Spain Main: 2023 Spanish general election
23 July 2023
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EH Bildu

This is the results breakdown of the Congress of Deputies election held in Spain on 23 July 2023. The following tables show detailed results in each of the country's 17 autonomous communities and in the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla, as well as a summary of constituency and regional results.[1][2]

Electoral system

348 members of the Congress of Deputies were elected using the D'Hondt method and a closed list proportional representation, with an electoral threshold of three percent of valid votes—which included blank ballots—being applied in each constituency. Seats were allocated to constituencies, corresponding to the provinces of Spain, with each being allocated an initial minimum of two seats and the remaining 248 being distributed in proportion to their populations. Ceuta and Melilla were allocated the two remaining seats, which were elected using plurality voting. The D'Hondt method might result in a higher effective threshold, depending on the district magnitude.[3]

As a result of the aforementioned allocation, each Congress multi-member constituency was entitled the following seats:[4]

Seats Constituencies
37 Madrid
32 Barcelona
16 Valencia(+1)
12 Alicante, Seville
11 Málaga
10 Murcia
9 Cádiz
8 A Coruña, Balearic Islands, Biscay, Las Palmas
7 Asturias, Granada, Pontevedra, Zaragoza, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
6 Almería, Córdoba, Gipuzkoa, Girona, Tarragona, Toledo
5 Badajoz(–1), Cantabria, Castellón, Ciudad Real, Huelva, Jaén, Navarre, Valladolid
4 Álava, Albacete, Burgos, Cáceres, La Rioja, León, Lleida, Lugo, Ourense, Salamanca
3 Ávila, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Huesca, Palencia, Segovia, Teruel, Zamora
2 Soria

Voting was on the basis of universal suffrage, which comprised all nationals over eighteen and in full enjoyment of their political rights.[5] Amendments to the electoral law in 2022 abolished the "begged" or expat vote system (Spanish: Voto rogado), under which Spaniards abroad were required to apply for voting before being permitted to vote.[6] The expat vote system was attributed responsibility for a major decrease in the turnout of Spaniards abroad during the years it had been in force.[7]

The electoral law allowed for parties and federations registered in the interior ministry, coalitions and groupings of electors to present lists of candidates. Parties and federations intending to form a coalition ahead of an election were required to inform the relevant Electoral Commission within ten days of the election call, whereas groupings of electors needed to secure the signature of at least one percent of the electorate in the constituencies for which they sought election, disallowing electors from signing for more than one list of candidates. Concurrently, parties, federations or coalitions that had not obtained a mandate in either chamber of the Cortes at the preceding election were required to secure the signature of at least 0.1 percent of electors in the aforementioned constituencies.[8][9] The electoral law provided for a special, simplified process for election re-runs, including a shortening of deadlines, the lifting of signature requirements if these had been already met for the immediately previous election and the possibility of maintaining lists and coalitions without needing to go through pre-election procedures again.


Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
People's Party (PP) 8,160,83733.06+12.25 137+48
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 7,821,71831.68+3.68 121+1
Vox (Vox) 3,057,00012.38–2.70 33–19
Unite (Sumar)1 3,044,99612.33–3.01 31–7
Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC) 466,0201.89–1.74 7–6
Together for Catalonia (Junts)2 395,4291.60n/a 7+3
Basque Country Gather (EH Bildu) 335,1291.36+0.22 6+1
Basque Nationalist Party (EAJ/PNV) 277,2891.12–0.44 5–1
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)3 169,2370.69–0.25 0±0
Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG) 153,9950.62+0.12 1±0
Canarian Coalition (CCa)4 116,3630.47n/a 1±0
Popular Unity Candidacy–For Rupture (CUP–PR) 99,6440.40–0.62 0–2
Navarrese People's Union (UPN)5 52,1880.21n/a 1–1
Workers' Front (FO) 46,2740.19New 0±0
New Canaries–Canarian Bloc (NC–BC)4 45,5950.18n/a 0–1
Empty Spain (España Vaciada) 36,7930.15+0.07 0–1
Aragon Exists–Exists Coalition (Existe)6 20,4400.08±0.00 0–1
Soria Now! (SY) 9,6970.04New 0±0
Empty Spain (España Vaciada) 5,4720.02New 0±0
Empty SpainCastilian PartyCommoners' Land (EV–PCAS–TC) 1,1840.00New 0±0
Catalan European Democratic Party–CiU Space (PDeCAT–E–CiU)2 32,0160.13n/a 0–4
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 23,4210.09–0.05 0±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 23,2900.09–0.02 0±0
Leonese People's Union (UPL) 23,2010.09+0.05 0±0
Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) 18,2180.07+0.02 0±0
Yes to the Future (GBai) 9,9380.04–0.01 0±0
Forward Andalusia (Adelante Andalucía) 9,1910.04New 0±0
Blank Seats to Leave Empty Seats (EB) 8,4480.03+0.01 0±0
Jaén Deserves More (JM+) 8,2930.03New 0±0
For Ávila (XAV) 7,3620.03+0.01 0±0
Extremaduran Bloc (BQEx) 5,8070.02New 0±0
Walking Together (CJ) 5,6200.02New 0±0
Spanish Phalanx of the CNSO (FE–JONS) 4,6830.02+0.02 0±0
Aragonese Party (PAR) 4,1730.02New 0±0
Humanist Party (PH) 2,9020.01±0.00 0±0
For Huelva (XH) 1,9310.01New 0±0
Let's Go Palencia (VP) 1,9170.01New 0±0
Zamora Yes (ZSí) 1,8430.01New 0±0
Burgalese Way (VB) 1,7740.01New 0±0
For My Region (Por Mi Región)7 1,6980.01±0.00 0±0
Canaries NowCommunist Party of the Canarian People (ANCUPPCPC)8 1,6740.01±0.00 0±0
Self-employed Party (Partido Autónomos) 1,4460.01New 0±0
Valencian Welfare State (EVB) 1,4420.01New 0±0
Coalition for Melilla (CpM) 1,2980.01–0.03 0±0
Together for Granada (JxG) 1,2180.00New 0±0
Regionalist Party of the Leonese Country (PREPAL) 9640.00±0.00 0±0
We Are Cáceres (Somos Cc) 9630.00New 0±0
Almerienses–Regionalists for Almería (ALM) 8740.00New 0±0
Federation of Independents of Aragon (FIA) 5060.00±0.00 0±0
Seniors in Action (3e) 4840.00New 0±0
Castilian Unity (UdCa) 4630.00New 0±0
Alive Land Palencia Independent Group (GIPTV) 3660.00New 0±0
State of Spain Unionist Party (PUEDE) 2690.00New 0±0
Catalonia Among Neighbors (EVR) 2650.00New 0±0
Free (LB) 2630.00New 0±0
United Yes (Unidos SI) 2530.00±0.00 0±0
System Money Referendum (+RDS+) 1650.00New 0±0
Citizens of Democratic Centre (CCD) 1530.00New 0±0
Civic Force (Fuerza Cívica) 1150.00New 0±0
Citizens–Party of the Citizenry (Cs) n/an/a–6.80 0–10
Regionalist Party of Cantabria (PRC) n/an/a–0.28 0–1
Blank ballots 200,6730.81–0.09
Total 24,688,087 350±0
Valid votes 24,688,08798.94–0.04
Invalid votes 264,3601.06+0.04
Votes cast / turnout 24,952,44766.59+0.36
Abstentions 12,517,01133.41–0.36
Registered voters 37,469,458



Summary of constituency results in the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election
Constituency PP PSOE Vox Sumar ERC Junts EH Bildu PNV BNG CCa UPN
 % S  % S  % S  % S  % S  % S  % S  % S  % S  % S  % S
A Coruña 43.1 4 28.2 2 5.1 12.2 1 10.0 1
Álava 17.9 1 27.7 1 3.9 12.7 19.5 1 16.6 1
Albacete 39.9 2 34.5 2 16.6 7.2
Alicante 36.7 5 32.0 4 16.3 2 12.9 1
Almería 41.0 3 29.0 2 21.4 1 6.6
Asturias 35.6 3 34.3 2 12.5 1 14.8 1
Ávila 43.3 2 27.4 1 15.4 5.1
Badajoz 37.8 2 39.2 2 13.7 1 6.8
Balearic Islands 35.6 3 30.2 3 15.2 1 16.6 1
Barcelona 13.8 5 35.7 13 7.6 2 15.2 5 12.3 4 9.7 3
Biscay 11.5 1 25.8 2 2.6 10.9 1 20.7 2 27.0 2
Burgos 40.6 2 34.4 2 12.8 8.6
Cáceres 38.1 2 38.9 2 13.6 6.9
Cádiz 34.8 4 33.2 3 15.2 1 12.9 1
Cantabria 42.1 2 33.3 2 14.1 1 8.5
Castellón 35.2 2 32.6 2 15.9 1 14.3
Ceuta 38.8 1 34.0 23.3 2.5
Ciudad Real 40.5 2 35.4 2 16.3 1 6.2
Córdoba 37.9 2 32.1 2 13.9 1 13.7 1
Cuenca 39.8 2 37.4 1 15.6 5.6
Gipuzkoa 8.7 23.3 2 2.1 10.6 31.2 2 22.6 2
Girona 9.7 28.9 2 7.0 10.9 1 14.7 1 19.6 2
Granada 37.0 3 33.0 2 16.1 1 11.6 1
Guadalajara 36.3 1 33.0 1 19.3 1 9.2
Huelva 36.4 2 36.0 2 14.6 1 10.4
Huesca 38.2 2 33.6 1 12.6 11.5
Jaén 37.3 2 36.3 2 14.8 1 8.0
La Rioja 45.6 2 35.7 2 9.8 6.6
Las Palmas 25.9 3 33.2 3 14.6 1 10.3 1 6.3
León 36.9 2 33.6 2 12.9 6.7
Lleida 12.8 29.5 2 6.8 7.9 18.6 1 18.0 1
Lugo 50.2 3 30.3 1 4.4 5.2 8.7
Madrid 40.5 16 27.8 10 14.0 5 15.5 6
Málaga 38.3 5 30.3 3 16.5 2 12.3 1
Melilla 49.2 1 25.4 15.9 3.0
Murcia 41.2 4 25.3 3 21.8 2 9.6 1
Navarre 16.7 1 27.4 2 5.7 12.8 17.2 1 15.3 1
Ourense 50.0 3 30.1 1 4.9 5.5 8.2
Palencia 42.0 2 34.7 1 12.9 6.1
Pontevedra 39.6 3 31.4 3 4.7 13.2 1 9.4
Salamanca 47.0 3 30.4 1 14.7 5.5
Santa Cruz de Tenerife 35.4 3 33.5 3 10.8 16.7 1
Segovia 45.0 2 30.6 1 14.1 8.1
Seville 33.4 4 36.6 5 13.3 1 14.0 2
Soria 37.2 1 29.5 1 9.8 3.4
Tarragona 13.9 1 32.9 2 10.3 11.3 1 15.1 1 11.1 1
Teruel 35.0 2 29.3 1 13.1 5.4
Toledo 37.8 3 32.6 2 19.6 1 8.2
Valencia 33.6 6 32.1 5 15.2 2 16.9 3
Valladolid 40.8 2 32.8 2 15.2 1 8.9
Zamora 44.8 2 32.5 1 13.2 5.6
Zaragoza 36.0 3 30.8 2 15.3 1 13.5 1
Total 33.1 137 31.7 121 12.4 33 12.3 31 1.9 7 1.6 7 1.4 6 1.1 5 0.6 1 0.5 1 0.2 1


Summary of regional results in the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election
Region PP PSOE Vox Sumar ERC Junts EH Bildu PNV BNG CCa UPN
 % S  % S  % S  % S  % S  % S  % S  % S  % S  % S  % S
Andalusia 36.4 25 33.5 21 15.3 9 12.0 6
Aragon 36.3 7 31.1 4 14.6 1 12.3 1
Asturias 35.6 3 34.3 2 12.5 1 14.8 1
Balearic Islands 35.6 3 30.2 3 15.2 1 16.6 1
Basque Country 11.6 2 25.3 5 2.6 11.1 1 23.9 5 24.0 5
Canary Islands 30.4 6 33.3 6 7.6 1 10.5 1 11.4 1
Cantabria 42.1 2 33.3 2 14.1 1 8.5
Castile and León 41.5 18 32.3 12 13.8 1 7.0
Castilla–La Mancha 38.9 10 34.2 8 17.8 3 7.4
Catalonia 13.4 6 34.5 19 7.8 2 14.0 7 13.2 7 11.2 7
Ceuta 38.8 1 34.0 23.3 2.5
Extremadura 37.9 4 39.1 4 13.6 1 6.9
Galicia 43.6 13 29.8 7 4.9 10.9 2 9.4 1
La Rioja 45.6 2 35.7 2 9.8 6.6
Madrid 40.5 16 27.8 10 14.0 5 15.5 6
Melilla 49.2 1 25.4 15.9 3.0
Murcia 41.2 4 25.3 3 21.8 2 9.6 1
Navarre 16.7 1 27.4 2 5.7 12.8 17.2 1 15.3 1
Valencian Community 34.9 13 32.1 11 15.6 5 15.2 4
Total 33.1 137 31.7 121 12.4 33 12.3 31 1.9 7 1.6 7 1.4 6 1.1 5 0.6 1 0.5 1 0.2 1

Autonomous communities


Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in Andalusia
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
People's Party (PP) 1,596,04436.41+15.87 25+10
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 1,467,50133.48+0.12 21–4
Vox (Vox) 671,50715.32–5.04 9–3
Unite Andalusia (Sumar)1 525,37111.99–2.43 6±0
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)2 34,8500.80–0.31 0±0
Forward Andalusia (Adelante Andalucía) 9,1910.21New 0±0
Jaén Deserves More (JM+) 8,2930.19New 0±0
Workers' Front (FO) 7,1060.16New 0±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 6,4190.15+0.03 0±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 3,7690.09–0.05 0±0
Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) 2,9630.07+0.02 0±0
Walking Together (CJ) 2,8090.06New 0±0
For Huelva (XH) 1,9310.04New 0±0
Together for Granada (JxG) 1,2180.03New 0±0
Blank Seats to Leave Empty Seats (EB) 9420.02–0.01 0±0
Almerienses–Regionalists for Almería (ALM) 8740.02New 0±0
Spanish Phalanx of the CNSO (FE–JONS) 6810.02New 0±0
Free (LB) 2100.00New 0±0
Citizens–Party of the Citizenry (Cs) n/an/a–8.10 0–3
Blank ballots 41,3390.94–0.25
Total 4,383,018 61±0
Valid votes 4,383,01898.66+0.16
Invalid votes 59,4461.34–0.16
Votes cast / turnout 4,442,46466.61+0.70
Abstentions 2,227,17733.39–0.70
Registered voters 6,669,641


Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in Aragon
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
People's Party (PP) 259,14536.27+12.41 7+3
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 222,39131.12+0.40 4–2
Vox (Vox) 104,46314.62–2.35 1±0
Unite Aragon (Sumar Aragón)1 87,82512.29–2.14 1±0
Aragon Exists–Exists Coalition (Existe)2 20,4402.86+0.04 0–1
Aragonese Party (PAR) 4,1730.58New 0±0
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)3 3,0980.43–0.22 0±0
Blank Seats to Leave Empty Seats (EB) 2,7560.39+0.06 0±0
Workers' Front (FO) 1,3780.19New 0±0
Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) 7580.11+0.04 0±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 5690.08–0.02 0±0
Federation of Independents of Aragon (FIA) 5060.07±0.00 0±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 4190.06–0.09 0±0
Spanish Phalanx of the CNSO (FE–JONS) 2720.04New 0±0
Blank ballots 6,3200.88–0.08
Total 714,513 13±0
Valid votes 714,51399.08–0.06
Invalid votes 6,6060.92+0.06
Votes cast / turnout 721,11970.71+1.37
Abstentions 298,68429.29–1.37
Registered voters 1,019,803


Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in Asturias
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
People's Party (PP) 212,81635.65+12.43 3+1
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 205,04934.34+1.07 2–1
Unite (Sumar)1 88,63014.85–3.37 1±0
Vox (Vox) 74,57112.49–3.37 1±0
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)2 3,1670.53–0.26 0±0
Asturias Exists–Empty Spain (Asturias Existe EV) 2,3140.39New 0±0
Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) 1,5980.27+0.12 0±0
Workers' Front (FO) 1,1760.20New 0±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 7730.13+0.04 0±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 5900.10–0.03 0±0
State of Spain Unionist Party (PUEDE) 2690.05New 0±0
Blank ballots 6,0791.02–0.24
Total 597,032 7±0
Valid votes 597,03298.98–0.05
Invalid votes 6,1511.02+0.05
Votes cast / turnout 603,18362.90+4.78
Abstentions 355,84037.10–4.78
Registered voters 959,023

Balearic Islands

Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in the Balearic Islands
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
People's Party (PP) 179,30335.63+12.79 3+1
Socialist Party of the Balearic Islands (PSIB–PSOE) 151,78630.16+4.72 3+1
More for Mallorca–More for Menorca–Unite (Més–MxMe–Sumar)1 83,48716.59–7.89 1–1
Vox (Vox) 76,54715.21–1.86 1–1
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)2 4,9690.99–0.38 0±0
Workers' Front (FO) 1,0390.21New 0±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 7260.14–0.07 0±0
Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) 7190.14New 0±0
Blank ballots 4,7040.93–0.10
Total 503,280 8±0
Valid votes 503,28099.03–0.01
Invalid votes 4,9530.97+0.01
Votes cast / turnout 508,23361.32+4.51
Abstentions 320,52238.68–4.51
Registered voters 828,755

Basque Country

Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in the Basque Country
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
Socialist Party of the Basque Country–Basque Country Left (PSE–EE (PSOE)) 291,93225.27+6.06 5+1
Basque Nationalist Party (EAJ/PNV) 277,28924.00–8.01 5–1
Basque Country Gather (EH Bildu) 276,17523.90+5.23 5+1
People's Party (PP) 133,46611.55+2.70 2+1
Unite (Sumar)1 128,23411.10–5.05 1–2
Vox (Vox) 30,5192.64+0.19 0±0
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)2 5,0700.44–0.15 0±0
Workers' Front (FO) 1,8130.16New 0±0
Blank Seats to Leave Empty Seats (EB) 1,5520.13+0.08 0±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 1,1520.10–0.04 0±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 1,0590.09–0.01 0±0
Communist Party of the Workers of the Basque Country (PCTE/ELAK) 1,0420.09+0.01 0±0
Blank ballots 6,1180.53–0.03
Total 1,155,421 18±0
Valid votes 1,155,42199.22–0.22
Invalid votes 9,0260.78+0.22
Votes cast / turnout 1,164,44765.09–1.34
Abstentions 624,62334.91+1.34
Registered voters 1,789,070

Canary Islands

Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in the Canary Islands
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 341,26133.34+4.46 6+1
People's Party (PP) 311,62730.44+9.67 6+2
Canarian Coalition (CCa)1 116,36311.37n/a 1±0
Unite Canaries (Sumar Canarias)2 108,00110.55–5.73 1–1
Vox (Vox) 77,3437.56–4.89 1–1
New Canaries–Canarian Bloc (NC–BC)1 45,5954.45n/a 0–1
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)3 9,7170.95–0.31 0±0
Workers' Front (FO) 2,2540.22New 0±0
Canaries NowCommunist Party of the Canarian People (ANCUPPCPC)4 1,6740.16–0.18 0±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 1,1620.11+0.01 0±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 5630.05–0.04 0±0
Blank ballots 8,1500.80+0.02
Total 1,023,710 15±0
Valid votes 1,023,71098.84–0.13
Invalid votes 11,9791.16+0.13
Votes cast / turnout 1,035,68958.18+2.74
Abstentions 744,41041.82–2.74
Registered voters 1,780,099


Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in Cantabria
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
People's Party (PP) 147,32642.08+16.22 2±0
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 116,59633.30+10.06 2+1
Vox (Vox) 49,24314.06–0.87 1±0
Unite (Sumar)1 29,7138.49–0.19 0±0
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)2 2,0890.60+0.03 0±0
Workers' Front (FO) 7900.23New 0±0
Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) 5980.17+0.09 0±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 5330.15+0.08 0±0
Regionalist Party of Cantabria (PRC) n/an/a–21.04 0–1
Blank ballots 3,2620.93+0.42
Total 350,150 5±0
Valid votes 350,15098.59–0.58
Invalid votes 4,9951.41+0.58
Votes cast / turnout 355,14569.94+4.20
Abstentions 152,67330.06–4.20
Registered voters 507,818

Castile and León

Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in Castile and León
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
People's Party (PP) 594,48541.55+9.94 18+5
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 462,78832.34+1.07 12±0
Vox (Vox) 197,17213.78–2.83 1–5
Unite (Sumar)1 100,7377.04–2.30 0±0
Leonese People's Union (UPL) 23,2011.62+0.88 0±0
Empty Spain (España Vaciada) 14,0390.98New 0±0
Soria Now! (SY) 9,6970.68New 0±0
Empty Spain (España Vaciada) 3,1580.22New 0±0
Empty SpainCastilian PartyCommoners' Land (EV–PCAS–TC) 1,1840.08New 0±0
For Ávila (XAV) 7,3620.51+0.12 0±0
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)2 4,8580.34–0.24 0±0
Workers' Front (FO) 2,5210.18New 0±0
Let's Go Palencia (VP) 1,9170.13New 0±0
Zamora Yes (ZSí) 1,8430.13New 0±0
Burgalese Way (VB) 1,7740.12New 0±0
Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) 1,7300.12–0.01 0±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 1,5200.11–0.07 0±0
Regionalist Party of the Leonese Country (PREPAL) 9640.07±0.00 0±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 6720.05–0.13 0±0
Blank Seats to Leave Empty Seats (EB) 5830.04New 0±0
Castilian Unity (UdCa) 4630.03New 0±0
Alive Land Palencia Independent Group (GIPTV) 3660.03New 0±0
Spanish Phalanx of the CNSO (FE–JONS) 3120.02±0.00 0±0
Walking Together (CJ) 2750.02New 0±0
Seniors in Action (3e) 1980.01New 0±0
Civic Force (Fuerza Cívica) 1150.01New 0±0
Blank ballots 11,0430.77–0.32
Total 1,430,938 31±0
Valid votes 1,430,93898.94+0.21
Invalid votes 15,3771.06–0.21
Votes cast / turnout 1,446,31569.41+2.80
Abstentions 637,42130.59–2.80
Registered voters 2,083,736

Castilla–La Mancha

Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in Castilla–La Mancha
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
People's Party (PP) 445,99138.91+12.04 10+3
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 391,50334.16+1.06 8–1
Vox (Vox) 203,66617.77–4.13 3–2
Unite (Sumar)1 84,3477.36–1.86 0±0
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)2 6,0300.53–0.20 0±0
Workers' Front (FO) 2,3240.20New 0±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 1,5490.14–0.04 0±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 9130.08–0.07 0±0
Spanish Phalanx of the CNSO (FE–JONS) 3990.03+0.01 0±0
Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) 2910.03–0.02 0±0
Blank Seats to Leave Empty Seats (EB) 1680.01New 0±0
Blank ballots 8,9100.78–0.05
Total 1,146,091 21±0
Valid votes 1,146,09198.65–0.02
Invalid votes 15,7331.35+0.02
Votes cast / turnout 1,161,82472.99+2.93
Abstentions 429,90327.01–2.93
Registered voters 1,591,727


Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in Catalonia
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
Socialists' Party of Catalonia (PSC–PSOE) 1,221,33534.47+13.97 19+7
UniteIn Common We Can (Sumar–ECP)1 497,61714.04–0.13 7±0
People's Party (PP) 473,62013.37+5.95 6+4
Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC) 466,02013.15–9.42 7–6
Together for Catalonia (Junts)2 395,42911.16n/a 7+3
Vox (Vox) 275,0807.76+1.47 2±0
Popular Unity Candidacy–For Rupture (CUP–PR) 99,6442.81–3.56 0–2
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)3 36,8811.04–0.11 0±0
Catalan European Democratic Party–CiU Space (PDeCAT–E–CiU)2 32,0160.90n/a 0–4
Workers' Front (FO) 7,5260.21New 0±0
Communist Party of the Workers of Catalonia (PCTC) 3,8750.11+0.05 0±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 3,7390.11–0.04 0±0
Blank Seats to Leave Empty Seats (EB) 4620.01New 0±0
Catalonia Among Neighbors (EVR) 2650.01New 0±0
United Yes (Unidos SI) 2530.01New 0±0
Citizens–Party of the Citizenry (Cs) n/an/a–5.62 0–2
Blank ballots 29,2670.83+0.13
Total 3,543,029 48±0
Valid votes 3,543,02999.10–0.37
Invalid votes 32,2050.90+0.37
Votes cast / turnout 3,575,23462.68–6.72
Abstentions 2,128,55037.32+6.72
Registered voters 5,703,784


Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in Extremadura
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 245,16539.08+0.75 4–1
People's Party (PP) 237,70137.89+11.89 4+1
Vox (Vox) 85,56813.64–3.18 1–1
Unite (Sumar)1 43,1326.88–2.23 0±0
Extremaduran Bloc (BQEx) 5,8070.93New 0±0
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)2 2,2090.35–0.27 0±0
We Are Cáceres (Somos Cc) 9630.15New 0±0
Workers' Front (FO) 7930.13New 0±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 7130.11–0.10 0±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 3150.05–0.12 0±0
Blank ballots 4,9460.79–0.14
Total 627,312 9–1
Valid votes 627,31298.33+0.17
Invalid votes 10,6681.67–0.17
Votes cast / turnout 637,98071.67+4.45
Abstentions 252,21328.33–4.45
Registered voters 890,193


Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in Galicia
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
People's Party (PP) 712,88143.58+11.65 13+3
Socialists' Party of Galicia (PSdeG–PSOE) 486,83229.76–1.49 7–3
Unite Galicia (Sumar)1 178,69110.92–3.26 2±0
Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG) 153,9959.41+1.32 1±0
Vox (Vox) 79,6724.87–2.95 0±0
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)2 7,4440.46–0.31 0±0
Workers' Front (FO) 2,3100.14New 0±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 1,2680.08–0.07 0±0
Communist Party of the Workers of Galicia (PCTG) 7020.04–0.04 0±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 2930.02–0.09 0±0
Citizens of Democratic Centre (CCD) 1530.01New 0±0
Blank ballots 11,4220.70–0.39
Total 1,635,663 23±0
Valid votes 1,635,66399.07+0.35
Invalid votes 15,4230.93–0.35
Votes cast / turnout 1,651,08661.41+5.55
Abstentions 1,037,54138.59–5.55
Registered voters 2,688,627

La Rioja

Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in La Rioja
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
People's Party (PP) 79,71545.64+11.41 2±0
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 62,32235.68+0.83 2±0
Vox (Vox) 17,0569.77–1.69 0±0
Unite (Sumar)1 11,4706.57–3.30 0±0
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)2 7230.41–0.25 0±0
Blank Seats to Leave Empty Seats (EB) 6080.35+0.09 0±0
Workers' Front (FO) 2950.17New 0±0
Seniors in Action (3e) 2860.16New 0±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 2320.13–0.05 0±0
Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) 2240.13–0.03 0±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 1240.07–0.12 0±0
Blank ballots 1,6080.92–0.15
Total 174,663 4±0
Valid votes 174,66398.71+0.27
Invalid votes 2,2821.29–0.27
Votes cast / turnout 176,94570.19–3.23
Abstentions 75,14629.81+3.23
Registered voters 252,091


Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in Madrid
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
People's Party (PP) 1,463,18340.55+15.64 16+6
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 1,004,59927.84+0.97 10±0
Unite (Sumar)1 557,78015.46–3.20 6–1
Vox (Vox) 506,16414.03–4.31 5–2
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)2 21,7420.60–0.30 0±0
Workers' Front (FO) 7,6520.21New 0±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 6,7490.19+0.07 0±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 3,7840.10–0.04 0±0
Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) 3,4070.09+0.04 0±0
Humanist Party (PH) 2,9020.08+0.01 0±0
Spanish Phalanx of the CNSO (FE–JONS) 1,7510.05New 0±0
Citizens–Party of the Citizenry (Cs) n/an/a–9.07 0–3
Blank ballots 28,9600.80–0.01
Total 3,608,673 37±0
Valid votes 3,608,67399.15–0.06
Invalid votes 30,8270.85+0.06
Votes cast / turnout 3,639,50069.66–0.93
Abstentions 1,585,06130.34+0.93
Registered voters 5,224,561


Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in Murcia
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
People's Party (PP) 307,97241.18+14.67 4+1
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 189,21025.30+0.52 3±0
Vox (Vox) 163,12421.81–6.14 2–1
Unite (Sumar)1 71,5789.57–1.19 1±0
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)2 5,0630.68–0.30 0±0
For My Region (Por Mi Región)3 1,6980.23–0.10 0±0
Blank Seats to Leave Empty Seats (EB) 1,3770.18New 0±0
Workers' Front (FO) 1,2010.16New 0±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 5460.07–0.05 0±0
Walking Together (CJ) 4530.06New 0±0
Spanish Phalanx of the CNSO (FE–JONS) 3760.05New 0±0
System Money Referendum (+RDS+) 1650.02New 0±0
Blank ballots 5,0340.67–0.06
Total 747,797 10±0
Valid votes 747,79799.01+0.04
Invalid votes 7,4580.99–0.04
Votes cast / turnout 755,25568.68+0.65
Abstentions 344,44831.32–0.65
Registered voters 1,099,703
Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in Navarre
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
Socialist Party of Navarre (PSN–PSOE) 93,55327.37+2.37 2+1
Basque Country Gather (EH Bildu) 58,95417.25+0.37 1±0
People's Party (PP)1 57,13416.71n/a 1+1
Navarrese People's Union (UPN)1 52,18815.27n/a 1–1
Unite (Sumar)2 43,92212.85–3.71 0–1
Vox (Vox) 19,4915.70–0.10 0±0
Yes to the Future (GBai) 9,9382.91–0.88 0±0
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)2 1,5300.45–0.22 0±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 1,0020.29+0.01 0±0
Workers' Front (FO) 6790.20New 0±0
Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) 3110.09–0.02 0±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 2520.07–0.22 0±0
Blank ballots 2,8900.85–0.18
Total 341,844 5±0
Valid votes 341,84499.06–0.05
Invalid votes 3,2510.94+0.05
Votes cast / turnout 345,09566.37+0.46
Abstentions 174,82333.63–0.46
Registered voters 519,918

Valencian Community

Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in the Valencian Community
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
People's Party (PP) 922,06434.87+11.83 13+5
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 849,62032.13+4.53 11+1
Vox (Vox) 413,70315.65–2.81 5–2
Commitment–Unite: We Unite to Win (Sumar–Compromís)1 402,81315.23–5.11 4–1
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)2 19,6370.74–0.34 0±0
Workers' Front (FO) 5,3640.20New 0±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 3,4010.13+0.02 0±0
Walking Together (CJ) 2,0830.08New 0±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 1,7780.07–0.02 0±0
Self-employed Party (Partido Autónomos) 1,4460.05New 0±0
Valencian Welfare State (EVB) 1,4420.05New 0±0
Spanish Phalanx of the CNSO (FE–JONS) 8920.03+0.02 0±0
Citizens–Party of the Citizenry (Cs) n/an/a–7.74 0–2
Blank ballots 20,0400.76–0.02
Total 2,644,283 33+1
Valid votes 2,644,28398.98–0.10
Invalid votes 27,3271.02+0.10
Votes cast / turnout 2,671,61071.50+1.70
Abstentions 1,064,87128.50–1.70
Registered voters 3,736,481

Autonomous cities


Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in Ceuta
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
People's Party (PP) 12,91838.77+16.49 1+1
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 11,33234.01+2.70 0±0
Vox (Vox) 7,75223.26–11.93 0–1
Unite (Sumar)1 8212.46–1.43 0±0
Workers' Front (FO) 530.16New 0±0
Free (LB) 530.16New 0±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 330.10–0.27 0±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 310.09–0.04 0±0
Blank ballots 3280.98+0.01
Total 33,321 1±0
Valid votes 33,32198.95–0.01
Invalid votes 3531.05+0.01
Votes cast / turnout 33,67453.19–0.79
Abstentions 29,63646.81+0.79
Registered voters 63,310


Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in Melilla
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes  % ±pp Total +/−
People's Party (PP) 13,44649.16+19.62 1±0
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 6,94325.39+8.94 0±0
Vox (Vox) 4,35915.94–2.46 0±0
Coalition for Melilla (CpM) 1,2984.75–24.20 0±0
Unite (Sumar)1 8273.02+0.40 0±0
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA) 1600.59New 0±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 400.15+0.05 0±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 230.08+0.02 0±0
Blank ballots 2530.93+0.33
Total 27,349 1±0
Valid votes 27,34998.91–0.32
Invalid votes 3001.09+0.32
Votes cast / turnout 27,64945.24–7.15
Abstentions 33,46954.76+7.15
Registered voters 61,118


  1. "Elecciones Generales Congreso 2023" (in Spanish). El País. Retrieved 24 July 2023.
  2. "Elecciones Congreso. 23 de julio de 2023". (in Spanish). Retrieved 24 July 2023.
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  5. Carreras de Odriozola & Tafunell Sambola 2005, p. 1077.
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  7. Araque Conde, Pilar (8 June 2022). "El Congreso acaba con el voto rogado: diez años de trabas burocráticas para los residentes en el extranjero". Público (in Spanish). Madrid. Retrieved 31 July 2022.
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  10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 "Resolución de 30 de agosto de 2023, de la Presidencia de la Junta Electoral Central, por la que se publica el resumen de los resultados de las elecciones al Congreso de los Diputados y al Senado convocadas por Real Decreto 400/2023, de 29 de mayo, y celebradas el 23 de julio de 2023, conforme a las actas de escrutinio general y de proclamación de electos remitidas por las correspondientes Juntas Electorales Provinciales y por las Juntas Electorales de Ceuta y de Melilla" (PDF). Boletín Oficial del Estado (in Spanish) (209): 122201–122274. 1 September 2023. ISSN 0212-033X.


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