There are number of spa towns in Hungary. Between the oldest and most visited are the spas of Budapest, Hévíz, Hajdúszoboszló, Bükfürdő, Sárvár and Zalakaros. In 2011 the Hungarian spas were visited by around 700,000 guests, of whom around half were foreigners, mainly from Austria, Germany and Russia.

Aerial photo from Bükfürdő.

Lake Hévíz, the second largest thermal lake in the world.

Main entrance of Makó Thermal Baths.

Aerial photo from Cserkeszőlő Spa.

Spa in Hajdúszoboszló.

Behind the entrance of Cave Bath.
The following is a list of spa towns in Hungary.[a]
- Budapest:
- Győr-Moson-Sopron County:
- Vas County:
- Bük (Bükfürdő)
- Körmend
- Sárvár
- Szombathely
- Zala County:
- Komárom-Esztergom County:
- Veszprém County:
- Somogy County:
- Tolna County:
- Baranya County:
- Bács-Kiskun County:
- Kiskunhalas
- Kunszentmiklós
- Tiszakécske
- Lakitelek (Tőserdő)
- Csongrád County:
- Békés County:
- Gyomaendrőd
- Orosháza (Gyopárosfürdő)
- Gyula
- Szarvas
- Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County:
- Hajdú-Bihar County:
- Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County:
- Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County:
- Bogács
- Mezőkövesd (Zsóry Bath)
- Miskolc (Miskolctapolca)
- Tiszaújváros
- Heves County:
- Bükkszék
- Egerszalók
- Mátraderecske
- Parád (Parádfürdő)
Most visitors staying in Hungary on short term basis (not counting visitors staying outside commercial accommodation and day trip visitors) are from the following countries of nationality:[1]
Total tourist traffic
Domestic tourist traffic
Foreign tourist traffic
See also
Notes and references
a. | ^ In Hungarian, word for spa (fürdő) is almost always a part of the fürdő's name. or the more archaic bath (füred), spa town (fürdőváros) or bathing place (fürdőhely) implies a spa town. |
External links
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