Location of Marne in France

Following is a list of senators of Marne, people who have represented the department of Marne in the Senate of France.

Third Republic

Senators for Marne under the French Third Republic were:[1]

  • Alfred Boissonnet (1876–1879)
  • Simon Dauphinot (1876–1888)
  • Désiré Médéric Le Blond (1879–1886)
  • Victor Diancourt (1886–1906)
  • Camille Margaine (1888–1893)
  • Alfred Poirrier (1894–1898)
  • Ernest Vallé (1898–1920)
  • Léon Bourgeois (1905–1925)
  • Ernest Monfeuillart (1906–1933)
  • Henry Merlin (1920–1940)
  • Ernest Haudos (1925–1933)
  • Jean Jacquy (1933–1940)
  • Henri Patizel (1933–1940)

Fourth Republic

Senators for Marne under the French Fourth Republic were:[2]

  • Alcide Benoît (1946–1948)
  • Roger Menu (1946–1959)
  • Marcel Lemaire (1948–1959)

Fifth Republic

Senators for Marne under the French Fifth Republic were:[3]

1959-1965 Marcel LemaireNational Centre of Independents and Peasants (CNIP)
Roger MenuPopular Republican Movement (MRP)
Robert SoudantPopular Republican Movement (MRP)
1965-1974 Marcel LemaireNational Centre of Independents and Peasants (CNIP)
Roger MenuDemocratic Centre (CD)Died in 1970
Jean ColleryCentrist Union of Democrats for Progress (UCDP)Replaced Roger Menu in 1970
Robert SoudantDemocratic Centre (CD)
1974-1983 Jean ColleryCentrist Union of Democrats for Progress (UCDP)Died in 1976
Jean AmelinRally for the Republic (RPR)Replaced Jean Collery
Marcel LemaireNational Centre of Independents and Peasants (CNIP)
Maurice PrévoteauCentre, Democracy and Progress (CDP)
1983-1992 Jean AmelinRally for the Republic (RPR)
Jacques MachetUnion for French Democracy (UDF)
Albert VectenUnion for French Democracy (UDF)
1992-2001 Jean BernardRally for the Republic (RPR)
Jacques MachetUnion for French Democracy (UDF)
Albert VectenUnion for French Democracy (UDF)
2001-2011 Yves DétraigneUnion for French Democracy (UDF)
Jean-Claude ÉtienneRally for the Republic (RPR)Until 2010, when named to the CESE
Mireille OuditUnion for a Popular Movement (UMP)Replaced Jean-Claude Étienne
Françoise FératUnion for French Democracy (UDF)
2011-2017 Yves DétraigneUnion of Democrats and Independents (UDI)
Françoise FératUnion of Democrats and Independents (UDI)
René-Paul SavaryUnion for a Popular Movement (UMP)
2017-2023 Yves DétraigneUnion of Democrats and Independents (UDI)
Françoise FératUnion of Democrats and Independents (UDI)
René-Paul SavaryThe Republicans (LR)



  • Liste des anciens sénateurs de la IIIème République par circonscription (in French), Sénat de France, retrieved 2018-01-01
  • Liste des anciens sénateurs de la IVème République par circonscription (in French), Sénat de France, retrieved 2018-01-01
  • Liste des anciens sénateurs de la Vème République par circonscription (in French), Sénat de France, retrieved 2018-01-01
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