This is a list of governors of the Austrian federal state of Salzburg:

Portrait Name Term Period Note
Took office Left office Duration
Habsburg monarchy
Governors of the Salzach district, subject to the Provincial governor of Upper Austria (1816–1849)

Habsburg monarchy


Karl Graf Welsperg-Raitenau18161825
Johann Nepomuk Freiherr von Stiebar18251831
Albert Graf Montecuccoli18311838
Franz Graf Mercandiu18381838
Leopold Friedrich Graf Stolberg-Stolberg18389 August 1840
Gustav Ignaz Graf Chorinsky18401849
Presidents of the province of Salzburg (1850–1918), assisted by Provincial Governors (1861–1918)
Friedrich Graf Herberstein18501852
Karl Prinz Lobkowitz18521855
Otto Franz Graf Fünfkirchen18551859
Ernst Graf Gourcy-Droitaumont18601860
Franz Freiherr von Spiegelfeld18611863 Provincial governors:
Joseph Freiherr von Weiß
(31 March 1861 – 20 September 1872)
Eduard Viscount Taaffee18631867
Karl Graf Coronini-Cronberg18671869
Ernst Graf Gourcy-Droitaumont18691870
Prince Adolf of Auersperg18701871
Sigmund Graf Thun-Hohenstein18721897 Hugo Raimund Reichsgraf Lamberg
(30 September 1872 – 14 June 1880)
Carl Graf Chorinsky
(17 June 1880 – 30 October 1890)
Dr. Albert Schumacher
(21 September 1890 – 17 January 1897)
Klemens Graf St. Julien-Wallsee18971908 Fr. Alois Winkler
(17 January 1897 – 29 December 1902)
Dr. Albert Schumacher
(29 December 1902 – 21 July 1909)
Levin Graf Schaffgotsch19081913
Fr. Alois Winkler
(21 July 1909 – 23 April 1919)
Party Took office Left office
Oskar MeyerChristian Social23 April 1919

First Republic


4 May 1922
Franz RehrlChristian Social
Fatherland's Front
4 May 1922



12 March 1938
(State governor and Gauleiter)

Nazi Germany


Anton WintersteigerNSDAP13 March 1938 22 May 1938
Friedrich RainerNSDAP22 May 1938 29 November 1941
Gustav Adolf ScheelNSDAP29 November 1941 4 May 1945
Adolf SchemelPeople's Party (ÖVP)23 May 1945

Second Republic


12 December 1945
Albert HochleitnerÖVP12 December 1945 4 December 1948
Josef RehrlÖVP4 December 1948 1 December 1949
Josef KlausÖVP1 December 1949 17 April 1961
Hans LechnerÖVP17 April 1961 20 April 1977
Wilfried Haslauer seniorÖVP20 April 1977 2 May 1989
Hans KatschthalerÖVP2 May 1989 24 April 1996
Franz SchausbergerÖVP24 April 1996 28 April 2004
Gabi BurgstallerSocial Democratic (SPÖ)28 April 2004 19 June 2013
Wilfried HaslauerÖVP19 June 2013 Incumbent

See also

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