Bishop Alvise was a Bishop of Arras in the 12th century.

The son of Einard and Hostina,[1] he was a native of Flanders[2] but his year of birth is controversial, with sources claiming 1060, 1070 or 1075.

According to medieval chroniclers,[3] he had been a novice and Canon of the Abbey of Saint Bertin at Saint-Omer. He participated in the second crusade with Louis VII of France and according to some sources, he fell ill at Philippopolis, Thrace and died September 6, 1148.[4]


  1. L'abbaye d'Anchin de sa fondation (1079) au XIVe siècle : essor, vie et rayonnement d'une grande communauté bénédictine - par Jean-Pierre Gerzaguet - Presses universitaires Septentrion- 1997 page 91
  2. Historia monasterii (MGH,SS,14, particulièrement 586-588
  3. Histoire de l'église gallicane - IVème édition- par Jacques Longueval - Paris Rue de Garanciére n°10 (près de saint-Sulpice, 1826) vol8 page 265.
  4. Histoire de l'église gallicane - IVème édition- par Jacques Longueval - Paris Rue de Garanciére n°10 (près de saint-Sulpice, 1826) vol8 page 265.

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