The following is a list of clubs who have played in the Nemzeti Bajnokság I football league at any time since its formation in 1901.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]



Team It contains the current, or the last name of the club, or in some cases the most well-known names are given.
Operation The year of foundation, dissolution and reestablishment.
First season It displays they year when the club played for the first time in the Nemzeti Bajnokság I
Seasons The number of seasons played in the Nemzeti Bajnokság I.
Name changes It shows the name changes of the club. The sponsors of the clubs are not displayed.
Note It displays the mergers, abbreviations of the clubs.


Playing in the 2023–24 Nemzeti Bajnokság I
Playing in lower levels

The chart contains the 2023-24 season, too.

List of clubs

# Team City Operation First season Seasons
1.Budapesti TCBudapest1885–1926/2000–2002190120
2.Magyar Úszó EgyletBudapest1893–194819015
3.Ferencvárosi TCBudapest (Ferencváros)18991901110
4.Budapesti SCBudapest1900–190619012
5.Műegyetemi AFCBudapest189719015
6.33 FCBudapest (Óbuda)1900–1958190228
7.MTK Budapest FCBudapest18881903104
8.Budapesti Postás SEBudapest (Zugló)189919037
9.Magyar ACBudapest1875–1946190317
10.Törekvés SEBudapest (Kőbánya)1900190324
11.Terézvárosi TCBudapest (Terézváros)1902–1949190413
12.Újpest FCBudapest (from 1950)118851905108
13.Budapesti AKBudapest1900–19471906–0713
14.Typographia TEBudapest19031906–073
15.Nemzeti SCBudapest1906–19501909–1021
16.III. Kerületi TVEBudapest (Óbuda)1887–2002/20031911–1225
17.Vasas SCBudapest (Angyalföld)19111916–1784
18.Budapest Honvéd FCBudapest (from 1950)219091916–1799
19.Fővárosi TKBudapest1906–19261916–171
20.Budapesti MÁVAG SKBudapest1910–?1918–194
21.Újpesti Törekvés SEBudapest (from 1950)11908–19571919–202
22.VII. Kerületi SCBudapest1913–19231920–212
23.Vívó és Atlétikai ClubBudapest1906–19491921–225
24.Zuglói ACBudapest (Zugló)1911–19501922–233
25.Budapesti EACBudapest18981924–252
26.Erzsébeti TCBudapest (from 1950)31909–19351925–261
27.Sabaria FCSzombathely1919–19321926–275
28.Szegedi AKSzeged1899–19761926–2722
29.Bocskai FCDebrecen1926–19401927–2813
30.Attila FCMiskolc1926–19361927–287
31.Somogy FCKaposvár1926–19361928–296
32.Pécs-Baranya FCPécs1927–19321929–302
33.Soroksár FCBudapest (from 1950)41911–19581932–3310
34.Phöbus FCBudapest1932–19571933–346
35.Gamma FCBudapest1918–19501935-3614
36.Salgótarjáni BTCSalgótarján1920–19841935–3638
37.Elektromos SEBudapest19221936–3710
38.Szombathelyi HaladásSzombathely19191936–3758
39.Szürketaxi FCBudapest19321937–383
40.Győri ETO FCGyőr19041937–3869
41.Szolnoki MÁV FCSzolnok19101938–3910
42.Zuglói SEBudapest (Zugló)19211938–394
43.Kassai ACKassa19011939–401
44.Csepel SCBudapest (from 1950)51912–2001/20061940–4151
45.Diósgyőri VTKMiskolc (from 1950)619101940–4149
46.BKV Előre SCBudapest19121940–414
47.Tokodi Üveggyári SCTokod19261940–411
48.Nagyváradi ACNagyvárad1910–19631941–423
49.Újvidéki ACÚjvidék18971941–423
50.Kolozsvári ACKolozsvár1880–1948/19071941–423
51.Lampart FCBudapest1937–19661941–421
52.Szegedi VSESzeged19191941–422
53.Debreceni VSCDebrecen19021943–4441
54.Erzsébeti Spartacus MTK LEBudapest (from 1950)3190719453
55.Ganz-MÁVAG SEBudapest190319451
56.Szentlőrinci ACBudapest (from 1950)719081945–464
57.Dorog FCDorog19141945–4622
58.Pécsi Vasutas SKPécs19191945–463
59.Kőbányai BarátságBudapest (Kőbánya)?1945–461
60.Herminamezei ACBudapest (Zugló)?–?1945–461
61.Újpesti MTEBudapest (from 1950)1?–19511945–462
62.Budafoki MTEBudapest (from 1950)819121945–461
63.Békéscsaba 1912 Előre SEBékéscsaba19121945–4626
64.Debreceni Dózsa MaDISz TEDebrecen?1945–461
65.Perecesi TKMiskolc (from 1950)91920–19751946–471
66.Testvériség SEBudapest (from 1950)1019091946–471
67.FC TatabányaTatabánya19101948–4944
68.Kispesti Textil SEBudapest (from 1950)219271948–491
69.Goldberger SEBudapest (Kelenföld)19281948–491
70.Nagykanizsai Olajbányász SENagykanizsa1945–?1949–504
71.Szegedi EACSzeged1921195126
72.Dunaújváros FCDunaújváros (from 1961)111951195320
73.Vasas Izzó MTEBudapest (Újpest)1951–198719543
74.Pécsi Mecsek FCPécs1950195550
75.Szolnoki Légierő SK[10]Szolnok1951–195719551
76.Komlói Bányász SKKomló19221957–5812
77.Budapesti VSCBudapest (Zugló)19111958–5910
78.Miskolci VSCMiskolc19111958–591
79.Ózdi Kohász SEÓzd1909–1995/19951961–624
80.Egri FCEger195019676
81.Vörös Meteor Egyetértés SKBudapest1907–197519685
82.Videoton FCSzékesfehérvár1941196846
83.Zalaegerszegi TEZalaegerszeg19201972–7336
84.Kaposvári Rákóczi FCKaposvár19231975–7615
85.Székesfehérvári MÁV Előre SCSzékesfehérvár19091977–783
86.Rákospalotai EACBudapest (from 1950)1019121979–8010
87.Nyíregyháza Spartacus FCNyíregyháza19281980–8113
88.BFC SiófokSiófok19211985–8620
89.Dunakanyar-Vác FCVác18991987–8814
90.Veszprém FCVeszprém19121988–895
91.Soproni FACSopron19001993–942
92.Stadler FCAkasztó1994–19981994–954
93.Gázszer FCGárdony1994–19991997–982
94.Tiszakécske FCTiszakécske1993–19991997–981
95.Szeged LCSzeged1998–20001999–001
96.FC SopronSopron1923–20082000–018
97.Lombard-Pápa TFCPápa20042004–057
98.Paksi FCPaks19522006–079
99.Kecskeméti TEKecskemét19112008–097
100.Mezőkövesd-Zsóry SEMezőkövesd19752013–142
101.Puskás Akadémia FCFelcsút20072013–142
102.Dunaújváros PASEDunaújváros19982014–151
103.Gyirmót SEGyőr19932016–171
104.Balmazújvárosi FCBalmazújváros20112017–181
105.Kisvárda FCKisvárda20032018–191
Notes 2
  • Ungvári AC played in the 1944-45 Nemzeti Bajnokság I season but the championship was interrupted due to the World War II.

Most seasons

The following clubs, 109 in total, have participated in the Hungarian League since its inception in 1901 until the 2023–24 season.[11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]

As of 30 June 2023.

Notes: The teams in bold are competing in the 2019–20 season of the Hungarian League.

1 VM Egyetértés SK in the 1974–75 season after the merger with MTK Budapest FC played as MTK-VM.
2 Gázszer FC sold the license for the spring round in the 1999–2000 season for PMFC.
3 Ungvári AC made his debut in the 1944–45 season, after 3 matches with 0 point club occupied the last 16th place, after which the championships were discontinued due to Second World War.

By city

Correct as of 5 June 2016.

# City No. Clubs
1. Budapest 49 Budapesti TC, Magyar Úszó Egylet, Ferencvárosi TC, Budapesti SC, Műegyetemi AFC, 33 FC, MTK Budapest FC, Budapesti Postás SE, Magyar AC, Törekvés SE, Terézvárosi TC, Újpest FC, Budapesti AK, Typographia SC, Nemzeti SC, III. Kerületi TUE, Vasas SC, Budapest Honvéd FC, Fővárosi TK, Budapesti MÁVAG SK, Újpesti Törekvés SE, Turul FC, Vívó és Atlétikai Club, Zuglói AC, Budapesti EAC, Erzsébeti TC, Soroksár FC, Phöbus FC, Gamma FC, Elektromos FC, Szürketaxi FC, Zuglói SE, Csepel SC, BKV Előre SC, Lampart FC, Erzsébeti Spartacus MTK LE, Ganz-MÁVAG SE, Szentlőrinci AC, Kőbányai Barátság, Herminamezei AC, Újpesti MTE, Budafoki LC, Testvériség SE, Kispesti Textil SE, Goldberger SE, Tungsram SC, Budapesti VSC, Vörös Meteor Egyetértés SK, Rákospalotai EAC
2. Szeged 4 Szegedi AK, Szegedi VSE, Szegedi EAC, Szegedi LC
Miskolc 4 Miskolci AK, Diósgyőri VTK, Perecesi TK, Miskolci VSC
4. Debrecen 3 Bocskai FC, Debreceni VSC, Debreceni Dózsa MaDISz TE
Pécs 3 Pécs-Baranya FC, Pécsi Vasutas SK, Pécsi MFC
6. Szombathely 2 Sabaria FC, Szombathelyi Haladás
Kaposvár 2 Somogy FC, Kaposvári Rákóczi FC
Szolnok 2 Szolnoki MÁV FC, Szolnoki Légierő SK
Dunaújváros 2 Dunaújváros FC, Dunaújváros PASE
Győr 2 Győri ETO FC, Gyirmót SE
Székesfehérvár 2 Fehérvár, Székesfehérvári MÁV Előre SC
Sopron 2 Soproni FAC, FC Sopron
12. Salgótarján 1 Salgótarjáni BTC
Kassa 1 Kassai FC
Tokod 1 Tokodi Üveggyári SC
Nagyvárad 1 Nagyváradi AC
Újvidék 1 Újvidéki AC
Kolozsvár 1 Kolozsvári AC
Dorog 1 Dorogi FC
Békéscsaba 1 Békéscsaba 1912 Előre SE
Tatabánya 1 FC Tatabánya
Nagykanizsa 1 Nagykanizsa FC
Komló 1 Komlói Bányász SK
Ózd 1 Ózdi Kohász SE
Eger 1 Egri FC
Zalaegerszeg 1 Zalaegerszegi TE
Nyíregyháza 1 Nyíregyháza Spartacus FC
Siófok 1 BFC Siófok
Vác 1 Vác FC
Veszprém 1 Veszprém FC
Kiskőrös 1 Stadler FC
Gárdony 1 Gázszer FC
Tiszakécske 1 Tiszakécske FC
Pápa 1 Lombard-Pápa TFC
Paks 1 Paksi FC
Kecskemét 1 Kecskeméti TE
Mezőkövesd 1 Mezőkövesd-Zsóry SE
Felcsút 1 Puskás Akadémia FC

See also


  1. "Hungary - List of Final Tables 1901-1910". Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics 1 June 2015.
  2. "Hungary - List of Final Tables 1911-1920". Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics 1 June 2015.
  3. "Hungary - List of Final Tables 1921-1930". Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics 1 June 2015.
  4. "Hungary - List of Final Tables 1931-1940". Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics 1 June 2015.
  5. "Hungary - List of Final Tables 1941-1950". Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics 1 June 2015.
  6. "Hungary - List of Final Tables 1951-1960". Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics 1 June 2015.
  7. "Hungary - List of Final Tables 1961-1970". Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics 1 June 2015.
  8. "Hungary - List of Final Tables 1971-1980". Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics 1 June 2015.
  9. "Hungary - List of Final Tables 1981-1996". Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics 1 June 2015.
  10. "Szolnoki Légierő SK". 2015-05-29.
  11. "Hungary - List of Final Tables 1901-1910". Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics 1 June 2015.
  12. "Hungary - List of Final Tables 1911-1920". Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics 1 June 2015.
  13. "Hungary - List of Final Tables 1921-1930". Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics 1 June 2015.
  14. "Hungary - List of Final Tables 1931-1940". Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics 1 June 2015.
  15. "Hungary - List of Final Tables 1941-1950". Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics 1 June 2015.
  16. "Hungary - List of Final Tables 1951-1960". Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics 1 June 2015.
  17. "Hungary - List of Final Tables 1961-1970". Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics 1 June 2015.
  18. "Hungary - List of Final Tables 1971-1980". Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics 1 June 2015.
  19. "Hungary - List of Final Tables 1981-1996". Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics 1 June 2015.
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