The Mourlot family has been closely associated with the arts since 1852. The family ran Mourlot Studios, also known as Imprimerie Mourlot, Ateliers Mourlot and Mourlot Freres.

Family members

  • Francois Mourlot (1828–1902), lithographic printer.
  • Jules Mourlot (1850–1921), son of Francois and founder of the Imprimerie Mourlot, aka. Mourlot Studios
  • Fernand Mourlot(1895–1988), son of Jules, director of Mourlot Studios and founder of Editions Mourlot
  • Georges Mourlot (1889), son of Jules Mourlot
  • Maurice Mourlot, son of Jules Mourlot and painter
  • Jeanne Mourlot, Wife of Fernand
  • Roland Bennard, son of Jeanne Mourlot
  • Jacques Mourlot(1933), son of Fernand and Founder of the Mourlot Studios in New York
  • Nicole Bordas (1925), daughter of Fernand
  • Pierre Bordas (1913–2000), Husband of Nicole and founder of the Editions Bordas, Paris
  • Eric Mourlot (1970), son of Jacques and grandson of Fernand, founder of Galerie Mourlot, New York
  • Frank Bordas, son of Pierre Bordas and founder of Atelier Bordas
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