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This article lists political parties in Aruba. Aruba has a multi-party system, with two or three strong parties and a third party that is electorally successful.
The parties
- The native party names are either in Dutch, Spanish or mostly in Papiamento.
Parties represented in Parliament
Party | Abbr. | Leader | Political position | Ideology | MPs | |
People's Electoral Movement Dutch: Electorale Volksbeweging Papiamento: Movimiento Electoral di Pueblo |
MEP | Evelyn Wever-Croes | Centre-left | Social democracy Separatism |
9 / 21 | |
Aruban People's Party Dutch: Arubaanse Volkspartij Papiamento: Partido di Pueblo Arubano |
AVP | Mike Eman | Centre-right | Aruban regionalism Conservatism Christian democracy |
7 / 21 | |
RAIZ | RAIZ | Ursell Arends | Centre-left | Social democracy | 2 / 21 | |
Aruban Sovereignty Movement Dutch: Arubaanse Souvereiniteitsbeweging Papiamento: Movimiento Arubano Soberano |
MAS | Marisol Lopez Tromp | Centre-left | Social democracy | 2 / 21 | |
Accion 21 Dutch: Actie 21 English: Action 21 |
A21 | Miguel Mansur | Centre | Liberalism Progressivism |
1 / 21 |
Minor parties[1]
- Aruban Patriotic Party (Partido Patriotico di Aruba)
- Democratic Network (Red Democratico)
- Progressive Patriotic Union (Union Patriotico Progresista) social democrats
- Proud and Respected People (Pueblo Orguyoso y Respeta)
- People First (Pueblo Prome)
- United Christians Reinforcing the Potential of Aruba (Cristiannan Uni Reforzando Potencial di
- Youth Bringing Change (Hubentud Trecidendo Cambio)
Inactive parties
- Aruban Democratic Alliance (Aliansa Democratico Arubano)
- Aruban Liberal Organization (Organisacion Liberal Arubano)
- Aruban Patriotic Movement (Movimiento Patriotico Arubano)
- Concentration for the Liberation of Aruba (Concentracion pa Liberacion di Aruba) libertarian-socialists
- National Democratic Action (Accion Democratico National) nationalists
See also
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