IHF Honorary President and Honorary Members
Awarded forOutstanding services to international handball
Presented byInternational Handball Federation
First award1966
First winnerWilly Burmeister ( West Germany)
Most recentChristophe Yapo Achy ( Ivory Coast)

IHF Honorary President and Honorary Members is an award established by the International Handball Federation. It is awarded by the IHF Congress to individuals who have rendered outstanding services to the international handball.

At the recommendation of the IHF Council or a member association, retiring chairman and members of bodies may be appointed as honorary president or honorary members by the IHF Congress.


The award consists of the insignia of the IHF Council with full garland in gold and a personal gift. The recipient also receives a pass, entitling him/her to free entry to all handball events held by any member federation around the world. The Honorary president is also sent an invitation by the International Handball Federation to attend the IHF Council meeting. The honorary president may give suggestions on any matter but had not any voting right.

The award was first awarded to Willy Burmeister of West Germany in 1966 when he was made honorary member of the IHF. Paul Högberg of Sweden was made first honorary president while Raymond Hahn of France was made first honorary secretary general.[1]

IHF Honorary Presidents

1984Mr. Paul Högberg Sweden3rd IHF President from 1971 to 1984.
2000Mr. Erwin Lanc Austria4th IHF President from 1984 to 2000.

IHF Honorary Secretary General

2004Mr. Raymond Hahn France4th IHF Secretary General from 1988 to 2004.

IHF Honorary Members

Honorary MemberCountryHonorary SinceNotes
Otto Schwarz  Switzerland1994Chairman of IHF Commission of Organizing and Competitions, IHF Executive Committee Member
Tadeusz Breguła Poland1994Chairman of IHF Commission of Coaching and Methods
Kim Chong-ha South Korea1996IHF Council Member
Heinz Suter  Switzerland1996Member of IHF Commission of Coaching and Methods
Rudi Glock West Germany /  Germany2000IHF Treasurer from 1988 to 2000
Dr. Nabil Salem Egypt2000President of African Handball Confederation from 1993 to 1996, IHF Vice-President from 1992 to 2000, Member of IHF Medical Commission
Henrik Vænerberg Finland2000President of Finland Handball Association
Hermann Brunner Costa Rica2004IHF Council Member, President of Costa Rica Handball Federation from 1978 to 2008
Karl Güntzel  Switzerland2004IHF Council Member
Dr. Gijs Langevoort Netherlands2004Chairman of IHF Medical Commission
Jean-Michel Germain France2004Technical Director of French Handball Federation, Member of IHF Commission of Coaching and Methods
Jörgen Holmqvist Sweden2009Chairman of IHF Arbitration Tribunal
Peter Mühlematter  Switzerland2009Member of IHF Commission for Promotion and Public Relations, Chairman of IHF Commission of Organising and Competitions, IHF Secretary General from 2004 to 2009.
Ms. Carin Nilsson Green Sweden2009Chairperson of IHF Commission for Promotion and Public Relations
Ulrich Strombach Germany2009Chairman of IHF Arbitration Commission, President of German Handball Association from 1998 to 2013
Christer Ahl United States2009Member of IHF Playing Rules and Referees Commission
Christophe Yapo Achy Ivory Coast2009IHF Vice-President, Secretary General of African Handball Confederation from 1978 to 1993, President of African Handball Confederation from 1996 to 2008

Former IHF Honorary Members

Following is the list IHF Honorary Members who died after getting the award. There are also some members who were awarded the IHF Honorary Membership posthumously; they are marked with star after their name.

Honorary MemberCountrySinceUntilNotes
Willy Burmeister West Germany1966Member of International Amateur Handball Federation's Technical Commission from 1928 to 1938, Member of IHF Technical Commission from 1956 to 1966.
Einar Kaspersen Norway1970President of Norwegian Handball Federation from 1951 to 1955, IHF Council Member
Risto Orko Finland1970IHF Council Member
Charles Petit Montgobert France1970IHF Vice-President from 1950 to 1970
Wobbe Akkermann Netherlands1970IHF Council Member
Hans Baumann*  Switzerland19721972IHF President from 1950 to 1971
Charles Martin France1972IHF Council Member
René Ricard France1972Member of IHF Technical Commission
Albert Wagner  Switzerland1972IHF Secretary General from 1950 to 1972
Axel Ahm Denmark1976Member of IHF Teachnical Commission and IHF Playing Rules and Referees Commission
Carl-Filip Borgh Sweden1976IHF Secretary General from 1946 to 1950
Marijan Flander Yugoslavia1976IHF Council Member, Member of IHF Technical Commission
Emil Horle  Switzerland1976Chairman of IHF Technical Commission and IHF Playing Rules and Referees Commission from 1946 to 1976
Hermann Milius East Germany1976IHF Council Member
Leopold Stipkovich Austria1976IHF Council Member
Anders Fredslund Pedersen Denmark1984IHF Treasurer from 1972 to 1984
Nelson Paillou France1984President of French Handball Federation and French Olympic Committee, IHF Council Member
Carl E. Wang Norway19842016Chairman of IHF Playing Rules and Referees Commission
Aurelio Chiappero Italy1984Secretary General of Italian Handball Federation from 1969 to 1973
Max Rinkenburger West Germany1988IHF Treasurer from 1954 to 1972, IHF Secretary General from 1972 to 1988
Heinz Seiler East Germany1988Technical Director of East Germany Handball Federation, IHF Council Member
Curt Wadmark Sweden19902003Chairman of the IHF Commission of Organising and Competitions
Dr. Vladimir Krivcov Soviet Union1992President of Soviet Union Handball Federation, IHF Vice-President from 1972 to 1992.
Alberto de San Roman y de la Fuente Spain1992IHF Vice-President
Prof. Dr. Ioan Kunst-Ghermanescu Romania1992President of Romanian Handball Federation, Chairman of IHF Commission of Coaching and Methods
Dr. István Madarasz Hungary19922010Chairman of IHF Medical Commission
Petar Bucu Yugoslavia1992Member of IHF Commission for Promotion and Public Relations, President of Yugoslavian Handball Federation, Deputy Sports Minister of Yugoslavia.
Bernhard Thiele West Germany1992Chairman of IHF Commission for Promotion and Public Relations, President of German Handball Association from 1972 to 1990.
Friedrich Dusch Austria1992Secretary General of Austrian Handball Federation, Member of IHF Commission of Organising and Competitions.
Werner Vick West Germany1992Member of IHF Playing Rules and Referees Commission
Vasile Sidea Romania1992Member of IHF Playing Rules and Referees Commission
Babacar Fall Senegal1994President of African Handball Confederation from 1973 to 1993, IHF Vice-President
Dr. Jaroslav Mráz Czechoslovakia19942016Member of IHF Commission of Coaching and Methods
Dr. Walter Pallamar Austria1994Member of IHF Medical Commission
Ivan Snoj Yugoslavia19941994Member of IHF Commission of Coaching and Methods
Erik Elias Sweden1996Chairman of IHF Playing Rules and Referees Commission
Dr. Walter Schwedhelm Mexico19962013Secretary General of Pan-American Team Handball Federation from 1997 to 1980, President of Pan-American Team Handball Federation from 1980 to 1984.
Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Herrmann Germany1996Chairman of IHF Commission for Promotion and Public Relations
Dr. Jiří Jeschke Czech Republic1996Member of IHF Medical Commission
Dr. Peter Buehning United States2000IHF Vice-President, President of Pan-American Team Handball Federation from 1977 to 1980 and 1987 to 1996
Janis Grinbergas Lithuania20002013Member of IHF Playing Rules and Referees Commission
Er. Erik Larsen Denmark20002013Secretary General of Danish Handball Federation, Member of IHF Commission of Organizing and Competitions
Jeff Rowland United Kingdom2000President of British Handball Association
Kjartan K. Steinbach Iceland20042018Chairman of IHF Playing Rules and Referees Commission from 1996 - 2004
Øivind Bolstad Norway20092016Chairman of IHF Playing Rules and Referees Commission


  1. "List of the current IHF Honorary President and Honorary Members". Retrieved 9 July 2017.

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