This is a list of the universities in Finland. Institutions of higher education are designated as universities by Finnish legislation.[1] Only universities have the right to confer degrees in the categories of alempi korkeakoulututkinto/lägre högskoleexamen (bachelor's degree) and ylempi korkeakoulututkinto/högre högskoleexamen (master's degree) and doctoral degrees.[2]

In addition to the universities, Finland has another, separate system of tertiary education consisting of the ammattikorkeakoulus/yrkeshögskolas, which used to be translated as polytechnics but now call themselves universities of applied sciences according to international usage (see the list of polytechnics in Finland). The universities of applied sciences have the right to confer degrees in the categories of ammattikorkeakoulututkinto/yrkeshögskoleexamen and ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto/högre yrkeshögskoleexamen. In international usage, these degrees have the same names as those conferred by Finnish (normal) universities, i.e. bachelor's and master's degrees.[2]


Multidisciplinary universities

The Finnish universities are (sorted by the year of establishment):

No Name Established date First establishment Type Location Students Administrative staff
1University of Helsinki16401640PublicHelsinki34,8338,000 [3]
2Åbo Akademi University19181918PublicTurku and Vaasa5,5001,300 [4]
3University of Turku19201920PublicTurku, Pori19,4883,319 [5]
4University of Jyväskylä19341863PublicJyväskylä14,4922,583 [6]
5University of Oulu19581958PublicOulu14,2212,852 [7]
6University of Vaasa19681968PublicVaasa5,048498 [8]
7University of Lapland19791979PublicRovaniemi4,349633 [9]
8University of Eastern Finland20101966PublicJoensuu and Kuopio15,0002,800 [10]
9Aalto University20101849PublicEspoo and Helsinki18,1164,424 [11]
10Tampere University20191925PublicTampere, Pori and Seinäjoki[12]20,6003,550 [13]

Specialized universities

In Finland, there are a few institutions of higher education that have full university status, but which specialize in certain academic fields:

No Name Established date First establishment Type Location Students Administrative staff
1Hanken School of Economics19091909PublicHelsinki, Vaasa2,200130
2Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT20181969PublicLappeenranta, Lahti7,1101,237
3National Defence University19931919PublicHelsinki850350
4University of the Arts Helsinki20131848PublicHelsinki1,993729

The National Defence University is not considered a university by Finnish law, although it has the authority to award bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees and to pursue free research, and its rector is a member of the Council of Finnish University rectors.[14] The practical effect of this distinction is minor, and most notable in the administrative organization of the university, which is military instead of civilian.

See also


  1. Yliopistolaki/Universitetslag (558/2009). 1 §. Retrieved 10-3-2007. (in Finnish and Swedish)
  2. 1 2 Asetus korkeakoulututkintojen järjestelmästä/Förordning om högskolornas examenssystem (464/1998) as amended by decree 426/2005 1.1 §, section 1 and 8 §. Retrieved 10-3-2007. (in Finnish and Swedish)
  3. "The University of Helsinki in Brief - University of Helsinki". 17 September 2015.
  4. "Åbo Akademi - Startsida". Åbo Akademi.
  5. "Yliopiston avaintiedot". Archived from the original on 2018-04-01. Retrieved 2016-05-17.
  6. "Graafiset esitykset - Statistics". Jyväskylän yliopisto.
  7. "Yliopisto numeroin | Oulun yliopisto". Archived from the original on 2013-11-13. Retrieved 2014-06-17.
  8. "Avaintiedot". 27 January 2012.
  9. "Yliopisto - Lapin yliopisto".
  10. "Introduction - UEF".
  11. "Avaintietoa ja vuosittaiset raportit". 12 November 2013.
  12. "Yliopiston kampukset | Tampereen korkeakouluyhteisö". (in Finnish). Retrieved 2019-01-04.
  13. "Facts and figures".
  14. Finnish Council of University Rectors. Member Universities Archived 2011-07-20 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 10-3-2007.
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