This is a list of the lower court decisions of Lord Sankey.


Year Case Name Citation Court
1914The King v Boyle and Merchant[1914] 3 KB 339Court of Criminal Appeal
1915Lloyd v The Town Clerk of Shrewsbury[1915] 1 KB 195Divisional Court
1915The King v The Registrar of Thetford County Court[1915] 1 KB 224Divisional Court
1915The King v Richards; The King v Williams[1915] 1 KB 299Divisional Court
1915May v Borup and Another[1915] 1 KB 830Divisional Court
1915Barnard v Foster[1915] 2 KB 288King's Bench Division
1915Gunyon v South Eastern and Chatham Railway Companies' Managing Committee[1915] 2 KB 370Divisional Court
1915Tratt v Good[1915] 3 KB 59Divisional Court
1915Williams v Moss' Empires, Limited[1915] 3 KB 242Divisional Court
1916H. Dakin & Co., Limited v Lee[1916] 1 KB 566King's Bench Division and Court of Appeal
1916Modern Transport Company, Limited v Duneric Steamship Company[1916] 1 KB 726King's Bench Division
1916Palace Shipping Company, Limited v Gans Steamship Line[1916] 1 KB 138King's Bench Division
1916Scottish Navigation Company, Limited v W.A. Souter & Co.[1916] 1 KB 675King's Bench Division
1916The King v Sheffield Justices Ex parte Morrison[1916] 1 KB 682Divisional Court
1916Watson v Winch[1916] 1 KB 688Divisional Court
1916Boydel v Levant Mine Adventurers[1916] 1 KB 692Divisional Court
1916Titmus v Littlewood[1916] 1 KB 732Divisional Court
1916Sly v Randall[1916] 1 KB 710Divisional Court
1916Cain v Butler[1916] 1 KB 759Divisional Court
1916Horwood v Millar's Timber and Trading company, Limited[1916] 2 KB 44Divisional Court
1916Lendon v Keen and Another[1916] 1 KB 994Divisional Court
1916Sanatorium, Limited v Marshall[1916] 2 KB 57Divisional Court
1916Johnston v Braham & Campbell[1916] 2 KB 529Divisional Court
1914-1915Hall Bros Steamship Co, Ltd v R and W Paul, Ltd[1914-1915] All ER Rep 234; [1914-15] All ER Rep 234King's Bench Division
1914-1915Palace Shipping co, Ltd v Gans Steamship Line[1914-1915] All ER Rep 912; [1914-15] All ER Rep 912King's Bench Division


Year Case Name Citation Court
1917Inverkip Steamship Company, Limited v Bunge & Co.[1917] 1 KB 31King's Bench Division
1917MacMillan and another v London Joint Stock Bank, Limited[1917] 1 KB 363King's Bench Division
1917Socit Nouvelle d'Armement v Spillers & Bakers, Limited[1917] 1 KB 865King's Bench Division
1917Rogers v Whittaker[1917] 1 KB 942King's Bench Division
1917Great Western Railway Company v Dafen Tinplate Company[1917] 2 KB 177King's Bench Division
1917H. Newsum & Co., Limited v Bradley and Others[1917] 2 KB 112King's Bench Division
1917The King v William Davis[1917] 2 KB 855Court of Criminal Appeal
1918Edelsten v London County Council[1918] 1 KB 81Divisional Court
1918The King v London County Council, Ex parte Corrie[1918] 1 KB 68Divisional Court
1918Davis v Curry[1918] 1 KB 109Divisional Court
1918The King v The Justices of Carnarvonshire. Ex parte The County Council of Carnarvon[1918] 1 KB 280Divisional Court
1918In re The Plymouth Breweries, Limited (In re The "Prince Arthur" Public-House, Plymouth)[1918] 1 KB 573King's Bench Division
1918Copartnership Farms v Harvey-Smith[1918] 2 KB 405King's Bench Division
1918Henman v Berliner[1918] 2 KB 236King's Bench Division
1918Hulme v Ferranti, Limited[1918] 2 KB 236Divisional Court
1918Grays Urban District Council v Grays Chemical Works, Limited[1918] 2 KB 461King's Bench Division
1918Commissioners of Inland Revenue v North and Ingram[1918] 2 KB 705King's Bench Division
1918Williamson film Printing Company, Limited v Commissioners of Inland Revenue[1918] 2 KB 720King's Bench Division
1918Samuel v. Commissioners of Inland Revenue[1918] 2 KB 553King's Bench Division
1918Singer v Williams (Surveyor of Taxes)[1918] 2 KB 432King's Bench Division
1918Commissioners of Inland Revenue v Duke Of Northumberland[1918] 2 KB 573King's Bench Division
1918Weiss, Biheller & Brooks, Limited v Farmer (Surveyor of Taxes)[1918] 2 KB 725King's Bench Division
1918Earl of Ellesmere v Commissioners of Inland Revenue[19182 KB 735King's Bench Division
1918Williams v Singer and Others[1918] 2 KB 749King's Bench Division
1918Earl Howe v Commissioners of Inland Revenue[1918] 2 KB 584King's Bench Division
1919Holman & Sons, Limited, for Owner of the S.S. Nefeli v Merchant's Marine Insurance Company, Limited[1919] 1 KB 383King's Bench Division
1919Trustee of Denny v Denny and Warr[1919] 1 KB 583King's Bench Division
1919Burt & Company v Commissioners of Inland Revenue[1919] 2 KB 650Court of Appeal
1919Jenkyns v Southampton, Etc., Steam Packet Company, Limited[1919] 2 KB 135King's Bench Division and Court of Appeal
1916-1917R v Sheffield Justices Ex parte Morrison[1916-1917] All ER Rep 1107; [1916-17] All ER Rep 1107King's Bench Division
1916-1917Mattison v Johnson[1916-1917] All ER Rep 727; [1916-17] All ER Rep 727King's Bench Division
1916-1917Norman v Mathews and Another[1916-1917] All ER Rep 696; [1916-17] All ER Rep 696King's Bench Division
1916-1917Municipal Mutual Insurance, Ltd v Pontefract Corporation[1916-1917] All ER Rep 543; [1916-17] All ER Rep 543King's Bench Division
1918T. Benyon and Co., Limited v Ogg (Surveyor of Taxes)7 TC 125King's Bench Division
1919The Right Honourable Richard George Penn Curzon-Howe (Earl Howe) v The Commissioners of Inland Revenue[1919] 2 KB 336King's Bench Division


Year Case Name Citation Court
1920Welton v Ruffles[1920] 1 KB 226Divisional Court
1920The King v Farnborough Urban District Council. Ex parte The Aldershot District Traction Company[1920] 1 KB 234Divisional Court
1920Mittelmann and Another v Denman[1920] 1 KB 519Divisional Court
1920Indian and General Investment Trust, Limited v Borax Consolidated, Limited[1920] 1 KB 539King's Bench Division
1920Gladstone v Burton[1920] 1 KB 608Divisional Court
1920Attorney-General v Brown[1920] 1 KB 773King's Bench Division
1920Burchell v Thompson, John E. Harrison Limited[1920] 2 KB 80Divisional Court and Court of Appeal
1920Mayo v Joyce[1920] 1 KB 824Divisional Court
1920Chester v Bateson[1920] 1 KB 829Divisional Court
1920Attwood v Lamont[1920] 2 KB 146Divisional Court
1920Hartell v Blackler[1920] 2 KB 61Divisional Court
1920Rex v Bedfordshire County Council, Ex parte Sear[1920] 2 KB 465Divisional Court
1920Harrop v Harrop[1920] 3 KB 386King's Bench Division
1920Adams v London Improved Motor Coach Builders, Limited[1920] 3 KB 82King's Bench Division
1920The King v Tribunal of Appeal Under the Housing Act, 1919[1920] 3 KB 334Divisional Court
1920Rex v Dickinson[1920] 3 KB 552Divisional Court
1920Gibaud v Great Eastern Railway Company[1920] 3 KB 689Divisional Court
1921Dey v Pullinger Engineering Company[1921] 1 KB 77Divisional Court
1921Mayo v Stazicker[1921] 2 KB 196Divisional Court
1921Llangollen Parish Council and Overseers and Others[1921] 3 KB 313King's Bench Division
1921Chellew v Royal Commission on the Sugar Supply[1921] 2 KB 627King's Bench Division
1921The King v Graham Campbell, Ex parte Ahmed Hamid Moussa[1921] 2 KB 473Divisional Court
1921French and Another v Gething[1921] 3 KB 280Divisional Court
1921National Cash Register Company, Limited v Stanley[1921] 3 KB 292Divisional Court
1921Attorney-General v Coole and Others[1921] 3 KB 607King's Bench Division
1921Ellis v Dubowski[1921] 3 KB 621Divisional Court
1921Few and Another v Robinson[1921] 3 KB 504Divisional Court
1922Margerison v E. Hind and Company, Limited[1922] 1 KB 214Divisional Court
1922Keane v Ashbocking Overseers[1922] 1 KB 143Divisional Court
1922Boyce v Cox[1922] 1 KB 149Divisional Court
1922Dickinson v Bainbridge[1922] 1 KB 423Divisional Court
1922Stirk and Sons, Limited v Halifax Assessment Committee[1922] 1 KB 264Divisional Court
1922Ryall v Cubitt Heath[1922] 1 KB 275Divisional Court
1922The King v Mayor & C., Of Cambridge. Ex parte Cambridge Picture Playhouses, Limited[1922] 1 KB 250Divisional Court
1922Hackney Borough Council v. Dor[1922] 1 KB 431Divisional Court
1922Smith v Williams[1922] 1 KB 158King's Bench Division
1922Governors of Sutton's Hospital in Charterhouse v Elliott (Inspector of Taxes)[1922] 2 KB 1King's Bench Division
1922Pool v The Guardian Investment Trust Company Limited[1922] 1 KB 347King's Bench Division
1922The King v Latchingdon Overseers. Ex parte Hearn and Another[1922] 2 KB 14Divisional Court
1922E.H. Bruce (Surveyor of Taxes) v J.L.S. Hatton n(1)[1922] 2 KB 206King's Bench Division
1922Attorney-General v Burns and Others[1922] 1 KB 491King's Bench Division
1922Attorney-General v Earl of Sandwich[1922] 2 KB 500King's Bench Division and Court of Appeal
1922Baker and Another v inland Revenue Commissioners[1922] 2 KB 786King's Bench Division
1922Attorney-General v Astor and Others[1922] 2 KB 651King's Bench Division
1922Davis v Commissioners of Inland Revenue[1922] 2 KB 805King's Bench Division
1920Woodward v Samuels[1920] All ER Rep 659, Also reported 89 LJKB 689; 122 LT 681; 84 JP 105King's Bench Division
1920Dey v Pullinger Engineering Co
1921R v Campbell, ex parte Moussa[1921] All ER Rep 499, Also reported [1921] 2 KB 473; 90 LJKB 818; 125 LT 310; 85 JP 189; 37 TLR 611; 19 LGR 461; 26 Cox CC 747King's Bench Division
1921Ellis v Dubowski and another[1921] All ER Rep 272, Also reported [1921] 3 KB 621; 91 LJKB 89; 126 LT 91; 85 JP 230; 37 TLR 910; 19 LGR 641; 27 Cox CC 107King's Bench Division
1921Smith v Williams[1921] All ER Rep Ext 749, Also reported: [1922] 1 KB 158; 91 LJKB 156; 126 LT 410; 38 TLR 116; 8 TC 321King's Bench Division
1921Bourne & Hollingsworth v The Commissioners of Inland Revenue12 TC 483King's Bench Division
1921The Lincoln Wagon and Engine Co., Ltd. v The Commissioners of Inland Revenue12 TC 494King's Bench Division
1921The Commissioners of Inland Revenue v The Budderpore Oil Co., Ltd.12 TC 467King's Bench Division
1921Pool v Guardian Investment Trust Company Limited[1921] All ER Rep Ext 785; Also reported: [1922] 1 KB 347; 91 LJKB 242; 126 LT 540; 38 TLR 177; 8 Tax Cas 167]King's Bench Division
1921A.F. Pool (Inspector of Taxes) v The Guardian Investment Trust Co., Ltd.[1922] 1 KB 347, 126 LT 540, 38 TLR 177, 8 TC 167King's Bench Division
1922W. Friedson (H.M. Inspector of Taxes) v the Rev F.H. Glyn-Thomas8 TC 302, [1922] 128 LT 24, [1922] WN 251King's Bench Division
1922Nevile Reid & Co., Ltd. v The Commissioners of Inland Revenue12 TC 545King's Bench Division
1922S.W. Hawker v J. Compton (H.M. Inspector of Taxes)8 TC 306King's Bench Division
1922H.C.H. Barton (H.M. Inspector of Taxes) v C.D. Miller8 TC 315King's Bench Division
1922R v Godfrey[1922] All ER Rep 266; Also reported [1923] 1 KB 24; 92 LJKB 205; 128 LT 115; 86 JP 219; 39 TLR 5; 67 Sol Jo 147; 27 Cox CC 338King's Bench Division


Year Case Name Citation Court
1923The King v Godfrey[1923] 1 KB 24Divisional Court
1923Parochial Church Council of St. Magnus-The-Martyr, with St. Maragret, New Fish Street, and St. Michael, Crooked Lane London v Chancellor of the Diocese of London and Others[1923] P 38King's Bench Division
1923Metropolitan Water Board v Assessment Committee of the Metropolitan Borough of St. Marylebone[1923] 1 KB 86Divisional Court
1923Chard v Bush[1923] 2 KB 849Divisional Court
1923The King v Hammer[1923] 2 KB 786Court of Criminal Appeal
1923The King v Kakelo[1923] 2 KB 793Court of Criminal Appeal
1923Keeves v Dean, Nunn v Pellegrini[1923] 2 KB 804Divisional Court
1924Griffiths v Studebakers, Limited[1924] 1 KB 102Divisional Court
1924Sandeman v Gold[1924] 1 KB 107Divisional Court
1924The King v Recorder of Kingston-Upon-Hull. Ex parte Guardians of Kinston-upon-Hull (de Hart). Same v Same. Ex parte Same. The King v Recorder of Kingston-Upon-Hull. Ex parte Guardians of Kingston-Upon-Hull (de Matchan). Same v Same. Ex parte Same[1924] 1 KB 630Divisional Court
1924Mayor, Etc., of chester v Briggs[1924] 1 KB 239Divisional Court
1924London County Council v. Lord Mayor, Etc., of Birmingham[1924] 1 KB 248Divisional Court
1924Commissioners of customs and Excise v Griffith[1924] 1 KB 163Divisional Court
1924The King v Roberts. Ex parte Scurr and Others[1924] 1 KB 514Divisional Court
1924Pulling v Lidbetter, Limited[1924] 1 KB 317Divisional Court
1924The King v Governor of Brixton Prison. Ex parte Perry[1924] 1 KB 455Divisional Court
1924Bourgeois v Weddell and Company[1924] 1 KB 539Divisional Court
1924Landrigan v Simons[1924] 1 KB 509Divisional Court
1924Jay and Another v Jay and Another[1924] 1 KB 826Divisional Court
1924Dufty v Palmer[1924] 2 KB 35Divisional Court
1924Butwick v Grant[1924] 2 KB 483Divisional Court
1924Precious v Reedie[1924] 2 KB 149Divisional Court
1923Morden Rigg and Co. and R. B. Eskrigge and Co. v Monks (Surveyor of Taxes)8 TC 450King's Bench Division
1923The Commissioners of Inland Revenue v The Gas Lighting Improvement Co., Ltd.[1923] AC 723, 12 TC 503, 39 TLR 504 (1923) 129 LT 481 [1922] 2 KB 381King's Bench Division, Court of Appeal, House of Lords
1923Bradbury (H.M. Inspector of Taxes) v The English Sewing Cotton Company, Limited[1923] AC 744, [1923] All ER Rep 427, 129 LT 546, 39 TLR 590. [1922] 2 KB 569, 8 TC 481King's Bench Division
Court of Appeal
House of Lords
1923R v Kakelo[1923] All ER Rep 191, Also reported [1923] 2 KB 793; 92 LJKB 997; 129 LT 477; 87 JP 184; 39 TLR 671; 68 Sol Jo 41; 27 Cox CC 454; 17 Cr App Rep 150Court of Criminal Appeal
1924Butwick v Grant[1924] All ER Rep 274, Also reported [1924] 2 KB 483; 93 LJKB 972; 131 LT 476King's Bench Division
1925Buckle v Holmes[1925] All ER Rep 676, Also reported [1926] 2 KB 125; 95 LJKB 547; 134 LT 743; 90 JP 109; 42 TLR 369; 70 Sol Jo 464King's Bench Division
1925Nicholson v England[1925] All ER Rep 335, Also reported [1926] 2 KB 93; 95 LJKB 505; 134 LT 702King's Bench Division


Year Case Name Citation Court
1926Turner v Civil Service Supply Association, Limited[1926] 1 KB 50King's Bench Division
1925Con, Planck, Limited v Kolynos, Incorporated[1925] 2 KB 804King's Bench Division
1925Laurie and Morewood v John Dudin and Sons[1925] 2 KB 383King's Bench Division
1926Rush v Matthews[1926] 1 KB 75Divisional Court
1926The King v Hertfordshire Justices. Ex parte Larsen[1926] 1 KB 191Divisional Court
1926Atkinson v London and North Eastern Railway Company[1926] 1 KB 313Divisional Court
1926clayton and Others v Sale Urban District Council[1926] 1 KB 415Divisional Court
1926Morgan v Evans[1926] 2 KB 74Divisional Court
1926Guardians of the Poor of Barton-Upon-Irwell Union, Appellants v Guardians of the Poor of Wycombe Union, Respondents. n(1)[1926] 1 KB 212Divisional Court
1926Williams v Stanley Jones and Company, Limited[1926] 1 KB 255Divisional Court
1926Frederick Braby and Company, Limited v Bedwell[1926] 1 KB 456Divisional Court
1926Standingford v Bruce[1926] 1 KB 466Divisional Court
1926Nicholson v England[1926] 2 KB 93Divisional Court
1926Daventry Corporation v Newbury and Wright[1926] 1 KB 383Divisional Court
1926Field v Curnick and Others[1926] 2 KB 374King's Bench Division
1927British and North European Bank, Limited v Zalzstein[1927] 2 KB 92King's Bench Division
1927Wisbech Rural District Council v Ward[1927] 2 KB 556King's Bench Division
1927Arnold and Weaver v Amari[1928] 1 KB 584King's Bench Division
1928Brookes and Others v Liffen[1928] 2 KB 347Court of Appeal
1928Dee Conservancy Board and Others v McConnell and Another[1928] 2 KB 159Court of Appeal
1928Gardiner v Heading and Another[1928] 2 KB 284Court of Appeal
1928France v J. Coombes and Company[1928] 2 KB 81Court of Appeal
1928Reckitt v Barnett, Pembroke and Slater, Limited[1928] 2 KB 244Court of Appeal
1928Conquer v Boot[1928] 2 KB 336Divisional Court
1928Stott and Another v Shaw and Lee, Limited[1928] 2 KB 26King's Bench Division and Court of Appeal
1928Aktieselskabet Ocean v B. Harding and Sons, Limited, and Others[1928] 2 KB 371Court of Appeal
1928English Hop Growers, Limited v Dering[1928] 2 KB 174Court of Appeal
1928Hardie and Lane, Limited v Chilton and Others[1928] 2 KB 306Court of Appeal
1928Dee Conservancy Board and others v McConnell and Another[1928] All ER Rep 554, Also reported [1928] 2 KB 159; 97 LJKB 487; 138 LT 656; 92 JP 54; 26 LGR 204; 17 Asp MLC 433Court of Appeal
1928Merchants' Marine Insurance Co, Ltd v Liverpool Marine and General Insurance Co, Ltd[1928] All ER Rep 452, Also reported 97 LJKB 589; 139 LT 184; 44 TLR 512; 17 Asp MLC 475; 33 Com Cas 294Court of Appeal
1928Symington & Co v Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ltd[1928] All ER Rep 346, Also reported 97 LJKB 646; 139 LT 386; 4 TLR 635; 18 Asp MLC 19; 34 Com Cas 23Court of Appeal
1928Howson v Buxton[1928] All ER Rep 434, Also reported 97 LJKB 749; 139 LT 504Court of Appeal
1928J Aron & Co v Miall and others[1928] All ER Rep 655, Also reported 98 LJKB 204, 139 LT 562, 34 Com Cas 18, 17 Asp MLC 529Court of Appeal
1928Lloyd v Cook, Goudge v Broughton, Simson v Miatt, Bartram v Brown, Barker v Hutson[1928] All ER Rep 201, Also reported 1929 1 KB 103; 97 LJKB 657; 139 LT 452; 92 JP 199; 44 TLR 761; 72 Sol Jo 533; 26 LGR 609Court of Appeal
1928Lind v Mitchell[1928] All ER Rep 447, Also reported 98 LJKB 120; 140 LT 261; 17 Asp MLC 562; 34 Com Cas 81; 45 TLR 54Court of Appeal
1928James Finlay & Co, Ltd v NV Kwik Hoo Tong Handel Maatschappij[1928] All ER Rep 110, Also reported [1929] 1 KB 400; 98 LJKB 251; 140 LT 389; 45 TLR 149; 34 Com Cas 143; 17 Asp MLC 566Court of Appeal


Year Case Name Citation Court
1929Lloyds Bank, Limited v The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China[1929] 1 KB 40Court of Appeal
1928Edward Curran and Company, Limited v Kays[1928] 2 KB 469Court of Appeal
1929William Bean and Sons v Flaxton Rural District Council[1929] 1 KB 450King's Bench Division and Court of Appeal
1929Smith, Hogg and Company, Limited v Louis Bamberger and Sons[1929] 1 KB 150King's Bench Division and Court of Appeal
1929Hyman v Hyman, Hughes v Hughes[1929] P 1Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division and Court of Appeal
1929Elwell v Crane Foundry Company, Limited[1929] 1 KB 88Court of Appeal
1929Smith v Wood[1929] 1 Ch 14Court of Appeal
1929Wood v Petre[1929] 1 Ch 33Court of Appeal
1929Lloyd v Cook. Goudge v Broughton. Siman v Miatt. Bartram v Brown and Others. Barker v Hutson[1929] 1 KB 103Court of Appeal
1929Tilling-Stevens Motors, Limited v Kent county Council and Minister of Transport[1929] 1 Ch 66Court of Appeal
1929Fleetwood-Hesketh v Fleetwood-Hesketh[1929] 2 KB 55Court of Appeal
1929Lawrence v George Matthews (1924), Limited[1929] 1 KB 1Court of Appeal
1929Burton v Board[1929] 1 KB 301Court of Appeal
1929The King v County of Southampton Confirming Committee. Ex parte Slade[1929] 1 KB 263King's Bench Division and Court of Appeal
1929G. Scammell and Nephew, Limited v Hurley and Others[1929] 1 KB 419Court of Appeal
1929Hoskins-Abrahall v Paignton Urban District Council[1929] 1 Ch 375Court of Appeal
1929Foster v Driscoll and Others. Lindsay v Attfield and Another. Lindsay v Driscoll and Others[1929] 1 KB 470Court of Appeal
1929Farnworth v Lord mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Manchester[1929] 1 KB 533Court of Appeal
1929James Finlay and Company, Limited v N. v Kwik Hoo Tong Handel Maatschappij[1929] 1 KB 400Court of Appeal
1929The Bournemouth-Swanage Motor Road and Ferry Company v Harvey and Sons[1929] 1 Ch 686Court of Appeal
1929Watts v Mayor, Aldermen and Councillors of the Metropolitan Borough of Battersea[1929] 2 KB 63Court of Appeal
1929Hobbs v Tinling (C.T.) and Company, Limited. Hobbs v Nottingham Journal, Limited.[1929] 2 KB 1Court of Appeal
1929The Young Sid[1929] P 190Court of Appeal
1929John Lovibond and Sons, Limited v Vincent[1929] 1 KB 687Court of Appeal
1929Aldridge v Wright[1929] 1 KB 117Divisional Court
1929Princess Paley Olga v weisz and Others[1929] 1 KB 718Court of Appeal
1929Midland Motor Showrooms, Limited v Newman[1929] 2 KB 256Court of Appeal
1929Birmingham Corporation v Inland Revenue Commissioners[1929] 2 KB 187Court of Appeal
1930Thompson v London, Midland and Scottish Railway Company[1930] 1 KB 41Court of Appeal
1930Commissioners of Inland Revenue v Dalgety and Company, Limited[1930] 1 KB 1King's Bench Division and Court of Appeal
1929Attorney-General v Quixley[1929] All ER Rep 696, Also reported King's Bench Division: 98 LJKB 315; 141 LT 288; 45 TLR 191King's Bench Division and Court of Appeal
1929Horwood v Statesman Publishing Co, Ltd and Others; Childs v Same[1929] All ER Rep 554, Also reported 98 LJKB 450; 141 LT 54; 45 TLR 237Court of Appeal
1929Compania Mexicana de Petroleo "El Aguila" v Essex Transport Trading Co, Ltd[1929] All ER Rep 589, Also reported 141 LT 106; 34 Com Cas 198; 17 Asp MLC 590Court of Appeal
1929Burrowes v Burrowes[1929] All ER Rep 374, Also reported: 141 LT 201; 45 TLR 401Court of Appeal
1929Leitch v Emmott (Inspector of Taxes)[1929] All ER Rep 638, Also reported [1929] 2 KB 236; 98 LJKB 673; 141 LT 311; 14 TC 633Court of Appeal

See also

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