Time zone
World map with the time zone highlighted
UTC offset
Current time
19:09, 14 January 2024 UTC−10:00 [refresh]
Central meridian
150 degrees W
Date-time group
UTC−10:00: blue (December), orange (June), yellow (year-round), light blue (sea areas)

UTC−10:00 is an identifier for a time offset from UTC of −10:00. This time is used in Hawaii, Alaska, French Polynesia, and the Cook Islands.[1]

As standard time (year-round)

Principal cities: Honolulu, Avarua, Papeete, Fa'a'ā


Pacific Ocean


As standard time (Northern Hemisphere winter)

North America

Historical changes

  • Kiribati
    • Line Islands – including Kiritimati (Christmas Island) advanced 24 hours (to UTC+14:00) to the eastern hemisphere side of the International Date Line by skipping December 31, 1994.


  1. "Time Zone Abbreviations: CKT". Archived from the original on 2019-12-16. Retrieved 2015-02-16.
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