volcano Islands
- Puffinus lherminieri bailloni breeds on the Mascarene Islands
- Puffinus iherminieri nicolae breeds on islands in the northwestern Indian Ocean; Aldabra Islands to Seychelles and Maldives
- Puffinus lherminieri temptator breeds on Mohéli Island, Comoros Islands
- Puffinus persicus, Persian shearwater breeds and ranges in the Arabian Sea and adjacent waters
- Puffinus heinrothi, Heinroth's shearwater breeds on New Britain and Solomon Islands
- Puffinus atrodorsalis, Mascarene shearwater ranges to southwestern Indian Ocean
- Pseudobulweria macgillivrayi, Fiji petrel breeds on Gau Island, Fiji
- Pseudobulweria rostrata, Tahiti petrel, breeds on Society Islands, Marquesas Islands, New Caledonia, and Rendova Island
- Pseudobulweria rostrata rostrata breeds on Marquesas Islands and Society Islands; ranges in tropical Pacific
- Pseudobulweria rostrata becki breeds on Rendova Island
- Pseudobulweria rostrata trouessarti breeds on New Caledonia; ranges to South Pacific
- Pseudobulweria becki, Beck's petrel breeds on Rendova Island
- Pseudobulweria aterrima, Mascarene petrel breeds on Réunion; ranges to Indian Ocean
- Pseudobulweria rupinarum, large Saint Helena petrel (extinct)
- Lugensa brevirostris, Kerguelen petrel breeds on Tristan da Cunha, Gough Island, Prince Edward Island, Crozet Islands and Kerguelen Islands
- Bulweria bulwerii, Bulwer's petrel breeds on Azore Islands, Cape Verde Islands, northwestern Hawaiian Islands, and Johnston Island
- Bulweria fallax, Jouanin's petrel ranges to northwestern Indian Ocean and southern Arabian Sea
- Procellaria cinerea, grey petrel breeds and ranges to circumpolar subantarctic islands
- Procellaria aequinoctialis, white-chinned petrel breeds on circumpolar subantarctic islands
- Procellaria conspicillata, spectacled petrel breeds on Inaccessible Island
- Procellaria parkinsoni, Parkinson's petrel breeds on Little Barrier Island and Great Barrier Island; ranges to South America
- Procellaria westlandica, Westland petrel breeds in New Zealand's South Island; ranges to Australia and western South America
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