This is a list of governors of the Austrian state of Styria:

Portrait Term Party Period
Name Took office Left office Duration
1 Wilhelm Kaan6 November 191827 May 1919 Greater German

First Republic


2 Anton Rintelen27 May 191925 June 1926 Christian Social
3 Franz Prisching25 June 192622 October 1926 Christian Social
4 Alfred Gürtler22 October 192621 May 1927 Christian Social
5 Hans Paul21 May 192723 April 1928 Christian Social
(2) Anton Rintelen23 April 192810 November 1933 Christian Social
6 Alois Dienstleder13 November 19332 November 1934 Christian Social
7 Karl Maria Stepan2 November 19342 March 1938 Fatherland's Front


8 Rolph Trummer3 March 193812 March 1938 Fatherland's Front
(State governor and Gauleiter)

Nazi Germany


9 Sepp Helfrich12 March 193822 May 1938 NSDAP
10 Siegfried Uiberreither22 May 19388 May 1945 NSDAP
11 Reinhard Machold8 May 194528 December 1945 Social Democratic (SPÖ)

Second Republic


12 Anton Pirchegger28 December 19456 July 1948 People's Party (ÖVP)
Deputy governor Reinhard Machold (SPÖ) filled in from 17 October 1947 to January 1948, when Pirchegger was incapacitated due to ill health.
13 Josef Krainer Sr6 July 194828 November 1971 ÖVP
14 Friedrich Niederl28 November 19714 July 1980 ÖVP
15 Josef Krainer junior4 July 198023 January 1996 ÖVP
16 Waltraud Klasnic23 January 199625 October 2005 ÖVP
17 Franz Voves25 October 200516 June 2015 SPÖ
18 Hermann Schützenhöfer16 June 20154 July 2022 ÖVP
19 Christopher Drexler4 July 2022Incumbent ÖVP

See also

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