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This is a list of National Geographic cover stories including writers and photographers starting from January 2020.
For a complete list of cover stories from 1959 to 2024, see the List of National Geographic cover stories.
Titlea | Date | Author | Photographer | Imagesb | Ref |
Pain | January 2020 | Robert Clark, Et al. | Magic Torch | Human brain | |
Last Journey into Slavery | February 2020 | Joel K. Bourne, Jr. Et al. | Kadir Nelson | Slave ship | |
The End of Trash | March 2020 | Robert Kunzig | Luca Locatelli | Massive pile of clothes | |
How We Lost the Planet, How we Saved the World | April 2020 | Susan Goldberg | Imaginary Forces | Earth | |
You'll Miss Them When There Gone | May 2020 | Elizabeth Kolbert | David Liittschwager | Insects | |
The Last Voices of World War ll | June 2020 | Lynne Olson | Robert Clark | Lawrence Brooks | |
Everest | July 2020 | Mark Synnott | William Faucett | Mount Everest | |
Stopping Pandemics | August 2020 | Richard Conniff | Max Aguilera-Hellweg | Man in a gas mask | |
Meet the Robots | September 2020 | David Berreby | Spencer Lowell | Robot hand | |
Reimaging Dinosaurs | October 2020 | Michael Greshko | Davide Bonadonna | Deinonychus | |
A World Gone Viral | November 2020 | Multiple authors & storiesd | Cédric Gerbehaye | X-ray of human lungs | |
Saving the Great Lakes | December 2020 | Tim Folger | Keith Ladzinski | Lake Michigan |
Titlea | Date | Author | Photographer | Imagesb | Ref |
2020: 71 photographs from an Unforgettable year | January 2021 | Susan Goldberg | Kris Graves | Robert E. Lee Monument | |
Mysteries of a virus | February 2021 | David Quammen | Markos Kay | Mimivirus | |
Mars | March 2021 | Nadia Drake | ESA | Mars | |
The fight for Clean Air | April 2021 | Beth Gardiner | Matthieu Paley | Power plant in Ulaanbaatar | |
Secrets of the Whales | May 2021 | Craig Welch | Brian Skerry | Humpback whale | |
Reckoning with the Past | June 2021 | Cynthia Gorney | Kadir Nelson | Kadir Nelson painting | |
Beating the Heat | July 2021 | Alejandra Borunda | Elliot Ross | Tree canopy | |
Gladiators | August 2021 | Andrew Curry | Fernando Baptista | Thraex gladiator | |
Mysteries of the Solar System | September 2021 | Michael Greshko | Monica Serrano | Patroclus | |
The Revolution is Here | October 2021 | Craig Welch; Et al. | Bose Collins | The future | |
100 Wonders of the World | November 2021 | Andrew Lawler | Kadir Nelson | Kadir Nelson painting | |
Welcome to Earth | December 2021 | Paula Kahumbu | Charlie Hamilton James | Egrets & Wildebeests |
Titlea | Date | Author | Photographer | Imagesb | Ref |
2021 The Year in Picturesc | January 2022 | — | Health professional | ||
Notre-Dame | February 2022 | Robert Kunzig | Tomas van Houtryve | Notre-Dame de Paris | |
Into the Depths | March 2022 | Tara Roberts | Wayne Lawrence | shipwrecks | |
Exploring Islands in the Sky | April 2022 | Mark Synnott | Renan Öztürk | A tepui | |
Saving Forests | May 2022 | Alejandra Borunda | Keith Ladzinski | Forest | |
The Power of Touch | June 2022 | Cynthia Gorney | Lynn Johnson | Woman and baby | |
We Are Here | July 2022 | Charles C. Mann | Kiliii YuYan | Native nations | |
Stonehenge Revealed | August 2022 | Roff Smith | Reuben Wu | Sunset at Stonehenge | |
America the Beautiful | September 2022 | Emma Marris | Stephen Wilkes | Bears Ears | |
Minds of Their Own | October 2022 | Yudhijit Bhattacharjee | Vincent Lagrange | Sphynx cat | |
Tuts Treasures | November 2022 | Paolo Verzone | Sandro Vannini | Tutankhamun | |
Pictures of the Yeard | December 2022 | — | Arturo Rodríguez | Volcanic eruption |
Titlea | Date | Author | Photographer | Imagesb | Ref |
Living Longer and Better | January 2023 | Fran Smith | Jasper Doest | Older man skydiving | |
The Future is Folded | February 2023 | Maya Wei-Haas | Craig Cutler | Origami | |
Going Home | March 2023 | Andrew Curry | Richard Barnes | Bronze Head from Ife | |
8 Billion: The Population Paradox | April 2023 | Craig Welch | Justin Metz | Earth | |
Secrets of the Elephants | May 2023 | Srinath Perur | Brent Stirton | Asian elephants | |
Into the Wild | June 2023 | Peter Guin | Katie Orlinsky | Gila Hot Springs | |
Chasing the unknown | July 2023 | Multiple authors & storiesd | Steven Alvarez | Ellison's Cave | |
An Arctic Mystery | August 2023 | Mark Synnott | Renan Öztürk | Peel Sound, Canada | |
Inside the Dome of the Rock | September 2023 | Andrew Lawler | Ziyah Gafić | Dome of the Rock | |
Space | October 2023 | Multiple authors & storiesd | Saturn's moon Enceladus | ||
The Race to Save the Planet | November 2023 | Sam Howe Verhovek | Davide Monteleone | Geodesic dome | |
Pictures of the Year | December 2023 | Multiple authorsd | Kyle Yuman | Yellow-lipped sea krait |
Titlea | Date | Author | Photographer | Imagesb | Ref |
Saving the Manarchs | January 2024 | Michelle Nijhuis | Jaime Rojo | Monarch butterflies |
See also
- a.^ In some issues of National Geographic, the cover story would have one title on the cover and a different title (with the same meaning) on the headline of the actual article, or the title may appear different on the table of contents. Titles represented in this list, are taken from the cover and the citation represents the title listed in the table of contents.
- b.^ Images could also be a painting, drawing or a computer rendering.
- c.^ There were four versions of this issue of the magazine, each from a different photographer.
- d.^ Multiple articles with various authors. Photo depicted is not included in those articles.
- ↑ Clark, Robert (January 2020). "A World of Pain". National Geographic. Vol. 237, no. 1. p. 46.
- ↑ Nelson, Kadir (February 2020). "The Last Slave Ship". National Geographic. Vol. 237, no. 2. p. 42.
- ↑ Kunzig, Robert (March 2020). "The End of Trash". National Geographic. Vol. 237, no. 3. p. 42.
- ↑ Goldberg, Susan (April 2020). "How We Lost the Planet, How we Saved the World". National Geographic. Vol. 237, no. 2.
- ↑ Kolbert, Elizabeth (May 2020). "Where Have All the Insects Gone?". National Geographic. Vol. 237, no. 5. p. 40.
- ↑ Olson, Lynne (June 2020). "The Last Voices of World War ll". National Geographic. Vol. 237, no. 6. p. 42.
- ↑ Synnott, Mark (July 2020). "Mystery on Everest". National Geographic. Vol. 238, no. 1. p. 42.
- ↑ Conniff, Richard (August 2020). "Stopping Pandemics". National Geographic. Vol. 238, no. 2. p. 40.
- ↑ Lowell, Spencer (September 2020). "The Robots Are Here". National Geographic. Vol. 238, no. 3. p. 40.
- ↑ Greshko, Michael Greshko (October 2020). "Reimaging Dinosaurs". National Geographic. Vol. 238, no. 4. p. 38.
- ↑ Gerbehaye, Cédric (November 2020). "A World Gone Viral". National Geographic. Vol. 238, no. 5.
- ↑ Folger, Tim (December 2020). "So Great, So Fragile". National Geographic. Vol. 238, no. 5. p. 40.
- ↑ Goldberg, Susan (January 2021). "2020: 71 photographs from an Unforgettable year". National Geographic. Vol. 239, no. 1. p. 46.
- ↑ Quammen, David (February 2021). "A World of Viruses". National Geographic. Vol. 239, no. 2. p. 40.
- ↑ Drake, Nadia (March 2021). "Our Obsession With Mars Missions". National Geographic. Vol. 239, no. 3. p. 38.
- ↑ Paley, Matthieu (April 2021). "The Deadly Cost of Dirty Air". National Geographic. Vol. 239, no. 4. p. 40.
- ↑ Skerry, Brian (May 2021). "Secrets of the Whales". National Geographic. Vol. 239, no. 5. p. 40.
- ↑ Gorney, Cynthia (June 2021). "Special Report: Reckoning with the Past". National Geographic. Vol. 239, no. 6. p. 62.
- ↑ Borunda, Alejandra (July 2021). "To Hot to Live". National Geographic. Vol. 240, no. 1. p. 40.
- ↑ Curry, Andrew (August 2021). "Ancient Rome's Fight Club". National Geographic. Vol. 240, no. 2. p. 40.
- ↑ Greshko, Michael (September 2021). "Small Wonders". National Geographic. Vol. 240, no. 3. p. 36.
- ↑ Welch, Craig (October 2021). "The Auto Industry Bets Big on Green Cars". National Geographic. Vol. 240, no. 4. p. 38.
- ↑ Lawler, Andrew (November 2021). "100 Wonders of Archeology". National Geographic. Vol. 240, no. 5. p. 40.
- ↑ Kahumbu, Paula (December 2021). "Welcome to Earth". National Geographic. Vol. 240, no. 6. p. 36.
- ↑ Multiple authors (January 2022). "2021 The Year in Pictures". National Geographic. Vol. 241, no. 1.
- ↑ Kunzig, Robert (February 2022). "Notre-Dame After the Fire". National Geographic. Vol. 241, no. 2. p. 36.
- ↑ Lawrence, Wayne (March 2022). "Hidden No More". National Geographic. Vol. 241, no. 3. p. 36.
- ↑ Synnott, Mark (April 2022). "Up the Mountain to the World Apart". National Geographic. Vol. 241, no. 4. p. 36.
- ↑ Borunda, Alejandra (May 2022). "Forests, For Life". National Geographic. Vol. 241, no. 5. p. 34.
- ↑ Johnson, Lynn (June 2022). "The Power of Touch". National Geographic. Vol. 241, no. 6. p. 34.
- ↑ Mann, Charles C. (July 2022). "We Are Here". National Geographic. Vol. 242, no. 1. p. 34.
- ↑ Smith, Roff (August 2022). "Britain's Stoneage Building Boom". National Geographic. Vol. 242, no. 2. p. 36.
- ↑ Marris, Emma (September 2022). "America in a New Light". National Geographic. Vol. 242, no. 3. p. 36.
- ↑ Bhattacharjee, Yudhijit (October 2022). "Animal Sentience: What Are They Thinking?". National Geographic. Vol. 242, no. 4. p. 34.
- ↑ Verzone, Paolo (November 2022). "The Enduring Power of King tut". National Geographic. Vol. 242, no. 5. p. 34.
- ↑ Multiple authors (December 2022). "Pictures of the Year". National Geographic. Vol. 242, no. 6.
- ↑ Smith, Fran (January 2023). "The Science of Living Longer and Better". National Geographic. Vol. 243, no. 1. p. 34.
- ↑ Wei-Haas, Maya (February 2023). "The Future is Folded". National Geographic. Vol. 243, no. 2. p. 34.
- ↑ Curry, Andrew (March 2023). "Troubled Treasures". National Geographic. Vol. 243, no. 3. p. 34.
- ↑ Welch, Craig (April 2023). "8 Billion: Earth's Exploding, Shifting Population". National Geographic. Vol. 243, no. 4. p. 34.
- ↑ Perur, Srinath (May 2023). "The Elephant Next Door". National Geographic. Vol. 243, no. 5. p. 36.
- ↑ Guin, Peter (June 2023). "Wild West". National Geographic. Vol. 243, no. 6. p. 36.
- ↑ Multiple authors and stories (July 2023). "Chasing the unknown". National Geographic. Vol. 244, no. 1. p. Cover.
- ↑ Synnott, Mark (August 2023). "No Way Out". National Geographic. Vol. 244, no. 2. p. 34.
- ↑ Lawler, Andrew (September 2023). "Under the Dome". National Geographic. Vol. 244, no. 3. p. 34.
- ↑ "Space". National Geographic. Vol. 244, no. 4. October 2023. p. 36.
- ↑ Howe Verhovek, Sam (November 2023). "Clearing the Air". National Geographic. Vol. 244, no. 5. p. 72.
- ↑ Multiple authors (December 2023). "Pictures of the Year". National Geographic. Vol. 244, no. 6. p. 39.
- ↑ Nijhuis, Nijhuis (January 2024). "Flights of the Monarchs". National Geographic. Vol. 245, no. 1. p. 36.
External links
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