Of all the claimants to the title of the "Father of Radio", the one most associated with it is the Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi.[1] He was the first person to send radio communication signals in 1895. By 1899 he flashed the first wireless signal across the English Channel and two years later received the letter "S", telegraphed from England to Newfoundland. This was the first successful transatlantic radiotelegraph message in 1902.

Today, radio waves that are broadcast from thousands of stations, along with waves from other sources, fill the air around us continuously. Italy has three state-controlled radio networks that broadcast day and evening hours on both AM and FM.[2] Program content varies from popular music to lectures, panel discussions, as well as frequent newscasts and feature reports. In addition, many private radio stations mix popular and classical music. A short-wave radio, though unnecessary, aids in the reception of VOA, BBC, Vatican Radio in English and the Armed Forces Network in Germany and in other European stations.

Name Owner Location Notes Transmission Website
Radio Byoblu libera e indipendente Byoblu Edizioni S.r.l.s Worldwide Public; News/Talk; Popular music Streaming online www.byoblu.com/radio
m2o Elemedia Rome Commercial; Electronic dance music FM, DAB, DAB+, DVB-T, DVB-S www.m2o.it
R101 Mediaset Milan Commercial; Adult Contemporary FM, DAB, DAB+, DVB-S www.r101.it
Radio 105 Network Mediaset Milan Commercial; Rock, Pop, Hip Hop FM, DVB-S www.105.net
Radio 24 Il Sole 24 Ore Milan Commercial; News/Talk FM, DAB, DVB-S www.radio24.it
Radio Capital Elemedia Rome Commercial; Classic Hits/Adult Contemporary FM, DAB, DVB-T, DVB-S www.capital.it
Radio DeeJay Elemedia Milan Commercial FM, DAB, DAB+, DVB-T, DVB-S www.deejay.it
Radio Dimensione Suono Rome Commercial; It's also called RDS FM, DAB, DAB+, DVB-S www.rds.it
Radio Italia Solo Musica Italiana Gruppo Radio Italia Cologno Monzese Commercial; Italian Hits FM, DAB, DVB-S www.radioitalia.it
Radio Kiss Kiss Naples Commercial FM, DVB-S www.kisskiss.it
Radio Maria Associazione Radio Maria Erba(CO) Community; Catholic FM, DAB, DVB-S www.radiomaria.it
Radio Monte Carlo Mediaset Milan Commercial; It's also called RMC FM, DVB-S www.radiomontecarlo.net
Radio Popolare cooperative Rome Community; News/Talk FM www.radiopopolare.it
Radio VivaFm Gruppo Viva S.r.l Lake Garda Commercial; Pop, Contemporary FM, streaming online, Dvb-T, DAB www.vivafm.it
Radio Radicale Radical Party Rome Community; News/Talk FM, DAB, DVB-S www.radioradicale.it
Radio Risposta webRadio Risposta Web www.radiorisposta.org
Rai Gr Parlamento RAI Rome Public; News/Talk FM, DVB-S www.grparlamento.rai.it
Rai Isoradio RAI Public; Traffic and weather news FM, DAB, DVB-S www.isoradio.rai.it
Rai Radio 1 RAI Rome Public; News/Talk; Generalist FM, MW, DAB, DVB-T, DVB-S www.raiplayradio.it/radio1
Rai Radio 2 RAI Rome Public; Popular music; Entertainment FM, DAB, DVB-T, DVB-S www.raiplayradio.it/radio2
Rai Radio 3 RAI Rome Public; Culture; Classical music FM, DAB, DVB-T, DVB-S www.raiplayradio.it/radio3
RTL 102.5 Cologno Monzese (MI) Commercial FM, DAB, DVB-S www.rtl.it
Virgin Radio Italia Mediaset Milan Commercial; Rock FM, DAB, DAB+, DVB-S http://www.virginradioitaly.it
Rai Radio Tutta Italiana RAI Rome Public; Easy listening music DAB, Cable, DVB-T, DVB-S www.raiplayradio.it/radiotuttaitaliana
Rai Radio Classica RAI Rome Public; Classical music DAB, Cable, DVB-T, DVB-S www.raiplayradio.it/radioclassica
Rai Visradio RAI Naples Visual Radio station DAB, DVB-S
Radio Padania Libera Lega Nord Varese Community; News/Talk DAB, DVB-S www.radiopadania.info
RadioRadio Rome Local; News/Talk DAB, DVB-S www.radioradio.it
RTL 102.5 Best Milan Commercial; Hot Adult Contemporary DAB, DVB-S www.rtl.it
Radio Pianeta Cividate al piano (BG) Local; News/TalkFM www.radiopianeta.it
Multiradio Multiradio srl Tolentino (MC) Local; Adult Contemporary FM www.multiradio.it
Radio Bruno Radio Bruno Carpi (MO) Local; Pop, Contemporary FM, streaming online, Dvb-T www.radiobruno.it
1.Fm Italia On Air Radio ITALIA ON AIR www.1.fm/station/italiaonair
Radio 23 FEEL THE FLOW Radio 23 FEEL THE FLOW Milano (MI) Italian and International Hip Hop, Rap, Trap streaming online www.radio23.it

See also


  1. Huurdeman, Anton A. The Worldwide History of Telecommunications. John Wiley & Sons, 2003. p. 207. Web. 30 November 2012.
  2. Rai Radio 1, Rai Radio 2, and Rai Radio 3.
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