Mah farvardin Ruz khordad is a book written in Middle Persian in the 7th century CE. It was written ca. 607-608 CE, during the reign of Khosrau II.

This book described all the events which historically or mythically occurred on the 6th day of the Persian month of Farvardin.


  • Mīrzā-yi Nāẓir, Ibrāhīm. 1994. Rūz-i Hurmuzd māh-i farwardīn ; Māh-i farwardīn, rūz-i k̲urdād : (hamrāh ba matn-i Pārsī-yi Miyāna, āwāniwīsī, wāžanāma wa yāddāšthā). Mašhad: Intišārāt-i Tarāna.

See also

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