Golden Eagle Award for Best Television Motion Picture | |
Awarded for | Best Television Motion Picture of the Year |
Country | Russia |
Presented by | National Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences of Russia |
First awarded | 2002 |
Currently held by | Odesskiy parokhod (Одесский пароход, 2020) |
Website | Official site of the National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia |
The Golden Eagle Award for Best Television Motion Picture (Russian: Золотой Орёл для лучший игровой телевизионный фильм) is one of twenty award categories presented annually by the National Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences of Russia. It is one of the Golden Eagle Awards, which were conceived by Nikita Mikhalkov as a counterweight to the annual Nika Awards given by the Russian Academy of Cinema Arts and Sciences.[1]
Each year the members of the academy choose three nominees from among television films (movies directly released to television), which have been popular in Russia since the 1950s because of their inexpensive production.[2] The movies therefore typically have only Russian titles. The category excludes motion pictures and documentaries, which have their own categories. The first film to be awarded was Spetsnaz.[3] The name of the award was changed to Golden Eagle Award for Best Mini-Series (up to 8 episodes) in 2004 and later Golden Eagle Award for Best Telefilm or Mini-Series (up to 10 episodes) in 2006, which merged mini-series with telefilms.[4] Since then, the award has been won only by mini-series; no telefilms have received the prize since. The most recent award in 2020 was made to Odesskiy parokhod (Одесский пароход), which is based on Mikhail Zhvanetsky's works and the first television movie to win the prize since the change.[5] Vladimir Khotinenko holds the record for the most wins, with three; other people with multiple nominations are Gleb Panfilov, Boris Khlebnikov (both with two wins), Andrei Malyokov (with two wins and three nominations), Vladimir Bortko, Egor Baranov, Alexey Andrianov (each with one win and one nomination), Bakhtyar Khudojnazarov, and Yuri Moroz (both with two nominations but no wins).
Nominations and awards

- Key
Sign | Meaning |
Bold‡ | Indicates the winner |
Year | Original title | Transliterated title (per BGN/PCGN standard) |
Director | Episodes (Mini-Series) |
Ref |
2002 | Спецназ‡ | Spetsnaz | Andrei Malyokov | — |
[3] |
2002 | Next | — |
Oleg Fomin | — |
[3] |
2002 | Азазель | Azazel | Alexandr Abadashyan | — |
[3] |
2003 | Идиот‡ | Idiot | Vladimir Bortko | — |
[6] |
2003 | Наследницы | Naslednitsy | Elyor Ishmukhamedov | — |
[6] |
2003 | Театральный роман | Teatral'nyy Roman | Yuri Goldin, Oleg Babitsky | — |
[6] |
2004 | Честь имею!..‡ | Chest' imeyu!.. | Viktor Buturlin | 4 episodes | [7] |
2004 | Нумер в гостинице города NN | Numer v gostinitse goroda NN | Valery Fokin | — |
[7] |
2004 | Француз | Frantsuz | Vera Storozheva | 2 episodes | [7] |
2005 | Гибель империи‡ | Gibel' imperii | Vladimir Khotinenko | 10 episodes | [8] |
2005 | Курсанты | Kursanty | Andrey Kavun | 10 episodes | [8] |
2005 | Диверсант | Diversant | Andrei Malyukov | 4 episodes | [8] |
2006 | В круге первом‡ | V Kruge Pervom | Gleb Panfilov | 10 episodes | [4] |
2006 | Грозовые ворота | Grozovye Vorota | Andrei Malyokov | 4 episodes | [4] |
2006 | Дело о мертвых душах | Delo o Mertvykh Dushakh | Pavel Lungin | 8 episodes | [4] |
2007 | Ленинград‡ | Leningrad | Alexandr Buravsky | 4 episodes | [9] |
2007 | Билет в гарем | Bilet v Garem | Vadim Sokolovsky | 8 episodes | [9] |
2007 | На пути к сердцу | Na Puti k Serdtsu | Abay Karpykov | 10 episodes | [9] |
2008 | Диверсант. Конец войны‡ | Diversant. Konets Voyny | Igor Zaitsev | 8 episodes | [10] |
2008 | Преступление и наказание | Prestuplenie i nakazanie | Dmitry Svetosarov | 8 episodes | [10] |
2008 | Танкер танго | Tanker Tango | Bakhtyar Khudojnazarov | 6 episodes | [10] |
2009 | Без Вины Виноватые‡ | Bez Viny Vinovatye | Gleb Panfilov | 2 episodes | [11] |
2009 | Братья Карамазовиы | Brat'ya Karamasovyy | Yuri Moroz | 8 episodes | [11] |
2009 | Галина | Galina | Vitaly Pavlov | 8 episodes | [11] |
2010 | Веребное Воскресенье‡ | Verebnoe Voskresenye | Anton Sivers | 8 episodes | [12] |
2010 | Котовский | Kotovsky | Stanislav Nazirov | 8 episodes | [12] |
2010 | Пелагер и белый бульдог | Pelager i belyy Bul'dog | Yuri Moroz | 8 episodes | [12] |
2011 | Достоевский‡ | Dostoyevsky | Vladimir Khotinenko | 8 episodes | [13] |
2011 | Баллада о бомбере | Ballada o bombere | Vitaly Borobyev | 8 episodes | [13] |
2011 | Пётр Первый. Завещание | Pyotr Pervy. Zaveshchanie | Vladimir Bortko | 4 episodes | [13] |
2012 | Белая гвардия‡ | Belaya gvardiya | Sergey Snezhkin | 8 episodes | [14] |
2012 | Дело гастронома № 1 | Delo gastronoma No. 1 | Sergey Azhkenazi | 8 episodes | [14] |
2012 | Охотники за бриллиантами | Okhotniki za brilliantami | Alexander Kott | 8 episodes | [14] |
2013 | Мосгаз‡ | Mosgaz | Andrei Malyukov | 8 episodes | [15] |
2013 | Людмила | Lyudmila | Aleksandr Pavlovskiy | 8 episodes | [15] |
2013 | Всё началось в Харбине | Vso nachalos' v Kharbine | Leo Zisman | 8 episodes | [15] |
2014 | Бесы‡ | Besy | Vladimir Khotinenko | 4 episodes | [16] |
2014 | Гетеры майора Соколова | Getery mayora Sokolova | Bakhtyar Khudojnazarov | 8 episodes | [16] |
2014 | Крик совы | Krik sovy | Oleg Pogodin | 10 episodes | [16] |
2015 | Палач‡ | Palach | Vyacheslav Nikiforov | 10 episodes | [17] |
2015 | Уходящая натура | Ukhodyashchaya natura | Dmitriy Iosifov | 8 episodes | [15] |
2015 | Чудотворец | Chudotvorec | Dmitriy Konstantinov | 8 episodes | [17] |
2016 | Клим‡ | Klim | Karen Oganesyan | 8 episodes | [18] |
2016 | Деньги | Den'gi | Egor Anashkin | 8 episodes | [18] |
2016 | Фарца | Farca | Egor Baranov | 8 episodes | [18] |
2017 | Анна Каренина. История Вронского‡ | Anna Karenina. Istoriya Vronskogo | Karen Shakhnazarov | 8 episodes | [19] |
2017 | София | Sofija | Alexey Andrianov | 8 episodes | [19] |
2017 | Торгсин | Torgsin | Dmitry Petrun | 8 episodes | [19] |
2018 | Sпарта‡ | Sparta | Egor Baranov | 8 episodes | [20] |
2018 | Обычная женщина | Obychnaya zhenshchina | Boris Khlebnikov | 9 episodes | [20] |
2018 | Остаться в живых | Ostat'sya v zhivykh | Andrei Malyukov | 6 episodes | [20] |
2019 | Годунов‡ | Godunov | Alexey Andrianov | 17 episodes | [21] |
2019 | Звоните ДиКаприо! | Zvonite DiKaprio! | Zhora Kryzhovnikov | 8 episodes | [21] |
2019 | Шторм | Shtorm | Boris Khlebnikov | 8 episodes | [21] |
2020 | Одесский пароход‡ | Odesskiy parokhod | Sergei Ursuliak | — |
[5] |
2020 | Дипломат | Diplomat | Yuri Kuzmenko | 16 episodes | [5] |
2020 | Магомаев | Magomayev | Dmitriy Tyurin, Roman Prygunov | 8 episodes | [5] |
- ↑ "Nikita Mikhalkov". Russkiy Mir Foundation Information Service. Archived from the original on 27 July 2011. Retrieved 8 February 2011.
- ↑ Телевизионное кино в СССР [Television Cinema in the USSR] (in Russian). Encyclopedia of Contemporary Cinema. Retrieved 11 May 2013.
- 1 2 3 4 Номинанты премии "Золотой Орел" за 2002 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2002] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 28 September 2011. Retrieved 8 February 2011.
- 1 2 3 4 Номинанты премии "Золотой Орел" за 2006 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2006] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 28 September 2011. Retrieved 8 February 2011.
- 1 2 3 4 Номинанты премии "Золотой Орел" за 2020 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2020] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 26 October 2021.
- 1 2 3 Номинанты премии "Золотой Орел" за 2003 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2003] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 28 September 2011. Retrieved 8 February 2011.
- 1 2 3 Номинанты премии "Золотой Орел" за 2004 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2004] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 26 October 2021.
- 1 2 3 Номинанты премии "Золотой Орел" за 2005 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2005] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 26 October 2021.
- 1 2 3 Номинанты премии "Золотой Орел" за 2007 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2007] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 28 September 2011. Retrieved 8 February 2011.
- 1 2 3 Номинанты премии "Золотой Орел" за 2008 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2008] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 28 September 2011. Retrieved 8 February 2011.
- 1 2 3 Номинанты премии "Золотой Орел" за 2009 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2009] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 28 September 2011. Retrieved 8 February 2011.
- 1 2 3 Номинанты премии "Золотой Орел" за 2010 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2010] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 28 September 2011. Retrieved 8 February 2011.
- 1 2 3 Номинанты премии "Золотой Орел" за 2011 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2011] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 7 October 2013. Retrieved 10 May 2013.
- 1 2 3 Номинанты премии "Золотой Орел" за 2012 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2012] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 7 October 2013. Retrieved 10 May 2013.
- 1 2 3 4 Номинанты премии "Золотой Орел" за 2013 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2013] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 26 October 2021.
- 1 2 3 Номинанты премии "Золотой Орел" за 2014 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2014] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 26 October 2021.
- 1 2 Номинанты премии "Золотой Орел" за 2015 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2015] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 26 October 2021.
- 1 2 3 Номинанты премии "Золотой Орел" за 2016 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2016] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 26 October 2021.
- 1 2 3 Номинанты премии "Золотой Орел" за 2017 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2017] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 26 October 2021.
- 1 2 3 Номинанты премии "Золотой Орел" за 2018 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2018] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 26 October 2021.
- 1 2 3 Номинанты премии "Золотой Орел" за 2019 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2019] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 26 October 2021.
External links
- Official website (in Russian)