Athanasia acerosa
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Asterids
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Subfamily: Asteroideae
Tribe: Anthemideae
Genus: Athanasia
Type species
Athanasia crithmifolia
(L.) L.
  • Stilpnophyton subg. Asaemia Harv.
  • Asaemia (Harv.) Benth. & Hook.f.
  • Bembycodium Kunze
  • Holophyllum Less.
  • Morysia Cass.
  • Pristocarpha E.Mey. ex DC.
  • Saintmorysia Endl.
  • Stilpnophyton Less.
  • Stilpnophytum Less.

Athanasia is a genus of flowering plants in the daisy family.[2][3]


Athanasia is native to southern Africa.[1] The name is derived from the Greek a-, 'without', and thanatos 'death', alluding to the persistent dry involucral bracts.

  • Athanasia adenantha (Harv.) Källersjö
  • Athanasia alba Källersjö
  • Athanasia bremeri Källersjö
  • Athanasia calophylla Källersjö
  • Athanasia capitata (L.) L.
  • Athanasia cochlearifolia Källersjö
  • Athanasia crenata (L.) L.
  • Athanasia crithmifolia (L.) L.
  • Athanasia cuneifolia Lam.
  • Athanasia dentata (L.) L.
  • Athanasia elsiae Källersjö
  • Athanasia filiformis L.f.
  • Athanasia flexuosa Thunb.
  • Athanasia grandiceps Hilliard & B.L.Burtt
  • Athanasia hirsuta Thunb.
  • Athanasia humilis Källersjö
  • Athanasia imbricata Harv. (Critically Endangered[4]); Western Cape, South Africa. From the foothills of the Riviersonderend Mountains between Stormsvlei and the Breede River.
  • Athanasia inopinata (Hutch.) Källersjö
  • Athanasia juncea (DC.) D.Dietr.
  • Athanasia leptocephala Källersjö
  • Athanasia linifolia Burm.f.
  • Athanasia microcephala (DC.) D.Dietr.
  • Athanasia microphylla DC.
  • Athanasia minuta (L.f.) Källersjö
  • Athanasia oocephala (DC.) Källersjö
  • Athanasia pachycephala DC.
  • Athanasia pectinata L.f.
  • Athanasia pinnata L.f.
  • Athanasia pubescens (L.) L.
  • Athanasia quinquedentata Thunb.
  • Athanasia rugulosa E.Mey. ex DC.
  • Athanasia scabra Thunb.
  • Athanasia sertulifera DC.
  • Athanasia spathulata (DC.) D.Dietr.
  • Athanasia tomentosa Thunb.
  • Athanasia trifurcata (L.) L.
  • Athanasia vestita (Thunb.) Druce
  • Athanasia virgata Jacq.
  • Athanasia viridis Källersjö


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