This is a complete list of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom for the year 1927.

Note that the first parliament of the United Kingdom was held in 1801; parliaments between 1707 and 1800 were either parliaments of Great Britain or of Ireland). For acts passed up until 1707, see the list of acts of the Parliament of England and the list of acts of the Parliament of Scotland. For acts passed from 1707 to 1800, see the list of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain. See also the list of acts of the Parliament of Ireland.

For acts of the devolved parliaments and assemblies in the United Kingdom, see the list of acts of the Scottish Parliament, the list of acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly, and the list of acts and measures of Senedd Cymru; see also the list of acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland.

The number shown after each act's title is its chapter number. Acts passed before 1963 are cited using this number, preceded by the year(s) of the reign during which the relevant parliamentary session was held; thus the Union with Ireland Act 1800 is cited as "39 & 40 Geo. 3 c. 67", meaning the 67th act passed during the session that started in the 39th year of the reign of George III and which finished in the 40th year of that reign. Note that the modern convention is to use Arabic numerals in citations (thus "41 Geo. 3" rather than "41 Geo. III"). Acts of the last session of the Parliament of Great Britain and the first session of the Parliament of the United Kingdom are both cited as "41 Geo. 3". Acts passed from 1963 onwards are simply cited by calendar year and chapter number.

17 & 18 Geo. 5

The third session of the 34th Parliament of the United Kingdom, which met from 8 February 1927 until 22 December 1927.

Public general acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Public Works Loans Act 1927|public|1|11-03-1927|An Act to grant money for the purpose of certain local loans out of the Local Loans Fund; and for other purposes relating to local loans.}}

| {{|Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1927|public|2|29-03-1927|An Act to apply certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the years ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven, and one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight.}}

| {{|Poor Law Emergency Provisions (Scotland) Act 1927|public|3|29-03-1927|repealed=y|An Act to make provision as to poor relief to dependants of persons involved in a trade dispute in Scotland, to enable relief to be given by way of loan, and to extend further the duration of the Poor Law Emergency Provisions (Scotland) Act, 1921, as amended by subsequent Acts.|note4=
(Repealed by National Assistance Act 1948) }}

| {{|Royal and Parliamentary Titles Act 1927|public|4|12-04-1927|maintained=y|An Act to provide for the alteration of the Royal Style and Titles and of the Style of Parliament and for purposes incidental thereto.}}

| {{|Sale of Food and Drugs Act 1927|public|5|12-04-1927|An Act to amend the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts, 1875 to 1907.}}

| {{|Forestry Act 1927|public|6|12-04-1927|An Act to authorise an increase of the number of Forestry Commissioners; to empower the Commissioners to make byelaws with respect to land vested in them or under their management or control; and for purposes consequential upon the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Army and Air Force (Annual) Act 1927|public|7|12-04-1927|An Act to provide, during Twelve Months, for the Discipline and Regulation of the Army and Air Force.}}

| {{|Government of India (Indian Navy) Act 1927|public|8|29-07-1927|An Act to amend the Government of India Act with a view to facilitating the provision of an Indian Navy, and to make consequential amendments in the Naval Discipline Act.}}

| {{|Pacific Cable Act 1927|public|9|29-07-1927|An Act to consolidate with amendments the Pacific Cable Acts, 1901 to 1924.}}

| {{|Finance Act 1927|public|10|29-07-1927|maintained=y|An Act to grant certain duties of Customs and Inland Revenue (including Excise), to alter other duties, and to amend the law relating to Customs and Inland Revenue (including Excise) and the National Debt, and to make further provision in connection with finance.}}

| {{|Appropriation Act 1927|public|11|29-07-1927|An Act to apply a sum out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight, and to appropriate the Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament.}}

| {{|Auctions (Bidding Agreements) Act 1927|public|12|29-07-1927|maintained=y|An Act to render illegal certain agreements and transactions affecting bidding at auctions.}}

| {{|Diseases of Animals Act 1927|public|13|29-07-1927|An Act to amend the Disease of Animals Acts, 1894 to 1925.}}

| {{|Poor Law Act 1927|public|14|29-07-1927|An Act to consolidate the enactments relating to the Relief of the Poor in England and Wales.}}

| {{|Workmen's Compensation (Transfer of Funds) Act 1927|public|15|29-07-1927|An Act to make such amendments of the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1925, as are necessary to give effect to a certain resolution adopted by an Imperial Conference held in London in the year nineteen hundred and twenty-six.}}

| {{|Land Tax Commissioners Act 1927|public|16|29-07-1927|An Act to appoint additional commissioners for executing the Acts granting a land tax and other rates and taxes.}}

| {{|Midwives and Maternity Homes (Scotland) Act 1927|public|17|29-07-1927|An Act to amend the Midwives (Scotland) Act, 1915, and to provide for the registration and inspection of maternity homes, and for purposes connected therewith.}}

| {{|Royal Naval Reserve Act 1927|public|18|29-07-1927|repealed=y|An Act to amend the enactments relating to the Naval Reserve Forces.|note4=
(Repealed by Reserve Forces Act 1980) }}

| {{|Police (Appeals) Act 1927|public|19|29-07-1927|An Act to provide for a right of appeal by members of police forces who are dismissed or required to resign.}}

| {{|Isle of Man (Customs) Act 1927|public|20|29-07-1927|An Act to amend the law with respect to customs in the Isle of Man.}}

| {{|Moneylenders Act 1927|public|21|29-07-1927|An Act to amend the Law with respect to persons carrying on business as Moneylenders.}}

| {{|Trade Disputes and Trade Unions Act 1927|public|22|29-07-1927|An Act to declare and amend the law relating to trade disputes and trade unions, to regulate the position of civil servants and persons employed by public authorities in respect of membership of trade unions and similar organisations, to extend section five of the Conspiracy, and Protection of Property Act, 1875, and for other purposes connected with the purposes aforesaid.}}

| {{|Crown Lands Act 1927|public|23|29-07-1927|maintained=y|An Act to incorporate the Commissioners of Crown Lands; to amend the Law relating to the powers and duties of the said Commissioners in respect of the possessions and land revenues of the Crown under their management; to provide for the transfer to the Gloucester Diocesan Board of Finance of certain moneys held by the said Commissioners for ecclesiastical purposes in that diocese; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Government of India (Statutory Commission) Act 1927|public|24|23-11-1927|repealed=y|An Act to amend section 84A of the Government of India Act with respect to the time for the appointment of a Statutory Commission thereunder.|note4=
(Repealed by Government of India Act 1935) }}

| {{|Appropriation (No. 2) Act 1927|public|25|22-12-1927|An Act to apply a sum out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight, and to appropriate the further Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament.}}

| {{|Criminal Appeal (Scotland) Act 1927|public|26|22-12-1927|An Act to amend the provisions of the Criminal Appeal (Scotland) Act, 1926, with regard to the power of the Secretary of State to refer a case, or any point arising therein, to the High Court of Justiciary.}}

| {{|Protection of Animals (Amendment) Act 1927|public|27|22-12-1927|maintained=y|An Act to amend the Protection of Animals Act, 1911.}}

| {{|Public Works Loans (No. 2) Act 1927|public|28|22-12-1927|An Act to grant money for the purpose of certain local loans out of the Local Loans Fund.}}

| {{|Cinematograph Films Act 1927|public|29|22-12-1927|maintained=y|An Act to restrict blind booking and advance booking of cinematograph films, and to secure the renting and exhibition of a certain proportion of British films, and for purposes connected therewith.}}

| {{|Unemployment Insurance Act 1927|public|30|22-12-1927|An Act to amend the Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1920 to 1926.}}

| {{|Audit (Local Authorities) Act 1927|public|31|22-12-1927|An Act to amend the law with respect to the effect of surcharges by district auditors, appeals from decisions of district auditors, and the recovery of sums certified to be due by district auditors.}}

| {{|Destructive Insects and Pests Act 1927|public|32|22-12-1927|An Act to amend the Destructive Insects and Pests Acts, 1877 and 1907.}}

| {{|Mental Deficiency Act 1927|public|33|22-12-1927|An Act to amend certain enactments relating to mental defectives.}}

| {{|Expiring Laws Continuance Act 1927|public|34|22-12-1927|An Act to continue certain expiring laws.}}

| {{|Sheriff Courts and Legal Officers (Scotland) Act 1927|public|35|22-12-1927|maintained=y|An Act to amend the law relating to the offices of Sheriff Clerk, Procurator Fiscal, and Commissary Clerk in Scotland, and to make further provision regarding Sheriff Courts.}}

| {{|Landlord and Tenant Act 1927|public|36|22-12-1927|maintained=y|An Act to provide for the payment of compensation for improvements and goodwill to tenants of premises used for business purposes, or the grant of a new lease in lieu thereof; and to amend the law of landlord and tenant.}}

| {{|Road Transport Lighting Act 1927|public|37|22-12-1927|An Act to regulate further the lighting of vehicles.}}

| {{|Nursing Homes Registration Act 1927|public|38|22-12-1927|An Act to provide for the registration and inspection of nursing homes, and for purposes connected therewith.}}

| {{|Medical and Dentists Acts Amendment Act 1927|public|39|22-12-1927|An Act to confirm and give effect to certain agreements between representatives of Great Britain, the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland as to the registration and control of medical practitioners, and dentists, and to validate certain acts done by the Dental Board.}}

| {{|Indian Church Act 1927|public|40|22-12-1927|An Act to make provision incidental to and consequential on the dissolution of the legal union between the Church of England and the Church of England in India.}}

| {{|Superannuation and other Trust Funds (Validation) Act 1927|public|41|22-12-1927|maintained=y|An Act to amend the law relating to perpetuities and accumulations, as respects certain benefit funds and as respects trust funds for the reduction of the National Debt.}}

| {{|Statute Law Revision Act 1927|public|42|22-12-1927|An Act for further promoting the Revision of the Statute Law by repealing Enactments which have ceased to be in force or have become unnecessary.}}

| {{|Colonial Probates (Protected States and Mandated Territories) Act 1927|public|43|22-12-1927|maintained=y|An Act to enable the Colonial Probates Act, 1892, to be applied to certain Protected States and Mandated Territories.}}


Local acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Montrose Burgh and Harbour Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|1|29-03-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Margate Pier and Harbour Revision Order 1992 (SI 1993/1313))|po1=Montrose Burgh and Harbour Order 1927|}}

| {{|Nar Valley Drainage Act 1927|local|2|12-04-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Yeadon Waterworks Act 1927|local|3|12-04-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by West Yorkshire Act 1980 (c. xiv)) }}

| {{|Tyne Improvement Act 1927|local|4|12-04-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Port of Tyne Reorganisation Scheme 1967 Confirmation Order 1968 (SI 1968/942)) }}

| {{|Great Indian Peninsula Railway Annuities Act 1927|local|5|29-06-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Reading Gas Act 1927|local|6|29-06-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Farnham Gas and Electricity Act 1927|local|7|29-06-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Chelsea Borough Council (Superannuation and Pensions) Act 1927|local|8|29-06-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Local Law (Greater London Council and Inner London Boroughs) Order 1965 (SI 1965/540)) }}

| {{|Commercial Gas Act 1927|local|9|29-06-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Great Western Railway Act 1927|local|10|29-06-1927|maintained=y|An Act for conferring further powers upon the Great Western Railway Company and for other purposes.}}

| {{|Southern Railway (Superannuation Fund) Act 1927|local|11|29-06-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Frimley and Farnborough District Water Act 1927|local|12|29-06-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Bury Corporation Act 1927|local|13|29-06-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|North British and Mercantile Insurance Company Act 1927|local|14|29-06-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Scottish Provident Institution Act 1927|local|15|29-06-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|London, Midland and Scottish Railway Act 1927|local|16|29-06-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Matlocks Urban District Council Act 1927|local|17|29-06-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Stoke-on-Trent Corporation (Gas) Act 1927|local|18|29-06-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Act 1927|local|19|29-06-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply (Consolidation) Act 1928 (18 & 19 Geo. 5. c. cxviii)) }}

| {{|War Risks Association (Distribution of Reserve Funds) Act 1927|local|20|29-06-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Barnsley Corporation (Water) Act 1927|local|21|29-06-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|London County Council (General Powers) Act 1927|local|22|29-06-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Southern Railway Act 1927|local|23|29-06-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|West Bridgford Urban District Council Act 1927|local|24|29-06-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Nottinghamshire County Council Act 1985 (c. xv)) }}

| {{|Yorkshire Electric Power Act 1927|local|25|29-06-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1989) }}

| {{|Mercantile Marine Memorial Act 1927|local|26|29-06-1927|maintained=y|An Act to confer powers on the Imperial War Graves Commission with respect to the erection of a memorial to the officers and men of the Mercantile Marine who perished in the late war.}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 1) Act 1927|local|27|29-06-1927|maintained=y||po1=Bilston Order 1927| |po2=Bournemouth Order 1927| |po3=Carnarvon Order 1927| |po4=Longtown and Border Joint Hospital Order 1927| |po5=Reigate Joint Hospital Order 1927| |po6=Thurrock Grays and Tilbury Joint Sewerage Order 1927|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1927|local|28|29-06-1927|maintained=y||po1=Bury and District Joint Water Order 1927| |po2=Chorley Order 1927| |po3=Kingston-upon-Thames Order 1927| |po4=Lancaster Order 1927| |po5=Shrewsbury (Markets and Slaughter-houses) Order 1927| |po6=West Kent Joint Hospital Order 1927|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 3) Act 1927|local|29|29-06-1927|maintained=y||po1=Barnes Order 1927| |po2=Cheltenham Order 1927| |po3=Newport (Monmouthshire) Order 1927| |po4=Newtown and LLanllwchairn Order 1927| |po5=Surbiton Order 1927| |po6=Tees Valley Water Order 1927|}}

| {{|Provisional Order (Marriages) Confirmation Act 1927|local|30|29-06-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to confirm a Provisional Order made by one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State under the Marriages Validity (Provisional Orders) Acts 1905[lower-alpha 1] and 1924.[lower-alpha 2]|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1977)|po1=St. Mary Llanfairisgaer Order|po1short=n}}

| {{|Post Office (Sites) Act 1927|local|31|29-07-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Postal Services Act 2000 (Consequential Modifications to Local Enactments) Order 2003 (SI 2003/1542)) }}

| {{|Feltwell Fuel Allotment Charity Scheme Confirmation Act 1927|local|32|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=Feltwell Fuel Allotment Charity Scheme.|po1short=n}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 4) Act 1927|local|33|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=Bootle Order 1927| |po2=Canterbury Order 1927| |po3=Ilford Order 1927| |po4=Isle of Thanet (Compulsory Purchase) Order 1927| |po5=Llanelly Order 1927| |po6=Uxbridge Order 1927|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 5) Act 1927|local|34|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=Barnsley Order 1927| |po2=Blackburn Order 1927| |po3=Isle of Thanet Joint Hospital Order 1927| |po4=Macclesfield Order 1927| |po5=Swansea Order 1927| |po6=Tottenham Order 1927|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 6) Act 1927|local|35|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=Amersham, Beaconsfield and District Water Order 1927| |po2=Canterbury Water Order 1927| |po3=Dorking Water Order 1927| |po4=Newhaven and Seaford Water Order 1927|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 7) Act 1927|local|36|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=Combe Down and District Water Order 1927| |po2=Thirsk District Water Order 1927| |po3=York Waterworks Order 1927|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 8) Act 1927|local|37|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=Clare and Bumpstead Joint Hospital Order 1927| |po2=Guildford Order 1927| |po3=Scarborough Order 1927| |po4=Sheffield Order 1927| |po5=Wandle Valley Joint Sewerage Order 1927| |po6=Whitehaven Order 1927|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 9) Act 1927|local|38|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=Gillingham Order 1927| |po2=Hereford Order 1927| |po3=Margate Order 1927| |po4=Sheffield (Acquisition of Lands) Order 1927| |po5=Swindon Order 1927| |po6=Willenhall Order 1927|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 11) Act 1927|local|39|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=County of Essex Order 1927| |po2=Port Talbot Order 1927| |po3=Shoreham-by-Sea Order 1927| |po4=Southend-on-Sea Order 1927|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 12) Act 1927|local|40|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=Seaton Burn Valley Joint Sewerage Order 1927| |po2=Ware Order 1927|}}

| {{|Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No. 1) Act 1927|local|41|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=Plymouth Piers Order 1927| |po2=Southend-on-Sea Pier Order 1927|}}

| {{|Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1927|local|42|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=Brightlingsea Harbour Order 1927| |po2=Nairn Harbour Order 1927|}}

| {{|Sheffield Corporation Tramways Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|43|29-07-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to confirm a Provisional Order made by the Minister of Transport under the Tramways Act 1870[lower-alpha 3] relating to Sheffield Corporation Tramways.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1989)|po1=Sheffield Corporation Tramways Order 1927|Order authorising the lord mayor aldermen and citizens of the city of Sheffield to construct additional tramways in the said city and for other purposes.}}

| {{|Cardiff Corporation Tramways Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|44|29-07-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to confirm a Provisional Order made by the Minister of Transport under the Tramways Act 1870[lower-alpha 3] relating to Cardiff Corporation Tramways.|note4=
(Repealed by County of South Glamorgan Act 1976 (c. xxxv))|po1=Cardiff Corporation Tramways Order 1927|Order authorising the Corporation of Cardiff to construct additional Tramways in the City of Cardiff and for other purposes.}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Conway Extension) Act 1927|local|45|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=Conway (Extension) Order 1927|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (New Sarum Extension) Act 1927|local|46|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=New Sarum (Extension) Order 1927|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Newcastle-under-Lyme Extension) Act 1927|local|47|29-07-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to confirm a Provisional Order of the Minister of Health relating to Newcastle-under-Lyme.|note4=
(Repealed by Staffordshire Act 1983 (c. xviii))|po1=Newcastle-under-Lyme (Extension) Order 1927|Provisional Order made in pursuance of the Local Government Act 1888[lower-alpha 4] for extending a Borough.}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Wokingham Extension) Act 1927|local|48|29-07-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to confirm a Provisional Order of the Minister of Health relating to Wokingham.|note4=
(Repealed by Berkshire Act 1986 (c. ii))|po1=Wokingham (Extension) Order 1927|Provisional Order made in pursuance of the Local Government Act 1888[lower-alpha 4] for the extension of a Borough.}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Hove Extension) Act 1927|local|49|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=Hove (Extension) Order 1927|}}

| {{|Ouse and Cam Fisheries Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|50|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=Ouse and Cam District Fishery Order 1927|}}

| {{|Airdrie Burgh Extension, &c. Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|51|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=Airdrie Burgh, &c. Order 1927|}}

| {{|Bolton and Kingston-upon-Hull Provisional Orders Confirmation Act 1927|local|52|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=Bolton Order 1927| |po2=Kingston-upon-Hull Order 1927|}}

| {{|Mexborough and Swinton Tramways Company (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|53|29-07-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to confirm a Provisional Order made by the Minister of Transport under the Mexborough and Swinton Tramways Act 1926[lower-alpha 5] relating to Mexborough and Swinton Tramways Company's trolley vehicles.|note4=
(Repealed by Mexborough and Swinton Traction Act 1960 (8 & 9 Eliz. 2. c. xxiv))|po1=Mexborough and Swinton Tramways Company (Trolley Vehicles) Order 1927|Order authorising the Mexborough and Swinton Tramways Company to use trolley vehicles on routes in the urban districts of Mexborough Swinton Rawmarsh Greasbrough Bolton-upon-Dearne and Conisbrough and in the parish of Adwick-upon-Dearne in the rural district of Doncaster all in the West Riding of the County of York.}}

| {{|Rotherham Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|54|29-07-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to confirm a Provisional Order made by the Minister of Transport under the Rotherham Corporation Act 1924[lower-alpha 6] relating to Rotherham Corporation trolley vehicles.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1989)|po1=Rotherham Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order 1927|Order authorising the mayor aldermen and burgesses of the county borough of Rotherham to provide maintain and use trolley vehicles upon additional routes.}}

| {{|Southend-on-Sea Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|55|29-07-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to confirm a Provisional Order made by the Minister of Transport under the Southend-on-Sea Corporation Act 1926[lower-alpha 7] relating to Southend-on-Sea Corporation trolley vehicles.|note4=
(Repealed by Essex Act 1987 (c. xx))|po1=Southend-on-Sea Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order 1927|Order authorising the mayor aldermen and burgesses of the borough of Southend-on-Sea to provide maintain and use trolley vehicles upon a route in the borough of Southend-on-Sea.}}

| {{|Darlington Corporation Trolley Vehicles (Additional Routes) Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|56|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=Darlington Corporation Trolley Vehicles (Additional Routes) Order 1927|}}

| {{|St. Helens Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|57|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=St. Helens Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order 1927|}}

| {{|Maidstone Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|58|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=Maidstone Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order 1927|}}

| {{|Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|59|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=Glasgow Corporation Order 1927|}}

| {{|Ayr Burgh (Water, &c.) Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|60|29-07-1927|maintained=y||po1=Ayr Burgh (Water, &c.) Order 1927|}}

| {{|Aberdare Urban District Council Act 1927|local|61|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|St. Catherine's College Cambridge (Canonship of Norwich) Act 1927|local|62|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Westgate and Birchington Water Act 1927|local|63|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Bristol Waterworks Act 1927|local|64|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Smethwick Corporation Act 1927|local|65|29-07-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by West Midlands County Council Act 1980 (c. xi)) }}

| {{|Bognor Gas and Electricity Act 1927|local|66|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Littlehampton Harbour and Arun Drainage Outfall Act 1927|local|67|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Maidstone Waterworks Act 1927|local|68|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Hastings Tramways Company (Trolley Vehicles) Act 1927|local|69|29-07-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Hastings Tramways Act 1957 (5 & 6 Eliz. 2. c. xxxvi)) }}

| {{|Derwent Valley Water Act 1927|local|70|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Metropolitan Water Board Act 1927|local|71|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Wessex Electricity Act 1927|local|72|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Fleetwood Urban District Council Act 1927|local|73|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Royal Albert Hall Act 1927|local|74|29-07-1927|maintained=y|An Act to make further provision for the maintenance of the Royal Albert Hall to provide for a rate on seats therein and for other purposes.}}

| {{|Isle of Wight Water Act 1927|local|75|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Greenock Burgh Extension, &c. Act 1927|local|76|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Grimsby Corporation Act 1927|local|77|29-07-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Humberside Act 1982 (c. iii)) }}

| {{|London County Council (Money) Act 1927|local|78|29-07-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to regulate the expenditure on capital account and lending of money by the London County Council during the financial period from the first day of April one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven to the thirtieth day of September one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight.|note4=
(Repealed by London County Council (Loans) Act 1955 (4 & 5 Eliz. 2. c. xxvi)) }}

| {{|Newcastle-upon-Tyne Corporation Act 1927|local|79|29-07-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Tyne & Wear Act 1980 (c.xliii)) }}

| {{|Abersoch Water Act 1927|local|80|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Brighton Corporation Act 1927|local|81|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Buxton Corporation Act 1927|local|82|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Chepping Wycombe Corporation Act 1927|local|83|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Colchester Corporation Act 1927|local|84|29-07-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Essex Act 1987 (c. xx)) }}

| {{|Torquay Corporation Act 1927|local|85|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|West Bromwich Corporation Act 1927|local|86|29-07-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by West Bromwich Corporation Act 1969 (c. lix)) }}

| {{|Gainsborough Bridge (Acquisition) Act 1927|local|87|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Liverpool Corporation Act 1927|local|88|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Bedford Corporation Act 1927|local|89|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Coventry Corporation Act 1927|local|90|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Coventry Corporation (Boundary Extension) Act 1927|local|91|29-07-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by West Midlands County Council Act 1980 (c. xi)) }}

| {{|Derby Corporation Act 1927|local|92|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Mersey Tunnel Act 1927|local|93|29-07-1927|maintained=y|An Act to authorise an alteration of the tunnel under the River Mersey authorised by the Mersey Tunnel Act 1925[lower-alpha 8] and for other purposes.}}

| {{|Peterborough Corporation Act 1927|local|94|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Scarborough Gas (Consolidation) Act 1927|local|95|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|South Staffordshire Mond Gas Act 1927|local|96|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Sunderland Corporation Act 1927|local|97|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|St. Mary's Hospital (Newcastle-upon-Tyne) Act 1927|local|98|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Salford Corporation Act 1927|local|99|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|East Anglian Electricity Act 1927|local|100|29-07-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Leeds Corporation Act 1927|local|101|29-07-1927|maintained=y}}

| {{|Birmingham Extension Act 1927|local|102|29-07-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by West Midlands County Council Act 1980 (c. xi)) }}

| {{|Manchester Corporation Act 1927|local|103|29-07-1927|maintained=y}}

| {{|East Surrey Water Act 1927|local|104|29-07-1927|maintained=y}}

| {{|Birkenhead Extension Act 1927|local|105|29-07-1927|maintained=y}}

| {{|Croydon Corporation Act 1927|local|106|29-07-1927|maintained=y}}

| {{|County of London Electric Supply Company Act 1927|local|107|29-07-1927|maintained=y}}

| {{|Swansea Corporation Act 1927|local|108|29-07-1927|maintained=y}}

| {{|London and Home Counties Joint Electricity Authority Act 1927|local|109|29-07-1927|maintained=y}}

| {{|Kilmarnock Gas and Water Corporation Act 1927|local|110|23-11-1927|maintained=y}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 10) Act 1927|local|111|22-12-1927|maintained=y||po1=Barry Order 1927| |po2=Basingstoke Order 1927| |po3=Hartlepool Port Sanitary Order 1927| |po4=Oxford Order 1927| |po5=Romford Joint Hospital Order 1927| |po6=Sutton (Surrey) Order 1927|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Sutton Coldfield Extension) Act 1927|local|112|22-12-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by West Midlands County Council Act 1980 (c. xi)) }}

| {{|Lerwick Harbour Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|113|22-12-1927|maintained=y||po1=Lerwick Harbour Order 1927|}}

| {{|Edinburgh Chartered Accountants Annuity, &c. Fund Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|114|22-12-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1986) }}

| {{|Edinburgh Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|115|22-12-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Edinburgh Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1933 (24 & 25 Geo. 5. c. v)) }}

| {{|Renfrewshire County Council (Giffnock Railway Bridges) Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|116|22-12-1927|maintained=y||po1=Renfrewshire County Council (Giffnock Railway Bridges) Order 1927|}}

| {{|Grampian Electricity Supply Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|117|22-12-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by North of Scotland Electricity Order Confirmation Act 1958 (7 & 8 Eliz. 2. c. ii)) }}

| {{|Royal Edinburgh Hospital for Mental and Nervous Disorders Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|118|22-12-1927|maintained=y||po1=Royal Edinburgh Hospital for Mental and Nervous Disorders Order 1927|}}

| {{|Dundee Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|119|22-12-1927|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Dundee Corporation (Consolidated Powers) Order Confirmation Act 1957 (6 & 7 Eliz. 2. c. iv)) }}

| {{|Perth County Buildings Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|120|22-12-1927|maintained=y||po1=Perth County Buildings Order 1927|}}

| {{|Heriot-Watt College and George Heriot's Trust Order Confirmation Act 1927|local|121|22-12-1927|maintained=y||po1=Heriot-Watt College and George Heriot's Trust Order 1927|}}

| {{|Wallasey Corporation Act 1927|local|122|22-12-1927|maintained=y|}}

| {{|West Cheshire Water Board Act 1927|local|123|22-12-1927|maintained=y|}}


Private and personal acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Bury Estate Act 1927|private|1|29-07-1927|repealed=n|maintained=y|archived=y|An Act to vary the trusts powers and provisions of two several settlements both dates the seventeenth day of August one thousand nine hundred and twenty and executed on the marriage of Ralph Frederic Bury and Violet Esmé Bentley.}} }}

See also


    1. Marriages Validity (Provisional Orders) Act 1905 (5 Edw. 7. c. 23)
    2. Marriages Validity (Provisional Orders) Act 1924 (14 & 15 Geo. 5. c. 20)
    3. 1 2 Tramways Act 1870 (33 & 34 Vict. c. 78)
    4. 1 2 Local Government Act 1888 (51 & 52 Vict. c. 41)
    5. Mexborough and Swinton Tramways Act 1926 (16 & 17 Geo. 5. c. lxxvi)
    6. Rotherham Corporation Act 1924 (14 & 15 Geo. 5. c. lxix)
    7. Southend-on-Sea Corporation Act 1926 (16 & 17 Geo. 5. c. civ)
    8. Mersey Tunnel Act 1925 (15 & 16 Geo. 5. c. cx)
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