Dr. Walter Millard Fleming

Walter Millard Fleming (1838 1913) was a physician and surgeon.

He obtained a degree in medicine in Albany, New York, in 1862. During the Civil War, he was a surgeon with the 13th New York Infantry Brigade, a militia unit of what would later be called the National Guard.

He then practiced medicine in Rochester, New York, until 1868, when he moved to New York City and became a leading practitioner.

He was also co-founder of the Shriners, a Masonic body, along with William J. Florence. Fleming is listed as member #1 in the 1904 Report of Mecca Temple, New York City.

See also

  • Shriners
  • Parade to Glory by Fred Van Deventer
  • History of the Imperial Council Nobles of the Mystic Shrine by William B. Melish


  • Mecca Temple, New York, N.Y. [Annual] Reports, December, 1904 (Kellogg Co. printers, Pearl St. NY)
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