Spanish guerrillera and American anti-Fascist in For Whom the Bell Tolls

Below is an incomplete list of fictional feature films which include events of the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) in the narrative.

For short films about the Spanish Civil War, see the List of World War II short films.


Year Country Main title
(Alternative title)
Original title
(Original script)
Director Battles, campaigns, events depicted
1937 Spain Dawn of Hope Aurora de esperanza Antonio Sau Olite Drama.
1937 United States Love Under Fire George Marshall Crime, Drama, Romance, War.
1937 United States The Last Train from Madrid James P. Hogan Action, Adventure, Drama, Romance, War. Refugees flee bombing of Madrid
1938 United States Blockade William Dieterle Drama, Romance, War. Peasant supports the Republic
1938 Nazi Germany Comrades at Sea Kameraden auf See Heinz Paul War. German sailors save Spanish civilians at the beginning of the Civil War
1938 Mexico Refugees in Madrid Refugiados en Madrid Alejandro Galindo Drama, Romance, War. Refugees in Madrid
1938–39 France
Days of Hope or Man's Hope Espoir: Sierra de Teruel Boris Peskine
André Malraux
Drama, War. Shows defense of the 2nd Spanish Republic by the Republican air force, filmed on location in northeastern Spain. Includes scenes of street fighting and a bombing raid. Based on a novel Man's Hope.
1939 Italy Carmen Among the Reds Carmen fra i rossi Edgar Neville War. Tragic love between two Nationalist agents among the Republicans[1]Based on an unknown novel.
1939 Italy
Front of Madrid Frente de Madrid Edgar Neville Tragic love between two Nationalist agents among the Republicans[2]Based on an unknown novel.


Year Country Main title
(Alternative title)
Original title
(Original script)
Director Battles, campaigns, events depicted
1940 Nazi Germany Request Concert Wunschkonzert Eduard von Borsody Musical, Romance, War. Condor Legion
1940 United States Arise, My Love Mitchell Leisen Comedy, Drama, Romance. Spanish Civil War through French capitulation, 1940
1940 Italy
The Man of the Legion L'uomo della legione Romolo Marcellini Drama, War. Italian veteran of the War of Ethiopia volunteers to fight for the Falange in Spain
1940 Italy
The Siege of the Alcazar L'assedio dell'Alcazar
Sin novedad en el Alcázar
Augusto Genina Drama, War. Siege of the Alcázar in Toledo, 1936
1940 Italy The Thrill of the Skies L'ebbrezza del cielo Giorgio Ferroni A group of Italian aspiring young pilots construct a glider and then volunteer for service in the Spanish Civil War
1941 Spain Because i saw you cry Porque te vi llorar Juan de Orduña Drama.
1941 Spain The Cruiser Baleares El crucero Baleares Enrique del Campo War. Spanish cruiser Baleares, Battle of Cape Palos (1938)
1941 Spain The Squadron Escuadrilla Antonio Román Drama, War. Two pilots of the Falange
1942 Soviet Union Lad from Our Town Парень из нашего города Aleksandr Stolper
Boris Ivanov
Drama, War. A group of Soviet military specialists in Spain
1942 Spain Wedding in hell Boda en el infierno Antonio Román Drama, War.
1942 Spain Race Raza José Luis Sáenz de Heredia Biography, Drama, History, War.
1942 Spain Red and Black Rojo y negro Carlos Arévalo Drama, War. Falange's fifth column in Madrid
1943 United States The Fallen Sparrow Richard Wallace Film-Noir, Mystery. Spy thriller based on Dorothy B. Hughes novel
1943 United States For Whom the Bell Tolls Sam Wood Adventure, Drama, History, Romance, War. Drama based on Ernest Hemingway novel. American joins guerrillas in attack on bridge
1943 Italy Special Correspondents Inviati speciali Romolo Marcellini Drama. An Italian journalist discovers an enemy female agent in the Spanish Civil War and then in Egypt during World War II
1945 United Kingdom The Man from Morocco Mutz Greenbaum Action, Adventure.
1945 United States Confidential Agent Herman Shumlin Drama, Thriller.
1949 Spain The sanctuary does not give up El santuario no se rinde Arturo Ruiz Castillo Drama, War. Siege of Santuario de Nuestra Señora de la Cabeza
1949 Spain Life in Shadows Vida en sombras Lorenzo Llobet Gràcia Drama.


Year Country Main title
(Alternative title)
Original title
(Original script)
Director Battles, campaigns, events depicted
1951 Spain Facing the Sea Rostro al mar Carlos Serrano de Osma Drama, War.
1951 Spain Close to heaven Cerca del cielo Domingo Viladomat Biography, Drama, War.
1951 Spain Reckless Balarrasa José Antonio Nieves Conde Crime, Drama.
1951 Spain Service at Sea Servicio en la mar Luis Suárez de Lezo Drama, War.
1952 United States The Snows of Kilimanjaro Henry King Adventure, Drama, Romance, War.
1954 Spain Two Paths Dos caminos Arturo Ruiz Castillo Drama, War.
1954 Spain The patrol La patrulla Pedro Lazaga Drama, War.
1955 Italy
The Lost City La ciudad perdida
Terroristi a Madrid
Margarita Alexandre
Rafael María Torrecilla
Drama. Spanish Maquis
1955 East Germany Ernst Thälmann - leader of his class Ernst Thälmann – Führer seiner Klasse Kurt Maetzig Biography, Drama, History.
1955 West German As Long as You Live Solange du lebst Harald Reinl Drama.
1956 Spain Torrepartida Pedro Lazaga Drama, War. Spanish Maquis
1956 East Germany I am thirsty Mich dürstet Karl Paryla Drama, War. Based on short story Um Spaniens Freiheit.
1957 East Germany Where you are going Wo Du hin gehst Martin Hellberg War.
1958 Spain Heroes of the Air Héroes del aire Ramón Torrado Adventure, Drama, War.
1959 Spain The infinite front El frente infinito Pedro Lazaga Drama, War.


Year Country Main title
(Alternative title)
Original title
(Original script)
Director Battles, campaigns, events depicted
1960 Spain
The Crossroads La encrucijada Alfonso Balcázar Drama.
1960 East Germany People with wings Leute mit Flügeln Konrad Wolf War, Drama.
1960 Spain The faithful infantry La fiel infantería Pedro Lazaga Drama, War.
1960 Spain Peace Never Comes La paz empieza nunca León Klimovsky Drama. Based on a novel La paz empieza nunca. Spanish Maquis
1960 United States
The Angel Wore Red La sposa bella Nunnally Johnson Action, Drama, War, Romance. Romantic drama from Bruce Marshall novel
1960 East Germany Five Cartridges Fünf Patronenhülsen Frank Beyer War.
1961 France The Spanish Festival La Fête espagnole Jean-Jacques Vierne Drama, War.
1962 Spain Clean wheat Trigo limpio Ignacio F. Iquino Drama, War. Red Terror
1962 Mexico On the empty balcony En el balcón vacío Jomí García Ascot Drama.
1962 Spain A Land for All Tierra de todos Antonio Isasi-Isasmendi Drama, War.
1964 United States Behold a Pale Horse Fred Zinnemann Drama, War. Based on a novel Killing a mouse on Sunday. Francesc Sabaté, Spanish Maquis
1966 Spain Advanced position Posición avanzada Pedro Lazaga Drama, War.
1966 Spain The lost eyes Los ojos perdidos Rafael García Serrano Drama, War.
1966 Soviet Union
Nocturne Ноктюрн
Rostislav Goryayev Drama, War.
1967 France The Wall Le Mur Serge Roullet Drama. Based on short story The Wall.
1968 Spain Crusade at sea Cruzada en la mar Isidoro Martínez-Vela Drama, War. Spanish cruiser Almirante Cervera
1968 Soviet Union This moment Это мгновение
Šis mirklis
Emil Loteanu Drama, War.
1969 United Kingdom The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Ronald Neame Comedy, Drama, Romance.
1969 Spain The other tree of Guernica El otro árbol de Guernica Pedro Lazaga Biography, Drama. Based on a novel El otro árbol de Guernica.


Year Country Main title
(Alternative title)
Original title
(Original script)
Director Battles, campaigns, events depicted
1970 Spain
Hand Strike (Explosion) Golpe de mano (Explosión) José Antonio de la Loma Action, Drama, War. Battle of the Ebro
1971 Spain The rebel mountain La montaña rebelde Ramón Torrado War, Drama.
1971 Spain The shore La orilla Luis Lucia Drama.
1971 Soviet Union Officers Офицеры Vladimir Rogovoy Drama, Romance, War.
1972 Spain The house of chivas La casa de las chivas León Klimovsky Drama. Based on the play La casa de las chivas.
1975 Bulgaria Doomed Souls Osadeni Dushi
Осъдени Души
Vulo Radev Drama, Romance, War. Romance drama based on Dimitar Dimov novel
1975 Spain Pim, pam, pum... fire! Pim, pam, pum... ¡fuego! Pedro Olea Drama. Spanish Maquis
1975 Soviet Union Mirror Зеркало Andrei Tarkovsky Biography, Drama.
1975 East Germany
Soviet Union
Between Day and Night Zwischen Nacht und Tag Horst E. Brandt Erich Weinert
1975 France
The Tree of Guernica L' Arbre de Guernica Fernando Arrabal Drama, War.
1976 Spain The Legion Like Women A la Legión le gustan las mujeres Rafael Gil Comedy.
1976 Spain Long Vacations of 36 Las largas vacaciones del 36 Jaime Camino Drama, History.
1976 Spain Family Portrait Retrato de Familia Antonio Giménez-Rico Drama, War.
1976 Italy A Sold Life Una vita venduta Aldo Florio War. Two Italian soldiers of the Corpo Truppe Volontarie. Based on Leonardo Sciascia short novel L'antimonio
1977 Spain Let's have the war in peace Tengamos la guerra en paz Eugenio Martín Comedy.
1977 Spain One of the million dead Uno del millón de muertos Andrés Velasco Rubio Drama.
1977 Soviet Union
Code Name Lukács Псевдоним: Лукач
Fedőneve: Lukács
Manos Zacharias Biography. Hungarian writer, political exile and XII International Brigade commander Máté Zalka's final months.
1978 Spain Soldiers Soldados Alfonso Ungría Drama.
1978 Spain
The days of the past Los días del pasado Mario Camus Drama. Spanish Maquis
1978 Soviet Union
The Velvet season Бархатный сезон Vladimir Pavlovich Drama, War.
1979 Spain Heart of the Forest El corazón del bosque Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón Drama. Spanish Maquis
1979 Spain Companys, procés a Catalunya Companys, proceso a Cataluña Josep Maria Forn Biography, Drama, History.


Year Country Main title
(Alternative title)
Original title
(Original script)
Director Battles, campaigns, events depicted
1980 Italy Quiet country women Tranquille donne di campagna Claudio Giorgi Drama.
1980 Spain Stubble land Tierra de rastrojos Antonio Gonzalo
1981 France The Red Shadow L'Ombre rouge Jean-Louis Comolli Drama, Thriller.
1982 Spain Diamond Square La plaça del Diamant Francesc Betriu Drama. Based on a novel The Time of the Doves.
1984 Spain Memoirs of General Escobar Memorias del General Escobar José Luis Madrid Drama. Based on a memoir. Antonio Escobar Huertas
1984 Spain Bicycles Are for the Summer Las bicicletas son para el verano Jaime Chávarri Drama.
1985 Spain Requiem for a Spanish Peasant Réquiem por un campesino español Francesc Betriu Drama.
1985 Spain The Heifer La vaquilla Luis García Berlanga Comedy, War.
1986 Spain The War of the Fools La guerra de los locos Manolo Matji Drama.
1986 Spain The Bastard Brother of God El hermano bastardo de Dios Benito Rabal Drama, War. Based on a novel El hermano bastardo de Dios.
1986 Spain Dragon Rapide Jaime Camino Drama, History. Gen. Franco prepares his uprising against the Republic from Spanish Morocco, 1936
1986 Spain Voyage to Nowhere El viaje a ninguna parte Fernando Fernán Gómez Comedy, Drama. Comedy-drama based on director's novel. Travelling comedy troupe during war and post-war Francoist Spain
1987 Spain Wolf moon Luna de lobos Julio Sánchez Valdés Drama, War. Spanish Maquis
1987 Spain To the four winds A los cuatro vientos José Antonio Zorrilla
Arantxa Urretabizkaia
Drama. Lauaxeta, Bombing of Guernica
1987 Spain Hooray for the band! ¡Biba la banda! Ricardo Palacios Comedy, War.
1988 Soviet Union
East Germany
We will remain faithful Верными останемся Andrei Malyukov Drama, War.


Year Country Main title
(Alternative title)
Original title
(Original script)
Director Battles, campaigns, events depicted
1990 Spain
¡Ay Carmela! Carlos Saura Comedy, Drama, War.
1990 Canada
Bethune: The Making of a Hero [3] Phillip Borsos Biography, Drama, Romance, War. Montreal doctor Norman Bethune in Spain, then China for Sino-Japanese War
1991 Spain Cows Vacas Julio Medem Drama, Mystery, Romance, War.
1992 Spain
The Long Winter El largo invierno Jaime Camino Drama, History, War.
1993 Spain Fled Huidos Sancho Gracia Drama, War.
1995 France Fiesta Pierre Boutron Drama based on the novel by José Luis de Vilallonga
1995 United Kingdom
United States
Land and Freedom Ken Loach Drama, War. Historical drama with similarities to George Orwell's book Homage to Catalonia.
1996 Spain
Libertarians Libertarias Vicente Aranda Drama, History, War.
1997 Spain In Praise of Older Women En brazos de la mujer madura Manuel Lombardero Drama, Romance, War.
1997 Spain
United States
Puerto Rico
The Disappearance of Garcia Lorca [3] Marcos Zurinaga Biography, Drama, Mystery, Thriller. Based on a novel La represión nacionalista de Granada en 1936 y la muerte de Federico García Lorca. Poet Federico García Lorca, 1936
1998 Spain The Pianist El Pianista Mario Gas Drama. Based on a novel El Pianista.
1998 United States Talk of Angels Nick Hamm Drama, Romance, War. Based on a novel Mary Lavelle.
1998 Spain A Time for Defiance La hora de los valientes Antonio Mercero Drama, Romance, War.
1998 Spain The Girl of Your Dreams La niña de tus ojos Fernando Trueba Comedy, Drama. Actress Imperio Argentina and pro-Franco movie-makers travel to Nazi Germany
1999 Spain Land of cannons Terra de canons Antoni Ribas Drama, History, Romance.
1999 Spain Butterfly's Tongue La lengua de las mariposas José Luis Cuerda Drama, War. Based on a novels La lengua de las mariposas, Un saxo en la niebla, Carmiña.
1999 Spain Canyon land Tierra de cañones Antoni Ribas Drama, History, Romance.


Year Country Main title
(Alternative title)
Original title
(Original script)
Director Battles, campaigns, events depicted
2000 Spain The Sea El mar Agustí Villaronga Drama, War.
2000 Spain The Goalkeeper El portero Gonzalo Suárez Drama, Sport. Spanish Maquis
2001 Spain Broken Silence Silencio roto Montxo Armendáriz Adventure, Drama, Thriller, War. Spanish Maquis
2002 Spain
United Kingdom
The Shanghai Spell El embrujo de Shanghai Fernando Trueba Drama, Mystery. Spanish Maquis
2002 Spain
Carol's Journey El viaje de Carol Imanol Uribe Drama, History. A young girl moves from America to her mother's town in Spain in 1938.
2003 Spain A singular passion Una pasión singular Antonio Gonzalo Biography, Drama. Blas Infante
2003 Spain The End of a Mystery La luz prodigiosa Miguel Hermoso Drama. Based on a novel La luz prodigiosa. Federico García Lorca
2003 Spain The Carpenter's Pencil El lápiz del carpintero Antón Reixa Drama. Based on a novel The Carpenter's Pencil.
2003 Spain Soldiers of Salamina Soldados de Salamis David Trueba Drama. Based on a novel Soldiers of Salamis.
2004 Spain
The Year of the Flood El año del diluvio Jaime Chávarri Drama. Spanish Maquis
2004 Spain Iris Rosa Vergés Drama.
2004 Canada
United Kingdom
Head in the Clouds John Duigan Drama, Romance, War.
2007 Spain
13 Roses Las 13 Rosas Emilio Martínez-Lázaro Drama, History. Las Trece Rosas
2008 Spain The Good News La buena nueva Helena Taberna Drama. Marino Ayerra, White Terror
2008 Germany
The Anarchist's Wife La mujer del anarquista Peter Sehr
Marie Noëlle
Drama, History.


Year Country Main title
(Alternative title)
Original title
(Original script)
Director Battles, campaigns, events depicted
2010 Spain Burnt face Caracremada Lluís Galter Drama, History. Ramon Vila Capdevila, Spanish Maquis.
2010 Spain Stars to reach Estrellas que alcanzar Mikel Rueda Drama. Saturararan Women's Prison
2011 Spain The Sleeping Voice La voz dormida Benito Zambrano Drama, War. Spanish Maquis
2011 Spain Spanish people! Ispansi! Carlos Iglesias Drama, History, Romance, War. Secret Falangist escorts orphans to USSR in time for Second World War
2011 United States
There Be Dragons [3] Roland Joffé Biography, Drama, War. Josemaría Escrivá
2013 Spain Bernabé Pablo Casanueva Drama.
2013 Spain
United Kingdom
The Mule La mula Michael Radford
Sebastien Grousset
Adventure, Comedy, Drama.
2013 Spain A Forbidden God Un Dios prohibido Pablo Moreno Drama, History. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War, Religious persecution during the Spanish Civil War
2014 Spain The memory of the olive trees La memoria de los olivos Raúl Romera
2014 Spain The pit La fossa Pere Vilà Barceló Drama.
2014 Spain Under a Blanket of Stars Bajo un manto de estrellas Óscar Parra de Carrizosa Drama, History. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War, Religious persecution during the Spanish Civil War
2015 Spain The banishment El destierro Arturo Ruiz Serrano Drama.
2016 Spain Dance in the Union Baile en el Sindicato Fran Longoria War.
2016 Spain
United States
Guernica Gernika Koldo Serra Drama, History, Romance, War. Bombing of Guernica
2017 Spain Elephants Elefantes Carlos Balbuena Drama.
2017 Spain The Bastards' Fig Tree La higuera de los bastardos Ana Murugarren Comedy, Drama, Thriller.
2017 Spain Uncertain Glory Incerta glòria Agustí Villaronga Drama based on the novel from Joan Sales.
2019 Spain So a hundred years pass Así que pasen cien años Mau Cardoso
2019 Spain The Silent War Sordo Alfonso Cortés-Cavanillas Action, Drama. Invasion of Val d'Aran, Spanish Maquis
2019 Spain
While at War Mientras Dure la Guerra Alejandro Amenábar Drama, History, War. Miguel de Unamuno
2019 Spain
The Endless Trench La Trinchera Infinita Jon Garaño
Aitor Arregi Galdos
Jose Maria Goenaga
Drama, History, Thriller. 1936. A country taken by the fascism. A husband marked for the killing. A wife determined to all for saving him. An endless incarceration in his own home.


Year Country Main title
(Alternative title)
Original title
(Original script)
Director Battles, campaigns, events depicted
2020 Spain Maquis Rubén Burén Drama. Spanish Maquis
2023 Spain Caleta Palace José Antonio Hergueta Biography, History, War.

Upcoming films

Year Country Main title
(Alternative title)
Original title
(Original script)
Director Subject
2023 United States
A Dry Run David Simon Drama, History, War.
2025 Spain In blood and fire A sangre y fuego J. A. Bayona Drama.

Science fiction, fantasy, and horror 

Year Country Main title
(Alternative titles)
Original title
(Original script)
Director Battles, campaigns, events depicted
2001 Spain
The Devil's Backbone El Espinazo del Diablo Guillermo del Toro Drama, Horror, Thriller.
2006 Spain
Pan's Labyrinth El laberinto del fauno Guillermo del Toro Drama, Fantasy, War. Parable influenced by fairy tale of young girl's escape into abandoned labyrinth with mysterious faun creature in Francoist Spain, May–June 1944 Spanish Maquis
2010 Spain
The Last Circus Balada triste de trompeta Álex de la Iglesia Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Horror, Thriller. Son of Republican militiaman carries out his own war over a woman
2012 Spain
Painless Insensibles Juan Carlos Medina Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Thriller.
2012 Spain The Forest El Bosc Óscar Aibar Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, War. Story of a family torn apart during the Spanish Civil War in Lower Aragon. The husband takes refuge using a portal to another world. 1936
2020 Spain Valley of the Dead Malnazidos Javier Ruiz Caldera
Alberto de Toro
Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, War. Months after bloody combats leave behind thousands of dead in the trenches. Jan Lozano, Captain of the Fifth Brigade has fallen prisoner by an opponent's platoon along with a young driver while carrying out a mission that has been entrusted to him. The possibility of dying executed will soon be overtaken when a new unknown enemy arises. Both rival sides must unite and set their mutual hate aside in order to survive.

Television films

Year Country Main title
(Alternative title)
Original title
(Original script)
Director Subject
1960 United States The Fifth Column John Frankenheimer Drama.
1967 France The Spaniard L'Espagnol Jean Prat Drama. Based on a novel L'Espagnol.
1973 Yugoslavia Fifth column Пета колона Boro Drašković Drama.
1976 Italy The assassination of Federico Garcia Lorca L'assassinio di Federico Garcia Lorca Alessandro Cane Drama. Federico García Lorca
1976 United Kingdom The Madness James Cellan Jones [4]
1977 Canada Bethune Eric Till Biography, Drama. Montreal doctor Norman Bethune in Spain, then China for Sino-Japanese War
1986 Spain The king and the queen El rey y la reina José Antonio Páramo Drama.
2008 Spain The sailor A mariñeira Antón Dobao Drama.
2012 Spain The conspiracy La conspiración Pedro Olea Thriller. Spanish coup of July 1936
2012 United States Hemingway & Gellhorn Philip Kaufman Biography, Drama, Romance. Story depicts the occasion that the two journalist met each other in Spain while they were both covering the Spanish Civil War.
2016 Spain Ebro, from the cradle to the battle Ebro, de la cuna a la batalla Roman Parrado Drama, History. Leva del biberón, Battle of the Ebro
2019 Spain Exodus, from the battle to the border Èxode, de la batalla a la frontera Roman Parrado Lloro Drama, War.
2021 Spain The shrapnel El metralla Jordi Roigé i Solé
2021 Spain Frederica Montseny, the woman who speaks Frederica Montseny, la dona que parla Laura Mañá Biography. Federica Montseny
2022 Spain Quico Sabaté: no destiny Quico Sabaté: sense destí Sílvia Quer Biography. Francesc Sabaté, Spanish Maquis

TV Series

Year Country Main title
(Alternative title)
Original title
(Original script)
Director Subject
1965 United Kingdom For Whom the Bell Tolls Rex Tucker Drama. Based on a novel For Whom the Bell Tolls
1971 East Germany Clear skies all over Spain Über ganz Spanien wolkenloser Himmel Hans Knötzsch
1985 Spain Vacationers Veraneantes Alberto González Vergel Drama.
1987-8 Spain Lorca, death of a poet Lorca, muerte de un poeta Juan Antonio Bardem Biography, Drama. Federico García Lorca
1989 Spain The world of Juan Lobon El mundo de Juan Lobón Enrique Brasó Drama. Spanish Maquis
1990 Spain Riders of the Dawn Los Jinetes del Alba Vicente Aranda Drama, War. Based on a novel Los Jinetes del Alba.
1990 Spain The Forging of a Rebel La forja de un rebelde Mario Camus Biography, Drama, War. Based on the books The Forging of a Rebel. Arturo Barea
1993 Spain One day I will return Un día volveré Francesc Betriu Drama.
1997 Spain Perez's gang La banda de Pérez Ricardo Palacios Comedy.
2001-2 Spain Time of Silence Temps de silenci Drama.
2005-15 Spain Love in troubled times Amar en tiempos revueltos Adventure, Drama, Romance, Thriller, War.
2006 Canada Bethune Yang Yang Biography.
2008 France
Them and Me Elles et Moi Bernard Stora Drama.
2009 Spain The voices of Pamano Les veus del Pamano Lluís Maria Güell Drama.
2011 Spain Tornarem Felip Solé Drama, War.
2012 Spain Gernika under the bombs Gernika bajo las bombas Luis Marías Drama. Bombing of Guernica
2013-4 Spain The Time in Between El tiempo entre costuras Ignacio Mercero
Iñaki Peñafiel
Norberto López Amado
Adventure, Drama, History, Mystery, Romance.
2017 Portugal
Vidago Palace Henrique Oliveira Drama, History, Romance.
2019 Spain Parany Juan Luis Iborra Drama.
2021 United Kingdom The Pursuit of Love Emily Mortimer Drama, Romance.

See also


Unless otherwise stated, the source for film information is the IMDb.

  1. Filmed at the same time of Frente de Madrid, but with some different members of the cast (for example the male protagonist is Fosco Giachetti instead of Rafael Rivelles).
  2. Filmed at the same time of Carmen fra i rossi, but with some different members of the cast (for example the male protagonist is Rafael Rivelles instead of Fosco Giachetti).
  3. 1 2 3 This film is an international co-production shot in English.
  4. The cast of characters in The Madness, a BBC production, includes the following historical figures: Prieto, Largo Caballero, Dolores Ibárruri, Gen. Queipo de Llano, Andrés Nin, General Mola, Gen. Asensio Torrado, Vicente Uribe, Jesús Hernández Tomás (Education Minister), Garcia Oliver, Giral, Galarza (Interior Minister), Federica Montseny, Alvarez Del Vayo, Juan Negrín, General Miaja, and General Rojo. Generals Queipo de Llano and Mola are Nationalists; the other leaders are all Republicans. The role of Francisco Largo Caballero was played by Patrick Stewart.
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