This article lists political parties in Aruba. Aruba has a multi-party system, with two or three strong parties and a third party that is electorally successful.

The parties

The native party names are either in Dutch, Spanish or mostly in Papiamento.

Parties represented in Parliament

Party Abbr. Leader Political position Ideology MPs
People's Electoral Movement
Dutch: Electorale Volksbeweging
Papiamento: Movimiento Electoral di Pueblo
MEP Evelyn Wever-Croes Centre-left Social democracy
9 / 21
Aruban People's Party
Dutch: Arubaanse Volkspartij
Papiamento: Partido di Pueblo Arubano
AVP Mike Eman Centre-right Aruban regionalism
Christian democracy
7 / 21
RAIZ RAIZ Ursell Arends Centre-left Social democracy
2 / 21
Aruban Sovereignty Movement
Dutch: Arubaanse Souvereiniteitsbeweging
Papiamento: Movimiento Arubano Soberano
MAS Marisol Lopez Tromp Centre-left Social democracy
2 / 21
Accion 21
Dutch: Actie 21
English: Action 21
A21 Miguel Mansur Centre Liberalism
1 / 21

Minor parties[1]

  • Aruban Patriotic Party (Partido Patriotico di Aruba)
  • Democratic Network (Red Democratico)
  • Progressive Patriotic Union (Union Patriotico Progresista) social democrats
  • Proud and Respected People (Pueblo Orguyoso y Respeta)
  • People First (Pueblo Prome)
  • United Christians Reinforcing the Potential of Aruba (Cristiannan Uni Reforzando Potencial di


  • Youth Bringing Change (Hubentud Trecidendo Cambio)

Inactive parties

See also


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