Sovremennye zapiski
PublisherSovremennye Zapiski Publishing House

Sovremennye zapiski (Russian: Современные записки, "Contemporary Papers") was a politicized literary journal published from 1920 to 1940.[1][2] A group of adherents of the Russian Socialist-Revolutionary Party launched the journal during the Russian Civil War.

Headquartered in Paris, Sovremennye zapiski published the poetry, fiction, and articles of Russian emigrants, many of them highly respected writers and philosophers.

It is one of several Russian journals that published the early fiction of Vladimir Nabokov; Nabokov's novel Despair was first serialized in Sovremennye zapiski.

See also


  1. Johnston, Robert H. (1982). "In Defence of the Defeated: Sovremennye zapiski and the February Revolution". Canadian Slavonic Papers. Canadian Association of Slavists. 24 (1): 11–24. doi:10.1080/00085006.1982.11091688. JSTOR 40859965.
  2. "Sovremennye zapiski". Digital Library. The Nabokov Museum. Retrieved 11 December 2012.

Further reading

  • M.V. Vishniak, Sovremennye zapiski: Vospominaniia redaktora. (Sovremennye zapiski: Reminiscences of an Editor). St. Petersburg, Russia: Logos, 1993.
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