This article lists political parties in Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein has a two-party system where the two largest political parties—the Patriotic Union (VU) and the Progressive Citizens' Party (FBP)— dominate politics within the Landtag of Liechtenstein, frequently in coalition. There are currently two minor parties forming the opposition in the Landtag, Democrats for Liechtenstein (DpL) and the Free List (FL), and one minor party not represented in the Landtag, The Independents (DU).

Current Parties

Logo Name Abbrev. Ideology Seats
Progressive Citizens' Party
Fortschrittliche Bürgerpartei
FBP Conservatism
National conservatism
Economic liberalism
10 / 25

3 / 11

Municipal Councils
51 / 104
Patriotic Union
Vaterländische Union
VU Christian democracy
Liberal conservatism
Economic liberalism
Constitutional monarchism
10 / 25

8 / 11

Municipal Councils
43 / 104
Free List
Freie Liste
FL Social democracy
Green politics
3 / 25

0 / 11

Municipal Councils
5 / 104
Democrats for Liechtenstein
Demokraten pro Liechtenstein
DpL National conservatism
Economic liberalism
Right-wing populism
2 / 25

0 / 11

Municipal Councils
5 / 104
The Independents
Die Unabhängigen
DU Right-wing populism
0 / 25

0 / 11

Municipal Councils
0 / 104

Human in Focus
Mensch Im Mittelpunkt
MIM Anti-COVID & Anti-vaccine mandate Landtag
0 / 25

0 / 11

Municipal Councils
0 / 104

Defunct Parties

Name Abbrev. Ideology Founded Dissolved
Christian Social Party of Liechtenstein
Christlich-Soziale Partei Liechtensteins
CSP Christian democracy 1960 c.1978
Christian-Social People's Party
Christlich-Soziale Volkspartei
VP Social liberalism 1918 1936
Merged with LHD to form Patriotic Union
German National Movement in Liechtenstein
Volksdeutsche Bewegung in Liechtenstein
VDBL Nazism 1938 1945
Liechtenstein Loyalty Association

Heimattreue Vereinigung Liechtenstein

HVL 1939 1945
Liechtenstein Homeland Service
Liechtensteiner Heimatdienst
LHD Corporate statism 1933 1936
Merged with VP to form Patriotic Union
Non-Party List
Überparteiliche Liste Liechtenstein
ULL 1989 1990
Workers' and Peasants' Party
Partei der Unselbständig Erwerbenden und Kleinbauern
Agrarianism c.1950 c.1953

See also

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