Tintinnabulum and conopaeum, one of the privileges granted to a basilica

The following is a list of Basilicas in Rome. An ecclesiastical basilica is a Roman Catholic church building which has been granted special status by the Pope. There are 66 such churches in Rome, more than any other city,[Note 1] and more than 125 of the 131 countries in the world that have basilicas.[Note 2]

Major Basilicas in Rome

There are four major basilicas of the Catholic Church: All four are in Rome, and are distinguished by their having a holy door and for being prescribed as destinations for visits as one of the conditions for gaining the Roman Jubilee. They are also signified by an Umbraculum (a baldachin resembling an umbrella, made of cloth of gold and red velvet) and a Tintinnabulum (a small bell mounted on a pole). The four are also designated Papal basilicas, so that only the Pope or his delegate may celebrate Mass at the high altar.

BasilicaMunicipalityYear of creationnumber
(per source.[1])
San Giovanni in LateranoMunicipio Iancient1.
San Pietro in VaticanoVatican Cityancient2 .
San Paolo fuori le MuraMunicipio VIIIancient3 .
Santa Maria MaggioreMunicipio Iancient4 .

Minor papal basilicas

Several minor basilicas are also designated as papal basilicas; there is one such in Rome,

BasilicaMunicipalityYear of creationnumber
(per source.[1])
San Lorenzo fuori le MuraMunicipio IIancient5.

Minor basilicas

A minor basilica is a church designated as such by apostolic grant (or from immemorial custom) as an outstanding centre of pastoral and liturgical excellence. They are often also sites of pilgrimage. Minor basilicas are also marked by the tintinnabulum and umbraculum, though for a minor basilica this is of yellow and red silk.

BasilicaMunicipalityYear of creationnumber
(per source.[1])
Nostra Signora di Guadalupe e San Filippo in Via AureliaMunicipio XIII1991487
Sacro Cuore di Cristo ReMunicipio I1965393
Sacro Cuore di Gesù a Castro PretorioMunicipio I1921187
Sacro Cuore Immacolato di Maria ai ParioliMunicipio II1959357
Sant'Agnese fuori le muraMunicipio IIancient12
Sant'Agostino in Campo MarzioMunicipio I1999521
Santi Ambrogio e Carlo al CorsoMunicipio I1929227
Sant'Anastasia al PalatinoMunicipio Iancient13
Sant'Andrea delle FratteMunicipio I1942258
Sant'Andrea della ValleMunicipio I1965399
Sant'Antonio da Padova in Via MerulanaMunicipio I1931232
Sant'Apollinare alle TermeMunicipio I1984466
Santi Apostoli Pietro e PaoloMunicipio IX1967403
Santa Balbina all'AventinoMunicipio Iancient14
San Bartolomeo Apostolo all'IsolaMunicipio Iancient15
Santi Bonifacio e AlessioMunicipio Iancient16
San Camillo de LellisMunicipio I1965392
Santa Cecilia in TrastevereMunicipio Iancient17
Santi Celso e GiulianoMunicipio Iancient18
San Clemente al LateranoMunicipio Iancient19
Santi Cosma e Damiano in Via SacraMunicipio Iancient20
San Crisogono in TrastevereMunicipio Iancient21
Santa Croce in GerusalemmeMunicipio Iancient22
Santa Croce in Via FlaminiaMunicipio II1964387
Santi Dodici ApostoliMunicipio Iancient23
San EugenioMunicipio II1951306
San EustachioMunicipio Iancient24
San Giovanni Battista dei FiorentiniMunicipio I1918181
San Giovanni BoscoMunicipio VII1965394
Santi Giovanni e Paolo al CelioMunicipio Iancient25
San Giuseppe al TrionfaleMunicipio XIII1970404
San Lorenzo in DamasoMunicipio Iancient26
San Lorenzo in LucinaMunicipio I1908160
San Marco Evangelista al CampidoglioMunicipio Iancient27
Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei MartiriMunicipio I1920186
Santa Maria in AracoeliMunicipio Iancient30
Santa Maria AusiliatriceMunicipio VIII1969407
Santa Maria in CosmedinMunicipio Iancient31
Santa Maria ad Martyres in Campo (Pantheon)Municipio Iancient28
Santa Maria sopra MinervaMunicipio Iancient35
Santa Maria in MontesantoMunicipio I1825126
Santa Maria Nova (Santa Francesca Romana)Municipio Iancient34
Santa Maria del PopoloMunicipio Iancient29
Santa Maria Regina degli Apostoli alla MontagnolaMunicipio IX1984467
Santa Maria in TrastevereMunicipio Iancient32
Santa Maria in Via LataMunicipio Iancient33
San Martino ai MontiMunicipio Iancient26
San Nicola in CarcereMunicipio Iancient37
San PancrazioMunicipio XIIancient38
San Pietro in VincoliMunicipio Iancient39
Santa Prassede all'EsquilinoMunicipio Iancient40
Santa Pudenziana al ViminaleMunicipio Iancient41
Santi Quattro Coronati al LateranoMunicipio Iancient42
San SabaMunicipio Iancient43
Santa Sabina all'AventinoMunicipio Iancient44
San Sebastiano fuori le muraMunicipio VIIIancient45
San Sisto Vecchio in Via AppiaMunicipio Iancient46
Santa SofiaMunicipio XIII1998508
Santo Stefano RotondoMunicipio Iancient47
Santa Teresa d'AvilaMunicipio I1951309
Santi Vitale e Compagni Martiri in FoveaMunicipio Iancient48


  1. The city with the next largest number after Rome is Buenos Aires, with 15 (See here)
  2. Only Germany (73), USA (74), Spain (108), Poland (125), France (169) and Italy itself (543) have more basilicas than the city of Rome. See here)



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