Time zone
World map with the time zone highlighted
UTC offset
Current time
00:37, 15 January 2024 UTC−04:30 [refresh]
Central meridian
67.5 degrees W
Date-time group

UTC−04:30 is an identifier for a time offset from UTC of −04:30.


It was used only in Venezuela, first between February 12, 1912 and January 1, 1965, and again from December 9, 2007[1][2] to May 1, 2016.[3] Currently, Venezuela's time zone is UTC−04:00.

See also


  1. Venezuela: Clocks to be set back 30 minutes on December 9, 2007
  2. BBC News, Venezuela creates own time zone, December 9, 2007.
  3. "Venezuela Time Zone". Venezuela Changes Time Zone To Save Electricity. Sky News. 16 April 2016. Archived from the original on 16 April 2016. Retrieved 16 April 2016.
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