(128 code points)
Major alphabetsaksara Bali
Assigned124 code points
Unused4 reserved code points
Unicode version history
5.0 (2006)121 (+121)
14.0 (2021)124 (+3)
Unicode documentation
Code chart ∣ Web page
Note: [1][2]

Balinese is a Unicode block containing characters of Balinese script for the Balinese language. Balinese language is mainly spoken on the island of Bali, Indonesia.


Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
U+1B3x ᬿ
1.^ As of Unicode version 15.1
2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Balinese block:

VersionFinal code points[lower-alpha 1]CountL2 IDWG2 IDDocument
5.0U+1B00..1B4B, 1B50..1B7C121L2/03-118Sudewa, Ida Bagus Adi (2003-03-12), Contemporary Use of The Balinese Script
L2/03-153Four letters in support of Balinese encoding, 2003-05-13
L2/03-156Darmasuta, Ida Bagus (2003-05-13), Letter in support of Balinese encoding from Dept of National Education, Language Center, Denapasar Language Council
L2/03-152Two letters in support of Balinese encoding, 2003-05-14
L2/04-357N2856Everson, Michael (2004-10-04), Preliminary proposal for encoding the Balinese script in the UCS
L2/05-021RN2916Everson, Michael (2005-01-19), Letter of support from Balinese Government
L2/05-008N2908Everson, Michael; Suatjana, I. Made (2005-01-23), Proposal for encoding the Balinese script in the UCS
L2/05-056Constable, Peter (2005-02-01), Comments on Balinese Proposal, L2/05-008
L2/05-059Whistler, Ken (2005-02-03), "3. Balinese", WG2 Consent Docket, Part 2: Unicode 5.0 Issues
L2/05-090McGowan, Rick (2005-04-14), Proposed Balinese Character Properties
L2/05-091McGowan, Rick (2005-04-14), Proposed Balinese Line-Breaking Classes
L2/05-026Moore, Lisa (2005-05-16), "Balinese (C.1), WG2 - Unicode 5.0 Consent Docket (B.1.16)", UTC #102 Minutes
L2/05-234N2974Hanafiah, T. A. R. (2005-08-16), Letter from Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN Indonesia) re Balinese
L2/05-108RMoore, Lisa (2005-08-26), "Balinese (C.1)", UTC #103 Minutes
L2/06-108Moore, Lisa (2006-05-25), "Balinese Decompositions (B.14.1)", UTC #107 Minutes
L2/18-274McGowan, Rick (2018-09-14), "Grapheme_Cluster_Break of U+1B35 BALINESE VOWEL SIGN TEDUNG", Comments on Public Review Issues (July 24 - Sept 14, 2018)
L2/18-272Moore, Lisa (2018-10-29), "Consensus 157-C14", UTC #157 Minutes, Change the Grapheme_Cluster_Break property of U+1B35 BALINESE VOWEL SIGN TEDUNG from Spacing_Mark to Extend, for Unicode 12.0.
14.0U+1B4C1L2/19-259Yang, Ben; Perdana, Aditya Bayu (2019-07-10), Proposal to encode Balinese Archaic Jnya
L2/19-286Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Moore, Lisa; Liang, Hai (2019-07-22), "11. Balinese", Recommendations to UTC #160 July 2019 on Script Proposals
L2/19-270Moore, Lisa (2019-10-07), "C.13 Proposal to encode Balinese archaic jnya", UTC #160 Minutes
U+1B7D..1B7E2L2/19-318Yang, Ben; Perdana, Aditya Bayu (2019-09-27), Proposal to encode two Balinese punctuation marks
L2/19-343Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Moore, Lisa; Liang, Hai (2019-10-06), "15. Balinese", Recommendations to UTC #161 October 2019 on Script Proposals
L2/19-323Moore, Lisa (2019-10-01), "D.2 Proposal to encode two Balinese punctuation marks", UTC #161 Minutes
  1. Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names

See also


  1. "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  2. "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
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