Costa Rica

  • 1990s
  • 2000s
  • 2010s
  • 2020s
See also:

Events in the year 2013 in Costa Rica.




  • 1 January – New Year's Day, a national holiday celebrated with a big dance in Parque Central in San José.
  • 9–21 January – The Palmares Festival was held. The fiestsas included concerts, fairgrounds, eating and drinking, and parades on horseback known as topes. There were also so-called bullfights (corridas) which are really a rodeo with bull riders (montadores) and dozens of members of the public in the ring called improvisados who stand around until the bull chases them, and then they run away. Bulls are not killed but people sometimes are.[1][2]
  • 21 January – The National Biosecurity Technical Commission (CTNBio) granted the American company Delta & Pine Land, a subsidiary of the multinational biotechnology company Monsanto, permission to grow genetically modified corn in Costa Rica. There are 443 hectares of biotech crops in Costa Rica, including cotton, soybeans, pineapple, and banana, which are being grown by the companies Semillas Olson, D & PL Semillas, Bayer, Semillas del Trópico, and Del Monte.[3]
  • 31 January –– A new law prohibiting hunting for sport was signed by President Laura Chinchilla. The law set fines of up to ₡1.5 million for sport hunting and up to ₡900,000 for wildlife trafficking.[4]


  • 1–3 February – Annual Puntarenas Carnival.[5]
  • 5 February – The Municipal Council of San José passed a motion banning the growth, sale, and consumption of genetically modified food within the canton.[6]
  • 20 February–3 March – The Fiestas Cívicas Liberia took place, an annual festival in Liberia, which included a parade of 3,000 riders, bullfights, and the election of a festival queen.[7][8]


  • 10 March – The National Oxherds Day (Día Nacional del Boyero) was celebrated when hundreds of oxcarts paraded from Escazú to San Antonio. The holiday has fallen on the second Sunday of March since 1984. This year, an extended festival with a daily programme of events began on the second of March because it was the 30th anniversary of the event and included a folklore festival, traditional music, dance, and costumes, parades, and fireworks.[9]
  • 19 March – Saint Joseph's Day, celebration of the patron saint of San José.
  • 22 March – Controversy followed the loss by the national football team of a World Cup qualifying match against the United States during a heavy snow storm in Denver that covered the playing pitch in snow during the game. The referee, Joel Aguilar of El Salvador, paused the game and consulted both teams, who agreed to play on. Nevertheless, Costa Rica complained of the decision afterwards following their 1–0 defeat to the Usonians.[10][11]
  • 28 March – Maundy Thursday, a national holiday.
  • 29 March – Good Friday, a national holiday.


  • 11 April – Battle of Rivas Day or Juan Santamaria Day, a national holiday that commemorates the national hero who fought at the battle of Rivas against the American invader William Walker in 1856.
  • 15 April – Laura Chinchilla, with an approval rating of 26 percent, was found to be the least popular president in the Western Hemisphere, by a Mexican consultancy ranking of the leaders of 19 countries. Chinchilla later dismissed the finding as "aberrant" and like comparing "pears and oranges".[12][13][14]
  • 19 April – Aboriginal Day.[15]


Barack Obama and Laura Chinchilla
  • 1 May – Labour Day (May Day), a national holiday.
  • 3 May – The President of the United States, Barack Obama, arrived for a 24-hour visit, his first to Costa Rica. He held a bilateral meeting, a joint press conference, and a working dinner with President Chinchilla.[16][17][18][19]
  • 4 May – The Central America Forum on Sustainable Economic Development was addressed by Barack Obama at the Old Customs House in San José.[18][19][20]
  • 11 May – President Chinchilla made a sudden trip to Lima, Peru, to attend the wedding of the son of her second Vice President, Luis Liberman. She did not inform Congress beforehand as mandated by Article 139.5 of the Constitution. She was accompanied by her husband, José María Rico; her assistant, Irene Pacheco; the Minister of Communication, Francisco Chacón; and Chacón's wife, the Minister of Foreign Trade, Anabel González. They flew in a private plane owned by Gabriel Morales Fallon which had also taken her in March to the funeral of Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez. The plane and its owner were under investigation by Costa Rica and Colombia for drug trafficking. The incident led to the resignations of Francisco Chacón, Irene Pacheco, and the head of the Office of Intelligence and Security, Mauricio Boraschi.[21]
  • 23 May – The Costa Rica-based Liberty Reserve digital currency business was shut down by United States authorities on suspicion of criminal activity, including the biggest money laundering operation in history. Liberty was operated in Costa Rica for seven years by expatriates from the U.S. before it was dismantled by the biggest money laundering investigation ever conducted, in which at least 17 countries participated.[22][23]
  • 31 May – An environmentalist, Jairo Mora Sandoval, was murdered by poachers near Limón while attempting to protect the nests of leatherback sea turtles.[24]




  • 1 August – National Science and Technology Day (August is Science and Technology Month).[32]
  • 2 August – Feast of Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles, patron saint of Costa Rica.
  • 15 August – Mother's Day, a national holiday.
  • 24 August – National Parks Day.[33]
  • 31 August – Day of the Black Person and Afro-Costa Rican Culture (Día de la Persona Negra y La Cultura Afro Costarricense).[34][35]


  • 5 September – A magnitude 6.0 earthquake occurred at a depth of 41.7 kilometres, at 6.29 am, 44 km west of Sardinal in Guanacaste.[36]
  • 9 September – Children's Day.
  • 14 September – Annual Parade of Lanterns (Desfile de faroles) to celebrate El Grito de la Independencia.
  • 15 September – Independence Day, a national holiday, preceded by Semana Cívica (Civic Week).


  • 2 October – The 2014 election season was opened in an official ceremony at the Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones de Costa Rica in San José. Tribunal President Luis Antonio Sobrado González addressed civic comments to citizens, lawmakers, and the media. Several presidential candidates attended the event. The number registered to vote was 3,078,321, an increase of 7.4% compared to the 2010 election. For the first time in 2014, expatriate Ticos will be able to cast absentee ballots, through their nearest consulate, in the presidential and vice-presidential elections, but not for the assembly. The number of Ticos abroad registered to vote was 12,654, with 8,316 in the United States, 484 in Canada, 418 in Mexico, and 368 in Spain. There were nearly 50,000 naturalised Costa Ricans eligible to vote. Voting is obligatory in Costa Rica, nevertheless abstentionism was 35 percent in 2006 and 32 percent in 2010.[37]
  • 11–19 October – The second annual Costa Rica International Film Festival presented 140 films from around the world.[38]
  • 12 October – Día de las Culturas (formerly Columbus Day).[39][40]
  • 15 October – The Episcopal Conference of Costa Rica released its 2013–14 voter guide, Rehabilitation of Politics, containing principles for Catholics to consider when voting in the forthcoming parliamentary and presidential elections on 2 February 2014. Catholics are urged to vote against candidates who support the legalization of abortion, in-vitro fertilization, and same-sex unions.[41][42]
  • 18 October – Bicentenary of San José. The city was founded before 1813, but the Spanish Crown officially declared it a city in that year.[43]
  • 26 October – The President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins, arrived in Costa Rica. He was the first Irish president to visit the country.[44][45]
  • 26 October – A magnitude 4.5 earthquake occurred at 4.34 pm at a depth of 7.6 kilometres, 15 km south of Pavón in Golfito.[46]
  • 27 October – A strong magnitude 5.3 earthquake shook most of the country at 9.28 am. The epicentre was 40 kilometres southeast of La Cuesta de Corredores near the Panamanian border.[47][48]
  • 28 October – The Irish president began the official work of his state visit by meeting President Laura Chinchilla at the Casa Presidencial.[45]
  • 30 October – President Michael D. Higgins rode an aerial tram through the rain forest canopy in Braulio Carrillo National Park with the Minister for the Environment, René Castro, before departing for Ireland.[45][49][50]


National Flag Day on 12 November
  • 2 November – All Soul's Day.
  • 3–7 November – President Laura Chinchilla travelled to Paris accompanied by the Minister of Communications, Carlos Roverssi; the Minister of Foreign Trade, Anabel González; the Foreign Minister, Enrique Castillo; and a group of officials.[51]
  • 4 November – The Costa Rican Insurance Superintendency announced a 12.4 percent increase in the price of mandatory vehicle circulation permits (marchamos) in 2014.[52]
  • 8 November – President Chinchilla met Pope Francis in the Apostolic Palace Library in the Vatican, accompanied by a presidential delegation of thirteen people including the Minister of Communications, Carlos Roverssi; the Foreign Minister, Enrique Castillo; foreign policy chief, Javier Díaz; Deputy Ileana Brenes Jiménez of the National Liberation Party; the Costa Rican ambassador to the Vatican, Fernando Sánchez; the President's personal assistant, Alejandra Fonseca; Secretary of the Governing Council, Marta Monge; the chief of protocol, Ludwig Sibaja; and the President's husband.[53] During their 25-minute meeting, Chinchilla gave the Pope a handmade stole made by indigenous women from Costa Rica. He gave her a copy of the Aparecida Document (the master plan for the New Evangelization in Latin America),[54] and a medal of his pontificate. The President told the Pope that she would not be attending the canonization of Pope John Paul II.[55] Chinchilla, who visited Pope Benedict XVI on 28 May 2012,[56] invited Pope Francis to visit her country (John Paul II visited Costa Rica in 1983).[57]
  • 11 November – A day of protests took place throughout the country when anti-government marches were conducted by public employees, teachers, union members, health workers, motorcyclists, and employees of the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad. People were concerned about such diverse matters as tax reform, the increased price of vehicle circulation permits (marchamos), the high cost of basic goods, and the perceived privatization of health services. President Chinchilla called the protests "irresponsible" and "unjustified".[58]
  • 11 November – In the first ten months of 2013, 12.3 million smuggled cigarettes were seized in Costa Rica, five times more than in 2012. The Fiscal Control Police (PCF) attributed the increased confiscations to police efficiency and were unable to say if there had been a rise in smuggling. The cigarettes came from Canada, China, and Panama.[59]
  • 12 November – National Flag Day (Día del Pabellón Nacional).[60]
  • 15 November – Costa Rican scientist-engineer Sandra Cauffman (née Sandra María del Socorro Molina Rojas) participated in the American space agency NASA's first press conference in the Spanish language.[61][62] The event was broadcast live on NASA TV and discussed the agency's mission to Mars called MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN), of which Cauffman is the Deputy Project Manager.[63][64]
  • 15 November – Miguel Solis and Alexander Rivas, former bodyguards of the Brazilian model Gisele Bündchen and her husband, the American football player Tom Brady, were sentenced by a court in Puntarenas to five years in prison for attempted murder by shooting at photographers during the celebrity couple's wedding in Cóbano de Puntarenas on 4 April 2009.[65][66]
  • 17 November – A large crowd took part in a Catholic anti-abortion march, the Caminata por la Vida y la Familia, between Central Park and Sabana Park in San José. The march was organized by the Episcopal Conference of Costa Rica. The Archbishop of Alajuela, Angel Sancasimiro, demanded that presidential candidates in the 2014 election reject same-sex marriage initiatives and added, "We feel an obligation to show our current and future legislators, our current and future government, what we think, long for and want in crucial issues such as family, life and the whole culture."[42][67]
  • 19 November – The World Bank published Paying Taxes 2014, a report which identified Costa Rica as having the second-highest tax rates in Central America and the Caribbean, behind Nicaragua.[68]
  • 22 November – The International Court of Justice in The Hague ruled in favour of Costa Rican complaints by giving Nicaragua two weeks to remove all equipment and personnel, military and civilian, from Isla Calero on the San Juan River, and to repair Nicaraguan damage performed to the wetland by dredging canals. The dispute began in October 2010 when Costa Rica accused Nicaragua of invading its territory while the latter retorted that it was their country.[69][70]
  • 22 November – Teacher's Day.
The first Marcha de las Putas in front of the Metropolitan Cathedral in San José in 2011, with Parque Central in the background
  • 22 November – The second Costa Rican Marcha de las Putas (SlutWalk) was held in San José in reaction to a statement by presidential candidate Óscar López that "There is a fine line between rape and consent". The first Marcha de las Putas on 14 August 2011 was in reaction to remarks by Francisco Ulloa, a Costa Rican bishop, during a mass on the feast of Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles, urging women to dress "with modesty" and "with shame".[71]
  • 23 November – The sixteenth annual Fiesta de Música Boyera y Campesina was held. The first one took place on 21 November 1998.[72]
  • 24 November – The seventeenth Oxcart Parade (Entrada de Santos y Desfile de Boyeros por San José) took place in San José, an annual event on the last Sunday in November. The inaugural parade occurred in 1997.[73][74]
  • 26 November – Costa Rica became the second Latin American country after Mexico to sign a memorandum of understanding with the United States on the U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. Finance Minister Édgar Ayales and the U.S. Chargé d'Affairs, Gonzalo Gallegos, signed the document at the Foreign Ministry to ratify the agreement that Costa Rican financial institutions will report to the United States the holdings of American citizens living in Costa Rica while U.S. banks will report similar information to Costa Rica about Tico expatriates in the U.S.[75][76]
  • 26–7 November – The seventh annual China-Latin America and Caribbean Business Summit took place in Escazú. Eight hundred business personnel took part from 20 countries including Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Peru. Trade between Costa Rica and China has grown by 70 percent since a free trade agreement signed in 2011 took effect.[77][78]
  • 29 November – Shoppers looking for bargains on Black Friday (Viernes Negro) found the discounts were not as competitive as they expected.[79]


  • 6 December – Costa Rica were placed in Group D with England, Italy, and Uruguay for the World Cup 2014 tournament in a draw which took place in Costa do Sauípe in Brazil.[80]
  • 8 December – Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
  • 9 December – El Financiero newspaper revealed that the mayor of San José and presidential candidate Johnny Araya Monge wrongly claimed on his website to have a Harvard University degree. The claim was removed following the exposure.[81]
  • 11 December – Schoolchildren celebrated the Festival of Joy (Fiesta de la Alegría) and the closure of schools for the holidays until 10 February by playing, dancing, and bursting piñatas.[82][83]
  • 13 December – The International Court of Justice rejected a claim by Nicaragua that the construction by Costa Rica of the 130-kilometre Route 1856 along the Río San Juan border river was causing environmental damage.[84]
  • 14 December – The 18th annual Festival of Lights (Festival de la Luz) marked the start of Christmas in San José on the second Saturday of December with a parade of floats, bands, and fireworks from La Sabana to Plaza de la Democracia. It was first celebrated on 13 December 1996.[85][86][87]
  • 15–16 December – Route 32 from San José to Limón was closed by landslides after heavy rain, according to Consejo Nacional de Vialidad (CONAVI).[88]
  • 16 December – A legally-mandatory holiday from political campaigning began, until January 2. During this interval, enforced by the Supreme Elections Tribunal, political parties may not publish advertisements, and campaigning in person is tightly limited.[89][90]
  • 16 December – A survey of 131 countries between 2006 and 2012 revealed that the median Costa Rican per capita income was $2,232 per annum, lower than the global median of $2,920.[91][92]
  • 17 December – The 49th annual Vuelta Ciclista a Costa Rica (Tour of Costa Rica bicycle race) got underway in Limón. The 1,530 kilometre race ends in San José on 29 December.[93][94]
  • 19 December – Legislative Assembly deputies began their 46-day holiday, but without settling the future of the in vitro fertilisation (IVF) bill. Twelve congressmen blocked discussion by walking out of a plenary session of the Assembly to deprive it of a quorum, defying the latest deadline set by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to legalize IVF. Costa Rica's Sala IV (Constitutional Court) banned it in 2000 under pressure from the Catholic Church and conservative lawmakers.[95][96]
  • 20 December – Holiday travel saw 20,000 people crossing the border into Nicaragua in two days with as many as 14,000 people per day expected on Saturday and Sunday, December 21 and 22. Last year, more than 200,000 people crossed the frontier in the second half of December and early January.[97]
  • 22 December – An earthquake struck Finca Georgina in Varablanca at 4.52 pm. The Red Sismológica Nacional (National Seismological Network) reported the strength of the tremor as magnitude 4.6, at a depth of 80 kilometres, while the Observatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico de Costa Rica (Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica) described it as a magnitude 4.8 earthquake at a depth of 100 km.[98]
  • 25 December – Christmas Day, a national holiday.
  • 25 December–5 January – Celebration of the annual Fiestas de Zapote (in Spanish) which takes place annually in the Zapote District, San José.[99]
  • December 26 – Día del Caballista Nacional (National Horse Rider's Day): 600,000 people attended the Tope Nacional de Caballos, an annual equestrian parade of 5,000 horse riders in San José, from 11.30 am until 6 pm from Plaza González Víquez along Paseo Colón and Second Avenue to La Sabana.[100][101][102]
  • December 27 – The annual Carnaval de Desamparados took place in the San José suburb of Desamparados with bands, floats, clowns, stilt-walkers, custom cars, musicians, dancers, cheerleading groups, and masquerades parading from Colegio Nuestra Señora de Desamparados to the Villa Olímpica.[103][104]
  • 29 December – Juan Carlos Rojas won the Vuelta Ciclista a Costa Rica, becoming the first rider to win three times. Elias Vega and Bryan Villalobos came second and third.[105]
  • 31 December – New Year's Eve.


International football

Copa Centroamericana

World Cup Qualifiers

  • 6 February – Panama 2–2 Costa Rica
  • 22 March – United States 1–0 Costa Rica
  • 26 March – Costa Rica 2–0 Jamaica
  • 7 June – Costa Rica 1–0 Honduras
  • 11 June – Mexico 0–0 Costa Rica
  • 18 June – Costa Rica 2–0 Panama
  • 6 September – Costa Rica 3–1 United States
  • 10 September – Jamaica 1–1 Costa Rica
  • 11 October – Honduras 1–0 Costa Rica
  • 15 October – Costa Rica 2–1 Mexico

Gold Cup

  • 9 July – Costa Rica 3–0 Cuba
  • 13 June – Costa Rica 1–0 Belize
  • 16 July – United States 1–0 Costa Rica
  • 20 July – Honduras 1–0 Costa Rica (quarter final)

Friendly matches


  1. Costa Rica: Where the bull wins the fight The Week, 2013-07-21.
  2. Programa Oficial Festejos Palmares 2013 Archived 2013-12-03 at the Wayback Machine Asociación Cívica Palmareña. Retrieved: 2013-11-26. (in Spanish)
  3. Costa Rica OKs genetically modified corn Archived 2013-11-12 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-01-21.
  4. President Chinchilla signs ban on hunting for sport Archived 2013-11-05 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-01-31.
  5. Puntarenas Carnival kicks off with music, dance over the weekend Inside Costa Rica, 2013-02-04.
  6. San José bans genetically modified foods Archived 2013-11-12 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-02-06.
  7. Fecha Oficial de las Fiestas Cívicas Liberia 2013 Fiestas Liberia 2013, 2012-10-21. (in Spanish)
  8. Liberia se comienza a remozar para albergar sus fiestas cívicas La Nación, 2013-01-23. (in Spanish)
  9. Escazú se llena de carretas en el Día Nacional del Boyero La Nación, 2013-03-10. (in Spanish)
  10. La nieve congeló a la Sele en un juego insólito La Nación, 2013-03-23. (in Spanish)
  11. Joel Aguilar: ‘FIFA me felicitó por el juego de la nieve’ La Nación, 2015-04-24. (in Spanish)
  12. Costa Rica’s Chinchilla is least-popular president in the Americas Archived 2014-01-03 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-04-23.
  13. Chinchilla califica de "aberrante" el estudio Mitofsky sobre presidentes Terra Networks México, 2013-10-14. (in Spanish)
  14. Ranking: Los presidentes más (y menos) populares de América Archived 2014-01-03 at the Wayback Machine ADN Político, 2013-04-15. (in Spanish)
  15. 19 de abril, Día del aborigen costarricense Archived 2020-11-28 at the Wayback Machine Instituto de Cultura y Lengua Costarricense, 2012-04-21. (in Spanish)
  16. Obama impulsa a Costa Rica a entrar a ‘club de los países ricos’ La Nación, 2013-05-04. (in Spanish)
  17. Obama promises renewed ties with Central America on first of 2-day summit Archived 2013-11-21 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-05-04.
  18. 1 2 President Obama's Trip to Mexico & Costa Rica The White House. Retrieved: 2013-11-03.
  19. 1 2 President Obama’s Visit to Costa Rica The White House, 2013-11-04.
  20. Barack Obama deja en Costa Rica una agenda en crudo La Nación, 2013-05-05. (in Spanish)
  21. Repentino viaje de Chinchilla a Perú es para ir a boda de hijo del Vicepresidente Liberman CR Hoy, 2013-05-11. (in Spanish)
  22. Millions of dollars in limbo after shuttering of digital currency site Liberty Reserve Archived 2013-12-31 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-05-24.
  23. Costa Rican President Chinchilla denies link to Liberty Reserve attorney Archived 2013-11-06 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-05-30.
  24. Costa Rica poachers 'kill turtle activist' BBC News, 2013-05-31.
  25. MINAE firma decreto para crear el Día Nacional del Felino Silvestre Archived 2013-12-24 at the Wayback Machine Teletica, 2013-07-03. (in Spanish)
  26. Wild Cats Nicoya Peninsula Travel Guide. Retrieved: 2013-11-03.
  27. 1 2 Costa Rica celebrará el Día Nacional del Felino Silvestre el 4 de julio CRHoy, 2013-09-02. (in Spanish)
  28. Ministro de Ambiente llama a cambio cultural para proteger vida de los felinos La Nación, 2013-07-04. (in Spanish)
  29. Italy blocks EU-Costa Rica trade deal over cheese GI infringements DairyReporter.com, 2013-07-23.
  30. Cheese row between Costa Rica and Italy delays EU association agreement approval Archived 2013-12-23 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-07-23.
  31. Problema con Italia por protección de quesos atrasará puesta en vigencia de Acuerdo con UE La Nación, 2013-07-25 (in Spanish)
  32. Costa Rica celebra a la ciencia y la tecnología este mes La Nación, 2013-08-01. (in Spanish)
  33. Los Parques Nacionales celebran su día Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad. Retrieved: 2013-11-03. (in Spanish)
  34. 31 de agosto de cada año "Día del Negro Cultura Afrocostarricense" Archived 2013-12-24 at the Wayback Machine Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres, 1980-10-08. (1980 legislation) (in Spanish)
  35. "Día de la Persona Negra y La Cultura Afro Costarricense (anteriormente denominado Día del Negro y La Cultura Afro Costarricense)" Archived 2013-12-24 at the Wayback Machine Asamblea Legislativa de la República de Costa Rica, 2010-11-30. (2010 legislation) (in Spanish)
  36. Magnitude 6.0 earthquake rocks Guanacaste, Costa Rica Inside Costa Rica, 2013-09-05.
  37. Costa Rica's 2014 election season is officially open Archived 2013-11-11 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-10-02.
  38. Costa Rica International Film Festival opens tomorrow Inside Costa Rica, 2013-10-10.
  39. Día de las Culturas La Nación, 2000. Quote: "...en 1994, fecha en la que se promulgó la ley del Día de las Culturas. De esa forma, el tradicional Día de la Raza quedó obsoleto y dio paso a un nuevo significado. El mismo se fundamenta en la tolerancia, reconoce la diversidad étnica prevalenciente en América y no niega la herencia de España, el legado de los indígenas y el aporte africano, entre otros." (in Spanish)
  40. Costa Rica Celebrates “Día de las Culturas” on October 12 Costa Rica Star, 2013-10-10.
  41. Catholic Church says care for the environment a 'moral' obligation in Costa Rica voter guide Archived 2013-11-11 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-10-15.
  42. 1 2 Anti-abortion parade brings 200,000 Catholics to San José Archived 2013-11-18 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-11-17.
  43. Local activists urge bicentennial celebration for Costa Rican capital through Facebook Archived 2013-11-20 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-10-04.
  44. Presidente de Irlanda visita por primera vez Costa Rica La Nación, 2013-10-27. (in Spanish)
  45. 1 2 3 President Higgins makes Official Visits to Mexico, El Salvador And Costa Rica Archived 2015-01-13 at the Wayback Machine Áras an Uachtaráin, 2013-10-18.
  46. Sismo de 4.5 sacude Golfito Diario Extra, 2013-10-26. (in Spanish)
  47. Fuerte sismo sacude gran parte del país Diario Extra, 2013-10-27. (in Spanish)
  48. No se registran réplicas a sismo matutino de 5,3 grados sentido en frontera con Panamá La Nación, 2013-10-27. (in Spanish)
  49. Irish President Michael D Higgins Visiting CR Costa Rican Times, 2013-10-30.
  50. Presidente de Irlanda visitó el bosque lluvioso de Costa Rica Gabriela Hernández, 2013-10-30. (in Spanish)
  51. Café: primer punto en la agenda de Laura Chinchilla en Europa La Nación, 2013-11-03. (in Spanish)
  52. Tico motorists to pay 12 percent more for vehicle circulation permits Archived 2013-11-11 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-11-04.
  53. Chinchilla invitó al papa Francisco a Costa Rica La Nación, 2013-10-08. (in Spanish)
  54. The Message of Aparecida Comes Alive at World Youth Day in Rio Salt + Light, 2013-07-09.
  55. Costa Rica's president to Pope: We are looking forward to John Paul II's canonization Archived 2013-11-11 at archive.today Rome Reports, 2013-11-08.
  56. Costa Rica's Chinchilla meets with Pope Benedict XVI Archived 2013-11-11 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2012-05-28.
  57. Chinchilla meets everybody's favorite pope, invites him to Costa Rica Archived 2013-11-11 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-11-08.
  58. Lots of Ticos are angry, and on Monday, you'll hear about it Archived 2013-11-11 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-11-07.
  59. Decomiso de cigarrillos ilegales se disparó durante último año La Nación, 2013-11-11. (in Spanish)
  60. 12 de noviembre Día del Pabellón Nacional Archived 2013-12-24 at the Wayback Machine Ediciones RH. Retrieved: 2013-11-03. (in Spanish)
  61. Sandra Cauffman: 'Estamos listos, Vamos MAVEN' La Nación, 2013-11-15. (in Spanish)
  62. Tica que dirigirá misión de la NASA es recordada con cariño por amigos Archived 2014-02-26 at the Wayback Machine Teletica, 2013-11-15. (in Spanish)
  63. Questions and Answers with Sandra Cauffman NASA, 2012-01-24.
  64. Tica en la NASA dará la primera conferencia de prensa en español Asociación Centroamericana de Aeronáutica y del Espacio, 2013-11-13. (in Spanish) Quote: "La costarricense Sandra Cauffman, Deputy Project Manager de la misión MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution) de la NASA y miembro honoraria de la Asociación Centroamericana de Aeronáutica y del Espacio (ACAE), dará este viernes la primera conferencia de prensa en español en la historia de dicha agencia espacial."
  65. Juicio contra escoltas de Gisele Bündchen y Tom Brady por altercado en Costa Rica finaliza etapa de debate La Nación, 2013-11-15. (in Spanish)
  66. Guards get 5 years for attempted murder during Costa Rica wedding of Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady Archived 2013-11-18 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-11-17.
  67. Iglesia católica exige a candidatos rechazar matrimonio entre gais La Nación, 2013-11-18. (in Spanish)
  68. Costa Rica, Nicaragua have highest tax rates in Central America Archived 2013-11-30 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-11-28.
  69. Corte ordena a Nicaragua reparar daño en isla Calero La Nación, 2013-11-23. (in Spanish)
  70. Nicaragua begins repairs on canals in disputed border area Archived 2013-12-01 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-11-28.
  71. Marcha de las Putas: cuando una lucha une a pastores y brasieres La Nación, 2013-11-24. (in Spanish)
  72. Música boyera para unos pocos La Nación, 1998-11-22. (in Spanish)
  73. XVII Entrada de Santos y Desfile de Boyeros por San José 2013 Municipalidad de San José, 2013-11-19. (in Spanish)
  74. Costa Rica’s annual Oxcart Parade Archived 2013-11-26 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-11-25.
  75. Costa Rica signs agreement to report holdings of U.S. citizens living here Archived 2013-11-30 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-11-26.
  76. Cayman Islands and Costa Rica agree to share bank account details with US The Guardian, 2013-1-29.
  77. Cumbre sobre comercio e inversión reunirá en Costa Rica a 800 empresarios La Nación, 2013-11-14. (in Spanish)
  78. More than 800 business operators to attend annual China-Latin America summit in Costa Rica Archived 2013-11-18 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-11-14.
  79. Clientes esperaban ofertas más agresivas este Viernes Negro La Nación, 2013-11-29. (in Spanish)
  80. Costa Rica será el rival más difícil para Italia en el Mundial 2014, aseguró el técnico Cesare Prandelli La Nación, 2013-12-06. (in Spanish)
  81. Johnny Araya no tiene un título de especialización en Harvard El Financiero, 2013-12-09. (in Spanish)
  82. Niños celebraron salida de clases La Nación, 2013-12-12. (in Spanish)
  83. Oficialmente finalizó el curso lectivo, pero es hasta el viernes que educadores salen a vacaciones CRHoy, 2013-12-11. (in Spanish)
  84. International Court of Justice dismisses another Nicaraguan claim against Costa Rica Archived 2013-12-16 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-12-13.
  85. Festival de la Luz 2013 cerró por todo lo alto La Nación, 2013-12-14. (in Spanish)
  86. Festival de la Luz Municipalidad de San José. Retrieved: 2013-11-26. (in Spanish)
  87. Festival de la Luz Arts, Culture, and Music Costa Rica (AcamCostaRica.com), 2013-03-04.
  88. Paso por la ruta 32, que comunica San José con Limón, permanece cerrado por derrumbes La Nación, 2013-12-16. (in Spanish)
  89. Viral election video urges Costa Ricans to reject the historically dominant parties Archived 2014-01-03 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-12-30.
  90. Enero arranca con apretada agenda electoral La Nación, 2013-12-31. (in Spanish)
  91. Ingreso por persona es de $2.920 anuales a nivel mundial y en Costa Rica es de $2.232, según Gallup La Nación, 2013-12-16. (in Spanish)
  92. Worldwide, Median Household Income About $10,000 Gallup, 2013-12-16.
  93. La Vuelta Ciclista a Costa Rica arrancó con acento ruso La Nación, 2013-12-18. (in Spanish)
  94. Altimetría e información de las etapas Archived 2013-12-19 at the Wayback Machine Federación Costarricense de Ciclismo. Retrieved: 2013-12-20. (in Spanish)
  95. Diputados salieron a vacación y evitaron decidir sobre la FIV La Nación, 2013-12-20. (in Spanish)
  96. Costa Rica misses yet another deadline to lift ban on in vitro fertilization Archived 2013-12-23 at the Wayback Machine The Tico Times, 2013-12-19.
  97. La frontera norte registra 20.000 salidas a Nicaragua La Nación, 2013-12-20. (in Spanish)
  98. Sismo sentido esta tarde tuvo 4,6 grados de magnitud y se originó en Varablanca La Nación, 2013-12-22. (in Spanish)
  99. Tres clanes de ganaderos llevan 270 toros a Zapote La Nación, 2013-12-24. (in Spanish)
  100. Tope nacional ya no saldrá de la Sabana La Nación, 2013-10-24.
  101. Más de 900 policías vigilarán Tope Nacional La Nación, 2013-12-26. (in Spanish)
  102. Estudiantes dedicados marcaron el inicio del Tope Nacional La Nación, 2013-12-26. (in Spanish)
  103. En medio de algunos disturbios se realizó el carnaval de Desamparados Archived 2013-12-28 at the Wayback Machine Teletica, 2013-12-27. (in Spanish)
  104. Joel Campbell encabezará este viernes el carnaval en Desamparados La Nación, 2013-12-27. (in Spanish)
  105. Juan Carlos Rojas pone el punto final y es tricampeón de la Vuelta a Costa Rica La Nación, 2013-12-29. (in Spanish)
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