While there are no saints named St. Claire in English, there are several saints named St. Clare. They are spelled "Ste. Claire" in French.

  • Clare of Assisi (1194 – 1253), founder of the Poor Clares and companion of St. Francis of Assisi
  • Clare of Montefalco (c. 1268 – 1308), also known as Saint Clare of the Cross
  • Claire de Remiremont, or Clarisse or Saint Cécile or Sigeberge, abbess of the Abbey of Remiremont in the Vosges
  • Claire Argolanti, died 1346
  • Claire Gambacorti

There is also a traditional third-century French (male) bishop and saint Clair of Nantes.

St. Claire might also refer to:




Variant spellings

See also:

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