8th Golden Bell Awards
Date26 March 1972 (radio and television)
SiteAmbassador Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan
Hosted byChang Shu-wen
Organized byGovernment Information Office, Executive Yuan

The 8th Golden Bell Awards (Chinese: 第8屆金鐘獎) was held on 26 March 1972 at the Ambassador Hotel in Taipei, Taiwan. The ceremony was hosted by Chang Shu-wen.[1][2][3]


Award Winner Network
Broadcast Excellence Awards
News and Current Affairs Commentary Programs

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:

Taped reports

  • News (Typhoon News)
  • 財經報導(退出聯合國對我經濟發展是否構成重大妨礙?)
  • News Feature (free Shining Path)
  • Memorable On October 26
  • News Feature(今天我們退出了聯合國)
  • News commentary (論毛匪澤東整肅林匪彪的問題)
  • Fuxinggang Commentary (評我們退出聯合國之後)

Army Corps Guoguang radio broadcasting

Education and Cultural Program

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:

Chinese people's stories

  • 中國人的故事
  • Our family - descendants
  • 歌謠集錦-西藏民謠
  • Corner Church and State
  • 共匪暴行資料及大陸反共革命事蹟展覽特別報導
  • 圓山夜曲

Fuxing Broadcasting Station

Arts and Entertainment Program

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:

Frontline Warrior Club
Meilun Yamashita

  • 「我愛國旗」連續劇(六)-血染國旗
  • 空中劇場-萬壽橋
  • Children's playground
  • 談古說今
  • Jianqiao Club
  • 反毛同心會-

Radio Voice of the Golden Gate Guanghua
Broadcasting Corporation of China - Hualien

Individual Awards

Best Editor Award

Zhao Qin - Music Tour
Bai Jie - Frontline Warrior Club

Broadcasting Corporation of China
Radio Voice of the Golden Gate Guanghua

Best Choreographer Award Zhouqiao Yun - Teaching and learning Broadcasting Corporation of China Chiayi
Best Editorial Award

Mouxi Zong - Taped reports
Panning Dong - 共匪暴行資料及大陸反共革命事蹟展覽特別報導

Army Corps Army China Light Broadcast Radio
Broadcasting Corporation of China Hualien

Best Interview Award 莫迺滇 臺益公 - 一個新的反共國家-高棉共和國 China Television Company
Best Broadcast Award Feng Xiangyun - Meilun Yamashita Broadcasting Corporation of China Hualien
TV / Innovation Excellence Awards
News and Current Affairs Commentary Program

Best Television Program Award

Excellence Awards:

Glorious Giants - 衛星轉播巨人少棒隊勇奪一九七一年世界少棒冠軍實況

  • 一個新的反共國家-高棉共和國
  • Today closeup - year-old orphan spring cold probe

China Television Company

  • China Television Company
  • China Television
Education and Cultural Program

Best Television Program Award

Excellence Award:


  • High school biology

Broadcasting Corporation of China

  • China Television
Arts and Entertainment Program

Best Award

Excellence Award:

Changbai Mountain

  • Poison duck

China Television Company

  • China Television
Innovative Program Award

Best Television Program Award

Hua Huiying - Dragon
Zhai Shi Chun - Heroes OK
鍾能基 - 新型廣播劇《雨過天晴》
任 俊 - The dawn of victory
Jiang Wei - Telephone tired brain
Zhao Qin - Music Tour
Cai Shifa - Telephone kiosks
Qi Zhiping - History of the melody
Xiao Baocheng - 生死駌鴦
Jiang Guobin - Peasants and soldiers sing counterparts
Lin Shuzhen - Flowers of love

China Television
Police Broadcasting Service
Army Corps Taipei army broadcast radio
Army Corps Taipei army broadcast radio
Police Broadcasting Service
Broadcasting Corporation of China
Cheng Sheng Broadcasting Corporation radio stations in Chiayi electricity
Broadcasting Corporation of China - Tainan
Revival Radio - Taichung
Radio Voice of Guanghua Guanghua
Yunlin Cheng Sheng Broadcasting Corporation Radio


  1. "61年金鐘獎得獎名單【優良廣播節目獎 】". www.bamid.gov.tw. Retrieved 14 October 2022.
  2. "61年金鐘獎得獎名單【優良電視節目獎 / 創新節目獎】". www.bamid.gov.tw. Retrieved 14 October 2022.
  3. "61年金鐘獎得獎名單【個人技術】". www.bamid.gov.tw. Retrieved 14 October 2022.
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