This is a list of equipment of the Swedish Army currently in use. It includes current equipment such as small arms, combat vehicles, explosives, missile systems, engineering vehicles, logistical vehicles, artillery, air defence, transport vehicles, as well as future and former equipment.


Model Origin Type Quantity Image Details
Stridsvagn 123A  Germany
Main battle tank 0 Per a contract with Krauss-Maffei Wegmann, the Swedish fleet of Strv 122's are going to be modernised with the L/55 cannon, new night vision sights and new tracks as well as track assembly.[1]
Stridsvagn 122A
Stridsvagn 122B
Main battle tank 120[2] The Strv 122 is an improved version of the German Leopard 2A5
Stridsvagn 121  Germany Main battle tank 8 Sweden purchased 20 2A4s from the fleet of 160 2A4s that were leased from Germany. 12 were converted to AEV3 and Leguan engineer variants. 8 Used by the Norrbotten Regiment as recovery practice vehicles.
Infantry fighting vehicles
Strf 9040A
Strf 9040B
Strf 9040B1
Strf 9040C
Strf 9040C+
 Sweden Infantry fighting vehicle 354a Stridsfordon 90 (Combat Vehicle 90), Swedish advanced infantry fighting vehicle, armed with Bofors 40 mm gun (known commercially as the CV9040). Strf 9040A is planned to be modernised to Strf 9040D1 standard in mid-life upgrade, Strf 9040B/B1 to Strf 9040D2 and Strf 9040C to Strf 9040E.
^a Total number of CV90 IFV variants acquired for the Swedish Army is 354: A 208 pcs, B 91 pcs, B1 13 pcs and C 42 pcs;[5] 2019 UN arms report lists 315.[6] Total number of all CV90 variants is 509.
Armoured personnel carriers
Patgb 180  Finland Armoured personnel carrier 35[6] Pansarterrängbil 180, Finnish-produced Sisu XA-180S, armed with Ksp 88 12.7 mm machine gun.
Patgb 203 A
Patgb 203 B
 Finland Armoured personnel carrier 148[6] Pansarterrängbil 203, Finnish-produced Patria XA-203S, 203 A armed with Hispano-Suiza 20 mm gun and 203 B with Vapenstation 01 (Protector RWS).
Patgb 300  Finland Armoured personnel carrier 20 (initial batch)[7] Pansarterrängbil 300, Finnish produced Patria 6x6. Around 400 additional vehicles are planned to be procured.[8][9]
Patgb 360  Finland Armoured personnel carrier 113[6][10] Pansarterrängbil 360, Finnish-produced Patria XA-360 AMV, armed with Vapenstation 01 (Protector RWS).
Utility vehicles
IVECO MUV M70 4x4  Italy Utility vehicle 400(initial batch) Italian made Iveco Defence Vehicle MUV 4x4 light truck. Initial order for 400 vehicles, as part of a framework agreement that covers the possible acquition of up to 3,000 vehicles in 12 different versions. Replacing the old Tgb 11 and 13[11]
Pb 8  Germany Utility vehicle 400 Personbil 8, modified German Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 316 4x4. Replaced the old Tgb 20 vehicles for the Home Guard (Hemvärnet).[12]
Tgb 15  Germany Armoured utility vehicle 241 Terrängbil 15, German Mercedes-Benz G-Class 6x6.[13]
Tgb 14  Germany Armoured utility vehicle 435 Terrängbil 14, German Mercedes-Benz G-Class 4x4.[13]
Tgb 16  South Africa MRAP 380 Terrängbil 16 "Galten", South African made 4x4 MRAP, commercially known as RG-32 Scout.[14]
All-terrain vehicles
Bv 206  Sweden Tracked all-terrain vehicle 1000 Bandvagn 206, Swedish tracked articulated all-terrain vehicle.
^b Total number of acquired Bv 206 and Bv 208 vehicles since 1974 is 4500.[15]
Bv 309  Sweden Armoured tracked all-terrain vehicle 93 Bandvagn 309, Swedish armoured tracked articulated all-terrain vehicle, commercially known as Bv 206S.
Bv 410  Sweden Armoured tracked all-terrain vehicle 153[16] Bandvagn 410, Swedish armoured tracked articulated all-terrain vehicle, commercially known as BvS 10. 127 vehicles on order in 2021 to be delivered in 2022 and complete in 2024. In December 2022 A follow-on order for 40 was placed while a further 236 where ordered under the CATV program.1
Command, control and communications vehicles
Stripbv 90 A
Stripbv 90 C
 Sweden Armoured command vehicle 54[6][5]
Stridsledningspansarbandvagn 90, a Swedish command vehicle variant of the CV90.[5]
Störpbv 90  Sweden Armoured electronic warfare vehicle 1[5]
Patgb 202  Finland Armoured command vehicle 20[6] Pansarterrängbil 202, Finnish-produced Patria XA-202S.
Military engineering vehicles
Hl 18T  Sweden Armoured wheel loader Hjullastare 18T armoured wheel loader, commercially Volvo L90F.
Djminröjm 1 T  Sweden Mine clearing vehicle Djupminröjmaskin 1 T mine clearing vehicle, commercially Scanjack 3500.
Bgbv 90
Bgbv 90 A1
Bgbv 90 C
 Sweden Armoured recovery vehicle 21[5]
Bärgningsbandvagn 90, a Swedish recovery variant of the CV90.[5]
Bgbv 120  Germany Armoured recovery vehicle 14[17] Bärgningsbandvagn 120, a German recovery variant of the Leopard 2.
Brobv 120  Germany Armoured vehicle-launched bridge 6 Brobandvagn 120, a German bridgelayer variant of the Leopard 2.
Ingbv 120  Germany
Armoured engineering vehicle 6 Ingenjörbandvagn 120, a German engineering variant of the Leopard 2.
Bsch 23T SP  United States Armoured bulldozer Bandschaktare 23T bulldozer, commercially Cat D6R XL.
Bsch 18T  United States Armoured bulldozer Bandschaktare 18T bulldozer, commercially Cat D6R.
Amfibiebro 400  Germany Amphibious bridge layer 12 on order in 2022. To be delivered by 2024.


Model Origin Type Quantity Image Details
Self-propelled artillery and mortars
Archer SwedenSelf-propelled howitzer26 (+48)Truck-mounted 155 mm gun-howitzer built using the older FH77 in their production. The Archer entered service in February 2016.[18]

Volvo A30D: 26 in service

  • 24 ordered in 2009
  • 24 ordered in 2016 (this batch was initially intended for Norway)
  • The Swedish government announced on the 16th of March 2023 that among the 48 received, 24 were in service, 24 were in storage, 14 Archer would be sold to the British Army in March 2023, and 8 transferred to the Ukrainian Ground Forces.[4]

Rheinmetall HX2 8x8: 48 ordered.

  • FMV ordered 48 new Archer artillery systems built on RMMV HX2 8x8 trucks in September 2023 with deliveries planned to start in 2025.[19]
Grkpbv 90 SwedenSelf-propelled mortar40 (+40)[17]Swedish 120 mm double-barrel mortar version of the CV90. Additional 20 ordered in 2022 to be delivered 2023–2024. 20 further units ordered in 2023 bringing the total fleet to 80 vehicles, planned to be in service by 2025.[20]
Infantry mortars
12 cm grk m/41
12 cm grk m/41 D
12 cm grk m/41 E-F
Heavy infantry mortar84[17]12 cm granatkastare m/41, a Swedish-produced version of the Finnish Tampella 120 Krh/40. Earliest 12 cm grk m/41 were imported from Finland. Several in storage.
8 cm grk m/84
8 cm grk m/84 B
Medium infantry mortar215[17]8 cm granatkastare m/84, an Israeli Soltam 81 mm mortar based on the Finnish Tampella 81 mm mortars, several in storage.[21]
Forward observer equipment
Epbv 90 A
Epbv 90 C
 SwedenForward observation vehicle34[5]
Eldledningspansarbandvagn 90, a Swedish forward observation vehicle variant of the CV90.[5]
Counter-battery radars
ArtlokRR 2091 SwedenCounter-battery radarArtillerilokaliseringsradar 2091, commercially known as ARTHUR, which stands for Artillery Hunting Radar. Swedish counter-battery radar mounted either on Bv 208 or a transport container. Can track up to 100 projectiles a minute, of which 8 projectiles simultaneously.[22]
Special munitions
Pansarsprängvinggranat m/94 SwedenGuided anti-tank mortar round120 mm mortar round commercially known as STRIX.
Bofors 155 Bonus Sweden
Anti-tank submunition artillery shell155 mm artillery shell with two anti-tank submunitions.
M982 Excalibur Sweden
 United States
Guided artillery shell155 mm GPS-guided artillery shell.

Air defence systems

Model Origin Type Quantity Image Details
Surface-to-air-missile systems
RBS 23 BAMSE SwedenSurface-to-air missile system
RBS 70 SwedenSurface-to-air missile system70dRBS 70 NG on order.
^d Total number is 70 launchers, with hundreds in storage.[6]
RBS 98 SwedenSurface-to-air missile system16Four IRIS-T missiles carried on a Bv 410 vehicle.
RBS 97 United StatesSurface-to-air missile systemTo be replaced by Patriot.
Lvsystem 103 Patriot United StatesSurface-to-air missile system(4)Luftvärnssystem 103 Patriot. 4 units (total 12 launchers) to be delivered in 2021–2022. 100 MIM-104E PAC-2 GEM-T Missiles to be delivered (range >160 km) 200 PAC-3 MSE Anti ballistic missiles to be delivered
Anti-aircraft artillery
Lvkv 90
Lvkv 90 C
 SwedenSelf-propelled anti-aircraft gun27[5]
Luftvärnskanonvagn 90, a Swedish anti-aircraft variant of the CV90 armed with Bofors 40 mm gun. The Lvkv 90 is equipped with a PS-95 radar.[5]

Small arms

Model Origin Type Quantity Image Details
Pist 88
Pist 88 B
Pist 88 C
Pist 88 C2
Pist 88 D
PistolStandard issue pistol of all branches. Pistol 88, Glock 17 Gen 1. Pistol 88B, Glock 19 Gen 2. Pistol 88C, Glock 17 Gen 2. Pistol 88C2, Glock 17 Gen 3. Pistol 88D Glock 19 Gen 2.
Assault and battle rifles
Ak 4 B
Ak 4 C
Ak 4 D
Battle rifleStandard issue rifle for the Swedish Home Guard, Swedish production of the German Heckler & Koch G3; Ak 4 B has an optics rail, Ak 4 C is the Ak 4 B with an adjustable buttstock, and Ak 4 D is the Ak 4 C with a modular handguard. Ak 4 D is used as a stopgap designated marksman rifle for the Swedish Armed Forces; Ak 4 and Ak 4 OR have been retired. Can be equipped with a M203 grenade launcher.
Ak 5 C
Ak 5 D
Ak 5 D Mk II
Assault rifleStandard issue assault rifle, based on the Belgian FN FNC. Ak 5 C is the carbine variant, Ak 5 D is a shortened variant for crews and CQB, and Ak 5 D Mk II is Ak 5 D upgraded to the same standard as current Ak 5 C, Ak 5 A and Ak 5 B variants have been retired. Can be equipped with a M203 grenade launcher.
Diemaco C8SFW CanadaAssault rifleUsed by the Special Operations Group.[23]
Heckler & Koch G36C
Heckler & Koch G36K
 GermanyAssault rifleUsed by the Special Operations Group.
HK 417 GermanyBattle rifle
Designated marksman rifle
Automatkarbin 417, commercially Heckler & Koch HK417.
Hagelgevär 686 Sweden  ItalyShotgun
Förstärkningsgevär 870 C United States  Sweden Shotgun
Hagelgevär 11-87 United StatesSemi-automatic shotgun
Sniper rifles
Psg 08 SwedenSniper riflePrickskyttegevär 08, commercially Sako TRG-42, used by the Special Operations Group.
Psg 90
Psg 90 B
 SwedenSniper riflePrickskyttegevär 90, commercially Accuracy International AW.
Ag 90
Ag 90 B
Ag 90 C
 United States  Sweden Anti-materiel rifleAutomatgevär 90, commercially Barrett M82A1.
Submachine guns
Kpist MP 7 GermanySubmachine gunKulsprutepistol MP 7, commercially Heckler & Koch MP7A2.
Heckler & Koch MP5 West GermanySubmachine gunUsed by special forces.
Support weapons
Ksp 58 B
Ksp 58 C STRF
Ksp 58 C2
Ksp 58 E
Ksp 58 F
 SwedenGeneral-purpose machine gunKulspruta 58, Swedish production of the Belgian FN MAG.
Ksp 90
Ksp 90 B
Ksp 90 C
 SwedenLight machine gunKulspruta 90, commercially FN Minimi and FN Minimi Para.
Ksp 88 SwedenHeavy machine gunKulspruta 88, commercially FN M2 HB QCB.
Grsp 92 United States  Sweden Automatic grenade launcherGranatspruta 92, commercially Saco Defence Mk 19 Mod 3.


Model Origin Type Quantity Image Details
Granatgevär m/18 SwedenRecoilless rifleCommercially: Carl Gustaf M4 (M/18)
Pansarskott m/86 SwedenSingle-shot disposable anti-tank weaponCommercially: Bofors AT-4 or AT-4CS
Robot 56 Bill SwedenAnti-tank missileIn service from 1988 to 2013, returned into service in December 2019. To be replaced by MMP.
Robot 57 SwedenAnti-tank missileCommercially: NLAW
Robot 55 United StatesAnti-tank missileTo be replaced by MMP

Logistical vehicles

Former equipment


  • (1921–1939) Stridsvagn m/21-29 light tank (Strv m/21-29) – 10
  • (1933–1980s) Landsverk L-180 armoured car (L180) in versions: – 5 total
    • L-180 – 5
    • L-181
    • L-182
  • (1934–????) Stridsvagn L-60 light tank (Strv L-60) in versions: – 180 total
    • L-60A
    • L-60B
    • L-60C
    • L-60D
  • (1937–1940) Landsverk L-120 light tank (L120) – 1
  • (1938–1953) Stridsvagn m/37 tankette (Strv m/37) – 48
  • (1938–1956) Pansarbil m/39 armoured car (Lynx) – 15
  • (1941–1950s) Stridsvagn m/41 medium tank (Strv m/41) – 138
  • (1941–1950s) Stridsvagn m/42 medium tank (Strv m/42) in versions: – 342 total
    • Stridsvagn m/42 TM (Lago II)
    • Stridsvagn m/42 TH (Lago III)
    • Stridsvagn m/42 EH (Lago IV)
    • Stridsvagn m/42 TV
  • (1944-1973) Stormartillerivagn m/43 assault gun Sav m/43 – 36
  • (1953–2000) Stridsvagn 81 main battle tank (Centurion) in versions: – 350 total
    • Bärgningsbandvagn 81
    • Stridsvagn 81
    • Stridsvagn 101
    • Stridsvagn 101R
    • Stridsvagn 102
    • Stridsvagn 102R
    • Stridsvagn 104
    • Stridsvagn 105
    • Stridsvagn 106
  • (1958–1984) Stridsvagn 74 main battle tank (Strv 74) in versions: – 235 total
    • Stridsvagn 74 H
    • Stridsvagn 74 V
  • (1961–1971) Pansarbandvagn 301 armoured personnel carrier (Pbv 301) in versions: – 185 total
    • Pansarbandvagn 301
    • Stridsledningspansarbandvagn 3011
    • Eldledningspansarbandvagn 3012
  • (1966-2014) Pansarbandvagn 302 Armoured personnel carrier (Pbv 302) in versions: - 647 total
    • Pansarbandvagn 302
    • Stridsledningspansarbandvagn 3021
    • Eldledningspansarbandvagn 3022
    • Batteriplatspansarbandvagn 3023
    • Radiolänkpansarbandvagn 3024
    • Sjuktransportpansarbandvagn 3026
    • Stridsledningspansarbandvagn 3021B
    • Stridsledningspansarbandvagn 3021C
    • Eldledningspansarbandvagn 3022C
    • Batteriplatspansarbandvagn 3023C
    • Radiolänkpansarbandvagn 3024C
    • Pjäsrekognoseringspansarbandvagn 3025C
  • (1967–1997) Stridsvagn 103 main battle tank (Strv 103) in versions: – 290 total
    • Stridsvagn 103A
    • Stridsvagn 103B
    • Stridsvagn 103C
    • Stridsvagn 103D
  • (1976–2002) Infanterikanonvagn 91 tank destroyer (Ikv 91) – 212
  • (1993-2011) Panserbandvagn 401 armoured personnel carrier (MT-LB) - 1016
  • (1995–2008) Pansarbandvagn 501 infantry fighting vehicle (BMP-1) – 350

Small arms

Fire support/artillery


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