The blue crane is the national bird of South Africa.

South Africa is a large country, ranked 25th by size in the world, and is situated in the temperate latitudes and subtropics. Due to a range of climate types present, a patchwork of unique habitat types occur, which contribute to its biodiversity and level of endemism. This list incorporates the mainland and nearshore islands and waters only. The submerged though ecologically important Agulhas Bank is for most part inside its territorial waters. Offshore, South Africa's territory includes the Prince Edward Islands in the Subantarctic Indian Ocean.

This list's taxonomic treatment (designation and sequence of orders, families and species) and nomenclature (English and scientific names) are those of The Clements Checklist of Birds of the World, 2022 edition, except that South African spelling is used.[1] Taxonomic changes are on-going. As more research is gathered from studies of distribution, behaviour and DNA, the order and number of families and species may change. Furthermore, different approaches to ornithological nomenclature have led to concurrent systems of classification (see Sibley-Ahlquist taxonomy and IOU taxonomy).

Unless otherwise noted, the list is that of BirdLife South Africa (BLSA).[2] Notes in the status column are also from this source. Notes of population status, such as "endangered", refer to the worldwide population, not the South African part of it except for endemics. Unless otherwise noted in the "status" column, the species is a resident or regularly-occurring migrant.

  • "Vagrant" means the species rarely or accidentally occurs in South Africa.
  • "Endemic" means the species is found only in South Africa.
  • "SLE endemic" means the species is found only in South Africa and the Kingdoms of Lesotho and Eswatini (formerly Swaziland). Lesotho is surrounded by South Africa and Eswatini nearly so.

This list contains 879 species according to the Clements taxonomy. The BLSA list includes additional entries as species which Clements considers subspecies; some of them are noted. According to BLSA, 18 species are endemic, 20 are SLE endemic, and 11 have been introduced by humans. Clements describes only 15 as endemic and 14 as SLE endemic.


Common ostrich

Order: Struthioniformes   Family: Struthionidae

Ostriches are flightless birds native to Africa. They are the largest living species of bird. They are distinctive in appearance, with a long neck and legs and the ability to run at high speeds.

Common name Binomial Status
Common ostrich
(South African ostrich)
Struthio camelus
(S. c. australis)

Ducks, geese, and waterfowl

Fulvous whistling-duck

Order: Anseriformes   Family: Anatidae

The family Anatidae includes the ducks and most duck-like waterfowl, such as geese and swans. These are birds adapted to an aquatic existence, with webbed feet, flattened bills, and feathers that are excellent at shedding water due to an oily coating.

Common name Binomial Status
White-faced whistling-duckDendrocygna viduata
Fulvous whistling-duckDendrocygna bicolor
White-backed duckThalassornis leuconotus
Mute swanCygnus olorIntroduced
Knob-billed duckSarkidiornis melanotos
Egyptian gooseAlopochen aegyptiaca
South African shelduckTadorna cana
Spur-winged goosePlectropterus gambensis
African pygmy-gooseNettapus auritus
GarganeySpatula querquedulaVagrant
Blue-billed tealSpatula hottentota
Cape shovelerSpatula smithii
Northern shovelerSpatula clypeataVagrant
African black duckAnas sparsa
Yellow-billed duckAnas undulata
MallardAnas platyrhynchosIntroduced
Cape tealAnas capensis
Red-billed duckAnas erythrorhyncha
Northern pintailAnas acutaVagrant
Southern pochardNetta erythrophthalma
Maccoa duckOxyura maccoaVulnerable


Helmeted guineafowl

Order: Galliformes   Family: Numididae

The guineafowl are a family of birds native to Africa. They typically eat insects and seeds, are ground-nesting, and resemble partridges, except with featherless heads.

Common name Binomial Status
Helmeted guineafowlNumida meleagris
Southern crested guineafowlGuttera edouardi

Pheasants, grouse, and allies

Common quail

Order: Galliformes   Family: Phasianidae

The Phasianidae are a family of terrestrial birds consisting of quails, partridges, snowcocks, francolins, spurfowls, tragopans, monals, pheasants, peafowl, and jungle fowls. In general, they are plump and have broad, relatively short wings.

Common name Binomial Status
Indian peafowlPavo cristatusIntroduced
Crested francolinOrtygornis sephaena
Coqui francolinCampocolinus coqui
Red-winged francolinScleroptila levaillantii
Grey-winged francolinScleroptila africanusSLE endemic
Orange River francolinScleroptila gutturalis
Shelley's francolinScleroptila shelleyi
Blue quailSynoicus adansoniiVagrant
Common quailCoturnix coturnix
Harlequin quailCoturnix delegorguei
ChukarAlectoris chukarIntroduced
Red-billed francolinPternistis adspersus
Cape francolinPternistis capensisSee note[notes 1]
Natal francolinPternistis natalensis
Swainson's francolinPternistis swainsonii
Red-necked francolinPternistis afer


Lesser flamingos

Order: Phoenicopteriformes   Family: Phoenicopteridae

Flamingos are large gregarious wading birds found in both the Western and Eastern Hemispheres. Flamingos filter-feed on shellfish and algae. Their oddly shaped beaks are specially adapted to separate mud and silt from the food they consume and, uniquely, are used upside-down.

Common name Binomial Status
Greater flamingoPhoenicopterus roseus
Lesser flamingoPhoeniconaias minorNear threatened


Little grebe

Order: Podicipediformes   Family: Podicipedidae

Grebes are small to medium-large freshwater diving birds. They have lobed toes and are excellent swimmers and divers. However, they have their feet placed far back on the body, making them quite ungainly on land.

Common name Binomial Status
Little grebeTachybaptus ruficollis
Great crested grebePodiceps cristatus
Eared grebePodiceps nigricollis

Pigeons and doves

Lemon dove

Order: Columbiformes   Family: Columbidae

Pigeons and doves are stout-bodied birds with short necks and short slender bills with a fleshy cere.

Common name Binomial Status
Rock pigeonColumba liviaIntroduced
Speckled pigeonColumba guinea
Rameron pigeonColumba arquatrix
Delegorgue's pigeonColumba delegorguei
Lemon doveColumba larvata
European turtle-doveStreptopelia turturVagrant; vulnerable
Mourning collared-doveStreptopelia decipiens
Red-eyed doveStreptopelia semitorquata
Ring-necked doveStreptopelia capicola
Laughing doveStreptopelia senegalensis
Emerald-spotted wood-doveTurtur chalcospilos
Blue-spotted wood-doveTurtur afer
Tambourine doveTurtur tympanistria
Namaqua doveOena capensis
African green-pigeonTreron calvus


Female double-banded sandgrouse

Order: Pterocliformes   Family: Pteroclidae

Sandgrouse have small, pigeon-like heads and necks, but sturdy compact bodies. They have long pointed wings and sometimes tails and a fast direct flight. Flocks fly to watering holes at dawn and dusk. Their legs are feathered down to the toes.

Common name Binomial Status
Namaqua sandgrousePterocles namaqua
Yellow-throated sandgrousePterocles gutturalis
Double-banded sandgrousePterocles bicinctus
Burchell's sandgrousePterocles burchelli


Blue bustard

Order: Otidiformes   Family: Otididae

Bustards are large terrestrial birds mainly associated with dry open country and steppes in the Old World. They are omnivorous and nest on the ground. They walk steadily on strong legs and big toes, pecking for food as they go. They have long broad wings with "fingered" wingtips and striking patterns in flight. Many have interesting mating displays.

Common name Binomial Status
Kori bustardArdeotis koriNear threatened
Ludwig's bustardNeotis ludwigiiEndangered
Denham's bustardNeotis denhamiNear threatened
White-bellied bustardEupodotis senegalensis
Blue bustardEupodotis caerulescensSLE endemic (see note);[notes 2] near threatened
Karoo bustardEupodotis vigorsii
Red-crested bustardEupodotis ruficrista
Black bustardEupodoti afraEndemic; vulnerable
White-quilled bustardEupodoti afraoides
Black-bellied bustardLissotis melanogaster


Order: Musophagiformes   Family: Musophagidae

The turacos, plantain eaters, and go-away-birds make up the family Musophagidae. They are medium-sized arboreal birds. The turacos and plantain eaters are brightly coloured, usually in blue, green, or purple. The go-away-birds are mostly grey and white.

Common name Binomial Status
Livingstone's turacoTauraco livingstonii
Knysna turacoTauraco corythaixSLE endemic
Purple-crested turacoTauraco porphyreolophus
Grey go-away-birdCorythaixoides concolor


Order: Cuculiformes   Family: Cuculidae

The family Cuculidae includes cuckoos, roadrunners, and anis. These birds are of variable size with slender bodies, long tails, and strong legs.

Common name Binomial Status
Senegal coucalCentropus senegalensisVagrant
White-browed coucalCentropus superciliosus
Black coucalCentropus grillii
Green malkohaCeuthmochares australis
Great spotted cuckooClamator glandarius
Levaillant's cuckooClamator levaillantii
Pied cuckooClamator jacobinus
Thick-billed cuckooPachycoccyx audeberti
Dideric cuckooChrysococcyx caprius
Klaas's cuckooChrysococcyx klaas
African emerald cuckooChrysococcyx cupreus
Barred long-tailed cuckooCercococcyx montanusVagrant
Black cuckooCuculus clamosus
Red-chested cuckooCuculus solitarius
Lesser cuckooCuculus poliocephalusVagrant
African cuckooCuculus gularis
Madagascar cuckooCuculus rochiiVagrant
Common cuckooCuculus canorus

Nightjars and allies

Order: Caprimulgiformes   Family: Caprimulgidae

Nightjars are medium-sized ground-nesting nocturnal birds with long wings, short legs, and very short bills. Most have small feet, of little use for walking, and long pointed wings. Their soft plumage is camouflaged to resemble bark or leaves.

Common name Binomial Status
Pennant-winged nightjarCaprimulgus vexillarius
Eurasian nightjarCaprimulgus europaeus
Rufous-cheeked nightjarCaprimulgus rufigena
Fiery-necked nightjarCaprimulgus pectoralis
Swamp nightjarCaprimulgus natalensis
Freckled nightjarCaprimulgus tristigma
Square-tailed nightjarCaprimulgus fossii


Order: Caprimulgiformes   Family: Apodidae

Swifts are small birds which spend the majority of their lives flying. These birds have very short legs and never settle voluntarily on the ground, perching instead only on vertical surfaces. Many swifts have long swept-back wings which resemble a crescent or boomerang.

Common name Binomial Status
Mottled spinetailTelacanthura ussheri
Bat-like spinetailNeafrapus boehmi
Alpine swiftApus melba
Common swiftApus apus
African swiftApus barbatus
Bradfield's swiftApus bradfieldi
Little swiftApus affinis
Horus swiftApus horus
White-rumped swiftApus caffer
African palm-swiftCypsiurus parvus


Order: Gruiformes   Family: Sarothruridae

The flufftails are a small family of ground-dwelling birds found only in Madagascar and sub-Saharan Africa.

Common name Binomial Status
Buff-spotted flufftailSarothrura elegans
Red-chested flufftailSarothrura rufa
Streaky-breasted flufftailSarothrura boehmiVagrant
Striped flufftailSarothrura affinis
White-winged flufftailSarothrura ayresiCritically endangered

Rails, gallinules, and coots

African rail

Order: Gruiformes   Family: Rallidae

Rallidae is a large family of small to medium-sized birds which includes the rails, crakes, coots, and gallinules. Typically they inhabit dense vegetation in damp environments near lakes, swamps, or rivers. In general they are shy and secretive birds, making them difficult to observe. Most species have strong legs and long toes which are well adapted to soft uneven surfaces. They tend to have short, rounded wings and to be weak fliers.

Common name Binomial Status
African railRallus caerulescens
Corn crakeCrex crex
African crakeCrex egregia
Spotted crakePorzana porzana
Lesser moorhenParagallinula angulata
Eurasian moorhenGallinula chloropus
Red-knobbed cootFulica cristata
Allen's gallinulePorphyrio alleni
Purple gallinulePorphyrio martinicaVagrant
African swamphenPorphyrio madagascariensis
Striped crakeAmaurornis marginalisVagrant
Black crakeZapornia flavirostra
Little crakeZapornia parvaVagrant
Baillon's crakeZapornia pusilla


Order: Gruiformes   Family: Heliornithidae

Heliornithidae is a small family of tropical birds with webbed lobes on their feet similar to those of grebes and coots.

Common name Binomial Status
African finfootPodica senegalensis


Blue crane

Order: Gruiformes   Family: Gruidae

Cranes are large, long-legged, and long-necked birds. Unlike the similar-looking but unrelated herons, cranes fly with necks outstretched, not pulled back. Most have elaborate and noisy courting displays or "dances".

Common name Binomial Status
Grey crowned-craneBalearica regulorumEndangered
Blue craneAnthropoides paradiseusVulnerable
Wattled craneBugeranus carunculatusVulnerable


Order: Charadriiformes   Family: Chionidae

The two species in this family breed on Antarctica and islands near that continent.

Common name Binomial Status
Snowy sheathbillChionis albaVagrant


Spotted thick-knee

Order: Charadriiformes   Family: Burhinidae

The stone-curlews and thick-knees are a group of largely tropical waders in the family Burhinidae. They are found worldwide within the tropical zone, with some species also breeding in temperate Europe and Australia. They are medium to large waders with strong black or yellow-black bills, large yellow eyes, and cryptic plumage. Despite being classed as waders, most species have a preference for arid or semi-arid habitats.

Common name Binomial Status
Water thick-kneeBurhinus vermiculatus
Spotted thick-kneeBurhinus capensis

Stilts and avocets

Black-winged stilt

Order: Charadriiformes   Family: Recurvirostridae

Recurvirostridae is a family of large wading birds, which includes the avocets and stilts. The avocets have long legs and long up-curved bills. The stilts have extremely long legs and long, thin, straight bills.

Common name Binomial Status
Black-winged stiltHimantopus himantopus
Pied avocetRecurvirostra avosetta


Order: Charadriiformes   Family: Haematopodidae

The oystercatchers are large and noisy plover-like birds, with strong bills used for smashing or prising open molluscs.

Common name Binomial Status
Eurasian oystercatcherHaematopus ostralegusVagrant; near threatened
African oystercatcherHaematopus moquini

Plovers and lapwings

Nesting blacksmith lapwing

Order: Charadriiformes   Family: Charadriidae

The family Charadriidae includes the plovers, dotterels, and lapwings. They are small to medium-sized birds with compact bodies, short thick necks, and long, usually pointed, wings. They are found in open country worldwide, mostly in habitats near water.

Common name Binomial Status
Black-bellied ploverPluvialis squatarola
American golden-ploverPluvialis dominicaVagrant
Pacific golden-ploverPluvialis fulvaVagrant
Long-toed lapwingVanellus crassirostrisVagrant
Blacksmith lapwingVanellus armatus
Spur-winged lapwingVanellus spinosusVagrant
White-headed lapwingVanellus albiceps
Senegal lapwingVanellus lugubris
Black-winged lapwingVanellus melanopterus
Crowned lapwingVanellus coronatus
Wattled lapwingVanellus senegallus
Lesser sand-ploverCharadrius mongolus
Greater sand-ploverCharadrius leschenaultii
Caspian ploverCharadrius asiaticus
Kittlitz's ploverCharadrius pecuarius
Common ringed ploverCharadrius hiaticula
Little ringed ploverCharadrius dubiusVagrant
Three-banded ploverCharadrius tricollaris
White-fronted ploverCharadrius marginatus
Chestnut-banded ploverCharadrius pallidusNear threatened


Order: Charadriiformes   Family: Rostratulidae

Painted-snipe are short-legged, long-billed birds similar in shape to the true snipes, but more brightly coloured.

Common name Binomial Status
Greater painted-snipeRostratula benghalensis


Order: Charadriiformes   Family: Jacanidae

The jacanas are a group of waders found throughout the tropics. They are identifiable by their huge feet and claws which enable them to walk on floating vegetation in the shallow lakes that are their preferred habitat.

Common name Binomial Status
Lesser jacanaMicroparra capensis
African jacanaActophilornis africanus

Sandpipers and allies

Marsh sandpiper

Order: Charadriiformes   Family: Scolopacidae

Scolopacidae is a large diverse family of small to medium-sized shorebirds including the sandpipers, curlews, godwits, shanks, tattlers, woodcocks, snipes, dowitchers, and phalaropes. The majority of these species eat small invertebrates picked out of the mud or soil. Variation in length of legs and bills enables multiple species to feed in the same habitat, particularly on the coast, without direct competition for food.

Common name Binomial Status
WhimbrelNumenius phaeopus
Eurasian curlewNumenius arquataNear threatened
Bar-tailed godwitLimosa lapponicaNear threatened
Black-tailed godwitLimosa limosaVagrant; near threatened
Hudsonian godwitLimosa haemasticaVagrant
Ruddy turnstoneArenaria interpres
Great knotCalidris tenuirostrisVagrant; endangered
Red knotCalidris canutusNear threatened
RuffCalidris pugnax
Broad-billed sandpiperCalidris falcinellusVagrant
Curlew sandpiperCalidris ferrugineaNear threatened
Temminck's stintCalidris temminckiiVagrant
Long-toed stintCalidris subminutaVagrant
Red-necked stintCalidris ruficollisVagrant; near threatened
SanderlingCalidris alba
DunlinCalidris alpinaVagrant
Baird's sandpiperCalidris bairdiiVagrant
Little stintCalidris minuta
White-rumped sandpiperCalidris fuscicollisVagrant
Buff-breasted sandpiperCalidris subruficollisVagrant; near threatened
Pectoral sandpiperCalidris melanotosVagrant
Asian dowitcherLimnodromus semipalmatusVagrant; near threatened
Great snipeGallinago mediaVagrant; near threatened
African snipeGallinago nigripennis
Terek sandpiperXenus cinereus
Wilson's phalaropePhalaropus tricolorVagrant
Red-necked phalaropePhalaropus lobatusVagrant; near threatened
Red phalaropePhalaropus fulicarius
Common sandpiperActitis hypoleucos
Green sandpiperTringa ochropus
Spotted redshankTringa erythropusVagrant
Common greenshankTringa nebularia
Lesser yellowlegsTringa flavipesVagrant
Marsh sandpiperTringa stagnatilis
Wood sandpiperTringa glareola
Common redshankTringa totanus


Small buttonquail

Order: Charadriiformes   Family: Turnicidae

The buttonquails are small, drab, running birds which resemble the true quails. The female is the brighter of the sexes and initiates courtship. The male incubates the eggs and tends the young.

Common name Binomial Status
Small buttonquailTurnix sylvaticus
Black-rumped buttonquailTurnix nanus
Fynbos buttonquailTurnix hottentottusEndemic


Order: Charadriiformes   Family: Dromadidae

Dromas ardeola

The crab-plover is related to the waders. It resembles a plover but with very long grey legs and a strong heavy black bill similar to a tern's. It has black-and-white plumage, a long neck, partially webbed feet, and a bill designed for eating crabs.

Common name Binomial Status
Crab-ploverDromas ardeolaVagrant

Pratincoles and coursers

Double-banded courser

Order: Charadriiformes   Family: Glareolidae

Glareolidae is a family of wading birds comprising the pratincoles, which have short legs, long pointed wings, and long forked tails, and the coursers, which have long legs, short wings, and long, pointed bills which curve downwards.

Common name Binomial Status
Burchell's courserCursorius rufus
Temminck's courserCursorius temminckii
Double-banded courserSmutsornis africanus
Three-banded courserRhinoptilus cinctus
Bronze-winged courserRhinoptilus chalcopterus
Collared pratincoleGlareola pratincola
Black-winged pratincoleGlareola nordmanniNear threatened
Rock pratincoleGlareola nuchalisVagrant

Skuas and jaegers

Order: Charadriiformes   Family: Stercorariidae

The family Stercorariidae are, in general, medium to large birds, typically with grey or brown plumage, often with white markings on the wings. They nest on the ground in temperate and arctic regions and are long-distance migrants.

Common name Binomial Status
South polar skuaStercorarius maccormickiVagrant
Brown skuaStercorarius antarcticus
Pomarine jaegerStercorarius pomarinus
Parasitic jaegerStercorarius parasiticus
Long-tailed jaegerStercorarius longicaudus

Gulls, terns, and skimmers

Kelp gull

Order: Charadriiformes   Family: Laridae

Laridae is a family of medium to large seabirds, the gulls, terns, and skimmers. Gulls are typically grey or white, often with black markings on the head or wings. They have stout, longish bills and webbed feet. Terns are a group of generally medium to large seabirds typically with grey or white plumage, often with black markings on the head. Most terns hunt fish by diving but some pick insects off the surface of fresh water. Terns are generally long-lived birds, with several species known to live in excess of 30 years. Skimmers are a small family of tropical tern-like birds. They have an elongated lower mandible which they use to feed by flying low over the water surface and skimming the water for small fish.

Common name Binomial Status
Black-legged kittiwakeRissa tridactylaVagrant; vulnerable
Sabine's gullXema sabini
Slender-billed gullChroicocephalus geneiVagrant
Grey-hooded gullChroicocephalus cirrocephalus
Hartlaub's gullChroicocephalus hartlaubii
Black-headed gullChroicocephalus ridibundusVagrant
Laughing gullLeucophaeus atricillaVagrant
Franklin's gullLeucophaeus pipixcanVagrant
Sooty gullIchthyaetus hemprichiiVagrant
Ring-billed gullLarus delawarensis
Lesser black-backed gullLarus fuscusVagrant
Kelp gullLarus dominicanusSee note[notes 3]
Brown noddyAnous stolidusVagrant
Lesser noddyAnous tenuirostrisVagrant
Sooty ternOnychoprion fuscatus
Bridled ternOnychoprion anaethetusVagrant
Little ternSternula albifronswinter migrant
Damara ternSternula balaenarumVulnerable
Gull-billed ternGelochelidon niloticaVagrant
Caspian ternHydroprogne caspia
Black ternChlidonias nigerVagrant
White-winged ternChlidonias leucopterus
Whiskered ternChlidonias hybrida
Roseate ternSterna dougallii
Black-naped ternSterna sumatranaVagrant
Common ternSterna hirundo
Arctic ternSterna paradisaea
Antarctic ternSterna vittata
White-cheeked ternSterna repressaVagrant
Great crested ternThalasseus bergii
Sandwich ternThalasseus sandvicensis
Elegant ternThalasseus elegansVagrant
Lesser crested ternThalasseus bengalensis
Black skimmerRynchops nigerVagrant
African skimmerRynchops flavirostrisVagrant; near threatened


Order: Phaethontiformes   Family: Phaethontidae

Tropicbirds are slender white birds of tropical oceans, with exceptionally long central tail feathers. Their heads and long wings have black markings.

Common name Binomial Status
White-tailed tropicbirdPhaethon lepturusVagrant
Red-billed tropicbirdPhaethon aethereusVagrant
Red-tailed tropicbirdPhaethon rubricaudaVagrant


African penguins

Order: Sphenisciformes   Family: Spheniscidae

The penguins are a group of flightless aquatic birds living almost exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere. Most penguins feed on krill, fish, squid, and other forms of marine life caught while swimming underwater.

Common name Binomial Status
King penguinAptenodytes patagonicusVagrant
African penguinSpheniscus demersusEndangered
Macaroni penguinEudyptes chrysolophusVagrant; vulnerable
Southern rockhopper penguinEudyptes chrysocomeVagrant; vulnerable
Moseley's rockhopper penguinEudyptes moseleyiVagrant; endangered


Indian yellow-nosed albatross

Order: Procellariiformes   Family: Diomedeidae

The albatrosses are among the largest of flying birds, with those of the genus Diomedea having the largest wingspan of any extant bird.

Common name Binomial Status
Yellow-nosed albatrossThalassarche chlororhynchosEndangered
Gray-headed albatrossThalassarche chrysostomaVagrant; endangered
Buller's albatrossThalassarche bulleriVagrant; near threatened
White-capped albatrossThalassarche cautaNear threatened
Salvin's albatrossThalassarche salviniVagrant; vulnerable
Chatham albatrossThalassarche eremitaVagrant; vulnerable
Black-browed albatrossThalassarche melanophrys
Sooty albatrossPhoebetria fuscaVagrant; endangered
Light-mantled albatrossPhoebetria palpebrataVagrant; near threatened
Royal albatrossDiomedea epomophoraVagrant; vulnerable
Wandering albatrossDiomedea exulansVulnerable
Laysan albatrossPhoebastria immutabilisVagrant; near threatened

Southern storm-petrels

Wilson's storm-petrel 'pattering' on the ocean surface

Order: Procellariiformes   Family: Oceanitidae

The storm-petrels are the smallest seabirds, relatives of the petrels, feeding on planktonic crustaceans and small fish picked from the surface, typically while hovering. The flight is fluttering and sometimes bat-like. Until 2018, this family's species were included with the other storm-petrels in family Hydrobatidae.

Common name Binomial Status
Wilson's storm-petrelOceanites oceanicus
Gray-backed storm-petrelGarrodia nereisVagrant
White-faced storm-petrelPelagodroma marinaVagrant
White-bellied storm-petrelFregetta grallariaVagrant
Black-bellied storm-petrelFregetta tropica

Northern storm-petrels

Order: Procellariiformes   Family: Hydrobatidae

Though the members of this family are similar in many respects to the southern storm-petrels, including their general appearance and habits, there are enough genetic differences to warrant their placement in a separate family.

Common name Binomial Status
European storm-petrelHydrobates pelagicus
Leach's storm-petrelHydrobates leucorhousVulnerable
Swinhoe's storm-petrelHydrobates monorhisVagrant
Matsudaira's storm-petrelHydrobates matsudairaeVagrant; vulnerable

Shearwaters and petrels

White-chinned petrel

Order: Procellariiformes   Family: Procellariidae

The procellariids are the main group of medium-sized "true petrels", characterised by united nostrils with medium septum and a long outer functional primary.

Common name Binomial Status
Southern giant-petrelMacronectes giganteus
Northern giant-petrelMacronectes halli
Southern fulmarFulmarus glacialoides
Antarctic petrelThalassoica antarcticaVagrant
Cape petrelDaption capense
Snow petrelPagodroma niveaVagrant
Kerguelen petrelAphrodroma brevirostrisVagrant
Great-winged petrelPterodroma macroptera
Gray-faced petrelPterodroma gouldiVagrant
Trindade petrelPterodroma arminjonianaVagrant
Soft-plumaged petrelPterodroma mollis
Barau's petrelPterodroma barauiVagrant; endangered
White-headed petrelPterodroma lessoniiVagrant
Atlantic petrelPterodroma incertaVagrant; endangered
Blue petrelHalobaena caeruleaVagrant
Fairy prionPachyptila turturVagrant
Broad-billed prionPachyptila vittataVagrant
Salvin's prionPachyptila salviniVagrant
Antarctic prionPachyptila desolata
Slender-billed prionPachyptila belcheriVagrant
Jouanin's petrelBulweria fallaxVagrant
Tahiti petrelPseudobulweria rostrataVagrant
Gray petrelProcellaria cinereaVagrant; near threatened
White-chinned petrelProcellaria aequinoctialisVulnerable
Spectacled petrelProcellaria conspicillataVulnerable
Streaked shearwaterCalonectris leucomelasVagrant; near threatened
Cory's shearwaterCalonectris diomedea
Flesh-footed shearwaterArdenna carneipesNear threatened
Great shearwaterArdenna gravis
Wedge-tailed shearwaterArdenna pacificaVagrant
Sooty shearwaterArdenna griseaNear threatened
Manx shearwaterPuffinus puffinus
Balearic shearwaterPuffinus mauretanicusVagrant
Subantarctic shearwaterPuffinus elegansVagrant
Tropical shearwaterPuffinus bailloniVagrant


Black stork

Order: Ciconiiformes   Family: Ciconiidae

Storks are large, long-legged, long-necked wading birds with long stout bills. Storks are mute, but bill-clattering is an important mode of communication at the nest. Their nests can be large and may be reused for many years. Many species are migratory.

Common name Binomial Status
African openbillAnastomus lamelligerus
Black storkCiconia nigra
Abdim's storkCiconia abdimii
African woolly-necked storkCiconia microscelis
White storkCiconia ciconia
Saddle-billed storkEphippiorhynchus senegalensis
Marabou storkLeptoptilos crumenifer
Yellow-billed storkMycteria ibis


Order: Suliformes   Family: Fregatidae

Frigatebirds are large seabirds usually found over tropical oceans. They are large, black, or black-and-white, with long wings and deeply forked tails. The males have coloured inflatable throat pouches. They do not swim or walk and cannot take off from a flat surface. Having the largest wingspan-to-body-weight ratio of any bird, they are essentially aerial, able to stay aloft for more than a week.

Common name Binomial Status
Lesser frigatebirdFregata arielVagrant
Great frigatebirdFregata minorVagrant

Boobies and gannets

Breeding colony of Cape gannets

Order: Suliformes   Family: Sulidae

The sulids comprise the gannets and boobies. Both groups are medium to large coastal seabirds that plunge-dive for fish.

Common name Binomial Status
Masked boobySula dactylatraVagrant
Brown boobySula leucogasterVagrant
Red-footed boobySula sulaVagrant
Cape gannetMorus capensisEndangered
Australasian gannetMorus serratorVagrant


African darter

Order: Suliformes   Family: Anhingidae

Anhingas or darters are often called "snake-birds" because of their long thin neck, which gives a snake-like appearance when they swim with their bodies submerged. The males have black and dark-brown plumage, an erectile crest on the nape, and a larger bill than the female. The females have much paler plumage especially on the neck and underparts. The darters have completely webbed feet and their legs are short and set far back on the body. Their plumage is somewhat permeable, like that of cormorants, and they spread their wings to dry after diving.

Common name Binomial Status
African darterAnhinga rufa

Cormorants and shags

Cape cormorant

Order: Suliformes   Family: Phalacrocoracidae

Phalacrocoracidae is a family of medium to large coastal, fish-eating seabirds that includes cormorants and shags. Plumage colouration varies, with the majority having mainly dark plumage, some species being black-and-white, and a few being colourful.

Common name Binomial Status
Long-tailed cormorantMicrocarbo africanus
Crowned cormorantMicrocarbo coronatusNear threatened
Bank cormorantPhalacrocorax neglectusEndangered
Cape cormorantPhalacrocorax capensisEndangered
Great cormorantPhalacrocorax carbo


Order: Pelecaniformes   Family: Pelecanidae

Pelicans are large water birds with a distinctive pouch under their beak. As with other members of the order Pelecaniformes, they have webbed feet with four toes.

Common name Binomial Status
Great white pelicanPelecanus onocrotalus
Pink-backed pelicanPelecanus rufescens


Order: Pelecaniformes   Family: Scopidae

The hamerkop is a medium-sized bird with a long shaggy crest. The shape of its head with a curved bill and crest at the back is reminiscent of a hammer, hence its name. Its plumage is drab-brown all over.

Common name Binomial Status
HamerkopScopus umbretta

Herons, egrets, and bitterns

The Goliath heron is the world's largest species of heron

Order: Pelecaniformes   Family: Ardeidae

The family Ardeidae contains the bitterns, herons, and egrets. Herons and egrets are medium to large wading birds with long necks and legs. Bitterns tend to be shorter necked and more wary. Members of Ardeidae fly with their necks retracted, unlike other long-necked birds such as storks, ibises, and spoonbills.

Common name Binomial Status
Great bitternBotaurus stellarisVagrant
Little bitternIxobrychus minutus
Dwarf bitternIxobrychus sturmii
Gray heronArdea cinerea
Black-headed heronArdea melanocephala
Goliath heronArdea goliath
Purple heronArdea purpurea
Great egretArdea alba
Intermediate egretArdea intermedia
Little egretEgretta garzetta
Snowy egretEgretta thulaVagrant
Little blue heronEgretta caeruleaVagrant
Slaty egretEgretta vinaceigulaVagrant; vulnerable
Black heronEgretta ardesiaca
Cattle egretBubulcus ibis
Squacco heronArdeola ralloides
Malagasy pond-heronArdeola idaeVagrant
Rufous-bellied heronArdeola rufiventrisVagrant
Striated heronButorides striata
Black-crowned night-heronNycticorax nycticorax
White-backed night-heronGorsachius leuconotus

Ibises and spoonbills

Southern bald ibis

Order: Pelecaniformes   Family: Threskiornithidae

Threskiornithidae is a family of large terrestrial and wading birds which includes the ibises and spoonbills. They have long, broad wings with 11 primary and about 20 secondary feathers. They are strong fliers and despite their size and weight, very capable soarers.

Common name Binomial Status
Glossy ibisPlegadis falcinellus
African sacred ibisThreskiornis aethiopicus
Southern bald ibisGeronticus calvusSLE endemic (see note);[notes 4] vulnerable
Hadada ibisBostrychia hagedash
African spoonbillPlatalea alba



Order: Accipitriformes   Family: Sagittariidae

The secretarybird is a bird of prey easily distinguished from other raptors by its long crane-like legs.

Common name Binomial Status
SecretarybirdSagittarius serpentariusEndangered


Order: Accipitriformes   Family: Pandionidae

The family Pandionidae contains only one species, the osprey. The osprey is a medium-large raptor which is a specialist fish-eater with a worldwide distribution.

Common name Binomial Status
OspreyPandion haliaetus

Hawks, eagles, and kites

African marsh-harrier

Order: Accipitriformes   Family: Accipitridae

Accipitridae is a family of birds of prey, which includes hawks, eagles, kites, harriers, and Old World vultures. These birds have powerful hooked beaks for tearing flesh from their prey, strong legs, powerful talons, and keen eyesight.

Common name Binomial Status
Black-winged kiteElanus caeruleus
African harrier-hawkPolyboroides typus
Palm-nut vultureGypohierax angolensis
Bearded vultureGypaetus barbatusNear threatened
Egyptian vultureNeophron percnopterusVagrant; endangered
European honey-buzzardPernis apivorus
Oriental honey-buzzardPernis ptilorhynchusVagrant
African cuckoo-hawkAviceda cuculoides
White-headed vultureTrigonoceps occipitalisCritically endangered
Lappet-faced vultureTorgos tracheliotosEndangered
Hooded vultureNecrosyrtes monachusCritically endangered
White-backed vultureGyps africanusCritically endangered
Rüppell's griffonGyps rueppelliVagrant; critically endangered
Cape griffonGyps coprotheresEndangered
BateleurTerathopius ecaudatusNear threatened
Black-chested snake-eagleCircaetus pectoralis
Brown snake-eagleCircaetus cinereus
Fasciated snake-eagleCircaetus fasciolatusNear threatened
Banded snake-eagleCircaetus cinerascensVagrant
Bat hawkMacheiramphus alcinus
Crowned eagleStephanoaetus coronatusNear threatened
Martial eaglePolemaetus bellicosusVulnerable
Long-crested eagleLophaetus occipitalis
Lesser spotted eagleClanga pomarina
Wahlberg's eagleHieraaetus wahlbergi
Booted eagleHieraaetus pennatus
Ayres's hawk-eagleHieraaetus ayresii
Tawny eagleAquila rapax
Steppe eagleAquila nipalensisEndangered
Verreaux's eagleAquila verreauxii
African hawk-eagleAquila spilogaster
Lizard buzzardKaupifalco monogrammicus
Dark chanting-goshawkMelierax metabates
Pale chanting-goshawkMelierax canorus
Gabar goshawkMicronisus gabar
Eurasian marsh-harrierCircus aeruginosus
African marsh-harrierCircus ranivorus
Black harrierCircus maurusEndangered
Pallid harrierCircus macrourusNear threatened
Montagu's harrierCircus pygargus
African goshawkAccipiter tachiro
ShikraAccipiter badius
Little sparrowhawkAccipiter minullus
Ovambo sparrowhawkAccipiter ovampensis
Rufous-breasted sparrowhawkAccipiter rufiventris
Black goshawkAccipiter melanoleucus
Black kiteMilvus migrans
Yellow-billed kiteMilvus aegyptiusSee notes below[notes 5][notes 6]
African fish-eagleHaliaeetus vocifer
Common buzzardButeo buteo
Forest buzzardButeo trizonatusSLE endemic (see note);[notes 7] near threatened
Long-legged buzzardButeo rufinusVagrant
Red-necked buzzardButeo auguralisVagrant
Augur buzzardButeo augurVagrant
Jackal buzzardButeo rufofuscus


Order: Strigiformes   Family: Tytonidae

Barn-owls are medium to large owls with large heads and characteristic heart-shaped faces. They have long strong legs with powerful talons.

Common name Binomial Status
African grass-owlTyto capensis
Barn owlTyto alba


Order: Strigiformes   Family: Strigidae

The typical owls are small to large solitary nocturnal birds of prey. They have large forward-facing eyes and ears, a hawk-like beak, and a conspicuous circle of feathers around each eye called a facial disk.

Common name Binomial Status
African scops-owlOtus senegalensis
Southern white-faced owlPtilopsis granti
Cape eagle-owlBubo capensis
Spotted eagle-owlBubo africanus
Verreaux's eagle-owlBubo lacteus
Pel's fishing-owlScotopelia peli
Pearl-spotted owletGlaucidium perlatum
African barred owletGlaucidium capense
African wood-owlStrix woodfordii
Marsh owlAsio capensis


Order: Coliiformes   Family: Coliidae

The mousebirds are slender greyish or brown birds with soft, hairlike body feathers and very long thin tails. They are arboreal and scurry through the leaves like rodents in search of berries, fruit, and buds. They are acrobatic and can feed upside down. All species have strong claws and reversible outer toes. They also have crests and stubby bills.

Common name Binomial Status
Speckled mousebirdColius striatus
White-backed mousebirdColius colius
Red-faced mousebirdUrocolius indicus


Order: Trogoniformes   Family: Trogonidae

The family Trogonidae includes trogons and quetzals. Found in tropical woodlands worldwide, they feed on insects and fruit, and their broad bills and weak legs reflect their diet and arboreal habits. Although their flight is fast, they are reluctant to fly any distance. Trogons have soft, often colourful, feathers with distinctive male and female plumage.

Common name Binomial Status
Narina trogonApaloderma narina


Order: Bucerotiformes   Family: Upupidae

Hoopoes have black, white, and orangey-pink colouring with a large erectile crest on their head.

Common name Binomial Status
HoopoeUpupa africana

Woodhoopoes and scimitarbills

Order: Bucerotiformes   Family: Phoeniculidae

The woodhoopoes are related to the hoopoes, hornbills, and ground-hornbills. They most resemble the hoopoes with their long curved bills, used to probe for insects, and short rounded wings. However, they differ in that they have metallic plumage, often blue, green, or purple, and lack an erectile crest.

Common name Binomial Status
Green woodhoopoePhoeniculus purpureus
Common scimitarbillRhinopomastus cyanomelas


Southern ground-hornbill

Order: Bucerotiformes   Family: Bucorvidae

The ground-hornbills are terrestrial birds which feed almost entirely on insects, other birds, snakes, and amphibians.

Common name Binomial Status
Southern ground-hornbillBucorvus leadbeateriVulnerable


Order: Bucerotiformes   Family: Bucerotidae

Hornbills are a group of birds whose bill is shaped like a cow's horn, but without a twist, sometimes with a casque on the upper mandible. Frequently, the bill is brightly coloured.

Common name Binomial Status
Crowned hornbillLophoceros alboterminatus
African grey hornbillLophoceros nasutus
Southern yellow-billed hornbillTockus leucomelas
Southern red-billed hornbillTockus rufirostris
Trumpeter hornbillBycanistes bucinator


Order: Coraciiformes   Family: Alcedinidae

Kingfishers are medium-sized birds with large heads, long pointed bills, short legs, and stubby tails.

Common name Binomial Status
Half-collared kingfisherAlcedo semitorquata
Malachite kingfisherCorythornis cristatus
African pygmy kingfisherIspidina picta
Gray-headed kingfisherHalcyon leucocephala
Woodland kingfisherHalcyon senegalensis
Mangrove kingfisherHalcyon senegaloides
Brown-hooded kingfisherHalcyon albiventris
Striped kingfisherHalcyon chelicuti
Giant kingfisherMegaceryle maxima
Pied kingfisherCeryle rudis


Order: Coraciiformes   Family: Meropidae

The bee-eaters are a group of near passerine birds in the family Meropidae. Most species are found in Africa but others occur in southern Europe, Madagascar, Australia, and New Guinea. They are characterised by richly coloured plumage, slender bodies, and usually elongated central tail feathers. All are colourful and have long downturned bills and pointed wings, which give them a swallow-like appearance when seen from afar.

Common name Binomial Status
White-fronted bee-eaterMerops bullockoides
Little bee-eaterMerops pusillus
Swallow-tailed bee-eaterMerops hirundineus
White-throated bee-eaterMerops albicollisVagrant
Blue-cheeked bee-eaterMerops persicus
Madagascar bee-eaterMerops superciliosusVagrant
European bee-eaterMerops apiaster
Southern carmine bee-eaterMerops nubicoides


Order: Coraciiformes   Family: Coraciidae

Rollers resemble crows in size and build, but are more closely related to the kingfishers and bee-eaters. They share the colourful appearance of those groups with blues and browns predominating. The two inner front toes are connected, but the outer toe is not.

Common name Binomial Status
European rollerCoracias garrulus
Lilac-breasted rollerCoracias caudatus
Racket-tailed rollerCoracias spatulatusVagrant
Rufous-crowned rollerCoracias naevius
Broad-billed rollerEurystomus glaucurus

African barbets

Order: Piciformes   Family: Lybiidae

The barbets are plump birds, with short necks and large heads. They get their name from the bristles which fringe their heavy bills. Most species are brightly coloured.

Common name Binomial Status
Crested barbetTrachyphonus vaillantii
White-eared barbetStactolaema leucotis
Green barbetStactolaema olivacea
Yellow-rumped tinkerbirdPogoniulus bilineatus
Red-fronted tinkerbirdPogoniulus pusillus
Yellow-fronted tinkerbirdPogoniulus chrysoconus
Pied barbetTricholaema leucomelas
Black-collared barbetLybius torquatus


Order: Piciformes   Family: Indicatoridae

Honeyguides are among the few birds that feed on wax. They are named for the greater honeyguide which leads traditional honey-hunters to bees' nests and, after the hunters have harvested the honey, feeds on the remaining contents of the hive.

Common name Binomial Status
Wahlberg's honeyguideProdotiscus regulus
Lesser honeyguideIndicator minor
Scaly-throated honeyguideIndicator variegatus
Greater honeyguideIndicator indicator


Ground woodpecker

Order: Piciformes   Family: Picidae

Woodpeckers are small to medium-sized birds with chisel-like beaks, short legs, stiff tails, and long tongues used for capturing insects. Some species have feet with two toes pointing forward and two backward, while several species have only three toes. Many woodpeckers have the habit of tapping noisily on tree trunks with their beaks.

Common name Binomial Status
Rufous-necked wryneckJynx ruficollis
Cardinal woodpeckerChloropicus fuscescens
Bearded woodpeckerChloropicus namaquus
Olive woodpeckerChloropicus griseocephalus
Ground woodpeckerGeocolaptes olivaceusSLE endemic; near threatened
Bennett's woodpeckerCampethera bennettii
Knysna woodpeckerCampethera notata(see note);[notes 8] near threatened
Golden-tailed woodpeckerCampethera abingoni

Falcons and caracaras

Order: Falconiformes   Family: Falconidae

Falconidae is a family of diurnal birds of prey. They differ from hawks, eagles, and kites in that they kill with their beaks instead of their talons.

Common name Binomial Status
Pygmy falconPolihierax semitorquatus
Lesser kestrelFalco naumanniVulnerable
Rock kestrelFalco rupicolus
Greater kestrelFalco rupicoloides
Dickinson's kestrelFalco dickinsoni
Red-necked falconFalco chicquera
Red-footed falconFalco vespertinusNear threatened ; winter migrant
Amur falconFalco amurensiswinter migrant
Eleonora's falconFalco eleonoraeVagrant
Sooty falconFalco concolorNear threatened
Eurasian hobbyFalco subbuteo
African hobbyFalco cuvieriiVagrant
Lanner falconFalco biarmicus
Peregrine falconFalco peregrinus
Taita falconFalco fasciinuchaVulnerable

Old World parrots

Order: Psittaciformes   Family: Psittaculidae

Characteristic features of parrots include a strong curved bill, an upright stance, strong legs, and clawed zygodactyl feet. Many parrots are vividly coloured, and some are multi-coloured. In size they range from 8 cm (3.1 in) to 1 m (3.3 ft) in length. Old World parrots are found from Africa east across south and southeast Asia and Oceania to Australia and New Zealand.

Common name Binomial Status
Rose-ringed parakeetPsittacula krameriIntroduced
Rosy-faced lovebirdAgapornis roseicollis

African and New World parrots

Order: Psittaciformes   Family: Psittacidae

Parrots are small to large birds with a characteristic curved beak. Their upper mandibles have slight mobility in the joint with the skull and they have a generally erect stance. All parrots are zygodactyl, having the four toes on each foot placed two at the front and two to the back. Most of the more than 150 species in this family are found in the New World.

Common name Binomial Status
Brown-necked parrotPoicephalus fuscicollis
Cape parrotPoicephalus robustusEndemic; vulnerable
Meyer's parrotPoicephalus meyeri
Brown-headed parrotPoicephalus cryptoxanthus

African and green broadbills

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Calyptomenidae

The broadbills are small, brightly coloured birds which feed on fruit and also take insects in flycatcher fashion, snapping their broad bills. Their habitat is canopies of wet forests.

Common name Binomial Status
African broadbillSmithornis capensis


Order: Passeriformes   Family: Pittidae

Pittas are medium-sized by passerine standards and are stocky, with fairly long, strong legs, short tails, and stout bills. Many are brightly coloured. They spend the majority of their time on wet forest floors, eating snails, insects, and similar invertebrates.

Common name Binomial Status
African pittaPitta angolensisVagrant


Order: Passeriformes   Family: Campephagidae

The cuckooshrikes are small to medium-sized passerine birds. They are predominantly greyish with white and black, although some species are brightly coloured.

Common name Binomial Status
Gray cuckooshrikeCoracina caesia
White-breasted cuckooshrikeCoracina pectoralis
Black cuckooshrikeCampephaga flava

Old world orioles

Black-headed oriole

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Oriolidae

The Old World orioles are colourful passerine birds. They are not related to the New World orioles though they appear similar.

Common name Binomial Status
Eurasian golden orioleOriolus oriolus
African golden orioleOriolus auratus
African black-headed orioleOriolus larvatus

Wattle-eyes and batises

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Platysteiridae

The wattle-eyes, or puffback flycatchers, are small stout passerine birds of the African tropics. They get their name from the brightly coloured fleshy eye decorations found in most species in this group.

Common name Binomial Status
Black-throated wattle-eyePlatysteira peltata
Cape batisBatis capensis
Woodward's batisBatis fratrum
Chinspot batisBatis molitor
Pririt batisBatis pririt

Vangas, helmetshrikes, and allies

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Vangidae

The helmetshrikes are similar in build to the shrikes, but tend to be colourful species with distinctive crests or other head ornaments, such as wattles, from which they get their name.

Common name Binomial Status
White helmetshrikePrionops plumatus
Retz's helmetshrikePrionops retzii
Chestnut-fronted helmetshrikePrionops scopifronsVagrant
Black-and-white shrike-flycatcherBias musicusVagrant

Bushshrikes and allies

Four-coloured bushshrike

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Malaconotidae

Bushshrikes are similar in habits to shrikes, hunting insects and other small prey from a perch on a bush. Although similar in build to the shrikes, these tend to be either colourful species or largely black; some species are quite secretive.

Common name Binomial Status
BrubruNilaus afer
Black-backed puffbackDryoscopus cubla
Black-crowned tchagraTchagra senegalus
Brown-crowned tchagraTchagra australis
Southern tchagraTchagra tchagra
Tropical boubouLaniarius major
Southern boubouLaniarius ferrugineus
Crimson-breasted gonolekLaniarius atrococcineus
BokmakierieTelophorus zeylonus
Sulphur-breasted bushshrikeTelophorus sulfureopectus
Olive bushshrikeTelophorus olivaceus
Black-fronted bushshrikeTelophorus nigrifrons
Four-coloured bushshrikeTelophorus viridis
Gray-headed bushshrikeMalaconotus blanchoti


Order: Passeriformes   Family: Dicruridae

The drongos are mostly black or dark grey in colour, sometimes with metallic tints. They have long forked tails, and some Asian species have elaborate tail decorations. They have short legs and sit very upright when perched, like a shrike. They flycatch or take prey from the ground.

Common name Binomial Status
Common square-tailed drongoDicrurus ludwigii
Fork-tailed drongoDicrurus adsimilis

Monarch flycatchers

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Monarchidae

The monarch flycatchers are small to medium-sized insectivorous passerines which hunt by flycatching.

Common name Binomial Status
African crested-flycatcherTrochocercus cyanomelas
African paradise-flycatcherTerpsiphone viridis


Order: Passeriformes   Family: Laniidae

Shrikes are passerine birds known for their habit of catching other birds and small animals and impaling the uneaten portions of their bodies on thorns. A shrike's beak is hooked, like that of a typical bird of prey.

Common name Binomial Status
Red-backed shrikeLanius collurio
Red-tailed shrikeLanius phoenicuroidesVagrant
Isabelline shrikeLanius isabellinusVagrant
Lesser grey shrikeLanius minorwinter migrant
Magpie shrikeLanius melanoleucus
Southern fiscalLanius collaris
Woodchat shrikeLanius senatorVagrant
White-crowned shrikeEurocephalus anguitimens

Crows, jays, and magpies

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Corvidae

The family Corvidae includes crows, ravens, jays, choughs, magpies, treepies, nutcrackers, and ground jays. Corvids are above average in size among the Passeriformes, and some of the larger species show high levels of intelligence.

Common name Binomial Status
House crowCorvus splendensIntroduced
Cape crowCorvus capensis
Pied crowCorvus albus
White-necked ravenCorvus albicollis


Order: Passeriformes   Family: Chaetopidae

These two species are the only ones in their family. They are primarily insectivores, but cape rockjumpers also eat small vertebrates.

Common name Binomial Status
Cape rockjumperChaetops frenatusEndemic; near threatened
Drakensberg rockjumperChaetops aurantiusSLE endemic; near threatened


Order: Passeriformes   Family: Hyliotidae

The members of this small family, all of genus Hyliota, are birds of the forest canopy. They tend to feed in mixed-species flocks.

Common name Binomial Status
Southern hyliotaHyliota australisVagrant

Fairy flycatchers

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Stenostiridae

Most of the species of this small family are found in Africa, though a few inhabit tropical Asia. They are not closely related to other birds called "flycatchers".

Common name Binomial Status
Fairy flycatcherStenostira scita

Tits, chickadees, and titmice

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Paridae

The Paridae are mainly small stocky woodland species with short stout bills. Some have crests. They are adaptable birds, with a mixed diet including seeds and insects.

Common name Binomial Status
Southern black-titMelaniparus niger
Ashy titMelaniparus cinerascens
Gray titMelaniparus afer


Order: Passeriformes   Family: Remizidae

The penduline-tits are a group of small passerine birds related to the true tits. They are insectivores.

Common name Binomial Status
African penduline-titAnthoscopus caroli
Southern penduline-titAnthoscopus minutus


Rufous-naped lark

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Alaudidae

Larks are small terrestrial birds with often extravagant songs and display flights. Most larks are fairly dull in appearance. Their food is insects and seeds.

Common name Binomial Status
Spike-heeled larkChersomanes albofasciata
Short-clawed larkCerthilauda chuana
Karoo long-billed larkCerthilauda subcoronata
Eastern long-billed larkCerthilauda semitorquataSLE endemic (see note)[notes 9]
Cape larkCerthilauda curvirostrisEndemic (see note)[notes 10]
Dusky larkPinarocorys nigricans
Black-eared sparrow-larkEremopterix australis
Chestnut-backed sparrow-larkEremopterix leucotis
Gray-backed sparrow-larkEremopterix verticalis
Sabota larkCalendulauda sabota
Fawn-coloured larkCalendulauda africanoides
Karoo larkCalendulauda albescensEndemic
Red larkCalendulauda burraEndemic; vulnerable
Barlow's larkCalendulauda barlowi
Rudd's larkHeteromirafra ruddiEndemic; endangered
Cape clapper larkMirafra apiata
Eastern clapper larkMirafra fasciolata
Rufous-naped larkMirafra africana
Flappet larkMirafra rufocinnamomea
Monotonous larkMirafra passerina
Latakoo larkMirafra cheniana
Red-capped larkCalandrella cinerea
Stark's larkSpizocorys starki
Sclater's larkSpizocorys sclateriNear threatened
Pink-billed larkSpizocorys conirostris
Botha's larkSpizocorys fringillarisEndemic; endangered
Large-billed larkGalerida magnirostris


Order: Passeriformes   Family: Nicatoridae

The nicators are shrike-like, with hooked bills. They are endemic to sub-Saharan Africa.

Common name Binomial Status
Eastern nicatorNicator gularis

African warblers

Cape crombec

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Macrosphenidae

African warblers are small to medium-sized insectivores which are found in a wide variety of habitats south of the Sahara.

Common name Binomial Status
Cape crombecSylvietta rufescens
Cape grassbirdSphenoeacus afer
Victorin's warblerCryptillas victoriniEndemic

Cisticolas and allies

Drakensberg prinia

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Cisticolidae

The Cisticolidae are warblers found mainly in warmer southern regions of the Old World. They are generally very small birds of drab brown or grey appearance found in open country such as grassland or scrub.

Common name Binomial Status
Yellow-bellied eremomelaEremomela icteropygialis
Greencap eremomelaEremomela scotops
Yellow-rumped eremomelaEremomela gregalis
Burnt-neck eremomelaEremomela usticollis
Namaqua warblerPhragmacia substriata
Stierling's wren-warblerCalamonastes stierlingi
Barred wren-warblerCalamonastes fasciolatus
Green-backed camaropteraCamaroptera brachyura
Bar-throated apalisApalis thoracica
Yellow-breasted apalisApalis flavida
Rudd's apalisApalis ruddi
Tawny-flanked priniaPrinia subflava
Black-chested priniaPrinia flavicans
Karoo priniaPrinia maculosa
Drakensberg priniaPrinia hypoxanthaSLE endemic
Kopje warblerEuryptila subcinnamomea
Rufous-eared warblerMalcorus pectoralis
Red-faced cisticolaCisticola erythrops
Rock-loving cisticolaCisticola aberrans
Rattling cisticolaCisticola chiniana
Tinkling cisticolaCisticola rufilatus
Red-headed cisticolaCisticola subruficapilla
Wailing cisticolaCisticola lais
Rufous-winged cisticolaCisticola galactotes
Levaillant's cisticolaCisticola tinniens
Croaking cisticolaCisticola natalensis
Piping cisticolaCisticola fulvicapilla
Zitting cisticolaCisticola juncidis
Desert cisticolaCisticola aridulus
Cloud cisticolaCisticola textrix
Pale-crowned cisticolaCisticola cinnamomeus
Wing-snapping cisticolaCisticola ayresii

Reed warblers and allies

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Acrocephalidae

The members of this family are usually rather large for "warblers". Most are rather plain olivaceous brown above with much yellow to beige below. They are usually found in open woodland, reedbeds, or tall grass. The family occurs mostly in southern to western Eurasia and surroundings, but it also ranges far into the Pacific, with some species in Africa.

Common name Binomial Status
African yellow-warblerIduna natalensis
Upcher's warblerHippolais languidaVagrant
Olive-tree warblerHippolais olivetorumwinter migrant
Icterine warblerHippolais icterina
Sedge warblerAcrocephalus schoenobaenus
Marsh warblerAcrocephalus palustriswinter migrant
Common reed warblerAcrocephalus scirpaceus
Basra reed warblerAcrocephalus griseldisVagrant
Lesser swamp warblerAcrocephalus gracilirostris
Great reed warblerAcrocephalus arundinaceus

Grassbirds and allies

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Locustellidae

Locustellidae are a family of small insectivorous songbirds found mainly in Eurasia, Africa, and the Australian region. They are smallish birds with tails that are usually long and pointed, and tend to be drab brownish or buffy all over.

Common name Binomial Status
River warblerLocustella fluviatilis
Fan-tailed grassbirdCatriscus brevirostris
Knysna warblerBradypterus sylvaticusEndemic; vulnerable
Barratt's warblerBradypterus barratti
Little rush warblerBradypterus baboecala


South African swallow

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Hirundinidae

The family Hirundinidae is adapted to aerial feeding. They have a slender streamlined body, long pointed wings, and a short bill with a wide gape. The feet are adapted to perching rather than walking, and the front toes are partially joined at the base.

Common name Binomial Status
Plain martinRiparia paludicola
Bank swallowRiparia riparia
Banded martinNeophedina cincta
Mascarene martinPhedina borbonicaVagrant
Rock martinPtyonoprogne fuligula
Barn swallowHirundo rustica
White-throated swallowHirundo albigularis
Wire-tailed swallowHirundo smithii
Pearl-breasted swallowHirundo dimidiata
Montane blue swallowHirundo atrocaeruleaVulnerable
Greater striped swallowCecropis cucullata
Red-rumped swallowCecropis dauricaVagrant
Lesser striped swallowCecropis abyssinica
Rufous-chested swallowCecropis semirufa
Mosque swallowCecropis senegalensis
South African swallowPetrochelidon spilodera
Common house-martinDelichon urbicum
Black sawwingPsalidoprocne pristoptera
Gray-rumped swallowPseudhirundo griseopyga


Sombre greenbul

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Pycnonotidae

Bulbuls are medium-sized songbirds. Some are colourful with yellow, red, or orange vents, cheeks, throats or supercilia, but most are drab, with uniform olive-brown to black plumage. Some species have distinct crests.

Common name Binomial Status
Sombre greenbulAndropadus importunus
Yellow-bellied greenbulChlorocichla flaviventris
Terrestrial brownbulPhyllastrephus terrestris
Yellow-streaked greenbulPhyllastrephus flavostriatus
Common bulbulPycnonotus barbatus
Black-fronted bulbulPycnonotus nigricans
Cape bulbulPycnonotus capensisEndemic

Leaf warblers

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Phylloscopidae

Leaf warblers are a family of small insectivorous birds found mostly in Eurasia and ranging into Wallacea and Africa. The species are of various sizes, often green-plumaged above and yellow below, or more subdued with greyish-green to greyish-brown colours.

Common name Binomial Status
Wood warblerPhylloscopus sibilatrixVagrant
Willow warblerPhylloscopus trochilus
Yellow-throated woodland-warblerPhylloscopus ruficapillus
Green warblerPhylloscopus nitidusVagrant

Sylviid warblers, parrotbills, and allies

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Sylviidae

The family Sylviidae ("Old World warblers") is a group of small insectivorous passerine birds. They mainly occur as breeding species, as one common name implies, in Europe, Asia, and, to a lesser extent, Africa. Most are of generally undistinguished appearance, but many have distinctive songs.

Common name Binomial Status
Eurasian blackcapSylvia atricapillaVagrant
Garden warblerSylvia borin
Bush blackcapSylvia nigricapillusvulnerable
Barred warblerCurruca nisoriaVagrant
Layard's warblerCurruca layardi
Chestnut-vented warblerCurruca subcoerulea
Lesser whitethroatCurruca currucaVagrant
Greater whitethroatCurruca communis

White-eyes, yuhinas, and allies

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Zosteropidae

The white-eyes are small and mostly undistinguished, their plumage above being generally some dull colour like greenish-olive, but some species have a white or bright yellow throat, breast, or lower parts, and several have buff flanks. As their name suggests, many species have a white ring around each eye.

Common name Binomial Status
Orange River white-eyeZosterops pallidus
Cape white-eyeZosterops virens
Southern yellow white-eyeZosterops anderssoni

Laughingthrushes and allies

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Leiothrichidae

The members of this family are diverse in size and colouration, though those of genus Turdoides tend to be brown or greyish. The family is found in Africa, India, and southeast Asia.

Common name Binomial Status
Arrow-marked babblerTurdoides jardineii
Southern pied-babblerTurdoides bicolor


Order: Passeriformes   Family: Certhiidae

Treecreepers are small woodland birds, brown above and white below. They have thin pointed down-curved bills which they use to extricate insects from bark. They have stiff tail feathers, like woodpeckers, which they use to support themselves on vertical trees.

Common name Binomial Status
African spotted creeperSalpornis salvadoriVagrant


Order: Passeriformes   Family: Buphagidae

As both the English and scientific names of these birds imply, they feed on ectoparasites, primarily ticks, found on large mammals.

Common name Binomial Status
Red-billed oxpeckerBuphagus erythrorynchus
Yellow-billed oxpeckerBuphagus africanus


Red-winged starling

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Sturnidae

Starlings are small to medium-sized passerine birds. Their flight is strong and direct and they are very gregarious. Their preferred habitat is fairly open country. They eat insects and fruit. Plumage is typically dark with a metallic sheen.

Common name Binomial Status
European starlingSturnus vulgarisIntroduced
Wattled starlingCreatophora cinerea
Rosy starlingPastor roseusVagrant
Common mynaAcridotheres tristisIntroduced
Violet-backed starlingCinnyricinclus leucogaster
Pale-winged starlingOnychognathus nabouroup
Red-winged starlingOnychognathus morio
Black-bellied starlingNotopholia corusca
Burchell's starlingLamprotornis australis
Meves's starlingLamprotornis mevesii
African pied starlingLamprotornis bicolorSLE endemic (see note)[notes 11]
Lesser blue-eared starlingLamprotornis chloropterusVagrant
Greater blue-eared starlingLamprotornis chalybaeus
Cape starlingLamprotornis nitens

Thrushes and allies

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Turdidae

The thrushes are a group of passerine birds that occur mainly in the Old World. They are plump, soft plumaged, small to medium-sized insectivores or sometimes omnivores, often feeding on the ground. Many have attractive songs.

Common name Binomial Status
Spotted ground-thrushGeokichla guttataEndangered
Orange ground-thrushGeokichla gurneyi
Groundscraper thrushTurdus litsitsirupa
Kurrichane thrushTurdus libonyana
Olive thrushTurdus olivaceus
Karoo thrushTurdus smithi

Old World flycatchers

Buff-streaked bushchat

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Muscicapidae

Old World flycatchers are a large group of small passerine birds native to the Old World. They are mainly small arboreal insectivores. The appearance of these birds is highly varied, but they mostly have weak songs and harsh calls.

Common name Binomial Status
African dusky flycatcherMuscicapa adusta
Spotted flycatcherMuscicapa striata
Mariqua flycatcherBradornis mariquensis
Pale flycatcherAgricola pallidus
Chat flycatcherAgricola infuscatus
Gray tit-flycatcherFraseria plumbea
Ashy flycatcherFraseria caerulescens
Fiscal flycatcherMelaenornis silens
Southern black-flycatcherMelaenornis pammelaina
Karoo scrub-robinCercotrichas coryphoeus
Brown scrub-robinCercotrichas signata
Bearded scrub-robinCercotrichas quadrivirgata
Rufous-tailed scrub-robinCercotrichas galactotesVagrant
Kalahari scrub-robinCercotrichas paena
Red-backed scrub-robinCercotrichas leucophrys
Cape robin-chatCossypha caffra
White-throated robin-chatCossypha humeralis
White-browed robin-chatCossypha heuglini
Red-capped robin-chatCossypha natalensis
Chorister robin-chatCossypha dichroa
Collared palm-thrushCichladusa arquataVagrant
White-starred robinPogonocichla stellata
White-throated robinIrania gutturalisVagrant
Thrush nightingaleLuscinia lusciniaVagrant
European pied flycatcherFicedula hypoleucaVagrant
Collared flycatcherFicedula albicollisVagrant
Common redstartPhoenicurus phoenicurusVagrant
Short-toed rock-thrushMonticola brevipes
Sentinel rock-thrushMonticola exploratornear threatened
Cape rock-thrushMonticola rupestrisSLE endemic (see note)[notes 12]
WhinchatSaxicola rubetraVagrant
African stonechatSaxicola torquatus
Buff-streaked chatCampicoloides bifasciatus
Sickle-winged chatEmarginata sinuata
Karoo chatEmarginata schlegelii
Tractrac chatEmarginata tractrac
Mocking cliff-chatThamnolaea cinnamomeiventris
Southern anteater-chatMyrmecocichla formicivora
Mountain wheatearMyrmecocichla monticola
Arnot's chatMyrmecocichla arnotti
Northern wheatearOenanthe oenantheVagrant
Capped wheatearOenanthe pileata
Pied wheatearOenanthe pleschankaVagrant
Familiar chatOenanthe familiaris
Boulder chatPinarornis plumosusVagrant


Gurney's sugarbird

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Promeropidae

The two species in this family are restricted to southern Africa. They have brownish plumage, a long downcurved bill, and long tail feathers.

Common name Binomial Status
Gurney's sugarbirdPromerops gurneyiNear-threatened
Cape sugarbirdPromerops caferendemic

Sunbirds and spiderhunters

Southern double-collared sunbird

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Nectariniidae

The sunbirds and spiderhunters are very small passerine birds which feed largely on nectar, although they will also take insects, especially when feeding young. Flight is fast and direct on their short wings. Most species can take nectar by hovering like a hummingbird, but usually perch to feed.

Common name Binomial Status
Plain-backed sunbirdAnthreptes reichenowiVagrant
Collared sunbirdHedydipna collaris
Orange-breasted sunbirdAnthobaphes violaceaEndemic
Olive sunbirdCyanomitra olivacea
Mouse-colored sunbirdCyanomitra veroxii
Amethyst sunbirdChalcomitra amethystina
Scarlet-chested sunbirdChalcomitra senegalensis
Malachite sunbirdNectarinia famosa
Southern double-collared sunbirdCinnyris chalybeus
Neergaard's sunbirdCinnyris neergaardiNear threatened
Greater double-collared sunbirdCinnyris aferSLE endemic
Mariqua sunbirdCinnyris mariquensis
Purple-banded sunbirdCinnyris bifasciatus
White-breasted sunbirdCinnyris talatala
Variable sunbirdCinnyris venustusVagrant
Dusky sunbirdCinnyris fuscus

Weavers and allies

Spectacled weaver

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Ploceidae

The weavers are small passerine birds related to the finches. They are seed-eating birds with rounded conical bills. The males of many species are brightly coloured, usually in red or yellow and black. Some species show variation in colour only in the breeding season.

Common name Binomial Status
Red-billed buffalo-weaverBubalornis niger
Scaly weaverSporopipes squamifrons
White-browed sparrow-weaverPlocepasser mahali
Sociable weaverPhiletairus socius
Red-headed weaverAnaplectes rubriceps
Spectacled weaverPloceus ocularis
Cape weaverPloceus capensisEndemic
African golden-weaverPloceus subaureus
Holub's golden-weaverPloceus xanthops
Southern brown-throated weaverPloceus xanthopterus
Lesser masked-weaverPloceus intermedius
Southern masked-weaverPloceus velatus
Village weaverPloceus cucullatus
Chestnut weaverPloceus rubiginosusVagrant
Forest weaverPloceus bicolor
Red-headed queleaQuelea erythrops
Red-billed queleaQuelea quelea
Southern red bishopEuplectes orix
Yellow-crowned bishopEuplectes afer
Yellow bishopEuplectes capensis
White-winged widowbirdEuplectes albonotatus
Red-collared widowbirdEuplectes ardens
Fan-tailed widowbirdEuplectes axillaris
Long-tailed widowbirdEuplectes progne
Grosbeak weaverAmblyospiza albifrons

Waxbills and allies

Southern cordonbleu

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Estrildidae

The estrildid finches are small passerine birds of the Old World tropics and Australasia. They are gregarious and often colonial seed eaters with short thick but pointed bills. They are all similar in structure and habits, but have wide variation in plumage colours and patterns.

Common name Binomial Status
Bronze mannikinSpermestes cucullata
Magpie mannikinSpermestes fringilloides
Black-and-white mannikinSpermestes bicolor(see note)[notes 13]
Swee waxbillCoccopygia melanotis
Green-backed twinspotMandingoa nitidula
Black-faced waxbillBrunhilda erythronotos
Black-tailed waxbillGlaucestrilda perreini
Common waxbillEstrilda astrild
QuailfinchOrtygospiza atricollis
Cut-throatAmadina fasciata
Red-headed finchAmadina erythrocephala
Zebra waxbillAmandava subflava
Violet-eared waxbillUraeginthus granatina
Southern cordonbleuUraeginthus angolensis
Green-winged pytiliaPytilia melba
Orange-winged pytiliaPytilia afra
Peters's twinspotHypargos niveoguttatus
Pink-throated twinspotHypargos margaritatus
Red-billed firefinchLagonosticta senegala
African firefinchLagonosticta rubricata
Jameson's firefinchLagonosticta rhodopareia


Order: Passeriformes   Family: Viduidae

The indigobirds are finch-like species which usually have black or indigo predominating in their plumage. All are brood parasites which lay their eggs in the nests of estrildid finches.

Common name Binomial Status
Pin-tailed whydahVidua macroura
Broad-tailed paradise-whydahVidua obtusaVagrant
Eastern paradise-whydahVidua paradisaea
Shaft-tailed whydahVidua regia
Village indigobirdVidua chalybeata
Wilson's indigobirdVidua wilsoni
Variable indigobirdVidua funerea
Purple indigobirdVidua purpurascens
Parasitic weaverAnomalospiza imberbis

Old World sparrows

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Passeridae

Sparrows are small passerine birds. In general, sparrows tend to be small, plump, brown, or grey birds with short tails and short powerful beaks. Sparrows are seed eaters, but they also consume small insects.

Common name Binomial Status
House sparrowPasser domesticusIntroduced
Great rufous sparrowPasser motitensis
Cape sparrowPasser melanurus
Southern gray-headed sparrowPasser diffusus
Yellow-throated bush sparrowGymnoris superciliaris

Wagtails and pipits

Orange-throated longclaw

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Motacillidae

Motacillidae is a family of small passerine birds with medium to long tails. They are slender ground-feeding insectivores of open country.

Common name Binomial Status
Cape wagtailMotacilla capensis
Mountain wagtailMotacilla clara
Gray wagtailMotacilla cinereaVagrant
Western yellow wagtailMotacilla flava
Citrine wagtailMotacilla citreolaVagrant
African pied wagtailMotacilla aguimp
White wagtailMotacilla albaVagrant
African pipitAnthus cinnamomeus
Mountain pipitAnthus hoeschinear threatened
Nicholson's pipitAnthus nicholsoni
Plain-backed pipitAnthus leucophrys
Buffy pipitAnthus vaalensis
Striped pipitAnthus lineiventris
Yellow-tufted pipitAnthus crenatusSLE endemic
Tree pipitAnthus trivialisVagrant
Red-throated pipitAnthus cervinusVagrant
Short-tailed pipitAnthus brachyurus
Bush pipitAnthus caffer
Golden pipitTmetothylacus tenellusVagrant
Yellow-breasted pipitHemimacronyx chlorisEndemic (see note),[notes 14] vulnerable
Orange-throated longclawMacronyx capensis
Yellow-throated longclawMacronyx croceus
Rosy-throated longclawMacronyx ameliae

Finches, euphonias, and allies

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Fringillidae

Finches are seed-eating passerine birds that are small to moderately large and have a strong beak, usually conical and in some species very large. All have twelve tail feathers and nine primaries. These birds have a bouncing flight with alternating bouts of flapping and gliding on closed wings, and most sing well.

Common name Binomial Status
Common chaffinchFringilla coelebsIntroduced
Yellow-fronted canaryCrithagra mozambica
Forest canaryCrithagra scotopsSLS endemic
Black-throated canaryCrithagra atrogularis
Lemon-breasted seedeaterCrithagra citrinipectus
Brimstone canaryCrithagra sulphurata
Yellow canaryCrithagra flaviventris
White-throated canaryCrithagra albogularis
Protea canaryCrithagra leucopteraEndemic; near threatened
Black-eared seedeaterCrithagra mennelli
Streaky-headed seedeaterCrithagra gularis
Cape siskinCrithagra tottaEndemic
Drakensberg siskinCrithagra symonsiSLS endemic
Cape canarySerinus canicollis
Black-headed canarySerinus alario

Old World buntings

Order: Passeriformes   Family: Emberizidae

The emberizids are a large family of passerine birds. They are seed-eating birds with distinctively shaped bills. In Europe, most species are called buntings. Many emberizid species have distinctive head patterns.

Common name Binomial Status
Ortolan buntingEmberiza hortulanaVagrant
Golden-breasted buntingEmberiza flaviventris
Cape buntingEmberiza capensis
Lark-like buntingEmberiza impetuani
Cinnamon-breasted buntingEmberiza tahapisi


  1. Clements lists this species as endemic
  2. Clements lists this species as endemic to South Africa alone
  3. Subspecies L. d. vetula is a resident breeder, sometimes called the Cape gull.
  4. Clements lists this species as endemic to South Africa alone
  5. Considered a subspecies of the preceding species by Clements; deemed a full species by BLSA
  6. Johnson JA, Richard T. Watson and David P. Mindell (2005). "Prioritizing species conservation: does the Cape Verde kite exist?" (PDF). Proc. R. Soc. B. 272 (1570): 1365–1371. doi:10.1098/rspb.2005.3098. PMC 1560339. PMID 16006325. Archived from the original (PDF) on 19 December 2010. Retrieved 6 January 2011. This mitochondrial study of Milvus kites, employing three genes, determined that the black kite (Milvus m. migrans) of the Eurasian clade differs significantly from the allopatric yellow-billed kite, where the latter could be further subdivided into two groups: those from southern Africa and Madagascar differing from those in central, west and east Africa. These taxa are all distinct, though near-related as in the Eurasian clade. The study revealed besides that the two yellow-billed kite taxa could potentially be assigned species status. In such a three-way split the yellow-billed kite of southern Africa would be named M. parasitus.
  7. Clements lists this species as endemic to South Africa alone
  8. Clements lists this species as endemic
  9. Clements lists this species as endemic to South Africa alone
  10. Clements lists this species as also inhabiting Namibia
  11. Clements lists this species as inhabiting several other countries as well
  12. Clements lists this species as also inhabiting Botswana and Mozambique
  13. BLSA considers the red-backed subspecies, S. b. nigriceps, to be a full species
  14. Clements lists this species as also inhabiting Lesotho, making it SLE endemic


  1. Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, S. M. Billerman, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood. 2022. The eBird/Clements Checklist of Birds of the World: v2022. Downloaded from Retrieved 1 November 2022.
  2. "BirdLife South Africa Checklist of Birds in South Africa 2020". 2020. Retrieved 23 May 2020.
  • Lepage, Denis. "Checklist of Birds of South Africa". Bird Checklists of the World. Avibase. Retrieved 27 August 2021.
  • Clements, James F. (2000). Birds of the World: A Checklist. Cornell University Press. p. 880. ISBN 978-0-934797-16-0.

See also

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