Comoros does not have a strong party system. Political groups are formed mainly in support of certain leaders. The only major ideological point of contention is the debate between supporters of a strong federal government and supporters of the autonomous island governments.


Parliamentary parties

Convention for the Renewal of the Comoros
Convention pour le Renouveau des Comores
CRCSocial democracy
Democratic socialism
20 / 24
Orange Party
Parti Orange
2 / 24

Other parties

Other parties
NameNative nameIdeologyNotes
Union for the Development of the ComorosUnion pour le Développement des Comores ?Political alliance.
Juwa PartyParti Juwa ?Formed by former president Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi.
Democratic Rally of the ComorosRassemblement Démocratique des Comores ?Formed by former Grande Comore governor Mouigni Baraka.
Rally for an Alternative of Harmonious and Integrated DevelopmentRassemblement pour une Alternative de Développement Harmonieux et Intégré ?Former parliamentary party.
Party for the Comorian AgreementParti pour l'Entente Comorienne ?Former parliamentary party.
Comorian Union for ProgressUnion Comorienne pour le ProgrèsNationalismFormerly defunct party.
Islands' Fraternity and Unity PartyChama cha Upvamodja na Mugangna wa MassiwaAnti-FederalismOpposed the creation of a federal Comoros.
National Front for JusticeFront National pour la JusticeIslamism
Islamic democracy
Formed by former president Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi.
Rally for Democracy and RenewalRassemblement pour la Démocratie et le Renouveau ?Formed by former president Said Mohamed Djohar.

Former parties

Former parties
NameNative nameIdeologyNotes
Camp of the Autonomous IslandsCamp des Îles AutonomesAutonomismPolitical alliance.
Comorian Democratic UnionUnion Démocratique des Comores ?Referred to as the "Green Party" because of their use of green ballots.
Comorian Party for Democracy and ProgressParti Comrorien pour la Démocratie et le Progrès ?N/A
Comorian Popular FrontFront Popular Comorien ?N/A
Democratic Front of the ComorosFront Démocratique des Comores ?Originated as an exile group.
Democratic Rally of the Comorian PeopleRassemblement Démocratique des Peuples Comoriens ?Referred to as the "White Party" because of their use of white ballots.
Dialogue Proposition ActionDPA-Mwangaza ?N/A
Maecha BoraMaecha Bora ?Participated in the government of Said Mohamed Djohar
Movement for Democracy and ProgressMouvement pour la Démocratie et le ProgrèsAutonomismMember of the Camp of the Autonomous Islands.
Movement for Renewal and Democratic ActionMouvement pour la Renovation et l'Action Democratique ?N/A
Movement for the ComorosMouvement pour les Comores ?N/A
National Rally for DevelopmentRassemblement National pour le DéveloppementAutonomismMember of the Camp of the Autonomous Islands.
National Union for Democracy in the ComorosUnion Nationale pour la Démocratie aux Comores ?N/A
NguzoNguzo ?N/A
Party for National SalvationParti pour le Salut NationalIslamism
Islamic democracy
Supported Said Mohamed Djohar.
Rally for Change and DemocracyRassemblement pour le Changement et la Démocratie ?Participated in the government of Caabi El-Yachroutu Mohamed.
Realising Freedom's CapabilityUwezo ?Founded by former foreign minister Abdallah Mouazoir.
TwamayaTwamaya ?N/A
Union of Democrats for DevelopmentUnion des Démocrates pour le Développement ?N/A

See also

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