Zak Tales is a children's television program created in 1990 by DIC Enterprises. Episodes consisted of a group of children meeting with "Zak" in a clubhouse setting to hear stories with subtle moral messages.
- Richest Witch
- The Little Green Engine
- Greedy Humpty Dumpty
- Little Rabbit
- Space Race
- Yankee Doodle
- Fun at the Fair
- Joey the Little Red Car
- Simple Simon
- George Peorgie
- Mickey Koala
- The Hot Air Balloon
- The Circus Is Here
- Voices of Zak and Kilroy: Michael Donovan
- One video was released in 1991 in the UK and Australia by Tempo Video (UK/AU) and Pickwick Video (AU) featuring two episodes "Greedy Humpty Dumpty" and "Simple Simon".
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