Battle painters were busy catching the frequent acts of war during this campaign.[1]
Covering Krasny, Jan Hoynck van Papendrecht pictured the last fight of the Dutch 3rd Regiment of the Garde impériale[2] – of over 1000 men, only a few dozens were left when the Second Battle of Krasnoi was over. Peter von Hess rendered both battles, with summer colours in August[3] and a grey winter atmosphere in November.[4][5] Jean-Antoine-Siméon Fort focused on the troops of the French general Ricard.[6] Jean-Charles Langlois, painter and soldier, captured the gloomy struggle against the enemy and the elements.[7] The battle's final hours also attracted attention: Adolphe Yvon showed Marshal Ney in rearguard action at the Losvinka,[8] protecting the back of the advanced Napoleon Bonaparte, and, to the edification of his opponents, his hasty flight was visualized by Thomas Sutherland,[9] likewise by John Masey Wright who added "disgraceful" to the title.[10]
Field Marshal Kutuzov was portrayed posthumously in 1813 in a serene pose by R.M. Volkov.[11] Nikolay Samokish depicted a skirmish at close range in engraving technique.[12]
- Paintings
- Jan Hoynck van Papendrecht: The Last Fight of the Dutch 3rd Regiment Grenadiers of the Guard
- Peter von Hess: The First Battle of Krasnoi on the 2nd (14th) of August
- Peter von Hess: The Battle of Krasny on the 5th (17th) of November 1812 (1849)
- Peter von Hess: The Battle of Losmin on the 6th (18th) of November. [Battle of Krasnoi]
- Nikolay Samokish: Battle of Krasnoje, November 3, 1812 (1912)
- Jean Antoine Siméon Fort: Ricard-Division in the Battle of Krasnoe, November 18, 1812, 9 a.m.
- Adolphe Yvon: Marshal Ney Supporting the Rear Guard during the Retreat from Moscow (1856)
- General Michail Illarionovich Kutusow (1745–1813) (1813)
- ↑ Jan Hoynck van Papendrecht (1858–1933): The Last Fight of the Dutch 3rd Regiment Grenadiers of the Guard (painting)
- ↑ Peter von Hess (1792–1861): The First Battle of Krasnoi on the 2nd (14th) of August. (painting)
- ↑ Peter von Hess (1792–1861): The Battle of Krasny on 5 (17) November 1812 (painting)
- ↑ Peter von Hess (1792–1861): The Battle of Losmin on the 6th (18th) of November. [Battle of Krasnoi] (painting)
- ↑ Jean Antoine Siméon Fort (1793–1861): Battle of Krasnoi 1812, November 17th (painting)
- ↑ Jean Charles Langlois (1789–1870): Battle of Krasnoe. (painting)
- ↑ Adolphe Yvon (1817–1893): Marshal Ney Supporting the Rear Guard during the Retreat from Moscow. 1856 (painting). Manchester Art Gallery.
- ↑ Thomas Sutherland (1785–1838): Flight of Bonaparte from the Battle of Krasnoi. 1815. (print)
- ↑ John Masey Wright (1777–1866): The Disgraceful Flight of Bonaparte from the Battle of Krasnoi (Krasnoye) 1812 1814. (print)
- ↑ Roman Maksimovich Volkov (1776–1831): Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov (1745-1813), Russian general. (1813)
- ↑ Nikolai Samokysh (1860–1944): Close range skirmish (engraving)